The effect of sintering conditions on the austenite stability and strain-induced martensitic transformation of nanocrystalline FeCrC alloy is investigated. Nanocrystalline FeCrC alloys are successfully fabricated by spark plasma sintering with an extremely short densification time to obtain the theoretical density value and prevent grain growth. The nanocrystallite size in the sintered alloys contributes to increased austenite stability. The phase fraction of the FeCrC sintered alloy before and after deformation according to the sintering holding time is measured using X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction analysis. During compressive deformation, the volume fraction of strain-induced martensite resulting from austenite decomposition is increased. The transformation kinetics of the strain-induced martensite is evaluated using an empirical equation considering the austenite stability factor. The hardness of the S0W and S10W samples increase to 62.4-67.5 and 58.9-63.4 HRC before and after deformation. The hardness results confirmed that the mechanical properties are improved owing to the effects of grain refinement and strain-induced martensitic transformation in the nanocrystalline FeCrC alloy.
척삭동물문에 속하는 붉은멍게(Halocynthia aurantium)는 우렁쉥이와 같이 유용한 양식 품종으 로 사료되지만, 발생과 생태 등 생물학적 특성에 대해 잘 알려지지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 붉 은멍게 양식을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위해 강원도 동해 연안에 서식하는 붉은멍게의 배발생을 조사하여 근연종인 우렁쉥이와 비교하였다. 그 결과, 붉은멍게의 수정부터 난할기, 낭배기, 신 경배기의 배아 및 올챙이형 유생의 발달 단계 및 형태가 우렁쉥이와 매우 유사하였다. 붉은멍 게의 수정란은 수온 11℃에서 부화까지 약 42.1시간이 소요되어 우렁쉥이의 40.9시간과 거의 유사하였다. 부화 후 어린개체로 변태하는 데 소요되는 시간도 두 종 사이에서 매우 유사하였 다. 수온 11℃에서 부화한 두 종의 유생은 모두 약 23일이 경과해서 입수공과 출수공이 명확 하게 구분되는 어린개체로 발생하였다. 수온 변화에 따른 발생 속도는 저온에서 느렸고 고온 에서 빠른 결과를 나타냈다. 붉은멍게의 경우는 9℃에서 부화까지 평균 62.3시간, 11℃에서 42.1시간, 13℃에서 36.3시간이 소요되었다. 우렁쉥이의 경우는 평균 60.4시간, 40.9시간, 35.2시 간이 소요되었다. 붉은멍게 배아의 대부분은 수온 15℃ 이상에서 정상적으로 발생이 이루어 지지 않아 종묘생산 과정에 주의가 필요한 것으로 사료된다.
The activation energy to create a phase transformation or for the reaction to move to the next stage in the milling process can be calculated from the slop of the DSC plot, obtained at the various heating rates for mechanically activated Al-Ni alloy systems by using Kissinger's equation. The mechanically activated material has been called “the driven material” as it creates new phases or intermetallic compounds of AlNi in Al-Ni alloy systems. The reaction time for phase transformation by milling can be calculated using the activation energy obtained from the above mentioned method and from the real required energy. The real required energy (activation energy) could be calculated by subtracting the loss energy from the total input energy (calculated input energy from electric motor). The loss energy and real required energy divided by the reaction time are considered the “metabolic energy” and “the effective input energy”, respectively. The milling time for phase transformation at other Al-Co alloy systems from the calculated data of Al-Ni systems can be predicted accordingly.
This study investigates the effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on the damping capacity of the Fe-20Mn-12Cr- 3Ni-3Si alloy with deformation induced martensite transformation. Dislocation, αʹ and ε-martensite are formed, and the grain size is refined by deformation and thermo-mechanical treatment. With an increasing number cycles in the thermo-mechanical treatment, the volume fraction of ε-martensite increases and then decreases, whereas dislocation and α'-martensite increases, and the grain size is refined. In thermo-mechanical treated specimens with five cycles, more than 10 % of the volume fraction of ε-martensite and less than 3 % of the volume fraction of αʹ-martensite are attained. Damping capacity decreases by thermomechanical treatment and with an increasing number of cycles of thermo-mechanical treatment, and this result shows an opposite tendency for general metal with deformation induced martensite transformation. The damping capacity of the thermomechanical treated damping alloy with deformation induced martensite transformation greatly affect the formation of dislocation, grain refining and α'-martensite and then ε-martensite formation by thermo-mechanical treatment.
