돼지의 체세포 핵이식(Somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)은 인간에게 약리적 효과가 있는 단백질, 이종 간 장기이식(xenotransplantation)에 사용되는 장기, 질병 연 구 목적의 모델 동물을 제공한다. 특히 형질전환 돼지를 활용한 심장 이식이 세계 최초로 성공한 후 형질전환 돼 지 생산의 안정화는 다음 연구를 위한 중요한 점으로 대 두되고 있으나, 미니돼지의 체세포 핵이식 배아의 생산 효율은 아직 낮은 실정이다. 형질전환의 성공은 양질의 SCNT 배아 생산에서 시작되어야 한다. 이러한 SCNT 배 아의 생산 효율을 향상할 수 있는 요인 중에는 공여 세포 의 형태가 있으며, 성공적인 공여 세포의 생산을 위해서 는 종축에 따른 세포의 특성을 파악하여야 하고, 혈액형 의 차이에서 발생하는 문제점 해결을 위해 OO 타입의 선 별이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 지속적인 계대 배양을 통 하여 공여 세포로 사용되는 미니돼지의 태아섬유아세포의 계대 배양 조건을 확립하고자 한다. 또한 미니돼지의 혈 액형을 PCR 기반으로 분석하여 분류하고 OO 타입의 선 별을 통하여 이종 간 이식에 용이하게 공여 세포의 조건 을 확립하였다. 이후 sgRNA(single guide RNA)를 사용하 여 CRISPR-Cpf1로 GGTA1(α-1,3 galactosyl-transferase) 유전자를 knock-out 한 미니돼지의 생산으로, 급성면역반 응을 유발하는 Gal(1,3)Gal epitope이 제거된 미니돼지의 세포 주를 구축 및 체세포 핵이식을 통해 GGTA1 knock-out 미니돼지를 생산하였으며, 이러한 연구는 이후 체세포 핵이식 및 이종 간 장기이식에 중요한 기초자료로 사용될 것이라고 생각된다.
To improve the developmental potential of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos, this study compared the developmental rates to blastocyst stage in the SCNT embryos using donor fibroblasts treated with 5-azacytidine (5AC) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) at different concentrations. Their reprogramming efficiency level was investigated with level of telomerase activity. Donor fibroblasts isolated from adult ear skin of a cow were exposed to 5AC and SAH at different concentrations during 2 passages. After nuclear transfer into enucleated recipient oocytes, the cleavage and developmental rates were significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the SCNT embryos using 5AC-treated fibroblasts (5AC-SCNT embryos), compared with those of non-treated control (control-SCNT embryos) and SAH-treated fibroblasts (SAH-SCNT embryos). The developmental rates to blastocyst stage tended to be slightly increased in the SAH-SCNT embryos at each of the concentrations, and especially, the developmental rates in the SCNT embryos using 1.0 mM SAH-treated fibroblasts were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of control SCNT embryos. The mean numbers of total and ICM cell in blastocysts were also significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the 5AC-SCNT embryos, compared with those of other SCNT blastocysts. Further, the level of telomerase activity was also significantly (p< 0.05) decreased in the 5AC-SCNT embryos than those of control and SAH-SCNT embryos. Whereas, a significantly (p<0.05) up-regulated telomerase activity was observed in SAH-SCNT embryos, compare with that of control-SCNT embryos. In conclusion, SCNT embryos using hypomethylated donor cells with SAH, not 5AC, may improve the developmental potential and reprogramming efficiency.
