블로우업이 발생하는 구간에 ASR이 발생하고 있지만, 한국도로공사는 재료팽창인 ASR을 고려하지 않고, 콘크리트 팽창량을 계산하 여 팽창줄눈 설치간격을 제시하고 있다. 또한, 블로우업은 일종의 좌굴현상이므로 슬래브 두께에 따라 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본연구는 재료팽창과 슬래브 두께를 고려하여 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시하고자 한다. 팽창량 계산시, 재료변형률과 지역별 온도와 건조수축을 고려하였으며, 이를 동등한 팽창을 유발하는 온도상승량으로 변환하는 식을 도출하였다. 기준온도를 정하기 위해 실제 현장데이터를 팽창량 식에 대입하여 온도상승량으로 변환하였으며, 이를 블로우업을 모사한 콘크리트 포장 모형의 유한요소해석 결과를 이용하여 결과값을 비교하였다. 안전설계를 위해 더 작은 온도 값인 블로우업 구조해석 결과 값 중 안전온도를 블로우업이 일 나는 기준으로 선정하였으며, 안전 온도를 넘지 않은 지역별 슬래브 두께에 따른 최대 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시했다. 한국도로공사가 제 시하고 있는 기준과 비교한 결과, 일부 지역은 한국도로공사에서 제시하고 있는 기준에 만족하지 않았다. ASR 변형률을 고려하여 슬 래브 두께에 따라 지역별로 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시하는 것이 블로우업 파손을 저감하고, 포장의 안정성을 향상시키는데 도움이 될 것 이라고 판단된다.
In this study, changes in the quality and headspace O2/CO2 concentrations of cubed radish (Raphanus sativus L.) kimchi (CR-kimchi) packaged using multilayer airtight film (MAF), half-area breathable film (HABF), partial area breathable film (PABF), and one-way degassing valve-mounted film (ODVF) were investigated during storage under altering temperature conditions. The total lactic acid bacteria count in CR-kimchi samples stored for 6 days at 0℃, followed by 8 days at 6oC, increased to 7.8-7.9 log CFU/g, regardless of the packaging. The titratable acidity of the CR-kimchi samples increased to 0.6-0.7% during storage at 0oC for 6 days and then at 6oC for 8 days; it was maintained at 0.6-0.8% for 32 days of storage at 3oC. After 46 days of storage, the reduced sugar content of CR-kimchi packaged using MAF, HABF, PABF, and ODVF decreased to 26.8-30.3 mg/g, indicating no significant (p>0.05) differences. However, during storage, headspace CO2 concentration and film volume were lower in the HABF treatment than in the control, PABF, and ODVF treatments, indicating that HABF packaging combined with supercooled (3oC) storage can extend the optimal ripening period of CR-kimchi without packaging expansion during storage.
PURPOSES : Previously, the expansion state of the concrete pavement in which AAR occurred could not be determined. Because the current situation has not been evaluated, it has been difficult to prepare an appropriate response. In this study, a method for calculating the expansion amount of concrete pavement using the stiffness damage test (SDT) is proposed. METHODS : The SDT method was examined through a literature review. For the laboratory tests, specimens that generated AAR were produced based on the mix design (2018) of the Korea Expressway Corporation. SDT was used to calculate various mechanical properties, and their correlation with the expansion amount was reviewed. RESULTS : Using the SDT, various mechanical properties(elastic modulus, hysteresis area, plastic deformation, plastic deformation index, stiffness damage index, and nonlinear index) were calculated based on the expansion rate of the AAR. The elastic modulus was evaluated as the best predictor of the expansion rate. Thus, if the elastic modulus is calculated using SDT, a prediction equation can be used to calculate the amount of AAR expansion. This equation will need to be supplemented by further research. CONCLUSIONS : SDT was used to confirm that the expansion state due to the AAR of the concrete pavement could be indirectly evaluated. Among the mechanical properties related to SDT, the elastic modulus was found to be the most suitable for predicting the amount of expansion.
