The concentrations of odor and volatile organic compound (VOC)-inducing substances were measured using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometers (SIFT-MS). SIFT-MS can continuously measure the concentration of odor-causing substances and VOCs in real time without pre-treatment steps. Measurements were conducted during the day and at night at 10 spots in the chemical block of the Sihwa industrial complex. Similar measurement results were observed in the daytime and nighttime for materials except methyl ethyl ketone with high concentrations. A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide was also measured at night. It is expected that an amount of emissions of VOCs and odor-causing substances under the absence of inspection can be traced if measured at other industrial complexes in vulnerable times.
본 연구에서는 특별관리해역인 시화호 유역의 산업단지 하천에 강우 시 비점오염의 형태로 유입되는 중금속의 유출 특성 파악 및 오염원 파악을 하천 토구를 통해 배출되는 강우유출수 내 용존 및 입자성 중금속 (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb)을 조사하였다. 용존성 Co와 Ni은 강우 초반에 고농도로 유출된 후 시간에 따라 감소하는 결과를 보였으나, 대부분의 원소는 조사시기별 강우량 및 유량 변화에 따라 각각 다른 특징을 보였다. 입자성 중금속의 경우, 시간에 따른 부유물질의 농도 변화와 유사한 경향을 보였다. 강우유출수 내 존재하는 중금속 중 Co, Ni, Zn는 용존 상태로 유출되는 비율이 높았고, Cr, Cu, Pb은 입자상 유출 비율이 상대적으로 높았다. 입자 상태로 유출되는 중금속의 인위적 오염도를 평가하기 위해 농집지수를 계산한 결과, Cu, Zn, Cd은 very highly polluted에 해당하는 심각한 오염수준으로 나타났다. 연구지역인 3간선수로 유역 인근의 도로먼지 중 125 μm 이하에서의 중금속 농도와 비교한 결과, 강우유출수 내 Cu, Zn, Cd의 중금속이 금속제조관련 시설에서 절삭 혹은 가공 중에 발생하여 산업시설 표면에 축적되어 있는 금속물질이 강우유출수와 함께 수환경으로 유출된 것을 알 수 있었다. 강우유출수 내 총중금속 평균 유출부하량은 1회 강우 시 Cr 128g, Co 12.35 g, Ni 98.5 g, Cu 607.5 g, Zn 8,429.5 g, As 6.95 g, Cd 3.7 g, Pb 251.75 g으로 금속제조와 관련된 산업시설이 주로 존재하는 유역의 특성을 잘 반영한 것으로 판단된다
This study attempts to investigate the impact of pollution by VOCs at schools located around Shihwa national industrial complex. Schools around the Shihwa national industrial complex were divided into two categories based on location, with five schools located near the industrial complex and five schools located near housing development. Samples of the indoor air and the outdoor air were collected from each classified school and analyzed to evaluate the impact of the industrial complex on each school through a comparison and to find the correlation between them. In combination with this, this study attempted to conduct comparative evaluations of the schools in which there might be relatively higher indoor air pollution since new construction and extension or remodelling had recently been carried out with other schools. The samples collected from 10 places in total were analyzed, using GC/MS. TVOCs, and individual component of VOCs, were detected in the schools near shihwa national industrial complex at higher levels than in the schools nearby housing development. TVOCs were detected at the schools in the industrial complex st levels of 166.5 μg/m3, that is, about 1.5 times higher than the level detected at the schools outside the industrial complex. TVOCs were found in the indoor air of the schools that had been extended or remodelled less than 3 years ago at levels of 188.8 μg/m3, while in schools where more than 3 years had passed since extention or remodelling they were found at levels of 97.5 μg/m3, meaning they were about 1.9 times higher in schools in the first 3 years.
The emission characteristics of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) from assembly metal product manufacturing industry (Korean standard industry classification code: 28) were studied. The sampling was carried out at 54 sites in Shiwha-Banwol industrial area with 3 M OVM (Organic Vapor Monitor) #3500 from August to October in 2008. The EPA 8020/8040 (10 chemicals) was used as a standard solution for the quantitative analysis with GC/FID. As the results, the VOCs concentration appeared to range from 0.9 ppb to 22,721.1 ppb, and the average concentration ratio of benzene : toluene : ethylbenzene : m,p-xylene : o-xylene : styrene appeared to be 0.005 : 1.000 : 0.198 : 0.096 : 0.057 : 0.110. Total VOC concentration of the "Manufacture of Structural Metal Products, Tanks, Reservoirs and Steam Generators" (KSIC code: 281) appeared to be seven times higher than that of "Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metal working service activities" (KSIC code: 289).
