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        검색결과 254

        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the development and gene expression in miniature pig nuclear transfer (mNT) embryos produced under different osmolarity culture conditions. Control group of mNT embryos was cultured in PZM-3 for 6 days. Treatment group of mNT embryos was cultured in modified PZM-3 with NaCl (mPZM-3, 320 mOsmol) for 2 days, and then cultured in PZM-3 (270 mOsmol) for 4 days. Blastocyst formation rate of the treatment group was significantly higher than the control and the apoptosis rate was significantly lower in treatment group. Bax- and caspase-3 mRNA expression were significantly higher in the control than the treatment group. Also, the majority of imprinting genes were expressed aberrantly in in vitro produced mNT blastocysts compared to in vivo derived blastocyst H19 and Xist mRNA expression were significantly lower in the control than the treatment group or in vivo. IGF2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in the control than the treatment group or in vivo. IGF2r mRNA expression was significantly lower in the control. Methylation profiles of individual DNA strands in H19 upstream T-DMR sequences showed a similar methylation status between treatment group and in vivo. These results indicate that the modification of osmolarity in culture medium at early culture stage could provide more beneficial culture environments for mNT embryos.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the developmental ability and gene expression of somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using ear skin fibroblast cells derived from miniature pig. When miniature pig (m) and landrace pig (p) were used as donor cells, there were no differences in cleavage (79.2 vs. 78.2%) and blastocyst rates (27.4 vs. 29.7%). However, mNT blastocysts showed significantly higher apoptosis rate than that of pNT blastocysts (6.1 vs. 1.7%) (p<0.05). The number of nuclei in pNT blastosysts was significantly higher than that of mNT (35.8 vs. 29.3) (p<0.05). Blastocysts were analyzed using Realtime RT-PCR to determine the expression of Bax-, Bcl-xl, H19, IGF2, IGF2r and Xist. Bax- was higher in mNT blastocyst than pNT blastocyst (p<0.05). There was no difference in Bcl-xl between two NT groups. Bax-/Bcl-xl was, however, significantly higher in mNT blastocyst compared to pNT. The expression of imprinting genes were aberrant in blastocysts derived from NT compared to in vivo blastocysts. H19 and IGF2r were significantly lower in mNT blastocysts (p<0.05). The expression of IGF2 and Xist was similar in two NT groups. However, imprinting genes were expressed aberrantly in mNT compared to pNT blastocysts. The present results suggest that the NT between donor cells derived from miniature pig and recipient oocytes derived from crossbred pig might affect reprogramming of donor cell, resulting in high apoptosis and aberrant expression patterns of imprinting genes.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the birth of Dolly using fully differentiated somatic cells as a nuclear donor, viable clones were generated successfully in many mammalian species. These achievements in animal cloning demonstrate developmental potential of terminally differentiated somatic cells. At the same time, the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technique provides the opportunities to study basic and applied biosciences. However, the efficiency generating viable offsprings by SCNT remains extremely low. There are several explanations why cloned embryos cannot fully develop into viable animals and what factors affect developmental potency of reconstructed embryos by the SCNT technique. The most critical and persuasive explanation for inefficiency in SCNT cloning is incomplete genomic reprogramming, such as DNA methylation and histone modification. Numerous studies on genomic reprogramming demonstrated that incorrect DNA methylation and aberrant epigenetic reprogramming are considerably correlated with abnormal development of SCNT cloned embryos even though its mechanism is not fully understood. The SCNT technique is useful in cloning farm animals because pluripotent stem cells are not established in farm animal species. Therapeutic cloning combined with genetic manipulation will help to control various human diseases. Also, the SCNT technique provides a chance to overcome excessive demand for the organs by production of transgenic animals as xenotransplantation resources. Here, we describe the factors affecting the efficiency of generating cloned farm animals by the SCNT technique and discuss future directions of animal cloning by SCNT to improve the cloning efficiency.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We attempted to control the maturation promoting factors (MPF) activity and nuclear remodeling of somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) bovine embryos. Bovine ear skin fibroblasts were fused to enucleated oocytes treated with either 5 mM caffeine for 2.5 h or 0.5 mM vanadate for 0.5 h and activated. The nuclear remodeling type of the reconstituted embryos was evaluated 1.5 h after activation. MPF activity was assessed in enucleated and chemical treated oocytes before the injection of a donor cell. Effect of chemicals on the embryonic development was evaluated with parthenogenetic embryos. MPF activity increased significantly by caffeine treatment, but decreased by vanadate treatment (p<0.05). Caffeine or vanadate had no deleterious effect on the parthenogenetic embryo development. In caffeine treated group, premature chromosome condensation (PCC) was occurred in 72.2% of NT embryos (p<0.05). In contrast, vanadate induced the formation of a pronucleus-like structure (PN) in a high frequency (68.9%, p<0.05) without PCC (NPCC). Blastocyst development of NT embryos increased by treating with caffeine (30.3%), whereas decreased by treating with vanadate (11.4%) compared to control (22.1%, p<0.05). The results indicate that caffeine or vanadate can control of MPF activity and remodeling type of NT embryos, resulting in the increased or decreased in vitro development.