Limited success of somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT) is attributed to incomplete reprogramming of transferred donor cell. Several approachs, such as histone deacetylase inhibitors and DNA methyltransferase inhibitors have been used to improve the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer. Recently, it is reported that pre-treatment of somatic cells with undifferentiated cell extract, such as embryonic stem cell and mammalian oocytes is an attractive alternative ways to reprogramming control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the early development of porcine cloned embryos produced with porcine ear skin fibroblasts pre-treated with extract from porcine induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC). For transport of porcine iPSC extract into cultured porcine ear skin fibroblasts, the ChariotTM reagent system was used. Treated cells were cultured for 3 days, and used for the analysis of histone H3K9 acetylation and SCNT The acetylation status of H3K9 was increased in cells treated with iPSC extract and cultured for 3 days compared with control. But, no significant difference was observed between the extract treated and control groups. After SCNT. no difference was observed in the rate of fusion (86.6% vs 86.2%) and embryo cleavage (86.6% vs 87.1%) between the extract treated and control groups. Also, no significant difference was noted in blastocyst rates (23.4% vs 28.4%) as well as cell numbers (43.8±10.8 vs 41.2±11.6) with extract treated group compared with control group. Overall apoptosis rate in blastocyst was not differences between the extract treated and control groups (4.6±3.5% vs 6.0± 5.8%). However, blastocyst rate with high apoptotic cells(>10% appototic cells) was significantly lower in extract treated group when compared with control group (7.1% vs 21.8%).. Our results demonstrated that pre-treatment of porcine ear skin fibroblasts using porcine iPSc extract had beneficial effect on the decreasing apoptosis in the blastocyst cultured in vitro, although there was no effect on the embryonic development.
Here we report the productions of genetically modified cloned Massachusetts General Hospital miniature pig (MGH minipig) using freshly thawed donor cells equilibrated with roscovitine. Fibroblasts were isolated from the ear skin of a 10-day-old male MGH minipig. The donor cells were divided into two groups: cultured for 3 days (culture) and freshly thawed with 500 nM roscovitine. The viability of the donor cells was significantly higher at 0 h (94.6±3.5) compared with 1 h (81.7±5.7) after thawing (p=0.028). After 1 hr of equilibration time, the proportion of G0/G1 stage in roscovitine group was not different from 0 hr group, but not in culture medium group (p<0.01), respectively. Although the developmental characteristics were not different in both methods, the pregnancy and delivery rate in freshly thawed group were significantly higher than that of culture group (p<0.01), respectively. In total, 12 TG cloned MGH minipigs were delivered and the individual cloning efficiency was from 0 to 2.54%. Taken together, the use of freshly thawed donor cells equilibrated with roscovitine may be helpful method to increase the productivity of the genetically modified cloned MGH minipigs.
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of acteoside (the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor) on the SCNT efficiency with adult fibroblasts in dog. Canine adult fibroblasts were obtained from muscle and cell cycle of fibroblasts was synchronized by culturing to confluency, serum starvation and treating with 30 μM acteoside for 48 h. Cell cycle stages, cell cytotoxicity (apoptosis) and, prduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were analyzed using flow cytometry. The canine cells, prepared by confluent-cell culture or treating with 30 μM acteoside for 48 h, were injected into enucleated in vivo matured oocytes, the couplets were electrical fused and activated by calcium ionomycin. SCNT embryos using acteoside-treated fibroblasts were surgically transferred into oviducts of estrus cycle synchronized recipient dogs. In cell cycle synchronization (G0/G1), there was no significant difference between serum starvations (83.9%) and acteoside treated groups (81.3%) that were higher than confluent group (78.5%). In production of apoptosis, confluent and acteoside treated groups (4.3 and 4.5%, respectively) were generated less than serum starvation group (21.8%). In case of ROS, serum starvation group was induced a significantly higher than other groups. After synchronization of the donor cell cycle, either confluent or acteoside treated, cells were placed with enucleated in vivo-matured dog oocytes, fused by electric stimulation, activated, and transferred into naturally estrus-synchronized surrogates. Fusion and cleavage rate of acteoside treated group were 64.1 and 41.5%, which were higher than those of confluent group (53.9 and 20.6%, respectively). The reconstructed embryo development rates to 4-cell and 8-cell in acteoside treated group were 29.5 and 14.8%, respectively, while confluent group showed 11.1 and 3.2%, respectively. Total 54 SCNT embryos using acteoside-treated fibroblasts were transferred into oviducts of 2 recipient dogs and one recipient finally delivered one puppy, whereas din`t detected pregnancy on transfer of cloned embryos reconstructed with confluent cells in 6 surrogate dogs. In conclusion, the results of the current study demonstrated that canine fibroblasts could be successfully arrested at the G0/G1 stage with reduced the formation of ROS and apoptosis after acteoside treatment. This results may contribute to improve the effi-ciency of canine SCNT. * This research was supported by iPET (Grants 110056-3), Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea.