In this study, the removal efficiency of 24 odorous compounds was measured in diverse control process units of 7 individual chemical companies located in Ban-Wall & Shi-Wha Industrial Complex in Gyeonggi-do, Korea from March to August, 2007. To quantify the removal efficiency rates of major odorous compounds, we collected odor samples from the inside process and both the front and rear side of 7 control process units. As the results of this study, it was shown that toluene, ammonia, trimethylamine (TMA) and acetaldehyde were dominant odorous compounds in the inside process. In addition, VOCs, TMA and acetaldehyde were also detected at higher concentrations in the stacks and 10 (toluene, acetone, ethyl benzene, xylene etc.) out of 24 index compounds were found to have negative removal efficiencies. According to the removal efficiency evaluation of seven odor control facilities, a company equipped with two connected absorption processes was shown to have positive (+) removal efficiencies for 16 odor substances and NH₃, TMA, acetaldehyde, the priority odor substances, which meant the proper control system was installed and operated. Hence, to obtain best removal efficiency of odorous pollutant emission, the database on source characteristics and the development of management techniques of diverse control process units are continually needed.
Formaldehyde is important because of its irritant and toxic properties, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, In this study, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) was used for the analysis of formaldehyde after derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) cartridge. Analytical parameters such as linearity, repeatability and minimum detection limit were evaluated. The linearity (r²) was 0.9999 when analyte concentration ranges from 50 to 400 ㎍/L. The relative standard deviation (%RSD) was 0.83% for the concentration of 400 ㎍/L, and the minimum detection limit (MDL) was 0.27 ppbv. We investigated the distribution of formaldehyde concentrations based on a total of 96 samples(industrial area : 32, complex boundary line : 32, affected (residential) area : 32) measured at the Shi-Hwa industrial complex from April to October 2006. By the statistical analysis of these measurement data, the average level of formaldehyde from industrial area, complex boundary line, and affected area was 2.7, 2.1, and 2.2 ppb during the daytime (10:00~16:00), and 1.4, 1.1, and 1.6 ppb during the nighttime (19:30~23:00), respectively. And also, we investigated the emission concentrations of formaldehyde from various emission sources of 33 individual companies located in the Shi-Hwa industrial complex from September to November 2006. The results of our study showed that the emission concentrations of formaldehyde greatly varied according to industrial and source types. The emission concentrations of formaldehyde showed in the descending oder of 11.4 ppm for insulation cable process, 2.0 ppm for sand casting process, 1.7 ppm for synthesis rubber process, and 1.3 ppm for hexamine process.
We investigated dilution ratio values of the threshold limit (DRVTL) and 12 odorous compounds from a number of emission points (stack and process) and boundary areas of 10 chemical industries in the Ban-Woll and Shi-Wha Industrial Complex in Gyeonggi Province. The results of our study suggest that differences in odor emission concentrations are caused by such as factors as : suitability and operational conditions of prevention equipment, suitability hood of process and exhaust ventilation system, differences of raw materials of chemical industry. It was found that trimethylamine and hydrogen sulfide recorded the highest contribution from two types of emission points (stack and process), respectively. Show some actual concentration values here, hydrogen sulfide recorded its maximum values from leather industry, while trimethylamine for hexamine production industry. On the other hand, the results of dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and methyl mercaptan were not useful, as their concentrations were not significantly high enough to judge from such respect. In the view-point of dilution ratio values of the threshold limit, the average emission ratio of stack and process from 10 chemical industries was 57, 43%, respectively. Therefore, it is important that the odor emission value from process and stack have to minimize and regulate for management of industrial odor.
The objectives of this investigation are as follows: 1) To sort out places of businesses that have to do with the discharge of offensive odor 2) To find out what generates offensive odor 3) To check the current status regarding offensive odor. The investigation is held through complete enumeration of approximately two thousand businesses concerning the SihwaㆍBanwol Industrial Complex. The local residents have directly visited related businesses and performed the following investigations: 1) General status check 2) Area source 3) Point source The investigation of offensive odor is utilized by direct olfactory method in six levels. Through this method, the followings have been established as DB: Degree of offensive odor, type of odor, preventive facility status, etc. The major characteristic of this investigation is that local residents have directly visited individual businesses and checked the status of offensive odor, which opens up a possibility of mutual settlement for the reduction of offensive odor between businesses and local residents. Businesses and local residents can share a common understanding and this means a great deal. Furthermore, it is widely expected that the investigation data can be utilized as a source for presuming the origin of offensive odor in case of civil petition.