한자의 구조에 있어서 形聲은 形符와 聲符로 이루어지는 복합적이면서도 다층적인 구조이다. 하나의 글자에 발음과 의미를 동시에 나타내고 있기 때문이다. 그렇기에 이 형성의 기원에 대해 의문을 품고 고찰하는 것은 의미가 있다. 추측건대 한자는 象形이 가장 먼저 발생하고 그 이후에 이 상형을 바탕으로 하여 나머지 한자를 만드 는 방법으로 발전하였을 것이다. 이 관점으로부터 形聲의 기원에 대해 논의가 시작 되었을 것이기에, 이 논문은 특히 唐蘭의 合文說과 聲化象意字說에 대해 그 타당함 과 그렇지 못함에 대해 논술하고자 한다. 결과적으로 許愼의 六書에 대한 이해를 높 일 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
In order to reveal the source of the architectural norm embodied in the first built-form of ChongMyo's Main Building, three analytic types were introduced into research. According to the level of accepting the architectural form of ChongMyo in the Koryo Dynasty, these types were defined by 'newly interpreted form', 'newly introduced form', and 'coventionally accepted form'. Among the first built-form in ChongMyo's Main Building, the form of 'TaeSil' was newly interpreted on the basis of the Tang's realating norm, and the form of 'HyupSil' was newly introduced according to the contemporary trend that had increasingly regarded it as an indispensible form. But the form of 'IkSil' had the different source, that is, the architectural form of ChongMyo in the Koryo Dynasty. After reconstructed by the King ChungSun, that form had been sustained without any change until the end of Koryo Dynasty. In result, that form had been accepted conventionally at the first time of building ChongMyo in the ChoSon dynasty.
The Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles was an experimental project that Le Corbusier had been waiting for since 1920s in order to explore his ideals and visions in mass housing and city planning. As a leader of the first generation members in CIAM, Le Corbusier tried to give a new form and an order to the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles in both building design and city planning level. The purpose of this research is to investigate the design characteristics of the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles in three different levels of built environment with a particular emphasis on the process through which an original form is derived from its contextual settings. In the level of city planning, Le Corbusier aimed to reshape traditional low-rise urban housing by deploying several Unites spaciously. Le Corbusier believed that the spacious deployment of Unites would bring us both the functional economy in the city and the natural amenity in the suburbs. As Unite d'Habitation would be called frequently as vertical garden city, the influence of suburban garden city on Unite d'Habitation is apparent. In the building level, the binomial harmony of individual-collectivity was pursued by providing three different public floors and by combining 23 different family unit types in the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles. In order to visualize the concept of object-type, family units were prefabricated and inserted into the structural frame of the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles. Two family units are combined to make a three-story section with street corridor in the middle. This three-story section unit is very original as it has access corridor every third floor and each unit could have considerable depth with the help of the living space of two story height. In consideration of formal and plan similarity as well as contextual edivdence, it is concluded that the three-story section of the Unite d'Habitation is derived more from Narkomfin Apartments than from the monastery at Ema or Immuble Villas.
According to the literature, soybean cultivation originated from Wang-Gong (B.C. 685-643) of China who brought it from northeast Asia, for the first time. FUKUDA, of Japan divided soybean into three species-the wild, the cultivated and the intermediate. From the result of that study, he concluded that the soybean originated in northeast Asia. But Wang Kum Rung of China insisted that soybean originated in Hwa-Nam, because the soybean is a shortday plant and the agricultural history of Hwa-Nam, south of China, is older than that of northeast Asia. However, agriculture in northeast Asia had been already begun about B.C. 4000-6000 and the origin of culture cannot be decided only by photosensitivity. It has been proved that soybeans found in Korea were same as the ones of B.C. 2000. The soybeans of northeast Asia meet the conditions of the probable place of origin of cultivated crops established by Vabilov. Accordingly it is concluded that soybean has been originated from northeast Asia.