본 연구는 공여 세포의 종류, 수핵 난자의 유래 및 수란 산양 발정 동기화 조건이 복제 산양 생산에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 실시되었다. 공여 세포는 귀 유래 섬유아세포를 분리 배양하여 사용하였으며, 체내 성숙 난자는 성숙한 미경산 재래 산양에 과배란을 유기하여 외과적인 방법으로 난관 관류를 통해 회수하였으며, 배란이 되지 않은 난포란은 난포로부터 흡입 채취한 후, 22시간 동안 체외 성숙을 실시하여 사용하였다. 핵이식은 zona drilling 후,
This study was conducted to investigate the developmental ability of caprine embryos after somatic cell interspecies nuclear transfer. Donor cells were obtained from an ear-skin biopsy of a caprine, digested with 0.25% trypsin-EDTA in PBS, and primary fibroblast cultures were established in TCM-199 with 10% FBS. After maturation, expanded cumulus cells were removed by vigorous pipetting in the presence of 0.3% hyaluronidase. The matured oocytes were dipped in D-PBS plus 10% FBS+7.5 ㎍/ml cytochalasin B and 0.05 M sucrose. The reconstructed oocytes were electrically fused with donor cells in 0.3 M mannitol fusion medium. After the electofusion, embryos were activated by electric stimulation. Interspecies nuclear transfer embryos with bovine cytoplasts were cultured in TCM-199 medium supplemented with 10% FBS including bovine oviduct epithelial cells for 7∼9 day. On the other hand, the NT embryos with porcine cytoplasts were cultured in NCSU-23 medium supplemented with 10% FBS for 6∼8 day at 39℃, 5% CO₂ in air. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate was 36.8% in confluence and 43.8% in serum starvation. The developmental rate of morula- and blastocyst-stage embryos was 0.0% in confluence and 18.8% in serum starvation. In caprine-porcine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate was 76.7% in confluence and 66.7% in serum starvation. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos was 3.3% in confluence and 3.0% in serum starvation, and no significant difference was observed in synchronization treatment between donor cells. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the cleavage(2-cell) rate of cultured donor cells was 30.8% and 17.6% in 5∼9 and 10∼14 passage(P<0.05). The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were significantly higher(P<0.05) in 5∼9 passage(23.1%) than in 10∼14 passage(0.0%) of cultured donor cells. In caprine-porcine NT embryos, the cleavage rate was significantly higher(P<0.05) in 5∼9 passage(86.7%) than in 10∼14 passage(50.0%) of cultured donor cells. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were 3.3 and 0.0% in 5∼9 and 10∼14와 passage of cultured donor cells. In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were 22.6% in interspecies nuclear transfer, 33.9% in in vitro fertilization and 28.1% in parthenotes, which was no significant differed. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos with caprine-porcine NT embryos were lower(P<0.05) in interspecies nuclear transfer(5.1%) than in vitro fertiltzation(26.9%) and parthenotes(37.4%).
Cryopreservation is an effective method for the long-term storage of fish sperm. However, because of a lack of methods for cryopreserving fish eggs and embryos, a technical challenge remains in preserving maternally inherited cytoplasmic compartments. Here, we aimed to generate functional eggs and sperm in sterile rainbow trout hatchlings by transplanting cryopreserved ovarian germ cells into the peritoneal cavity. Immature ovaries were isolated from 9-month-old transgenic rainbow trout, whose ovarian germ cells expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP), and cryopreservation was optimized by testing several different cryoprotective agents. Dominant orange-colored, pvasa-Gfp transgenic rainbow trout females served as donors, and wild-type triploid rainbow trout served as germ cell recipients. Viability and transplantation efficiencies of frozen ovarian germ cells were stable for up to 1,185 days. Ovarian germ cells frozen for 8months efficiently differentiated into eggs and sperm in the ovaries and testes of recipient fish. Inseminating the resultant eggs and sperm generated viable offspring displaying the donor phenotypes (orange body color, green fluorescence, XX ovaries, and matching karyotype). This study represents the first success in generating functional gametes from cryopreserved female germ cells in any fish species, which should facilitate the conservation of protogynous fishes, female heterogametic fish, and currently endangered fish.