PURPOSES : Pavement growth (PG) is a phenomenon whereby the overall length of a concrete pavement increases. The increase in length induces an axial compressive force in the concrete pavement slab, resulting in blow-up and damage of adjacent structures, such as a bridge. PG is influenced by several interacting factors, including climatic conditions, pavement materials, joint systems, incompressible particles (IP) infiltrating the joints or cracks in the slab, and an expansion caused by reactive aggregates in the concrete. However, it is difficult to predict PG and blow-up due to various complicated factors. Therefore, in this study, the pavement growth and blow-up analysis (PGBA) package program was developed to predict the PG and blow-up potential. The PGBA can consider the pavement configuration, expansion joint (EJ) configuration, climatic conditions, and design reliability. To evaluate the effects of influencing factors — such as climatic data, EJ configuration, pavement structures and materials, and design reliability — on PG and occurrence time of blow-up, a numerical example was demonstrated and a sensitivity analysis was performed.
METHODS : To predict the PG, the concrete temperature was calculated using an appropriate analytical model. The trigger temperature for pavement growth(TTPG) was predicted using a statistical equation that considers pavement age, joint spacing, and precipitation. An analytical solution for estimating the concrete slab movement was performed. Through the calculated TTPG and the amount of PG, the service life of the EJ (width of EJ) can be predicted compared to the allowable width. In addition, by using analytical and finite elements, the safe temperature(Tsafe) for preventing blow-up occurrence was calculated. The blow-up occurrence was assumed to occur when the variation between the concrete temperature and TTPG was larger than Tsafe. RESULTS :As a result of the sensitivity analysis of maximum temperature and precipitation, the temperature and precipitation increase and the EJ service life and possibility of blow-up decrease. Sensitivity analysis was performed on the thermal expansion coefficient, pavement thickness, base layer type, concrete elastic modulus, and joint rotational stiffness in the concrete pavement structure and properties. In the PGBA program, the coefficient of thermal expansion and the type of base layer significantly affect the EJ life, as do the possibility of blowup and the elastic modulus. The joint rotational stiffness and pavement thickness had little effect on the EJ life but were found to affect the possible timing of blow-up. As a result of the PGBA sensitivity analysis of the width and spacing, which are the specifications of the EJ, the life of the EJ and the possibility of blow-up increased as the joint width increased; however, the EJ life and blow-up increased as the EJ interval reached a certain value. It was found that the possibility of a blow-up occurrence decreased. The results for the PGBA program in extreme weather conditions, the life span of EJs, and the possibility of blow-up in normal climates were reduced by over 50 %.
CONCLUSIONS : As a result of PGBA sensitivity analysis, it was found that the substrate type, thermal expansion coefficient, precipitation, and alkali-silica reaction had the greatest influence on pavement expansion and blow-up.
PURPOSES : Pavement growth (PG) of concrete pavement has been recognized as a major concern to highway and airport engineers as well as to road users for many years. PG is caused by the pressure generation in the concrete pavement as a result of a rise of the concrete temperature and moisture. PG could result in concrete pavement blowup and damage the adjacent or the nearby structures such as bridge structures. The amount of the PG is affected by the complicated interactions of numerous factors such as climatic condition, amounts of incompressible particles (IP) infiltration into the joints, pavement structure, and materials. Trigger temperature for pavement growth (TTPG) is defined as the concrete temperature when all transverse cracks or joints within the expansion joints completely close and generating a pressure in the pavement section. It is one of the most critical parameters to evaluate the potential of PG occurring in the pavement. Unfortunately, there are no available methods or guidelines for estimating TTPG. Therefore, this study aims to provide a methodology to predict TTPG of a concrete pavement section.
