
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Use of ICT in Government has ability to improve service delivery to its citizens, and yet many developing countries have lagged behind in the implementation of e-Government. Many e-Government initiatives also failed to achieve their objectives in developing countries. This paper therefore aims to identify critical failure or success factors in Kenya, using Heeks’ Factor Model. A survey questionnaire was developed and data were collected and analyzed from officials and interested citizens. The analysis results enabled to highlight seven specific success and failure factors, and their constituent elements in Kenya. The Kenyan overall e-Government implementation score belongs to the Zone of Improvement (3.52 of total 5.0), which means partial success or failure. The enablers of e-Government projects are good strategy formulation, and internal and external drive, whereas main failures of e-Government are weak ICT infrastructure. The areas for improvement are project management, design, competencies and funding. Data analysis highlights both strengths and weaknesses for each factor or variable. In particular, Kenyan government excels at the drive for change by top to bottom government officers as well as external stakeholders, while the government officers who are using e-Government are satisfied with the availability of vision, strategy and plan of e-Government implementation. Both technologies and e-transactions laws were the worst of all the variables in e-Government implementation. Two areas should be improved using immediate corrective action. In-depth study reveals that government officers and citizens can’t fully use their laptop and mobile devices due to the lack of both ICT network and its operating technology, and legal system associated with the transaction of business information. Finally, the study ends up with recommendations for policy makers to shape the future of e-Government system in both developing and developed countries.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sales of luxury goods have increased drastically in the Asian marketplace over the past decade and therefore imply high potential for further future developments. While Japan has been an important market to luxury brands for a longer period of time, especially China and South Korea have gained in importance due to high sales volumes and increased desire to purchase luxury goods. Especially due to the economic crisis in Europe, luxury brands have to focus on the potential of these emrging Asian countries. In order to adapt and improve the marketing communication strategies successfully to the respective countries, an intensive analysis of the local luxury market, local competitors and the performance of leading luxury brands have to be examined. This is especially crucial to luxury brands since consumers are highly sensitive to the brand image and identitty which is why marketing strategies and brand positioning have to be considered carefully. The purpose of this study is 1) to examine the current luxury market in Japan, China and South Korea according to major fashion industries; 2) to analyze the critical success factors and marketing strategies of leading and aspiring local and global fashion luxury brands in the respective country 3) to give meaningful implications for existing and aspiring luxury brands. For that, after giving an overview of the luxury market in the respective country, case studies on leading and aspiring luxury brands in the major fashion cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo) will be conducted to examine critical success factors. By that, we will give an overview on the market entry and marketing strategy, such as social media, the usage of IT, and general ads as well as retail trends and communication channels. The findings indicate the current trends of luxury fashion brands in China, South Kore and Japan. Through this data review, case studies and suggestions, both academia and industry will gain important insights of the current tendencies of brands and consumers. Global marketers will understand the Asian luxury market better; local brands may find implications of how to enter other Asian markets and aspiring brands can learn about the critical success factors in the market.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        6 sigma is a management innovation strategy which improves most of all managerial processes including transactional and project based operations such as marketing, purchasing, accounting, and construction. Even though 6 sigma is trying to solve problems from the customer’s viewpoint in the scientific manner, project leader feels some difficulties in implementation because of several reasons. Especially the difficulties are prevalent in construction site. This paper investigates the cause of the difficulties through questionnaires, analyzes the investigation results, and verifies the critical success factors of 6 sigma implementation. Factor analysis has been usually employed in reducing quantity of data and summarizing information chaos. In this study, several variables from questionnaires are grouped into just only four factors by the process of factor analysis. The critical success factors are extracted as project management system, implementation mechanism, site condition, and project ownership. Some ideas for each individual success factor are suggested, which are expected to be useful in successful implementation of 6 Sigma in construction site.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기업 환경이 점점 더 프로젝트화 되어가면서 여러개의 프로젝트가 동시에 진행되며 더불어 일반업무까지 운영되고 있는 게 현실이다. 또한 기업내 한정된 자원으로 다수의 프로젝트와 일반업무를 조직의 비전과 목표에 맞게 수행해야 한다. 이러한 기업환경 때문에 2000년도 초반부터 프로젝트경영이란 경영철학이 대두되어 오고 있다. 기업내 프로젝트경영을 실현하기 위해 전사적프로젝트관리 (Enterprise Project Management) 도입의 필요성이 높아가고 있으나 기업에 전사적프로젝트관리를 도입하는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니며, 실패할 확률이 높은 프로젝트 이다. 본 연구에서는 전사적프로젝트관리의 개념과 필요성을 이해하고, 기업의 변화와 혁신이란 관점에서 접근 방법과 핵심요인들을 알아보고자 한다. 이를 위해 구축 사례와 문헌연구를 통해서 체계적인 방법론과 핵심성공요인을 도출하고자 한다. 이를 바탕으로 성공적인 전사적프로젝트관리 도입을 위한 방법론을 제시하고자 한다.
