
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 758

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The off-site dose calculation is regularly carried out at the nuclear power plants in order to evaluate off-site dose from gaseous and liquid effluent during normal operation. In 2009, the off-site calculation program (K-DOSE60) was developed in accordance with ICRP-60 by KHNP. This software needs meteorological data, gaseous and liquid effluent data, and various other input parameters to evaluate off-site dose. As a result, it takes a certain amount of time for the user to enter accurate input data and verify calculated results, and it is difficult to intuitively determine them because of providing textbased calculated results. Therefore, in this study, the improvement of the calculation program was considered so that a more reliable and effective evaluation could be performed when calculating the off-site dose. The main improvements of the off-site dose calculation program (ODCP) are as follows. First, it is developed as the network-based program to link with meteorological data, and gaseous and liquid effluent data to remove input errors and simplify data transfer. Second, through validation process of input data, input errors are eliminated. Third, the input data and calculated results are visually provided so that the user can easily determine the evaluation results. Fourth, database of input and calculated results is constructed to facilitate evaluation result history management.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The chelating agent and cellulose generated during the operating and decommissioning of a NPP’s form organic complexing compounds. That is accelerate the migration of radionuclide and have a bad influence of LILW disposal site. In this study, the GoldSim (RT module) program was used for the effects of radionuclide migration by organic complex compounds as described above. A scenario was derived for evaluation, and a conceptual design (Concept Art) of the GoldSim model was performed. 1) Derivation of the scenario. For the scenario, we selected a groundwater flow scenario in which groundwater flows in and radionuclides flow out after a lapse of time after the operation of the LILW disposal site in Gyeongju is closed. The inflowing groundwater comes into contact with radioactive waste and the radionuclides dissolve. The dissolved nuclides move past the drum and out of the disposal vessel due to the advection phenomenon. Radionuclides spilled from the disposal vessel pass through the silo internal filler (crushed stone) and reach the engineering barrier concrete. Radionuclides from degraded concrete are scenarios that move along the flow of groundwater to the near and far. 2) Radionuclide migration concept design. The radionuclide movement section was largely designed with Inner (Inside the silo), Near and Far. (A) Inner (Inside the silo) This section is where radionuclides move from the radiation source to the engineering barrier (silo). The detailed migration path was designed to allow radioactive nuclides to flow out and move to waste drums, solidified matrix of indrum, disposal vessel fillers, disposal vessels, silo fillers (crushed stones), and engineered barriers (concrete). The LILW disposal site in Gyeongju has a total of 6 silos. Each of the 6 silos was modeled and designed in consideration of the structural information and positional impact. (B) Near & Far. In generally design, the near is form source term to engineered barrier and far is beyond the engineered barrier. In this study, the near and far designed by radionuclide in the section from the beyond the engineering barrier (silo) to the sea through the groundwater flow through the natural rock. Especially in the case of near, the design was made by applying the position of the natural rock sampling drill hole.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deep geological disposal with multiple barriers composed of engineered and natural barriers has been considered as the most suitable disposal method for high level nuclear wastes. In terms of the geological evaluation factors, brittle structures such as fractures and faults should be characterized around the repository site, because radionuclides transfer mainly with groundwater in the subsurface and groundwater flows through discontinuous brittle structures. The geological survey for the characterization of deep geological repository sites is widely conducted by narrowing the survey area from regional scale down to local scale, which could be divided into three steps: 1) using remote sense or geophysical survey, 2) trench and drill core logging including field survey based on the first step, 3) detailed geological survey in the tunnel. