Recently, in the manufacturing industry, changes in various environmental conditions and constraints appear rapidly. At this time, a dispatching system that allocates work to resources at an appropriate time plays an important role in improving the speed or quality of production. In general, a rule-based static dispatching method has been widely used. However, this static approach to a dynamic production environment with uncertainty leads to several challenges, including decreased productivity, delayed delivery, and lower operating rates, etc. Therefore, a dynamic dispatching method is needed to address these challenges. This study aims to develop a reinforcement learning-based dynamic dispatching system, in which dispatching agents learn optimal dispatching rules for given environmental states. The state space represents various information such as WIP(work-in-process) and inventory levels, order status, machine status, and process status. A dispatching agent selects an optimal dispatching rule that considers multiple objectives of minimizing total tardiness and minimizing the number of setups at the same time. In particular, this study targets a multi-area manufacturing system consisting of a flow-shop area and a cellular-shop area. Thus, in addition to the dispatching agent that manages inputs to the flow-shop, a dispatching agent that manages transfers from the flow-shop to the cellular-shop is also developed. These two agents interact closely with each other. In this study, an agent-based dispatching system is developed and the performance is verified by comparing the system proposed in this study with the existing static dispatching method.
In the manufacturing industry, dispatching systems play a crucial role in enhancing production efficiency and optimizing production volume. However, in dynamic production environments, conventional static dispatching methods struggle to adapt to various environmental conditions and constraints, leading to problems such as reduced production volume, delays, and resource wastage. Therefore, there is a need for dynamic dispatching methods that can quickly adapt to changes in the environment. In this study, we aim to develop an agent-based model that considers dynamic situations through interaction between agents. Additionally, we intend to utilize the Q-learning algorithm, which possesses the characteristics of temporal difference (TD) learning, to automatically update and adapt to dynamic situations. This means that Q-learning can effectively consider dynamic environments by sensitively responding to changes in the state space and selecting optimal dispatching rules accordingly. The state space includes information such as inventory and work-in-process levels, order fulfilment status, and machine status, which are used to select the optimal dispatching rules. Furthermore, we aim to minimize total tardiness and the number of setup changes using reinforcement learning. Finally, we will develop a dynamic dispatching system using Q-learning and compare its performance with conventional static dispatching methods.
The up-to-date small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Korea have tried to respond flexibly and rapidly to dynamic business environment and to establish efficient production management system based on information technologies. However, most of SMEs have faced with low applicability of the production management system resulting from high costs of introduction and maintenance. In this paper, a production planning and control system, that is S-PMS (production management system for SMEs), is proposed to solve the problem of low applicability and limited human resources. S-PMS enables production managers to efficiently collect and manage master data with the actual target production systems and explores the bottleneck process by means of simulation techniques to improve productivity. Furthermore, it implements rescheduling mechanism in terms of a variety of process routes. In essence, intuitive dispatching rules and integrated data management of S-PMS improve field applicability of production management system. Consequently, S-PMS is expected to be used as an efficient production management system of SMEs in Korea.
Up-to-date business environment for manufacturers is very complex and rapidly changing. In other words, companies are facing a variety of changes, such as diversifying customer requirements, shortening product life cycles, and switching to small quantity batch production. In this situation, the companies are introducing the concept of JIT (just-in-time) to solve the problem of on-time production and on-time delivery for survival. Though many companies have introduced ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems and MRP (material requirement planning) systems, the performance of these systems seems to fall short of expectations. In this paper, the case study on introducing an APS (advanced planning and scheduling) system based on dispatching rules to a machining company and on finding a method to establish an efficient production schedule is presented. The case company has trouble creating an effective production plan and schedule, even though it is equipped with an MRP-based ERP system. The APS system is applied to CNC (computer numerical control) machines, which are key machines of the case company. The overall progress of this research is as follows. First, we collect and analyze the master data on individual products and processes of the case company in order to build a production scheduling model. Second, we perform a pre-allocation simulation based on dispatching rules in order to calculate the priority of each order. Third, we perform a set of production simulations applying the priority value in order to evaluate production lead time and tardiness of pre-defined dispatching rules. Finally, we select the optimal dispatching rule suitable for work situation of the case company. As a result, an improved production schedule leads to an increase in production and reduced production lead time.
A cross docking operation involves multiple inbound trucks that deliver items from suppliers to a distribution center and multiple outbound trucks that ship items from the distribution center to customers. Based on customer demands, an inbound truck may have its items transferred to multiple outbound trucks. Similarly, an outbound truck can receive its consignments from multiple inbound trucks. The objective of this study is to find the best truck spotting sequence for both inbound and outbound trucks in order to minimize total operation time of the cross docking system under the condition that multiple visits to the dock by a truck to unload or load its consignments is allowed. The allocations of the items from inbound trucks to outbound trucks are determined simultaneously with the spotting sequences of both the inbound and outbound trucks.
국내 반도체 산업은 불과 20년도 안되는 짧은 기간통안에 곽목할만한 성장을 하여 전세게 반도체 생산 규토 면에서 3위 국가로 부상하였으며, 기술 경쟁력 면에서도 한국인의 자존심을 그나마 지져왔다. 하지만, 반도체 제조는 가장 복잡한 제조공정의 하나로 분류되며, 이러한 복잡한 시스템을 통제하기 위해서는, 다양한 시스템 조건하에서 적절한 생산전략을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 그러나, 반도체 제조 시스템에 대한 다양한 상황과 관련한 연구 많지 않다. 반도체 제
Gradually recent automatic systems require how to manipulate all shared internal resources of system including components manufacturing equipments. Especially practical operation schedulings of manufacturing are gradually inevitable procedures in dynamic industrial environments. We suggest and evaluate a dynamic scheduling rule of machine and material handling system for on-line operation in job shop type FMS. Because alternating status should be included in operation scheduling procedures effectively and without delay in dynamic industrial environments, the mutual interaction between the machine operation scheduling and AGV dispatching rule was also studied to be based on simulation. This study compared the performance of the evaluation which was obtained from Dynamic Scheduling of FMS, and developed the Priority Rule Matrix for switching mechanism in dynamic environment by using those results.