The aim of this study was to evaluate the carbon storage capacity of broad-leaf forests in Republic of Korea through the analysis of studies related to carbon storage and carbon uptake, and to analyse the relationship between climatic factors affecting carbon storage capacity. We analysed the results of each previous study by summarising the research results of 55 previous studies collected through search, and organised the study area information and climate factors (elevation, average annual temperature, annual precipitation, etc.). And the carbon storage and net primary production of the above and below-ground and the whole plant were evaluated and the correlation with the climatic factors was statistically analysed. The analysis showed that the carbon storage of broad-leaved forests was positively correlated with altitude and negatively correlated with precipitation. These results mean that carbon accumulation in plants is more effective at higher altitudes with lower temperatures, and that broad-leaf forests are able to adapt and perform carbon storage functions in areas with low precipitation. Carbon uptake was negatively correlated with altitude and positively correlated with temperature. This means that the carbon absorption capacity of broad-leaved forests is greatly affected by temperature, and that the carbon absorption potential is greater in lowlands. Therefore, policies should be actively established to increase and preserve the carbon storage capacity of forests by considering the characteristics of the ecosystem functions of broadleaf forests and climate factors. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the understanding of the carbon cycle of broad-leaved forests and to the development of management measures, and to provide scientific data for carbon neutrality.
본 연구는 중요한 탄소흡수원의 역할을 하는 산림생태계 탄소흡수 잠재력을 분석하고 이를 통해 탄소 공간지도 제작을 목표로 한다. 연구지역은 대한민국 전역으로, 시도 및 시군구의 공간 단위로 분석을 진행하였으며. 첫째, 침엽수림(Conifers), 활엽수림(Non-Conifers), 혼효림(Mixed), 상록활엽수림(Evergreen broadleaf forests), 죽림(Bamboo)의 면적을 지역별로 산정한 후, 이들 면적에 대한 연간 이산화탄소흡수량 고유계수를 적용하여 지역별 이산화탄소흡수량과 전국 단위의 흡수량을 계산하였다. 분석결과, 전체 산림지의 이산화탄소흡수량은 2010년 56,352,485t CO2/yr, 2015년 55,391,298t CO2/yr, 2020년 52,633,417t CO2/yr로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 산림면적의 감소가 주요 감소 원인으로 분석되었고, 부분적으로 기후변화 등에 따른 식생의 종조성 변화도 원인으로 나타났다. 이에 더하여, 상록활엽수림 및 죽림의 면적을 기반으로 탄소흡수량을 분석한 결과 상록활엽수는 55,928t CO2/yr, 죽림은 591,183.4t CO2/yr의 이산화탄소흡수량을 얻을 수 있었다. 지자체별 탄소흡수량 분석결과에서는 태백산맥, 소백산맥을 포함하고 있는 시군구가 다른 지역에 비해 산림지역의 이산화탄소흡수량이 많다는 것을 파악되었고, 대구광역시, 광주광역시, 대전광역시 등 대도시 인접 지역은 상대적으로 이산화탄소흡수량이 적음을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 우리나라 탄소중립 실현을 위한 탄소흡수원으로써 산림지의 관리에 있어서 산정체계의 고도화가 필요하다. 특히 기후변화에 따라 변화될 식생대의 분포와 식생별 수목의 종조성 변화를 고려한 임목별 연령별 흡수계수 산정 자료 구축이 필요하다. 본 연구에서 제시한 상록활엽수와 죽림의 경우가 중요한 예시가 될 것이다. 또한, 탄소흡수량 감소에 가장 중요한 요인이 산림면적 감소인 것을 고려할 때, 산림지 면적의 회복을 위한 적극적인 복원 정책의 수립과 이행이 요구되며, 죽림 등 탄소흡수량이 높은 식생의 보전, 확대를 위한 지속 가능한 관리 정책 마련이 필요하다. 특히, 산림면적의 회복을 위하여 지자체 단위에서 면적 기반 산림관리와 지역 단위에서 유역기반의 통합된 산림관리 정책과 이행 방안 마련이 시급하다.
Carbon is a part of all living creatures and it is the chief constructing block for life on this planet carbon occurs in several appearances, mainly as plant biomass, organic matter in soil, as gas CO2 in the air and dissipated in seawater. Soil carbon exhausts when production of carbon increases than carbon contribution. Soil comprises nearly 75% of total carbon existing on land, more than the quantity stockpiled in living animals and plants. So, soil plays a major part in maintaining a stable carbon cycle. Over the previous 150-year-period, the quantity of carbon present in the air has amplified by 30%. Majority of scientists thought that there is a straight relationship amongst amplified levels of CO2 in the air and increasing global warming. One anticipated technique to diminish atmospheric CO2 is to escalate the global packing of carbon in soils. Therefore, there is a necessity to manage soils because soil comprises more inorganic carbon as compared to the atmosphere and more organic carbon as compared to the biosphere. Soil is also thought to be a lively and important constituent in global carbon discharge and potential of sequestration. Carbon sequestration, known commonly as C-storage, can be acquired by different controlling practices, and the size of various management techniques, to enhance C-storage of soil and offer a key basin for atmospheric CO2, can be assessed most persuasively from studies conducted over long time that underwrite exclusive data on soil C accumulation, losses and storage. Sequestration happens when input of carbon enhances as compared to output of carbon. Soil carbon sequestration is the method of relocating CO2 from the air in to the soil with crop leftover and additional organic solids and in a configuration that is not instantly emitted back to the atmosphere. This review focused on beneficial role of carbon sequestrating fertilizers (press mud, boiler ash and compost) in carbon sequestration and soil properties.