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent dramatic growth of ERP has changed the way organizations conduct their businesses, and resulted in significant tangible and intangible benefits being realized by participating firms. Despite these various benefits, firms still have problems in implementing and diffusing ERP due to some reasons, such as resistance to the change. This study primarily aims at identifying what factors are significantly affecting the diffusion of ERP system and finding out how these identified factors can be effectively managed.
        2003.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents a way for the successful implementation of GSCP(Global Supply Chain Planning) system in global extended enterprise. We identify the CSFs(Critical Success Factors) for the implementation of GSCP system from the results of implementation in two Korean manufacturing companies. Four CSFs are as follows : supply chain strategy and road-map for implementation, organizational characteristics and change management, IT(Information Technology) Infrastructure and standardization, performance measurement and assessment. The outcome of this study would help firms considering the implementation of GSCP system and developing the supply chain strategy.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to explore the critical success factors of the Water Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in developing country with evidence from Indonesia. We all know that water is a basic need and therefore it becomes very important for the governments especially in the developing countries to develop and formulate a comprehensive water policy to deliver and manage the water services in the most appropriate manner as well tackle several challenges such as budget and project efficiency. In this context, PPP is a promising scheme to address the water problems, hence it becomes important to reveal the success factors of water PPP projects. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) questionnaire built from delphi methods is used to capture the perception of the relevant stakeholders in relation to the success factors. The results of this study show the most critical success factors in PPP water projects is the support and acceptance of the stakeholders from the community, whereas the private and public entities are the the second and third important factors . These findings contribute to the success of the PPP stakeholders by enhancing the policy-making decision process and by executing the water policies to support the development of PPP in the Water Sector.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to prioritize the Total Quality Management (TQM) factors based on fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in Vietnamese supporting industries. Through an in-depth literature review, eight criteria were identified. These criteria were then divided into 32 sub-criteria. The fuzzy AHP is used to determine the percent weightings of eight categories of performance criteria that were identified via a review of the quality-management literature. These criteria include management commitment, role of the quality department, training and education, continuous improvement, quality policies, quality data and reporting, communication to improve quality, and customer satisfaction orientation. An empirical analysis of the criteria of each stage using the fuzzy AHP methodology and the expert opinion of quality management are used to evaluate the percent weightings of the criteria and sub-criteria that are synonymous with TQM implementation. The results showed that management commitment is the most critical factor; among sub-criteria, supports and responsibilities of top management is the most important. The study also identified the rank order of critical success factors of TQM. The findings suggest a generic hierarchy model for organizations to prioritize the critical factors and formulate strategies for implementing TQM in supporting industries, as well as other industries in Vietnam.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to contribute to the improvement of project management in Vietnam. It focuses on developing new critical success factors (CSFs) which can be used to assess the success of project management in the country. This is a promising issue considering the rapid changes occurring within the business environment. The reason is because CSFs carry great consequences on project management issues, particularly in the context of Vietnam, which is currently experiencing many big scale projects involving both local and foreign investors. Two applications are utilised. One is to adapt the business model of Belassi and Tukel (1996) to observe the transitional and emerging economy of Vietnam. The other is to examine the data collected from a survey to examine the new CSFs which can then be used to assess the success of its projects and project management in Vietnam. The research results showed some remarkable differences between CSFs of Vietnam and foreign countries in both number of success factors and its impact levels which should be paid attention by foreign project managers/owners when doing investment and project management in Vietnam. The outcome generated can be useful to project owners/managers as well as policy makers in Vietnam’s business environment.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose According – to the applied studies knowledge, management implementation can improve organizational performance. The main objective of this study is to develop an understanding of critical success factors that enhance the successful implementation of knowledge management. Research design, data, and methodology – This study used Analytical Hierarchy Procedure (AHP), which is a multi-criteria decision making model that works on fuzzy logic. Using this method, researchers can find the proportion of success due to the contribution of the critical success factors (CSFs). Results – The results show that more than 70% of respondents indicate the possibility of success in knowledge management implementation. Further, the results show that top management support has the greatest relationship with the success of knowledge management implementation. This was followed by information technology, performance measurement, and culture, which had a high relation with knowledge management success. Process and activities have a moderate positive relation, while education and training has a low relation with success. Because of an inappropriate p-value, knowledge management strategies show no relation to the success of knowledge management in the Iranian health Industry. Conclusions – This study was conducted because of a critical issue in the Iranian health industry that indicated that a significant portion of the workforce would retire in 5 to 10 years. Most highly experienced and knowledge oriented employees would become eligible for retirement. Therefore, knowledge management is presented as a complete solution in the Iranian health sector.