본 연구의 목적은 60대의 대뇌에서 T1, T2, PD 이완 시간 값을 측정하여 연령별 특정 해부학적 구조물들의 이완 시간 의 평균값과 연령에 따른 이완 시간 변화의 관련성이 있는지 분석하고자 하였다. 60에서 69세까지 총 50명의 정상 뇌자기 공명영상검사자의 데이터를 Synthetic MR의 MAGiC을 이용하여 후향적으로 분석하였다. 대상 부위는 해마, 대뇌 부챗살, 측두엽 회백질, 시상, 뇌척수액이었다. 실험결과 해마, 대뇌 부챗살, 측두엽 회백질은 연령 변화에 따른 T1, T2, PD 이완 시간의 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 하지만 시상에서는 PD 이완시간이 연령과의 상관성이 있었고(R2=0.112, p<0.05), 뇌척 수액에서는 T1 이완시간(R2=0.063, p<0.05)과 T2 이완시간(R2=0.061, p<0.05)에서 연령과의 상관성을 확인하였다. 추후 다양한 연령대의 대뇌 이완 시간을 측정하여 평균값의 비교 연구가 필요하고, 시상과 뇌척수액에서는 대규모 모집단 연구가 필요할 것이라 판단되며 이에 본 연구가 기초자료를 제공할 것이라 사료된다.
The aim of this study was to compare electromyography activity for long and lateral heads of triceps brachii muscle according to forearm positions during different triceps strengthening exercises. The muscle activities for long and lateral head of triceps brachii were measured by surface electromyography. Fifteen healthy volunteers participated for this study and performed elbow extension in three different elbow extension exercises (elbow extension in a supine position; EES, elbow extension with shoulder abduction at 90 degrees in a prone position; EESA, and elbow extension with one arm at the side of the trunk in a prone position; EESP) and forearm positions (supination, neutral, and pronation). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the effects of the exercise positions and forearm positions. The EMG activities of the long head of the triceps brachii increased significantly during EESP with forearm supination, whereas the activity of the lateral head of the triceps brachii increased significantly during EESA with the forearm in a neutral position (p<.05). The results of this study suggest that exercise positions and forearm positions should be considered for selectively strengthening the long and lateral heads of triceps brachii muscles.
In patients with acute cerebral infarction, taranscranial ultrasonography is helpful in assessing blood flow, but in some patients, failure to detect cerebral blood flow through the temporal window is an important problem in expansion of clinical indications for transcranial ultrasonography. This study was performed between May 2016 and September 2016 in patients admitted to the neurology department of Chosun University Hospital with cerebral infarction and underwent transcranial ultrasonography and brain magnetic resonance image. Of the 129 patients, 47 were female (36.4%). The mean age of the patients was 80.7±8.0 years. Fifty patients (38.8%) did not showed any blood flow signal due to poor temporal window. The mean age of patients with temporal window failure (83.8±6.0 years) was significantly higher than without temporal window failure (78.7±8.5), and the temporal window failure was significantly higher in women. In conclusion, temporal window failure was more common in elderly and women in this study. In addition to temporal bone thickness and heterogeneity of temporal bone due to osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia may also be associated with temporal window failure and future prospective studies will be needed.