METHODS : In this study, a method to evaluate the TTPG and its influencing factors using the field measured data of concrete pavement expansions is proposed. The data of the concrete pavement expansions obtained from the long-term monitoring of three concrete pavement sections, which are I-70, I-70N, and Md.458, in Maryland of United Stated, were used. The AASHTO equation to estimate the joint movement in concrete pavement was used and modified for the back-calculation of the TTPG value. A series of the analytical and numerical solutions presented in the literatures were utilized to predict the friction coefficient between the concrete slab-base and to estimate the maximum concrete temperature of these three pavement sections.
RESULTS : The estimated maximum concrete temperature of these three pavement sections yearly exhibited relatively constant values, which range from 40 to 45 °C. The results of the back-calculation revealed that the TTPG of the I-70 and Md.58 sections decreased with time. However, the TTPG of the I-70N section tended to be relatively constant from the first year of the pavement age.
CONCLUSIONS : The estimation of the TTPG for the three concrete pavement sections showed that the values of the TTPG gradually decreased although the yearly maximum concrete pavement temperature did not change significantly.
PURPOSES : In this study, the propriety of expansion joint spacing of airport concrete pavement was examined by using weather and material characteristics.
METHODS: A finite element model for simulating airport concrete pavement was developed and blowup occurrence due to temperature increase was analyzed. The critical temperature causing the expansion of concrete slab and blow up at the expansion joint was calculated according to the initial vertical displacement at the joint. The amount of expansion that can occur in the concrete slab for 20 years of design life was calculated by summing the expansion and contraction by temperature, alkali-silica reaction, and drying shrinkage. The effective expansion of pavement section between adjacent expansion joints was calculated by subtracting the effective width of expansion joint from the summation of the expansion of the pavement section. The temperature change causing the effective expansion of pavement section was also calculated. The effective expansion equivalent temperature change was compared to the critical temperature, which causes the blowup, according to expansion joint spacing to verify the propriety of expansion joint applied to the airport concrete pavement.
RESULTS: When an initial vertical displacement of the expansion joint was 3mm or less, the blowup never occurred for 300m of joint spacing which is used in Korean airports currently. But, there was a risk of blow-up when an initial vertical displacement of the expansion joint was 5mm or more due to the weather or material characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: It was confirmed that the intial vertical displacement at the expansion joint could be managed below 3mm from the previous research results. Accordingly it was concluded that the 300m of current expansion joint spacing of Korean airports could be used without blowup by controling the alkali-silica reaction below its allowable limit.
콘크리트 교면포장에서 가장 주요한 파손의 형태가 균열이며, 그 원인은 대부분 수축에 있다. 만약 교면 포장에서 균열이 발생하면 불투수성기능을 확보하지 못하게 되며, 이로 인해 균열부로 수분 또는 염화물이 침투하고 장기적으로 교량 바닥판의 열화를 가져오게 된다. 이에 반해 교면포장용 콘크리트에 자기치유 (self-healing) 성능이 확보된다면 균열부위를 수화물로 되메움하여 교면포장의 기능을 회복시킬 수 있다. 최근 국내외 문헌에서 팽창재(expansion agent)를 첨가할 경우 콘크리트의 자기치유성능이 향상되는 것 으로 일부 보고가 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 팽창재를 첨가한 교면포장용 콘크리트의 자기치유 특성 을 분석하였으며, 이를 통해 교면포장의 공용성능을 향상시킬 수 있는지에 대한 검토를 수행하였다. 본 연 구에서는 6,000브레인 이상의 고분말도 플라이애시와 슬래그를 치환한 삼성분계 결합재에 팽창재를 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%를 첨가하여 콘크리트 배합을 실시하였으며, 자기치유실험은 간접인장모드로 재령 3일과 재 령 7일에 균열을 유도한 후 수침양생을 시키고 균열발생 시점부터 시간경과에 따른 자기치유특성을 분석 하였다. 균열폭을 측정을 위해 사용된 화상촬영기는 QICAM 디지털카메라(1.4 million, 1392×1040)에 현 미경렌즈(optical 0.5-5x)를 부착한 것이며, 시편이 자동으로 움직이면서 측정할 수 있는 stage를 장착하 였다. 촬영된 이미지는 ʻimage-pro 6.0ʼ분석프로그램을 사용하여, 균열폭을 정밀하게 측정하였다.
