
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the perceptions and attitudes of adult native speakers of Korean and Chinese toward the pronunciation of World Englishes. Fifty-two Korean and 63 Chinese speakers listened to six variations of World Englishes and then completed a questionnaire outlining their perceptions and attitudes toward the different pronunciations. The survey results revealed that Korean adult English learners showed less favorable attitudes toward different pronunciations of World Englishes than Chinese adult language learners did. Korean adult learners preferred American English, but Chinese adult learners preferred Canadian English. Among the three individual variables measured, the first language showed the greatest influence in their responses. The findings of this study imply that, in the context of English education in Korea, it is necessary to raise the awareness of both teachers and learners to the acceptability of World Englishes through exposure to a wide variety of English pronunciations.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper analyzed the features of how native Korean speakers (K) and native Vietnamese Korean learners (VKL) organize the Apology conversation, focusing on the functional phase. Based on the discourse analysis, a role play was conducted to collect data. In order to investigate the influence of social variables (social status, intimacy), learners' mother tongues and learners' Korean proficiency, different social variables were given in role-play situations, and learners' Korean proficiency was limited to intermediate and advanced levels. The results of analyzing conversations focusing on ‘Error Checking–Apology-Apology Acceptance’, which is the intermediate phase of Apology conversation, are as follows. First, in the Error Checking Phase, K tended to make indirect or preliminary remarks. In contrast, VKL immediately presented communication purposes, and advanced VKL tended to use indirect speech and additional statement. Second, in the Apology phase, the higher social status the other party has and the lower intimacy the two speakers has, the more passive K were. Interestingly, VKL showed the same pattern. For intermediate-level VKL, it was observed that the dialogue sequences were not completed. Third, in the Apology Acceptance phase, K repeatedly expressed apologies through complex dialogue sequences. However, VKL performed a concise conversation by simple dialogue sequences, and the intermediate-level VKL expressed ‘relief’ and ‘gratitude’.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Este estudio aborda el aprendizaje de la pronunciación en español como una tercera lengua por parte de los hablantes nativos de coreano en los EEUU. Específicamente, profundiza en las características de sus pronunciaciones, las perspectivas desde las que se pueden entender las pronunciaciones y los puntos que los investigadores de L3 deben tener en cuenta para examinar sus pronunciaciones. Para ello, primero este estudio presenta modelos sobre la percepción y producción de L2, así como modelos sobre la morfosintaxis de L3. Luego, aplica los principios principales de los modelos a las situaciones y características del aprendizaje que muestran los estudiantes coreanos de español en los EEUU. Por último, con base en los fundamentos teóricos y sus características del aprendizaje, hace sugerencias para estudios empíricos que examinen la pronunciación de español como L3. Este estudio puede ser útil para los estudiantes coreanos de español como L3 y sus padres, profesores de español e investigadores de L3. Además, algunas sugerencias de este estudio se pueden aplicar a los estudiantes coreanos de español como L3 que viven en Corea y países angloparlantes que no sean los EEUU.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers’ processing of Korean plural marker -tul. It employed masked priming experiments with a word judgment task for Korean-Chinese speakers from Yanbian, China. The masked priming experiments compared the subjects’ response time in three different prime-target pairs: identical condition, unrelated condition, and test condition. The data of the experiments was analyzed in two different ways: subject analyses and item analyses. The subject analyses of the study showed partial priming effects and the item analyses full priming effects. These findings indicate that Chinese-Korean bilinguals seem to be sensitive to morphological structure of a morphologically complex words in Korean and less dependent on the lexical storage of the full form, as is usually found in L2 learners’ morphological processing.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Okamura, Kana. 2017. “Korean Native Speakers’ Perception of and Responses to Interrogative Greetings”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(1). 143~165. This research examines (1) if native speakers of Korean perceive phrases such as “어디 가 (Where are you going)?” and “밥 먹었어 (Have you eaten)?” as questions or as greetings, and (2) how speakers respond to these phrases. Various expressions are used as greetings in Korean, but interrogative greetings in particular are considered to be widely favored because they express personal interest in the interlocutor. Previous studies claim that because the phrases function more as greetings than questions, it is enough to respond with a general answer rather than an honest or detailed answer. To verify this claim, a questionnaire was distributed to 144 native Korean speakers in their 20s. The degree of intimacy between the speakers and the circumstances of the interaction were used to investigate the perception of and responses to interrogative greetings. The statistical analysis of the questionnaire results found that while the phrases do function as greetings, they still retain their interrogative function, and as such, many native speakers give honest answers such as “응, 먹었어 (Yes, I ate).” Additionally, interlocutor intimacy and situation did indeed influence how the phrases are perceived and answered.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sungsoo Ok and Soo-Yeon Kim. 2017. Sensitivity to D-linking Effects in Island Construction Processing by Korean Speakers. Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 109-127. Questioning across-the-board effects of islands and D-linking in wh-interrogative construction, this study presents the results of two acceptability judgement experiments where judgements of Korean native speakers for Korean wh-interrogative constructions and for English wh-interrogative constructions are provided and compared. With respect to Korean wh-questions, native Korean speakers show different acceptability patterns depending on whether wh-phrases move overtly or not. When they are scrambled, presence of islands and the D-linking feature of wh-phrase affect acceptability in Korean as if they do in English: the former degrades the acceptability while there is an increase in acceptability status in the latter. As for in-situ cases, however, D-linking rather downgrades the acceptability of the sentences. In the second experiment on English wh-questions with Korean EFL learners, there are statistically significant, but comparatively marginal, effects of island constructions and D-linking on whinterrogative judgements. These results indicate that island effects and D-linking effects are not ubiquitous with the same degree but that they do vary depending on the language type, overtness of movement, and whether the tested language is L1 or L2.
        2015.08 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        【벼리】이 연구의 목적은 L1에서 L2로 가는 과정에 있는 중급과 고급의 한국어 학습자들이 한국인들과 더 자연스러운 의사소통을 하기 위해서 부정 의문문의 간접 화행의 교육이 필요하다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 부정 의문문의 간접 화행은 그 형태와 기능이 다양한데 이것을 중급과 고급 학습자들에게 교육을 하게 되면 한국 인처럼 모국어 화자와 같은 화법을 구사할 수 있게 되는 것이다. 본고에서는 부정의문문을 단순히 ‘질문’의 의미에서 더 나아가 간접 화행을 통해 ‘명령’, ‘요청’, ‘동의요구’, ‘추측’, ‘강조’로 다섯 가지로 나누었으며 이것을 한국어 중급과 고급의 학습자들에게 설문지로 이 다섯 가지 이해도를 조사해보았다. 숙달도별로 결과 가 달랐지만 공통적으로 ‘추측’의 이해도가 떨어졌다. 그리고 기존에 나와 있는 한국어교재를 통해 한국어 교재에서는 어떻게 부정 의문문의 간접 화행을 다루고 있는지 알아보았다. 그 결과 두 교재에서만 부정 의문문의 간접 화행을 문법으로 교육하고 있었고 나머지 교재에서는 주로 예문에서 부정 의문문의 간접 화행이 쓰이고 있었다. 단순히 부정 의문문의 예만 제시할 것이 아니라 부정 의문문의 간접 화행에 대한 의미를 나타내는 교육을 해야 할 것이다. 본고에서는 의사소통 중심의 언어교육이론에 입각하여 한국어 부정 의문문의 간접 화행 교육 방안에 대해서 기술하고자 한다.