
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2024.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        과거 교통에서는 이동의 신속성이 중시되고 자동차의 통행이 우선이었던 반면, 현재는 모든 교통 이용자의 안전한 이동과 보행자가 중요시되는 방향으로 교통정책이 나아가고 있다. 보행자의 안전하고 쾌적한 통행과 교통약자의 이동권의 보장이 강조됨에 따라서, 향 후 교통약자 보호구역의 역할도 확대될 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 교통약자의 안전한 보행 공간 확보와 보행사고 피해의 축소라는 목 적과 달리, 스쿨존 내 사고 등은 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 추세이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 보호구역의 사고 위험을 판단하고 안전성을 분석하고자 하였다. 교통사고의 위험성을 비교하고 사고 예방이 필요한 보호구역을 판단하기 위한 기준으로서 사고 위험도를 정량화 하였다. 서울시 보호구역 내 사고 데이터를 보호구역 구간별 특성 데이터와 결합하여 구간별 사고 건수 및 피해 정도를 자료화하고, 도로 속성을 기준으로 보호구역 구간을 유형화하였다. 보호구역 유형별 사고 발생확률과 평균 피해 정도를 구해 도로의 속성마다 다 른 사고 발생 특성을 반영하였다. 사고 위험도는 사고 발생빈도와 피해 정도를 통해 판단하고자 하였다. 사고 발생빈도는 도로 면적과 발생 건수를 기준으로 하여 산출하였고, 피해 정도는 유형에 따른 사고 발생확률과 발생빈도, 평균 피해 정도를 통해 산출하였다. 위 험도에 대한 정량적 분석모델을 통해 사고 위험이 높다고 판단되는 보호구역과 해당 구간의 특성을 알아보고, 각 행정구역별로 보호 구역에서의 교통사고 위험성을 비교하였다. 이를 통해 사고 위험이 높은 지역과 유형이 무엇이며, 어떠한 특성을 보이는지 파악하여 보호구역 개선 방향을 제시하고자 한다.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study quantitatively analyzes risks of industrial incidents to fisher on overseas tuna purse seiners and long liners. A Bayesian network is employed to analyze 478 cases of industrial incidents, comprising 401 cases from purse seiners and 77 cases from long liners, reported from 2019 to 2022. The highest risk of industrial incidents on purse seiners is attributed to diseases. Excluding diseases, risks are the highest during fishing: 5.31 times higher during catch handling, 2.05 times higher during maintenance, and 2.38 times higher during loading and unloading. The risk of industrial incidents caused by the hull is 9.50 times higher than those caused by fishing gear, 4.59 times higher than those caused by machinery, and 3.61 times higher than those caused by the caught fish. Among the types of industrial incidents, slips are the highest: 2.58 times higher than industrial incidents caused by being bump, 3.74 times higher than those caused by hit, and 3.94 times higher than those caused by imbalance and overexertion. For long liners, most industrial incidents are concentrated in diseases, with dental, musculoskeletal, skin, and respiratory diseases being the primary types of industrial incidents identified. This study aims to propose reduction measures for reducing the high-risk form of industrial incidents, specifically slips, and to present health management strategies for preventing diseases among fisher on overseas tuna fishing vessels. By addressing these aspects, this study seeks to contribute to the safety and sustainability of the overseas tuna fishing industry.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study employs Bayesian network analysis to quantitatively evaluate the risk of incidents in trap boats, utilizing accident compensation approval data spanning from 2018 to 2022. With a dataset comprising 1,635 incidents, the analysis reveals a mortality risk of approximately 0.011 across the entire trap boat. The study significantly identifies variations in incident risks contingent upon fishing area and fishing processes. Specifically, incidents are approximately 1.22 times more likely to occur in coastal compared to offshore, and the risk during fishing processes outweighs that during maintenance operations by a factor of approximately 23.20. Furthermore, a detailed examination of incident types reveals varying incidence rates. Trip/slip incidents, for instance, are approximately 1.36 times more prevalent than bump/hit incidents, 1.58 times more than stuck incidents, and a substantial 5.17 times more than fall incidents. The study concludes by providing inferred mortality risks for 16 distinct scenarios, incorporating fishing areas, processes, and incident types. This foundational data offers a tailored approach to risk mitigation, enabling proactive measures suited to specific circumstances and occurrence types in the trap boat industry.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        위험도 평가는 양적인 평가방법(정량적 평가방법)과 질적인 평가방법(정성적 평가방법)이 있다. 해상에서 정량적인 평가방법은 선박의 통항량, 통항분포, 속력, 길이, 침로, 흘수 및 해상의 수심 등의 기하학적인 자료를 토대로 위험도를 산출하는 방법이다. 본 연구에서는 VTS 통항데이터를 정량적인 평가툴인 IWRAP에 적용하여 목포항 진입수로의 속력별, 길이별 통항분포와 해상교통위험도를 평가분석 하고자 한다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, with the objects of 173 institutions of university and research institutions, investigation was carried out through visit investigation ar d questionnaire investigation. Frequency and severity of occurrences was acquired mainly through universities and research institutions which have reported occurrences of accidents to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. Quantitative danger evaluation was conducted through frequency and strength of occurrences. Case study was carried out by selecting bio science laboratory of university and as the result of this study, degree of danger among the inspection objects of bio science laboratories, laboratory work place was evaluated as the most dangerous with the scores of 155.00 and as the result of average danger level, compression gas cylinder was evaluated as the most dangerous with the scores of 6.4000.
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, with the objects of 173 institutions of university and research institutions, investigation was carried out through visit investigation and questionnaire investigation. Frequency and strength of occurrences was acquired mainly through universities and research institutions which have reported occurrences of accidents to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. Quantitative danger evaluation was conducted through frequency and strength of occurrences. Case study was carried out by selecting bio science laboratory of university and as the result of this study, degree of danger among the inspection objects of bio science laboratories, laboratory work place was evaluated as the most dangerous with the scores of 155.00 and as the result of average danger level, compression gas cylinder was evaluated as the most dangerous with the scores of 6.4000.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The quantitative evaluation method of the safety management cost was suggested to prevent a gas accident as a major industrial accident. In a gas governor station, process risk assessments such as the fault tree analysis(FTA) and the consequence analysis were performed. Based on process risk assessments, potential accident costs were estimated and the cost-benefit analysis(CBA) was performed. From the cost-benefit analysis for five classification items of safety management cost, the order of the cost/benefit ratio was estimated.