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of geological structures to derive the history of brittle deformation in and around the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site located in the KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The bedrock of the KURT site is mainly consist of Jurassic two-mica granite, which is extensively intruded by andesitic dikes of Cretaceous with N-S to NE-SW strikes. The two-mica granite in the study area was deformed in a ductile deformation environment and has been overprinted by major geological structures such as faults, dikes, veins, and joints. From this study, we identified 8 brittle deformation events based on the cross-cutting relationship among the geological structures, which are obtained from the analyses in and around the KURT. In order to evaluate the reactivation and fluid flow potential of brittle structures, it is essential to determine the characteristics and ages of the brittle structures and the composed rocks around the site.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Disposal facilities for radioactive waste shall be sited to provide isolation from the accessible biosphere. The features shall aim to provide this isolation for tens of thousands to a million years after closure. For the safety assessments of repository, the long-term natural evolution and possible events of the site, that can cause disturbances to the facility over the period of interest, should be considered. Geological development processes that the site have been experienced can contribute to understanding and descripting the present-day conditions. Moreover, knowledge of the past is necessary to predict the future evolution of the site. With regard to disposal site, understanding past geological evolution history allows to access the possibility of hazardous events of the site that can cause disturbances to the facility over the period of interest, and to verify the change in the geological environment is within the safe performance range even after the period of interest. In addition, certain parameters that change with the geological evolution can affect the hydrological and geochemical characteristics which are essential to disposal performance. There are various factors in the evolution of the geological environment, but not all are related to disposal safety. The objective of this research is to develop a geological reconstruction method considering factors that should be derived preferentially for the geological characteristics of the disposal site and the evaluation of the long-term safety. As a preliminary study on this, we investigated case studies related to geological reconstruction of overseas disposal research institutes, and reviewed which factors are suitable for the domestic granitoid distribution environment. It is expected that systematic and consistent results will be possible in the future through this methodology.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nuclear facilities sites handling radioactive materials are contaminated due to accidents or its activities. Since the experimental reactor was operated in Idaho, USA in 1951, nuclear power and its related activities were carried out in many countries. Thus, the legacy sites in which radioactive materials have been deposited are a matter of public concern. As a result of the operation of facilities related to the use of nuclear energy, it is faced with the restoration of the environment containing radioactive wastes. In particular, the activities carried out in the early years caused its contamination of the sites and areas with significant releases of fission products and natural radioactive wastes adventitiously or intentionally due to the lack of its technology and the unclear radiation risks. In addition, nuclear weapons tests conducted in the 1950s and 1960s and the Chernobyl power plant accident in 1986 caused radioactive contamination in the Pacific Ocean and extensive territories in Europe. Accordingly, the IAEA discussed the restoration of the contaminated areas at the conference on the radiation legacy of the 20th Century in terms of environmental restoration (RADLEG-2000) held at Moscow, Russia in October 2000 and its cases from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe were reported. Also, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has discussed the potential issues on the legacy sites occurring radioactive materials and suggested that these sites should be managed in an open, transparent and consistent manner in order to build sustainable solutions with trust. However, there is currently no overall regulatory system for the management of legacy sites in Korea. The TRIGA Mark-II research reactor, which was commissioned in 1962, was decontaminated and dismantled in 1997. As such, it is necessary to consider the regulatory system related to the existing legacy site. Most of all, the legacy site management and regulatory standards of facilities that have operated in the past and are not currently operating or that deal with natural radioactive materials should be established. Also, the dismantling of NK’s nuclear facilities and management of related radioactive waste, particularly NK’s uranium mines and refining facilities particularly at Pyongsan and Bakcheon in NK are one of the key issue on the North Korea’s denuclearization. In this study, the international standards on the reuse of the legacy site after dismantling are analyzed, and its regulatory considerations used for domestic application are suggested.