In this study, infrared thermometry techniques were used to conduct surface wetting performance tests (wicking tests) on micropillar structures with good fluid supply capabilities to enhance the critical heat flux. Wicking tests were conducted based on various micropillar shapes (i.e., diameter and spacing) to investigate the surface wetting performance near the boiling point of the fluid(~100°C). The surface temperature was increased from 20°C to 95°C, to examine the wicking performance The shape of the micropillars were quantified by the roughness and the effect of the roughness and temperature on the wicking performance was analyzed. As a result, we confirmed that the roughness of the micropillars increases the capillary pressure, improving the wicking performance. The sample D04 G10 with the highest roughness coefficient at room temperature (r=2.51) exhibited the highest wicking coefficient, showing a 170% improvement in wicking performance compared to D04G20 with the smallest roughness coefficient at room temperature(r=1.51). Additionally, the D04 G10 sample (r=2.51) recorded a 50% improvement in the wicking coefficient at the highest temperature(95°C) compared to room temperature(20°C). The wicking coefficient data will be utilized as a database for developing a new correlation for critical heat flux.
Double slug interaction in downward-facing nucleate boiling was studied to investigate its effect on boiling performance. Two heating surfaces were individually controlled to apply heat flux while their boiling performance were measured. A slug generated from upper heater affect on lower heater to make convectional flow by suction following departure of slug. Moreover, it showed to reduce hovering time of slug bubble on lower heater because it could help bubble departure on lower heater. Meanwhile, a slug generated from lower heater affected on upper heater to make convectional flow by sweeping. However, it showed to increase hovering time of slug bubble on upper heater, because they collapsed to each other. So, the slugs from lower heater enhanced the boiling performance of upper heater with low heat flux condition, but reduced the performance of it with high heat flux condition.
In this study, we investigated to the heat transfer performance of coating nano-structure with various shapes and patterns on the heat transfer surface. As a result of the measurement of the 3D nano shape, it was confirmed that the roughness generally increases when the adhesive is sprayed on the coating surface and finished durability experiment. In the case of TEOS adhesive, the roughness increased by 0.074 ㎛, 0.012 ㎛ and 0.015 ㎛, and the contact angle decreased 12.64°, 1.31°, 9.84° at the coating time of 120 seconds, 180 seconds and 240 seconds, respectively. In the case of PVA adhesive, the roughness increased by 0.069 ㎛, 0.056 ㎛ and 0.03 ㎛, and the contact angle decreased 2.85°, 4.82°, 6.96° at the coating time of 120 seconds, 180 seconds and 240 seconds, respectively. In the case of DGEBF adhesive, the roughness increased by 0.042 ㎛, 0.053 ㎛ and 0 ㎛, and the contact angle decreased 0.81° at the coating time of 120 seconds, increased 4.82°, 6.96° at the coating time of 180 seconds and 240 seconds, respectively. As a result, the durability tends to decrease as more nano-structures are deposited, and 3D nano shapes, contact angles and SEM photographs showed that the performance of the PVA adhesive was superior among the three adhesives.
Flexible two-phase thermosyphons are devices that can transfer large amounts of heat flux with boiling and condensation of working fluid resulting from small temperature differences. A flexible two-phase thermosyphon consists of a evaporator, an insulation unit, and a condenser. The working fluid inside the evaporator is evaporated by heating the evaporator in the lower part of the flexible two-phase thermosyphon and the evaporated steam rises to the condenser in the upper part to transfer heat in response to the cooling fluid outside the tube. The resultant condensed working fluid flows downward along the inside surface of the tube due to gravity. These processes form a cycle. Using R134a refrigerant as the working fluid of a loop type flexible two-phase thermosyphon heat exchanger, an experiment was conducted to analyse changes in boiling heat transfer performances according to differences in the temperature of the oil for heating of the evaporator, the temperature variations of the refrigerant, and the mass flows. According to the results of the present study, the circulation rate of the refrigerant increased and the pressure in the evaporator also increased proportionally as the temperature of the oil in the evaporator increased. In addition, the heat transfer rate of the boiler increased as the temperature of the oil in the evaporator increased.
This study is experimentally to analyze the heat transfer characteristics and photographic observation of bubble generation in saturated nucleate pool boiling. The photographs were taken of water boiling from heated nickel wires. The attempts is made to explain the different nucleate boiling of water. Some of the bubbles photographed were very close to the spherical shape, while others were close to the hemispherical. Also, a number of bubble had intermediate shapes that were called oblate bubbles. At least, heat transfer regions of three and possibly four were found to exist in nucleate boiling depended upon the mode of vapor generation. The vapor structure on the surface progressed through a sequence of first discrete bubbles, then vapor columns and vapor mushrooms, and finally vapor paths, as the surface temperature was increased. These individual vapor structures or combinations of them determine the mechanism of heat transfer in the four nucleate boiling regions.