
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare dietary self-efficacy for sodium intake reduction and dietary behaviors by eating areas. Subjects (797 males and 767 females) were classified according to perceived dietary habit levels related to sodium intake (lowest: ≤10 (n=434), low: 11~≤13 (n=471), high: 14~≤15 (n=360), highest: 16≤ (n=299)) using an online survey with a sample that was geographically representative of the population. The highest group was significantly younger and had a higher student proportion than the lowest group. Dining contexts regarding home led to a significantly higher sodium intake in the highest group, but it was eating out for the lowest group. The highest group had a significantly lower intention to reduce sodium intake compared to the lowest group. In the home cooked meals, the highest group displayed a significantly lower cooking frequency, less effort with respect to a low sodium diet and cooking habits related to sodium intake as compared to the lowest group. Also, regarding eating out and food service, the highest group exhibited significantly lower efforts and dietary behaviors to reduce sodium intake than the lowest group. The dietary score for sodium reduction behavior in the highest group was significantly lower compared to the lowest group, for home cooked meals, eating out, as well as food service. Thus, dietary guidelines and nutrition education for the reduction of sodium intake by eating areas need to be developed and provided.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sawmilling industry remained a high risk with the average 4.73% of industrial accidents in 2010-2012 that was eight times that of general manufacturing. Sawmilling industry had 200 industrial accidents victim in average. Manufacturing process in sawmill industry contained dangerous machinery such as conveyors, roller, saw ( band saw, circular saw) etc. It may be effective to figure out the type of industrial accidents occurred in the past and extend risk assessment which can predict hazard such as near miss when implementing exposure or potential dangers in sawmill industry. This study conducted research on the actual condition on the place of industrial accident occurrence, detailed work and contact object when injured, and injured part targeting 643 businesses which had industrial accidents in 2010-2012. As the results, RPN of general sawmill industry was the highest 'ganglip saw' with 36,157. RPN of the following order were 'moving truck' with 25,454, 'special machining operations' with 22,283. Also, probability of general sawmill industry was a lots within 1 year, while risk appeared a lots within 5 years. So, risk assessment shall be needed to emphasis on accident prevention of sawmill industry. And additional work will be needed on the risk assessment in hazard prevention work of supervisors.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The average injury rate in sawmilling industry for the last 5 years is 4.99%, which means that more than 200 injuries have occurred in that industry every year. Because the first step in risk assessment is the hazard identification, it is very important to know how to define the hazard and nature of harm. We analyzed 643 accident records of three years(2010-2012) and carried out site survey for the same cases. As a result, the most common types of work at the time of injury in sawmilling industry were removing jammed wood 81(12.8%), wood carrying task 52(8.1%), wood cutting 49(7.6%), travelling table log band saw 41(6.4%), maintenance 37(5.8%) etc. In addition, there were statistically significant differences in some analysis factors such as injured body parts, employment size, and handling material among different working places. Therefore, it is concluded that differentiated prevention efforts are necessary in each workplace.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사체의 부패단계에 따라 발생하는 곤충은 차이가 있다. 본 결과는 사체의 유기조건에 따라 발생하는 절족동물의 종류를 법의학적으로 활용하고자 유기 가능성이 높은 여러 장소에서 수행한 일련의 연구 중 부패단계를 용이하게 구분할 수 있었던 몇몇 장소에서 사체의 부패단계에 따라 발생하였던 파리류를 비교 분석한 것이다. 부패단계에 따라 발생한 파리류는 유기장소(야산, 들판, 하천, 온실, 옥상)와 유기계절(봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울) 및 사체의 매장 유무에 따라 부패의 진행에 차이가 있음에 따라 차이가 있었다. 사체의 부패는 여름에 가장 빨리 진행되었으며 겨울철 온실에서 유기한 사체는 다른 장소에 비하여 빨리 진행되었다. 그리고 매장한 사체에 비하여 노출되었던 사체의 부패가 빨리 진행되었다. 모든 유기장소에서 노출처리된 사체의 부패초기 단계인 신선기(fresh stage)에 발생한 파리류는 구리금파리(Phaenicia sericata)와 연두금파리(Lucilia illustris), Lucilia sp., 큰검정빰금파리(Chrysomyia pinguis), 검정빰금파리(C. megacephala) 등 검정파리과(Calliphoridae)로 계절에 따라 차이가 있기는 하였지만 대체로 2일 이내에 성충이 사체를 찾아 들었다. 반면 매장처리에서는 신선기에 사체를 찾아드는 파리가 없었다. 쉬파리과(Sarcophagidae) 파리들은 유기 장소와 시기에 관계없이 사체에 유인되었으나 매장처리에 비하여 노출처리에 빨리 유인되었다. 또한 쉬파리과 파리는 온실에 유기한 사체에 더 빨리 유인되었으며 발생하는 시간도 짧았다. 온실에서 봄과 여름에는 신선기(fresh)에서 부패활성기(active decay) 사이에 유인되었으나 가을에는 신선기에서 부패진전기(advanced decay) 사이에 유인되었고, 겨울에는 부패진전기(advanced decay)와 유지기(remains) 사이에 유인되어 계절에 따른 부패단계에서도 발생하는 시기에 차이가 있었다. 큰검정파리와 두꼬리검정파리, 털검정파리는 봄과 겨울에 유기한 사체에 발생하는 우점종으로 fresh~active decay 단계에 주로 발생하여 활동시기가 다른 종과는 차이를 보였다. 매장된 사체에서는 검정파리과 유충보다는 쉬파리과 유충들이 먼저 출현하였다.