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our goal was to examine the effects of early denudation on the enucleation efficiency and developmental competence of embryos following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and parthenogenetic activation (PA). Oocytes were denuded following 30 h of in vitro maturation (IVM) and then cultured with (D+) or without (D-) their detached cumulus cells for additional h. Control oocytes were denuded after h of IVM. The size of the perivitelline space was larger at 40 h of IVM () than at 30 h ( p<0.01). The distances between the metaphase II (M II) plates and the polar bodies (PBs) were shorter in D+ () and D- oocytes () than in control oocytes ( p<0.01). Enucleation rates following blind aspiration at 40 h of IVM were higher (p<0.01) in D+ (92%) and D- oocytes (93%) compared to controls (82%). Early denudation did not affect oocyte maturation or the in vitro development of SCNT and PA embryos. When SCNT embryos from D+ oocytes were transferred to four gilts, pregnancy was established in two pigs, and one of them farrowed three live piglets. In conclusion, early denudation of oocytes at 30 h of IVM could improve the enucleation efficiency by maintaining the M II plate and the PB within close proximity and support the in vivo development of SCNT embryos to term.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Insulin, transferrin and selenium (ITS) complex is reported to improve in vitro development of oocytes and embryos. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of ITS during in vitro culture (IVC) of porcine parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer (NT) embryos on subsequent developmental capacity in vitro. The electrically activated oocytes were cultured in Porcine Zygote Medium (PZM-3) with various concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0%) of ITS for 7 days. Also, the electrically activated reconstructed embryos were cultured in PZM-3 with various concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0%) of ITS for 6 days. Addition of ITS to culture medium did not affect development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos in vitro. To test the effect of ITS on the in vitro development of porcine NT embryos, factorial experiments were also performed for in vitro maturation (IVM) medium (TCM-199) with or without 1% ITS and culture medium (PZM-3) with or without 0.5% ITS. Addition of 0.5% ITS to culture medium increased (p<0.05) the proportion of NT blastocysts compared with non-treated group. In contrast, addition of 1% ITS to culture medium was ineffective or had a detrimental effect. Also, addition of ITS only to maturation medium increased (p<0.05) the percentage of NT blastocysts formation compared with the control group. In conclusion, addition of ITS to IVM or IVC medium could improve subsequent blastocyst development of porcine NT embryos.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the viability of Korean native striped cattle (Bos namadicus Falconer, Chikso) clone embryos after embryo transfer. Chikso somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos were produced by fusion of ear skin cells derived from a female Chikso with enucleated oocytes matured in vitro for 18-24 hr. After in vitro culture of SCNT embryos for 7 to 8 days, fresh or vitrified blastocysts derived from SCNT were transferred into a uterine horn of recipient cows. Fifteen of total 43 recipients were pregnant at Day 50 and 4 recipients were maintained to term. Three IVF-derived calves and 1 clone Chikso calf were born. Pregnancy rate was higher when fresh embryos were transferred to recipients compared to vitrified embryos, but development to term was not different between both groups. The clone Chikso calf died at 5 days after birth due to the fullness of amniotic fluid in rumen and the infection of umbilical cord. The result of the present study shows that clone Chikso calf can produced from the embryo transfer of SCNT embryos, however, solution of abortion problem is necessary to improve the cloning efficiency.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For many years, experience has been accumulated on embryo and gamete manipulation in mammals, The present work is an introduction of these techniques and their possible application in human embryology in s pecific cases, Mammalian c1on ing has been studied by many groups, but the success rate is sti ll low‘ Removal of maternal chromosomes from unfertil ized oocytes and injection of donor cells into enucleated oocytes are the most important factors for the improvement of cloning effi cien cy, Here, we introduce a novel one-step rnicromanipulation (OSM) system and laser-assisted zona pellucida piel'cing technique (LAZP) , 1n genera l, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is completed by many processes including enucleation and donor cell fusion , Howevel', OSM is a simple method because donor cell is directly injected into ooplasm without fusion pl'ocess, 1n addition, chromosomal enucleation and donor cell inj ec tion are perfOl‘med simultaneously in OSM, While OSM was a pplied to porcine SCNT, LAZP was a pplied to murine SCNT, This rninirni zed the use of piezo-dri ven micromanipul ator (P1EZO) , I'educing chances 0 1' problems caused by P1EZO pulses, LAZP reduced time that took to pierce zona pellucida in removal of nucleus fl'om oocyte and somatic cell injection, which might have taken longer time with P1EZO, The simple , new OSM and LAZP system may help to enable large scale cloning by reduction of procedural steps, Pa l'thenogenesis de scribes the growth and development of an embryo without fertilization by a male Parthenogenetic ES cell s (PESCs) can be a useful cell source for tissue I'epail‘ and I'egeneration , Moreover , the defects in full-term developrnent of this PESCs enable researc hers to avoid the ethical concern , Here, the author showed that PESCs can differentiate into osteogenic lineage, The PESCs were induced osteogenic dlfferentlatlon The osteoblas t-specific gene expression such as osteocalcine, osteopontine, osteonectin, bone-sialo protein‘ coll agen type-l and alka line phos phatase showed osteogenic potential of differentiated PESCs, The author also focused on the neuronal induction of murine PESCs by simplified neurona l induction system to generate doparninergic (DA) neurons , As a result , PESCs were differentiated into nestin and Tuj-l positive cell s successfully, a lthough t he generation of DA neuron was Illruted For murine embryo cul ture, novel oil-free microtube cul tu re system was applied , This new culture system provides oil-free cu ltu re condi t ions and is easy to handle It was also associated with faster development and mOl'e t l'ophectodel'mal cells , which will enhance the development of murine embl'Yos to fur t hel' stages ,