The environment has increasingly attracted attention and fashion brands need to use new growth models by developing eco-friendly products, along with the drastic climate change. This study drew design guidelines from the factors of clothing disposal and reuse to propose ways to extend the longevity of clothing. It sets the design goals for the longevity extension of clothing as flexibility, originality, durability, and adjustability and drew a specific design guideline. The design methods used to achieve such goals are as follows. First, the design that is flexible in terms of physical changes needs to increase its activity and to be changeable, by applying pleats, rubber bands and elastic materials to the parts with many physical changes and movements. Second, it is necessary to reinforce the brand identity, create design that is flexible in terms of fashion and design very rare and attractive products, for the goal of original design beyond fashion. Third, it is necessary to increase the quality of clothing and improve the durability which can be decreased by washing and wearing. Fourth, it is necessary to create the design that can produce various styles, preserve the state of clothing and maintain its hygienic conditions by using removable detailed designs, shape-transformation designs and the designs which can be adjusted to climate changes and states, for the goal of adjustable design with better functionality. The findings provide ideas for fashion experts to pay more attention to the extending the longevity of clothing products and to develop eco-friendly designs and strategies.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the concentration of seminal plasma in aerobic and anaerobic conditions on the total motility(TM) and the progressive motility(PM) of spermatozoa in long term preservation of cooled equine semen. We also examine the pregnancy rates after artificial insemination using fresh, cooled or frozen semen, and different durations of cooled-preserved equine semen. In the aerobic state of cooledpreserved semen, As the increase of preserved duration to 24h, 48h, 72h, and 96h, TM tended to decrease in each of different concentrations of formalin-containing experimental group, TM tended to decrease regardless of the concentrations of SP. In different concentrations of SP, TM of without seminal plasma(SP W/O) group tended to be higher than that of SP 20%, SP 33% and SP 50%, especially TM of SP W/O group was significantly higher than other groups at 96 h (p<0.05). PM was higher in the groups of SP W/O and SP 20% than in the groups of SP 33% and SP 50% from 24 h to 72 h in cooled-preservation, especially PM of SP W/O group was significantly higher than other groups at 96 h (p<0.05). In the anaerobic condition of cooled-preserved semen, the results of TM and PM at different concentrations of SP were similar to the results in the aerobic condition although there was a difference in the ratio. The pregnancy rates of fresh-cooled, cooled-preserved and frozen semen were 66.3%, 60.7% and 34.5%, respectively, and the pregnancy rate of frozen semen was the lowest. We also found that it is possible to pregnancy after artificial insemination using 72 h cooled-preserved equine semen. There was similar of the pregnancy rates in the different month from April to August.
Modern men are much more interested in their appearance than ever before, as well as showing an increased need for uniqueness in order to construct their own sphere and pursue differentiation from others. Besides, changes in life style and the aesthetic sense are causing men to pursue various kinds of clothing benefits so that they want a suit with characteristics beyond the stereotyped design and style. They have started to be actively engaged in clothing purchases, forming a driving force for the growth of the male suit market. Hence, this study has significance in that it offers data conducive to consumers’ custom suit purchase by reviewing data on the present condition of the custom suit market and bespoke suits. In addition, it aims to give a summary on the theoretical bases of preceding studies, including the need for uniqueness, pursuit of clothing benefit and concern for the appearance of male consumers, as well as examining the factors that influence on their bespoke suit purchase intentions. Accordingly, this work intends to construct a basic environment for consumers to approach the custom suit market easily and pave the way for male suit markets through offering marketing data and information that is helpful for custom suit-related markets.