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서해병 폐기물 배출해역 오염심화구역의 퇴적물 정화·복원을 위해 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017년에 준설토를 피복하였다. 피복 효과 평 가를 위해 배출해역 내 피복구역(5개 정점)과 자연회복구역(2개 정점)을 설정하고 2014년부터 2020년까지 연 1회 구역별 표층 퇴적물을 채취 하여 퇴적물 물리·화학적 특성 및 저서동물상을 분석하였다. 퇴적물 평균 입도(Mz)는 자연회복구역에서 5.91~7.64 Φ로 세립질이었고 피복구 역에서는 준설토의 영향으로 1.47~3.01 Φ의 조립질 퇴적물로 구성되어 있었다. 유기물 및 중금속 함량은 피복구역에서 자연회복구역 대비 약 50 % 낮아(p<0.05) 준설토 피복 효과가 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 대형저서동물 분석 결과에서는 피복구역의 출현종수, 생태지수가 자연회 복구역보다 낮게 나타났다(p<0.05). 피복구역의 출현종수 및 생태지수의 시계열 분석 결과에서는 2013, 2014년 피복 이후 초기 4년간 증가하 다가 이후 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 피복으로 인해 빠른 성장과 짧은 수명의 특징을 보이는 기회종 생물들이 피복 초기에 우세하다가 2016, 2017년에 추가로 피복이 진행됨에 따라 서식환경이 다시 교란되어 나타난 현상으로 추정된다. AMBI는 자연회복구역 및 피복구역에서 모두 2등급(Good), BPI는 1~2등급 수준을 유지하고 있어 건강한 저서상태로 평가되었다. 따라서 폐기물 배출해역의 오염퇴적물 정화 및 저 서생태계 복원을 위한 준설토 피복은 오염도 저감효과는 나타나지만 저서생태계의 측면에서는 장기적인 모니터링을 통해 회복추이를 관찰 해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 또한 향후 배출해역의 오염심화구역 정화 복원 사업 확대 시 적응적 관리가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북한 핵에 대한 IAEA의 사찰이 2002년 종료된 이후 북한은 2017년에 여섯 번째의 핵실험과 ICBM급인 화성-15형을 시험 발사하고 핵무력을 완성하였다고 선언하였다. 그리고 북한은 2021년 초 조선노동당 8차 대 회에서는 핵고도화 선언을 하기도 하였으며 2022년 들어 극초음속미사 일, IRBM, ICMB 등을 시험발사하며 한반도 정세를 더욱 악화시키고 있 다. 시간이 경과할수록 북한의 핵능력은 더욱 확장되고 고도화할 가능성 이 많다. 한국과 미국을 포함하는 국제사회는 북한과의 비핵화 협상을 적극 추진하고 실질적 검증을 통해 북한의 완전한 비핵화를 달성해야 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 군비통제 검증 분야의 역사적 성공 사례인 INF 조약 이행과정 분석을 통하여 북한 핵에 대한 핵심적 검증과정인 현장사찰을 촉진하는 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 북한의 완전한 비핵화를 위한 협상에 서 가장 고비가 될 수 있는 검증의 현장사찰에 관한 실행가능하고 발전 적인 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 북한을 NPT에 복귀시키고 IAEA의 안전 조치협정에 가입하도록 하여 ‘IAEA 주도의 현장사찰’을 실시하여야 한 다. 둘째, 북한 핵시설 중 미신고·미공개된 핵시설에 대한 ‘선택적이고 효과적인 현장사찰’이 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 북한의 폐쇄적인 사회적 특수성을 고려하여 ‘상호협력적 현장사찰’이 이루어져야 한다. 넷째, 다 양한 국내 및 국제기술수단을 이용하여 원격 감시, 위성 및 항공 감시, 핵관련 인원의 인터뷰, 문헌조사, 시료 채취 및 정밀분석 등을 시행하는 ‘과학기술 집약적 통합 현장사찰’이 이루어져야 한다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The construction period of the ondol (Korean floor heating system) at Hoeamsa Temple Site is known as Joseon. The main reason is that a large number of remains in the Joseon era were excavated from the ondol floor with an all-around ondol method. This article partially accepts the theory of the creation of Ondol at Hoeamsa Temple Site during the Joseon Dynasty and suggests a new argument that some Ondol remains were built during the Goryeo Dynasty. The grounds for them are as follows. First, through the building sites consistent with the arrangement of the Cheonbosan Hoeamsa Sujogi (天寶山檜 巖寺修造記, Record of Repair and Construction of Hoeamsa at Cheonbosan Mountain), it is highly likely that the ondol remains as a basic floor was maintained during the reconstruction period in Goryeo. Second, the all-around ondol method of the Monastery Site has already been widely used since the Goryeo Dynasty. Third, some ondol remains consist of "Mingaejari" and "Dunbeonggaejari," which were the methods of the gaejari (which dug deeper and stayed in the smoke) in the pre-Joseon Dynasty. Based on the above evidence, this study argues that the building sites such as Dongbangjangji, Seobangjangji, Ipsilyoji, Sijaeyoji, Susewaryoji, Seogiyoji, Seoseungdangji, Jijangryoji, and Hyanghwaryoji were constructed during the late Goryeo Dynasty.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 폐기물 배출해역의 퇴적물이 해양생물에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 2016~2019년 3개 배출해역; 동해병, 서해 병, 동해정 해역의 9개 정점에서 채취한 퇴적물 시료들을 대상으로 국내 해양폐기물공정시험기준에 의거하여 저서성단각류(Monocorophium acherusicum)와 발광박테리아(Vibrio fischeri)를 이용한 독성시험을 수행하였다. 시험결과, 상대평균생존율(저서성단각류)과 상대발광저해율 (발광박테리아)이 각각 30 % 이하로서 ‘독성없음’으로 판정되었으나, t검정을 이용한 독성 평가 결과에서는 총 12개(2016년 6개, 2017년 1개, 2018년 1개, 2019년 4개)의 저서성단각류 시료에서 대조구와 유의한 차이를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 저서성단각류의 독성원인 탐색을 위해 퇴 적물 내 8종 중금속 함량(Cr, As, Ni, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg)과 저서성단각류 상대평균생존율의 단순선형회귀분석을 수행한 결과, Cr의 저서성 단각류 독성 기여도가 가장 높았다(p=0.000, R2=0.355). 또한, 매년 독성영향이 가장 높은 정점(DB-85)의 시료에서 Cr이 여전히 가장 높은 농 도로 검출되었으며, 해양환경기준을 매년 초과하였다. 