본 연구의 자기치유실험결과, 균열이 발생한 시료를 습윤한 상태로 유지한 경우 모든 배합에서 자기치 유현상이 나타났으며, 특히 균열폭이 150㎛ 이하인 콘크리트는 대부분 14일 또는 28일에 대부분 완전히 치유가 되는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 균열이 초기에 발생하고 습윤한 상태를 유지할 경우 팽창재를 첨가한 콘크리트가 균열부의 자기치유 시기를 앞당길 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 재령 3일에 균열을 유도한 경우 팽창재를 8% 이상 첨가한 콘크리트에서 폭이 약 150㎛ 이하의 균열들 중 상당수가 균열발생 이후 7일에 완전 치유되었다. 팽창재를 첨가하면 초기에 다량의 에트린자이트가 형성되는데 이것이 콘크리트 를 팽창시키는 효과로 작용하며, 이 효과가 자기치유성능을 증가시켰기 때문이다. 그러나 재령 7일 이후 에 발생된 균열의 경우 팽창재의 자기치유효과가 크지 않은 것으로 분석되었다.
PURPOSES: This paper describes the expansion caused by the alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) in concrete pavement currently in service. It also discusses the effects of joints installed to release the stress induced by the AAR expansion.
METHODS: The expansion effect on concrete pavement was verified by a visual inspection and long-term measurement of the joint width of a cut-section. The behaviors of 16 newly installed joints were monitored as part of the investigation and long-term monitoring was carried out for three years after cutting.
RESULTS: The behavior of a bridge was affected when AAR occurred in the connected pavement. The newly installed joints shrank in the longitudinal direction of the bridge after cutting. The width of the joints decreased over the six months after cutting. A large portion of the joint width (8.5cm) was found to have closed nine months after cutting. It had ultimately shrunk by about 92 percent when the final measurement was taken.
CONCLUSIONS : The expansion of the pavement due to AAR was quantitatively described by visual inspection and the long-term monitoring of the newly cut joints. However, the width of the new joints decreased over the six to nine months after cutting. Additional research should be conducted to determine a means of controlling the expansion due to AAR in the pavement.
콘크리트포장은 시공초기의 품질관리수준에 따라 전체수명이 결정될 정도로 시공초기의 품질관리가 매우 중요하다. 이러한 초기 품질관리는 콘크리트포장의 초기거동을 잘 파악하여 초기거동을 조절할 수 있는 방안을 도출하는 것이 중요하다. 콘크리트포장의 초기거동에 영향을 주는 요소는 크게 두 가지가 있다. 첫째는 콘크리트의 건조수축이고, 두 번째는 수화열 및 대기온도 변화에 따른 포장체의 온도변화이다. 따라서, 콘크리트의 열팽창계수와 건조수축은 콘크리트의 초기거동에 매우 중요한 요소라 할 수 있다. 지금까지의 열팽창계수는 완전히 양생된 콘크리트에 대해 실험하는 것이 일반적이었기 때문에 시공초기에 열팽창계수를 얻는데 한계가 있어 왔다. 또 건조수축도 시간방법의 한계로 초기 건조수축을 측정하는데 어려움이 있어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 콘크리트포장의 초기 거동을 조절할 수 있는 방안을 도출하기 위하여, 콘크리트의 초기 건조수축과 열팽창계수를 측정하고 이를 통해 콘크리트포장의 초기 거동 예측프로그램의 입력변수들과 적용 모델들에 대한 자료제공 및 검증을 위 한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 본 연구에서 얻은 결론은 현장에서 초기 콘크리트의 열팽창계수 값을 측정한 결과 8.9~10.8×10-6/℃ 값을 나타내었으며, 콘크리트의 건조수축에 있어서 깊이별 effect와 size effect가 존재하는 것으로 분석되었다.