Male rats were fed a purified diet containing one of 3 experimental diets, gelatinized rice starch that was not modified physically (RC), gelatinized physically modified rice starch using ultrasonic homogenizer(RU), gelatinized physically modified rice starch using hydroshear homogenizer(RH) during 28 days. RC was used as the rice starch control. Feeding a physically modified rice starch (RU) caused an increase in liver weight and RH increased RNA and protein contents in kidney significantly although there were no differences in food intakes compared to feeding a RC diet. The wet weight of liver, kidney and heart were higher in RU. The wet weights of fecal output of the rats fed RH was greater than in rice control group. The gut transit time was longer in the rats fed RH than in the rice control group significantly. Serum GOT, GPT, total bilirubin concentration were tended to be lower and blood urea nitrogen was significantly lower in RH group. The maturation index of kidney was higher in RU than in RC. These results suggest that physically modified rice starch improved growth performance and physiological functions in organs of growing rats.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resting periods between exercise sets during isokinetic contraction on recovery from muscle fatigue, strength, heart rate, blood pressure, and lactate level. Sixteen women performed 10 repetitions of isokinetic exercise for three sets in three different conditions. During the sets, they rested 50, 100, and 150 seconds in each condition. And the results were: 1) In this population, the peak torque of extensor during the isokinetic exercise in 100 second resting condition was significantly higher than that in 50 and 150 second resting conditions (p<.01). The total work of extensor was significant in the second and third sets in 50 and 100 second resting conditions (p<.01). 2) During the isokinetic exercise, the heart rate was progressively increased as the sets were advanced in all resting conditions (p<.01). And the increase was significant during the second and third sets than the first in 50 second resting condition (p<.01), while it was significantly greater after the third set than the first in 100 and 150 second resting conditions (p<.01). 4) No difference was found between the resting periods in blood lactate level and blood pressure during the isokinetic exercise. However, differences were found between the sets in these variables (p<.01).
본 연구는 느타리버섯 해충인 Coboldia fuscipes (Diptera: Scatopsidae)의 번데기 앞측에 있는 사슴뿔 모양 돌기의 생리적 기능을 구명하고자 수행하였다. C.fuscipes 유충 및 번데기에는 형태적으로 특이한 돌기가 관찰되는데,종령 유충의 몸 두번째 마디에 길이 0.04 mm의 미세돌기 l쌍과 번데기 앞부위에 길이 0.5 mm의 사슴뿔 모양 돌기 l쌍 및 복부에 길이 0.12mm인 6쌍의 강모형 돌기가 관찰되었다.종령 4령 유충의 미세돌기를 제거한 결과,사슴뿔 모양 돌기가 형성되지 않은 번데기가 출현하였으나, 이후 사슴뿔 모양 돌기 유무에 관계없이 정상적인 성충으로 우화하였다.또한, 슴뿔 모양 돌기 존재 여부에 따른 용화시 특성으로는 먹이로 제공된 감자한천 배지 속으로 용체의 함입률에 있어서 현격한 차이가 관찰되었는데,사슴뿔 모양 돌기가 형성되지 않은 번데기는 용체를 바깥으로 노출시키는 경향이 강하였다.그러나,사슴뿔 모양 돌기가 형성되지 않은 번데기의 용화율이나 우화율 등의 생태적 차이는 관찰할 수 없었다. 현미경 관찰 결과, 번데기의 사슴뿔 모양 돌기와 강모형 돌기는 관상의 측면 주세로기관지로 연결되어 기관계를 구성하고 있었다. 이상의 결과플로부터, C.uscipes 먼떼기의 사슴뿔 모양 돌기는 번데기 시기에 중요한 호흡뿔로 작용함을 알 수 있었다.
[ (1~to3 ) ], (1~to4 )-β -D-glucans(β-glucans ) are a major component of the cell walls of grasses as a component of the cereal endosperm and aleurone cell walls. Although β-glucans exist in all cereals, their concentration is highest in oats and barley. Genetic and environmental differences are found in total β-glucan content. Both oats and barley β-glucans have cholesterol-lowering effects. This suggests possible use as food additives. Structural characterization of β-glucan is important because structure can influence physical and physiological properties. In this review, β-glucans of barley and oats are discussed in details including structure, chemical and physical properties, and nutritional implications. The use of barley and oat products as well as β-glucan as a food additive continues to increase. This can provide an additional market for barley and oats, thus increasing the value of the crops.