
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해기사는 복합적이고 다양한 역할을 수행하는 전문직으로서 해운조직 내에서 중추적 역할을 담당하고 있다. 육상근무와 달리 해상에서는 고립된 공간에서의 생활, 정해진 항해기간동안 지속적인 교대근무와 고강도의 업무 긴장감 및 스트레스, 사회적 고립감 등의 특성으로 인하여 이직의 가능성이 높아진다. 이에 본 연구에서는 해기사의 조직시민행동이 조직몰입을 매개로 이직의도에 미치는 영향을 대기업, 중소기업, 공기업 3그룹으로 나누어 각 그룹 간 차이를 구조방정식으로 확인하고자 하였다. 3그룹 간 분석 결과, 해기사의 조직몰 입과 조직시민행동의 하위요인들, 그리고 이직의도의 크기를 확인하였을 때, 충성심과 이직의도가 그룹 간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이고 있었다. 조직시민행동은 이직의도에 직접적으로 영향을 미치지는 않았지만, 간접효과를 확인하였을 때 충성심을 매개로 이직의도에 영향을 미치고 있었고, 관계지향 시민행동은 충성심을 매개로 하여 이직의도에 부(-)적 영향을 미치고 있었다. 공기업을 제외하고, 대 기업과 중소기업에서는 각각 비표준화경로계수가 -0.229±0.117과 -0.319±0.068로 통계적으로 유의하게 영향을 미치고 있었다. 이러한 결과 는 대기업과 중소기업 해운회사의 직원들의 이직의도를 낮추기 위해서는 조직시민행동뿐만 아니라 조직몰입을 높이는 방안을 고려해야 한다는 점을 의미한다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication is generally regarded as good and necessary to inform stakeholders of a company’s CSR deeds. However, research has recently uncovered the practice of “greenhushing” within the context of the hospitality industry (Coles, Warren, Borden, & Dinan, 2017; Font, Elgammal, & Lamond, 2017). Greenhushing means that companies de-emphasize green credentials and CSR activities. Going on holidays is an indulgent act that might result from people feeling they have earned some luxury, including behaving lavishly in terms of resource consumption and responsible behavior. Thus, curtailing this indulgent, irresponsible guest behavior without compromising a guest’s holiday experience is a key challenge for hotels. This paper explores whether the assumption that customers do not want to hear about CSR communication while on holiday is true from the customers’ side and what type of communication achieves to curtail unethical behavioral intentions. Based on 594 usable responses from an online survey, we undertake a moderation analysis with a multi-categorical antecedent variable (different communication stimuli), pro-environmental identity as a moderator and behavioral intentions for “unethical” behavior as a dependent variable using PROCESS 3.0 for SPSS (Hayes, 2018). The results provide partial support for our theoretical predictions.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among brand awareness, switching intentions, purchasing behavior, and revisiting intentions. Brand awareness consisted of three factors: brand image, physical environment, and affiliation of coffee brand. Good brand image was associated with reduced switching intentions, whereas negative images were associated with higher switching intentions. Consumer purchasing behavior was most affected by interior decoration, including furniture, decorations, etc. Switching intentions had a negative relationship with revisiting intentions. Finally, purchasing behavior and revisiting intentions showed a positive correlation. As limitations, the only participants were university students, who are not representative of all consumers at coffee shops. Moreover, this study did not divide coffee shops into franchises and individually owned.
        2014.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농촌관광마을의 브랜드 자산이 장소애착 및 친환경 행동의도와의 영향 관계를 검증하고자 하였다. 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산은 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질, 지각된 가치로 분류되었으며, 장소애착은 장소의존성, 장소정체성, 사회적 유대감으로 구분되었다. 친환경 행동의도는 단일차원으로 도출되었다. 가설검증 결과, 첫째, 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산인 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질, 지각된 가치가 장소의존성에 모두 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 둘째, 장소정체성은 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 장소의존성 또한 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 농촌관광마을의 브랜드자산 중 브랜드이미지와 지각된 가치가 친환경 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on examining methods for the favorable relationship between internet shopping mall and customers from a point of view that it was necessary for internet fashion market getting faced with keen competition to change its marketing focus from securing new customers to customer retention strategies. Measurement instruments were selected to measure these variables and a questionnaire was made. Data was collected in 491 men and women in their twenties residing in Gwangju city using the questionnaire. The analysis results were summarized as follows: First, in the failure to purchase fashion products in internet shopping mall, as consumer's favorable internet shopping attributes, their possibility of complaining and repurchase intentions became higher, and had negative effect on regret and dissatisfaction. Second, attributions of the result of a failure to purchase fashion products in internet shopping mall were found to increase regret and dissatisfaction. Third, customers experiencing regret and dissatisfaction showed a very high possibility of complaining but their possibility of repurchase intentions had negative affect.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to predict the behavior of tourists in Hadong County, which is registered as KIAHS. Based on the theory of planning behavior, we intend to verify the theory of planned behaviour, which adds descriptive parameters of the perceived value and prior knowledge of an agricultural heritage. In detail, first, the perceived value and prior knowledge of tourists about an agricultural heritage understand the influence of tourists’ Attitude. Second, we could see the role of the behavioral factors in the causal relationship of the planned behavioral theory. We have identified the planned behavioral theory that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptual behavior controls affect the intention of the revisit. Hadong should remember that by sending and providing various information about Hadong Green Tea and World Agricultural Heritage sites, it is possible to elicit changes in visitor attitudes and revisit visits.