This present study deals with the effect of micro-alloying elements and transformation temperature on the correlation of microstructure and tensile properties of low-carbon steels with ferrite-pearlite microstructure. Six kinds of lowcarbon steel specimens were fabricated by adding micro-alloying elements of Nb, Ti and V, and by varying isothermal transformation temperature. Ferrite grain size of the specimens containing mirco-alloying elements was smaller than that of the Base specimens because of pinning effect by the precipitates of carbonitrides at austenite grain boundaries. The pearlite interlamellar spacing and cementite thickness decreased with decreasing transformation temperature, while the pearlite volume fraction was hardly affected by micro-alloying elements and transformation temperature. The room-temperature tensile test results showed that the yield strength increased mostly with decreasing ferrite grain size and elongation was slightly improved as the ferrite grain size and pearlite interlamellar spacing decreased. All the specimens exhibited a discontinuous yielding behavior and the yield point elongation of the Nb4 and TiNbV specimens containing micro-alloying elements was larger than that of the Base specimens, presumably due to repetitive pinning and release of dislocation by the fine precipitates of carbonitrides.
In this study, six kinds of low-carbon steel specimens with different ferrite-pearlite microstructures were fabricated by varying the Nb content and the transformation temperature. The microstructural factors of ferrite grain size, pearlite fraction, interlamellar spacing, and cementite thickness were quantitatively measured based on optical and scanning electron micrographs; then, Charpy impact tests were conducted in order to investigate the correlation of the microstructural factors with the impact toughness and the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The microstructural analysis results showed that the Nb4 specimens had ferrite grain size smaller than that of the Nb0 specimens due to the pinning effect resulting from the formation of carbonitrides. The pearlite interlamellar spacing and the cementite thickness also decreased as the transformation temperature decreased. The Charpy impact test results indicated that the impact-absorbed energy increased and the ductile-brittle transition temperature decreased with addition of Nb content and decreasing transformation temperature, although all specimens showed ductile-brittle transition behaviour.
The effect of retained and reversed austenite on the damping capacity in high manganese stainless steel with two phases of martensite and austenite was studied. The two phase structure of martensite and retained austenite was obtained by deformation for various degrees of deformation, and a two phase structure of martensite and reverse austenite was obtained by reverse annealing treatment for various temperatures after 70 % cold rolling. With the increase in the degree of deformation, the retained austenite and damping capacity rapidly decreased, with an increase in the reverse annealing temperature, the reversed austenite and damping capacity rapidly increased. With the volume fraction of the retained and reverse austenite, the damping capacity increased rapidly. At same volume of retained and reversed austenite, the damping capacity of the reversed austenite was higher than the retained austenite. Thus, the damping capacity was affected greatly by the reversed austenite.
This study investigated the continuous cooling transformation, microstructure, and mechanical properties of highstrength low-alloy steels containing B and Cu. Continuous cooling transformation diagrams under non-deformed and deformed conditions were constructed by means of dilatometry, metallographic methods, and hardness data. Based on the continuous cooling transformation behaviors, six kinds of steel specimens with different B and Cu contents were fabricated by a thermomechanical control process comprising controlled rolling and accelerated cooling. Then, tensile and Charpy impact tests were conducted to examine the correlation of the microstructure with mechanical properties. Deformation in the austenite region promoted the formation of quasi-polygonal ferrite and granular bainite with a significant increase in transformation start temperatures. The mechanical test results indicate that the B-added steel specimens had higher strength and lower upper-shelf energy than the B-free steel specimens without deterioration in low-temperature toughness because their microstructures were mostly composed of lower bainite and lath martensite with a small amount of degenerate upper bainite. On the other hand, the increase of Cu content from 0.5 wt.% to 1.5 wt.% noticeably increased yield and tensile strengths by 100 MPa without loss of ductility, which may be attributed to the enhanced solid solution hardening and precipitation hardening resulting from veryfine Cu precipitates formed during accelerated cooling.
일부 양서류와 곤충의 경우처럼 성장하면서 몸의 형태를 바꾸는 것을 변태라고 한다. 사실 곤충을 포함하여 지구상에 80%이상의 동물이 변태를 통해 성장한다. 곤충은 변태의 종류에 따라 무변태류, 불완전변태류 및 완전변태류로 나뉜다. 그 중에서 제한된 먹이 조건에서 유리한 생활 형태를 갖는 완전변태류가 현재 전체 곤 충의 88%를 차지하고 있다. 그러나 이들의 진화적 전후 관계에 대해서는 여러 학설 을 낳고 있다. 이러한 학설들은 상이한 학문 분야에서 도출되었다. 초기 고생대 지 구의 환경 조건에서 폭발적으로 분화된 종 다양성을 바탕으로 이후의 지구 환경의 변화에 따른 선발과정을 진화생태적 견지에서 더듬어 볼 필요가 있다. 또한 전체 무 척추동물 가운데 곤충 계통학적 견지에서 변태의 유래를 분석할 필요가 있다. 여기 에는 화석 자료 및 분자유전학적 자료가 포함되게 된다. 다른 무척추동물과 달리 곤 충만이 형태가 완전히 분리된, 즉 유충, 번데기, 성충의 변태과정을 밟게 되는 데는 이에 관련된 생리적 기작이 구비되어야 한다. 특별히 이러한 변태를 유발하는 내분 비계가 다른 무척추동물에 비해 곤충에서 특이적으로 나타나게 된다. 이 가운데 유 약호르몬은 중추적 역할을 담당하고 있다. 변태 과정의 생리적 기작을 바탕으로 여 러 학설들을 재조명해볼 수 있다.