소의 정장은 정관, 정소상체와 부생식선으로부터의 분비물로 구성된다. 정자는 정소에서 생성되어 정소상체에서 성숙하고, 사출되는 과정에서 부생식선으로 분비되는 다양한 성분 들 과의 접촉 한다. 자연교배시 정장은 사출된 정자와 같이 암컷의 생식기도에 도달하여 생리 학적 및 면역학적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고되었다. 정장성분의 분석에 관한 연구들은 정자의 수정능 획득 기작을 파악하기 위한 목적과 프로테옴(단백질체학)의 연구기법들을 활 용하여 수정율에 증가에 관련된 marker들을 발견하려는 목적에서 수행되었으며 궁극적으 로 종모우의 수정율을 증가시키기 위한 것이다. 정자의 수정능 획득시 정자의 세포막에는 지 질 구성의 변화가 일어나는데, 정자의 세포막에서 콜레스테롤이 배출되기 때문인 것으로 보고 되어 왔다. 배출되는 콜레스테롤은 정장 단백질이나 난관세포로 이행된다. 본 연구는 수정 능 획득과 콜레스테롤의 배출 기작에 관련된 정장 단백질들을 한우와 칡소의 정장에서 동 정하여 수정률향상을 위한 marker들로서 활용할 수 있는지를 판단하기 위한 목적으로 수행 되었다. 정장단백질 중에서 정자의 콜레스테롤 배출과 관련되어 수정능획득에 영향을 미치 는 정장단백질들로서 BSP-30 및 spermadhesin Z13 등이 보고되었었다. 본 연구에서는 한 우 4 두와 (3 두: 한우시험장, 1 두: 전라북도 축산시험장)와 칡소 3 두 (2 두: 전라북도 축 산시험장, 1 두: 유전자원시험장)에서 정액을 채취하고, 원심분리하여 정장을 분리하였다. 정장은 단백질 정량 후 SDS-PAGE 방법으로 1차원 전기영동을 실시한 후 분리된 단백질들 을 비교하였고, 특이 단백질 밴드를 동정하였다. 그 이후 2차원 전기영동으로 정장 단백질 을 분리하고 PDQuest 프로그램으로 spot들을 분석하였으며, 특이 단백질들을 동정하였다. 1차원 전기영동으로 분리 후 동정된 소의 정장 단백질은 plasma serine protease inhibitor 였고, 2차원 전기영동으로 분리 후 동정된 소의 정장 단백질들은 Pdc-109, BSP-30, seminal plasma protein A3, spermadhesin Z13 및 spermadhesin-1(aSFP)이었다. 일부 동정된 단백질들은 발현된 양과 위치의 차이가 존재하였다. 이들 단백질 중에서 Pdc-109, BSP-30, seminal plasma protein A3는 수정에 긍정적인 역할을 하고, spermadhesin Z13와 spermadhesin- 1(aSFP)는 수정에 부정적인 역할을 하는 것으로 보고되었었다. 본 연구결과를 기 반으로 이들 정장 단백질의 발현양상과 유전자들의 변이를 조사하고, 그 결과를 토대로 정 장 단백질의 작용기작을 조절하면 소의 수정률 향상에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. * 연구는 농촌진흥청 차세대 바이오그린21사업(과제번호: PJ008047)의 지원에 의해 이루어 진 것임.
거창 정장리 일반공업지역내 발굴조사에서 구석기시대부터 조선시대에 이르는 다양한 유구가 조사되었다. 특히, 이번에 확인된 정장리토성은 구릉 능선 가장자리를 따라 돌려져 있으며, 전체 길이는1,000~1,200m정도이다. 체성은 기초석열・영정주・판축토에 의해 축성되었으며, 체성관련 시설물로는 추정문지・4주식건물지・배수시설이 있다. 토성에서 출토된 유물은 대호경부편・개・개꼭지・인화문 편구병 등으로 8세기 중반에서 9세기 중반 정도로 편년되지만 체성에서 출토된 유물의 하한을 근거로 볼 때, 토성은 9세기 중반에 축성되었던 것으로 파악된다. 토성의 성격에 대해 지방 행정조직의 치성과 통일신라말 호족세력의 거점성일 가능성에 대해 상정해 보았다. 통일신라말의 정세로 볼 때, 재축성한 치성의 성격보다는 호족의 거점성일 가능성이 높을 것으로 이해되었다. 정장리토성의 축성 시점이 호족의 지방세력 확장과 맥을 같이하고 있음은 중요한 사실이라 할 수 있다.
This study is focused on the elucidation of efficient and correct marking methods by comparing and analyzing marker efficiency depending on the marking job condition such as interval of checking-pattern and marker orientation using woman's Jacket and Slacks. Research Method intended to compare the marking efficiency of Jacket and Slacks, check-less and check- patterned materials with the intervals of 1.5×1.5cm and 5×5cm were selected. First, in the comparison of marking efficiency depending on check-pattern interval, regardless of the direction of marker position, single-item makers and set-item makers, the efficiency of check-less materials was higher than those of check-patterned materials and increasing the intervals decreased marking efficiency and vice versa. Marking efficiency of Slacks was less influenced than marking efficiency of Jacket by check-pattern interval. Second, in the comparison of marking efficiency depending on the direction of marker position, regardless of check-pattern interval and number of maker pieces, the efficiency of nap-up-and-down position was higher than those of nap-one-way position. Third, the marking efficiency of single-item was more effective than one of set-item in all working condition except nap-one-way position in checkless materials.
The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability of QFD to product development of clothes by empirically applying it to development of a specific clothes, middle and elderly women’s formal knitwear. The voices of customers(VOCs) for formal knitwear was collected through in-depth interviews with 25 customers, shop masters, and designers. Also, questionnaires of which respondents were 230 customers were used to rank the importance of the items of VOC. A QFD team of 10 knitwear experts implemented the task of translating VOCs into design attributes and measuring the values of the relationships between VOCs and design attributes. Importance ranking of the items of design attributes was obtained based on Lyman’s method. The results of this study were as follows. First, the customer requirements for formal knitwear were classified into five dimensions, that is, symbolism, aesthetic, fitness, usefulness, and maintenance. Second, the descending order of the necessity of improving the quality was maintenance, aesthetic, fitness, usefulness, and symbolism. Third, three-staged design attributes were obtained as a result of translating of VOCs into design attributes. Lastly, the descending order of the importance of design attributes was “sorts of yarn”, “sorts of color jacquard”, “color”, “tone”, “ease”, etc.