해양폐기물공정시험기준의 생태독성판정 기준 적용 시 ‘독성없음’으로 평가되는 퇴 적물 오염도가 대조구와의 통계적 유의성 검정, 독성원인확인 평가를 적용할 경우 독성영향을 수용 가능한 수준으로 판단하기 어려우므로 향후 종민감도분포곡선을 활용한 정량적 위해성 평가를 통한 준거치를 도출하여 생태독성 영향 판단 기준의 재설정을 고려할 필요가 있다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The natural relics excavated from the archeological site reveal the life, hunting, fishing, and gathering of mankind at the time, and the animal bones excavated from the remains become valuable data for the study of geography and bone diseases at the time. This study investigated the morphological structure, size, and osteometry of Sus scrofa bones excavated from the well area of the Gasan-Ri archaeological site in Jinju, presumed to be a relic of the Three Kingdoms period. The total weight of identified animal bones was 975.30 g and the number of bone fragments was 447. Among these 447 animal bones identified, the bone weight of Sus scrofa was 468.00 g (47.99%) and the number of bone fragments was 204 (45.64%). These 204 bone fragments of Sus scrofa consisted of 35 skulls (17.16%), 94 vertebrate axial skeletons (46.08%), 28 forelimb bones (13.73%), and 47 hindlimb bones (23.04%). The bones of Sus scrofa have been identified as those of two animals. The estimated age of these bones of Sus scrofa was 5-7 weeks. There was a fracture presumably caused by an artificial blow to the parietal bone located near the bregma in the skull.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was prepared to understand the changes in the stylobate and the characteristics of contrasting with the wooden pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple, which occupies an important position in ancient architecture. Literature data related to the wooden pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple, excavation data, and newly identified stylobate stone were examined.The reconstruction period of the wooden pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple, the size and form of the stylobate, the plan of the stylobate, the height plan, and the elevation plan were reviewed one after another.Since its foundation in 646, the wooden pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple has been rebuilt during the reign of King Gyeongmun in 873 and a stylobate has been rebuilt. Through the analysis of similar cases with the wooden pagoda's face stone members, the elevation of the stylobate was proved. It is estimated that the size and format of the wooden pagoda stylobate were similar to those of the reconstruction stylobate. It seems that the Sumijwa style stylobate was first introduced to the foundation of the wooden pagoda of Hwangnyongsa Temple. This is of great significance in that it provided a fundamental motif for the stylobate of architecture and stone architecture of the Unified Silla period.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large earthquakes with (MW > ~ 6) result in ground shaking, surface ruptures, and permanent deformation with displacement. The earthquakes would damage important facilities and infrastructure such as large industrial establishments, nuclear power plants, and waste disposal sites. In particular, earthquake ruptures associated with large earthquakes can affect geological and engineered barriers such as deep geological repositories that are used for storing hazardous radioactive wastes. Earthquake-driven faults and surface ruptures exhibit various fault zone structural characteristics such as direction of earthquake propagation and rupture and asymmetric displacement patterns. Therefore, estimating the respect distances and hazardous areas has been challenging. We propose that considering multiple parameters, such as fault types, distribution, scale, activity, linkage patterns, damage zones, and respect distances, enable accurate identification of the sites for deep geological repositories and important facilities. This information would enable earthquake hazard assessment and lower earthquakeresulted hazards in potential earthquake-prone areas.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라 소나무림을 대상으로 지위지수를 기반으로 한 잠재수확량을 예측하여 직관적인 임분 생산력 지표를 제시하고자 하였다. 분석 자료는 2016~2019년에 실시한 제7차 국가산림자원조사(National Forest Inventory: NFI)와 2016~2017년에 실시한 전국 소나무 실태조사 (Korea forest service, 2016; Korea forest service, 2017)를 통해 획득된 총 1,610 표본점 조사자료를 이용하였다. 지위지수 분류곡선과 임분밀도관 리도를 이용하여 각 표본점의 지위 추정 및 기준임령 60년에 대한 생장예측을 실시하여 수확이 예상되는 평균 흉고직경과 임분재적을 추정하였다. 분석 결과, 예측된 재적 수확량은 전체 표본점 중 80.9%가 150~300m3 ha-1의 재적 수확이 가능한 것으로 분석되었고, 300m3 ha-1이상의 재적을 수확할 수 있는 표본점은 223개소(13.9%)에 불과하였다. 수확이 예상되는 평균 흉고직경 예측값은 평균 흉고직경 30cm 이상의 목재를 수확할 수 있는 표본점은 전체 20.9%에 불과하였고, 절반 이상인 55.4%가 20~30cm급의 목재 수확이 가능한 것으로 확인되어 현실림의 생장 특성을 반영한 시업체계의 개선이 필요할 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 현장에서 지위지수에 따라 잠재수확량을 가늠할 수 있도록 지위지수별 잠재수확량 표를 작성하여 제공하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 앞으로 조림적지 평가 및 조림지 경영계획 수립에 활용성이 높을 것으로 사료된다.