
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        배관 세정 공정은 조선소 선박 건조과정에서 배관 설치 후 장비를 시운전하는 단계로 넘어가기 전에 최종적으로 배관 내부의 이물질을 제거하는 매우 중요한 공정이다. 만약에 배관 내에 이물질이 있는 상태에서 장비를 시운전하는 단계로 넘어갈 경우 이물질이 고가의 장비에 유입되어 펌프 및 기어, 베어링 등이 파손되는 요인이 된다. 특히 펌프나 유압 밸브 같은 경우는 아주 작은 이물질이라도 장비 속으로 유입이 되면 대형 사고로 이어지며, 이런 장비 사고는 주변에 장비 운전을 하는 작업자의 인명사고까지 연계되어 중대 재해 의 잠재 원인이 되므로 조선소 고객인 선주들도 매우 집중적으로 확인하고 관리하는 공정이다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 본 연구 에서 기존의 배관 세정 공법에서 유세정 효과를 증가시킬 수 있도록 배관 내 세정 유체의 흐름을 증가할 수 있는 시스템을 제안한다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop a scrubber wastewater cleaning system to improve the efficiency of odor reduction. We evaluated the changes in scrubber wastewater quality and odor reduction efficiencies before and after applying the pilot system. We determined that it was possible to extend the replacement cycle by two times or more considering the turbidity change and organic removal efficiency. Butyraldehyde, a major odor-causing substances in the exhaust gas of the target facility, is soluble in water. As a result, the odor reduction efficiency was improved by removing the butyraldehyde in the scrubber wastewater. Economically, it is possible to save about 12 million won per year. Thus, it is necessary to keep scrubber wastewater clean in order to improve the deodorization efficiency and reduce the cost of disposal.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the fabrication technology used in FPDs(flat-panel displays) advances, the size of these panels is increasing and the pattern size is decreasing to the um range. Accordingly, a cleaning process during the FPD fabrication process is becoming more important to prevent yield reductions. The purpose of this study is to develop a FPD cleaning system and a cleaning process using a two-phase flow. The FPD cleaning system consists of two parts, one being a cleaning part which includes a two-phase flow nozzle, and the other being a drying part which includes an air-knife and a halogen lamp. To evaluate the particle removal efficiency by means of two-phase flow cleaning, silica particles 1.5μm in size were contaminated onto a six-inch silicon wafer and a four-inch glass wafer. We conducted cleaning processes under various conditions, i.e., DI water and nitrogen gas at different pressures, using a two-phase-flow nozzle with a gap distance between the nozzle and the substrate. The drying efficiency was also tested using the air-knife with a change in the gap distance between the air-knife and the substrate to remove the DI water which remained on the substrate after the two-phase-flow cleaning process. We obtained high efficiency in terms of particle removal as well as good drying efficiency through the optimized conditions of the two-phase-flow cleaning and air-knife processes.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, researchers have put a considerable effort to decrease the emission of harmful gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere. In order to remove simultaneously SO₂ and NOx from the flue gas of small and medium-sized ship, we designed minimal wet scrubber inside a compact multistage modular system. In this study we proceed experiment of elemental technology at each stage of the scrubber. The each stage is oxidation of NO which is the main component of NOx, and removal of SO₂, respectively. NaClO₂ was used to oxidize NO gas, and NaOH was used to remove SO₂gas. The maximum NO conversion efficiency and the SO₂ removal ficiency are both indicate 100%.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of major operating parameters in spray drying sorber(=SDS) for automatic control for the simultaneous removal of acidic and organic gaseous pollutants from solid waste incinerator was performed. The field experiment was carried out in pilot scale test for the quantification of major operating parameters of hydrophilic and the hydrophobic pollutants. The removal efficiencies of SO2 and HCI in the 5wt% slurry condition were being increased with the increase of the stoichiometric ratio which is the molecular ratio of lime to the pollutant concentration, and with the decrease of inflow flue gas temperature in the pilot SDS reactor. The removal efficiency along the height of spray drying sorber was closely related to the temperature profile, and more than 90% of total removal efficiency was achieved in an absorption region. For the removal of acidic gas the optimum operating condition considering the economics and a stable operation is the 5wt% of slurry concentration, 1.2 of stoichiometric ratio and 250℃ of inflow flue gas temperature. For the organic gases of benzene and toluene the removal efficiencies were 20 - 60% which is much lower than that of acidic gas. The best removal efficiency was obtained at 1.5 of stoichiometric ratio and 250℃ of inflow flue gas temperature. The organic's removal efficiency along the height of spray drying sorber was quite different from that of acidic gas, that is, more than 60% of the total removal efficiency for benzene and 90% of the total removal for toluene were achieved in the dried adsorption region, which was formed at the lower or exit part of the reactor.