The aim of the present work was to develop simultaneous methods of quantification of carazolol, azaperone, and azaperol residues in livestock and fishery products using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Samples were extracted from beef, pork, chicken, egg, milk and shrimp using acetonitrile (ACN); while flat fish and eel were extracted using 80% ACN. For purification, ACN saturated n-hexane was used to remove fat composition. The standard calibration curves showed good linearity as correlation coefficients; r 2 was > 0.99. Average recoveries expressed were within the range of 67.9-105% for samples fortified at three different levels (0.5 × MRL, 1 × MRL and 2 × MRL). The correlation coefficient expressed as precision was within the range of 0.55- 7.93%. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 0.0002-0.002 mg/kg. The proposed analytical method showed high accuracy and acceptable sensitivity based on Codex guideline requirements (CAC/GL71-2009). This method can be used to analyze the residue of carazolol, azaperone, and azaperol in livestock and fishery products.
카라 워커(Kara Walker, 1969∼)는 1994∼1998년 실루엣 작품을 통해 여러 인종의 캐릭터들을 만들고 인종 간에 발생하는 성적 섹슈얼리티와 폭력성을 드러냈다. 워커는 서사적 구성을 가진 실루엣 작품 속에서 인종에 대한 고정관념이 ‘허구’라는 것을 표현 하기 위하여 현실과 가상이 혼합된 자신만의 판타지를 만들어 내었다.
워커의 인종 재현 방식에서 중요한 전략은 외적인 윤곽을 드러내는 실루엣 (Silhouette) 기법과 문학 작품의 차용, 키치로서의 로맨스 요소를 사용하였다는 것이다. 이뿐 만 아니라 워커는 그녀의 작품에서 아프리카계 미국인들의 포스트 메모리 (postmemory) 작업과 개인의 트라우마의 작용을 흑인 여성 캐릭터에서 잘 녹여내었다. 이로써 워커는 자신의 경험을 흑인 여성이 가지는 심리학적인 유산과 혼합하였고, 지배 자와 피지배자 사이의 성적 권력에 대한 문제를 가시화하였다.
그리하여 워커는 흑인 여성의 성적인 면을 드러내는 것에 보수 적일 수밖에 없었던 1970년대 흑인 여성 미술 작가들의 시선에서 한발 나아가 흑인 여성의 신체를 인종적 억압에서 벗어나게 하였다. 워커는 그녀의 작품 속의 이미지와 내러티브를 통해 흑인 여성 캐릭터의 성적 주체성을 표현함으로써 인종적·성적 차별에 따른 사람들의 인식을 바꾸려는 시도를 하였다.
Arctic sea ice as an indicator of climate change plays an important role in controlling global climate system. Thus, accurate observation and prediction of Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) is essential for understanding global climate change. In this study, we aim to improve the prediction accuracy of SIC by using machine learning and Regional Climate Model (RCM) data for a more robust method and a higher spatial resolution. Using the CORDEX RCM and NASA SIC data between January 1981 and December 2015, we developed three statistical models using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Deep Neural Network (DNN) which can deal with the non-linearity problem, respectively. The DNN model showed the best performance among the three models with the significant correlation between the predictive and observed SIC (r=0.811, p-value < 0.01)and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.258. With deeper considerations of the polar fronts and the characteristics of ocean current and tide, the DNN model can be applied for near future prediction of Arctic sea ice changes.
Toxocariasis is an illness of humans caused by roundworm. Toxocara species are commonly found in dogs and cats. Humans are accidental hosts. There are two routes of infection. One route is the ingestion of infected eggs, and the other route is the ingestion of an infected paratenic host. Clinical manifestations vary from asymptomatic infection to severe organ failure. In most cases, the patients are asymptomatic and the disease is self-limited. Thus, patients with mild symptoms do not require treatment. However we report on cases of patients with asymptomatic hepatic nodules who were treated to exclude malig-nant disease.