More and more medium and small enterprises do business across the world according to generalization of online shopping mall such as eBay and Amazon. But high export and import transportation cost make weak the price competitive power of medium and small enterprises products. Then this paper deals with the development of new business model which can reduce the transportation cost for global logistics through efficiently overcoming the constraints as length, size, and weight of product. We explain this model with application for company which export the automobile parts. We can expect the transportation cost reduction by 50%.
As the industry develops, the amount of wastes is increasing in the economic system with various needs. As a result, the environmental problems are emerging as serious social issues and all the parties are required to make their best efforts. Among the issues proposed as the environmental issues, the logistics-related issues are exhaustion of the resources, global warming, environmental pollution, and acidification and so on. In order to respond to the environmental issues of the earth, the advanced countries are setting retrenched goals, reduction of the new greenhouse gases and accomplishment of retrenched goals by cooperation between the nations. Economic activities inevitably bring environmental problems and logistics is implementing those activities. The companies should perform the roles to resolve the environmental problems as the main cause of environmental pollution. Therefore, along with spreading recognition of social demand, the companies are required to establish policies regarding the environment and they should approach the issues from the perspective of resource circulation. These environment-friendly activities are emerging as the new source of competitiveness in the logistics field. Therefore, this study analyzes the effects of environment-friendly logistics activities on the reduction of logistics cost to reduce and resolve the environmental issues such as environment preservation, recycling and so on.
This research was conducted in order to present the strategies of implementing the logistics information system for effective logistics cost management with the case study of a leading global company. The strategy for effective logistics information sys
Many Korean companies are challenged to reduce logistics cost and meet environmental-friendly logistics. The textile companies in harsh competition are requested to make improvement on their logistics environment to cut down the total cost. However, they have reached the limit on improving the manufacturing process. We believe that the logistics department is the most improvable part at present. Improving logistics will be highly effective to cut down the total cost. In this study, we present Pad Pool System(PPS) as the solution to save their logistics cost. PPS, which means the shared use of Styrofoam pads, will enable the textile companies to cut down their cost and strengthen enterprise competitiveness. Also, PPS will be helpful reducing environmental disruption because the system reuses retrieved Styrofoam pads many times.
A study is for the approach that we could reduce the logistics costs through uprising the efficiency, complying to the demand in time, stock management based on the general production plan in the point of SCM. We will take following steps to get the goal. First, we will overview the physical distribution expenses annually. Second, will find the main cause of optimal load loss by improper container and lack of delivery flexibility to the demand. Third, the goal will be inferred through the fast information share based on organic relationship, the establishment of general production plan, the improvement of stock management plan. By way of this process, it can be accomplished expense reduction as well as flexible establishment of the reduction of worker's load.
A study is for the approach that we could reduce the logistics costs through uprising the efficiency, complying to the demand in time, stock management based on the general production plan in the point of SCM. We will take following steps to get the goal. First, we will overview the physical distribution expenses annually. Second, will find the main cause of optimal load loss by improper container and lack of delivery flexibility to the demand. Third, the goal will be inferred through the fast information share based on organic relationship, the establishment of general production plan, the improvement of stock management plan. By way of this process, it can be accomplished expense reduction as well as flexible establishment of the reduction of worker's load.
The logistics cost in Korea is very higher than that of the other countries. Thus, we propose to the way to reduce company's logistics cost in the paper industry. Each company in the paper industry is having its particular sized pallets and using them to manufactured products, store, deliver, retrieve empty pallet and so on. In this reason, the logistics cost is still increasing. As the common introduction of Pallet Pool System to "Paper Industry", the logistics cost could be reduced up to 24% and 1.8 billion won saved approximately, and it possibly attributes to the increase of company profit and the strength of the company competitiveness.itiveness.