In this study, mechanical tests and microstructural analyses including TEM analyses with EDX of precipitates in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel were carried out to determine the cause of embrittlement observed after heat-treatment, which limits the usage of the alloy for power plants. Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel specimens at austenite temperature were quenched to the molten salt baths at 760˚C and 700˚C, in which the specimens were kept for 10 min ~ 10 hr with subsequent air-cooling. Impact tests showed that the impact value dropped abruptly when the specimens were kept longer than 30 min at ~760˚C reaching to minima in about 1 hr, and then increasing at further retention. The tensile strength of the specimens reached the minimum value without much change afterward, whereas the values of elongation showed the same trend as that of the impact value. The isothermally heat-treated steel at 700˚C also showed a minimum impact value in about 1 hr. These results suggest that the isothermal heattreatment at 760 and 700˚C for about 1 hr induces temporal embrittlement in Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel. The microstructural examination of all the specimens with extraction replica of the carbides revealed that the specimens with temporal embrittlement had Cr2C, indicating that the cause of the embrittlement was the precipitation of the Cr2C. In addition, TEM/EDX results showed that the Fe/Cr ratio was 0.033 to 0.055 for Cr2C, whereas it was 0.48 to 0.75 for Cr23C6, making the distinction of the Cr2C and Cr23C6 possible even without direct electron diffraction analyses.
Ti-50Ni(at%) and Ti-40Ni-10Cu(at%) alloy powders have been fabricated by ball milling method, and their microstructure and phase transformation behavior were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffractions and transmission electron microscopy. In order to investigate the effect of ball milling conditions on transformation behavior, ball milling speed and time were varied. Ti-50Ni alloy powders fabricated with the milling speed more than 250 rpm were amorphous, while those done with the milling speed of 100rpm were crystalline. In contrast to Ti-50Ni alloy powders, Ti-40Ni-10Cu alloy powders were crystalline, irrespective of ball milling conditions. DSC peaks corresponding to martensitic transformation were almost discernable in alloy powders fabricated with the milling speed more than 250 rpm, while those were seen clearly in alloy powders fabricated with the milling speed of 100 rpm. This was attributed to the fact that a strain energy introduced during ball milling suppressed martensitic transformation.
Ni-36at.%Al을 함유하는 나도 결정립의 NiAl 합금이 기계적 합금화법에 의해 제조되었다. 제조된 분말은 방전 플라즈마 소결법에 의해 만들어졌다. 상변테에 영향을 주는 인자는 냉각속도와 열처리 시간의 조건으로 논의되었다. 소결체의 상변태 거동은 시차 열분석(DSC)과 X-선 회절(XRD) 분석법에 의해 조사되었다. 미세구조는 주사전자현미경(SEM)으로 관찰되었다. 마르텐사이트 격사상수와 체적 분율은 X-선 회절분석법 중 직접비교법에 의해 계산되었다.
Zr-0.86Sn 합금이 β→α상변태 특성에 미치는 Fe와 V의 영향을 광학현미경과 투과전자현미경으로 연구하였다. 공냉의 경우에는 V의 첨가량이 증가함에 다라 β→α+β변태온도가 감소하여 미세한 α-lath들의 폭을 더욱 감소시켰으나, Fe의 경우에는 첨가량이 증가함에 다라 오히려 α-lath의 폭이 약간 증가하였다. 수냉의 경우에는 모든 합금에서 martensite 미세구조를 보였다. 수냉한 Zr-0.8Sn, Zr-0.8Sn-0.1Fe, Zr-0.8Sn-0.2Fe, Zr-0.8Sn-0.4Fe, Zr-0.8Sn-0.1V 그리고 Zr-0.8Sn-0.2V 합금에서는 주로 slipped martensite 미세구조가 형성된 반면에 수냉한 Zr-0.8Sn-0.4V 합금에서는 twinned martensite 미세구조가 관찰하였다. 수냉한 Zr-0.8Sn 합금에서 V의 첨가향이 증가함에 따라 slipped martensite에서 twinned martensite 미세구조로의 천이는 M(sub)s 온도의 감소에 기인한 것으로 생각된다.