Objective of this study was to evaluate the carbon budget on 40 years old pear orchard at Naju. For carbon budget assessment, we measured the soil respiration, net ecosystem productivity of herbs, pear biomass and net ecosystem exchange. In 2015, pear orchard released about 25.6 ton CO2 ha-1 by soil respiration. And 27.9 ton CO2 ha-1 was sequestrated by biomass growth. Also about 12.6 ton CO2 ha-1 was stored at pruning branches and about 5.2 ton CO2 ha-1 for photosynthesis of herbs. As a result, 25.6 ton of CO2 per ha is annually released to atmosphere. At the same time about 45.7 ton of CO2 was sequestrated from atmosphere. When it sum up the amount of CO2 release and sequestration, approximately 20.1 ton CO2 ha-1 was sequestrated by pear orchard in 2015, and it showed no significant differences with net ecosystem exchanges (17.8 ton CO2 ha-1 yr-1) by eddy covariance method with the same period. Continuous research using various techniques will help the understanding of CO2 dynamics in agroecosystem and it can be able to present a new methodology for assessment of carbon budget in woody crop field. Futhermore, it is expected that the this study can be used as the basic data to be recognized as a carbon sink.
본 연구는 강원도에 위치한 오크밸리 관광단지 내 36홀 골프코스를 대상으로 골프장의 추가식재가 탄소흡수량을 얼마나 증가시키는지를 추정하였다. 보식 혹은 신규 식재에 의한 탄소흡수량은 현지답사와 고해상도 항공사진을 활용하여 식재가능 지역을 분석하고 적정 식재 밀도를 파악한 후 바이오매스 상대생장법을 이용하여 계산하였다. 연구대상 골프코스 중 식재지는 전체 조사대상 면적의 30.3%를 차지하고 있었으며 나머지 69.7%는 잔디 식재지, 수면, 모래땅, 기타 시설지역이었다. 잔디식재 지역 중 식재가 가능한 지역은 총 106,101m2(전체면적의 6.0%)로 분석되었고 기존 수목 식재지 중 식재밀도가 현저히 낮은 지역은 177,531m2(전체 면적의 10.1%)를 차지하고 있었다. 신규식재가 가능한 지역은 흉고직경 10cm의 수목을 0.3주/m2의 밀도로, 추가적인 식재가 가능한 지역은 동일규격의 수목을 0.2주/m2의 밀도로 식재하는 것을 가정한 결과 추가 식재 가능 수목은 총 67,336주로 나타났다. 식재수종을 신갈나무로 가정할 때 최초 식재 후 1년 간 총 탄소흡수량은 392.9tC/yr으로 예측되었다. 연간 탄소흡수량은 식재 후 15년째에 총 440.5tC/yr로 정점에 이르는 것으로 분석되었다. 이를 오크밸리 관광단지 중 연구대상지 일원의 연간 탄소배출량과 비교할 때 식재 후 1년째 탄소흡수량은 12.5%에 이르며, 신규로 식재한 수목의 탄소흡수량이 정점에 이르는 조성 후 15년이 경과한 시점에서는 연간 탄소배출량의 14.0%까지 증가하는 것으로 예측되었다.
So far, most studies associated with soil carbon sequestration have been focused on long term aspect. However, information regarding soil carbon sequestration in short term aspect is limited.
This study was conducted to determine changes of soil organic carbon content and stability of carbon in response to compost application rate and tillage management during rice growing season(150 days) in short term aspect. Under pot experiment condition, compost was mixed with an arable soil at rates corresponding to 0, 6, 12, and 24 Mg/ha. To determine effect of tillage on soil carbon sequestration, till and no-till treatments were set up in soils amended with application rate of 12 Mg/ha. Compost application and tillage management did not significantly affect soil organic carbon(SOC) content in soil at harvest time. Bulk density of soil was not changed significantly with compost application and tillage management. These might result from short duration of experiment. While hot water extractable organic carbon(HWEOC) content decreased with compost application, humic substances(HS) increased. Below ground biomass of rice increased with application of compost and till operation.
From the above results, continuos application of compost and reduce tillage might improve increase in soil organic carbon content and stability of carbon in long term aspect.