본 연구에서는 선박용 엔진을 활용하여 E2, E3 사이클 시험 결과로부터 연료 내 황 함유량 변화에 따른 대기오염물질 배출 특성을 조사하였다. 테스트를 위해 사용된 엔진은 360 PS의 엔진(Doosan L126TIH engine)을 활용하였고, 동력계로는 Horiba-Schenck사의 400㎾급 동력계인 W400을 사용하였다. 엔진에서 발생되는 대기오염물질 계측을 위해서는 오스트리아 AVL사의 FTIR과 SPC 장비를 배기라인 후단에 장착해서 사용하였다. 실험 결과로는 E2, E3 사이클 모두에서 연료 내 황 함유량이 증가할수록 THC와 CO의 단위 출력 당 배출량은 감소하고 입자상물질은 증가하였다. 연료의 황 함유량이 증가할수록 동점도가 증가되어 엔진의 연료소모율이 좋아지는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 본 연구에 사용된 엔진의 경우 연료 분사압력이 일정한 상태에서 동점도 증가에 따른 분무입자의 평균입경이 커짐에 따른 연소 상태가 개선되었기 때문이라 생각되어진다. 질소산화물의 경우 이번 연구에서는 황함유량의 변화에도 배출량에서는 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다.
In this study, the loading rates (or emission rate) and concentrations of air pollutants (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10 and TSP)) emitted from a naturally ventilated dairy facility were analyzed and compared to enable a better understanding that are in close proximity to each other, air pollution status. In general, the pollution patterns should be similar in measurement sites that are in close proximity to each other, and this hypothesis was fundamental to our approach in this study. For the comparison in nearby different sites, monitoring points were located at inside (source site) and outside the dairy building (ambient site), and concentrations and wind velocity were simultaneously monitored in real time. The patterns of PM2.5 emission rate and loading rate were similar in the source site and the ambient site which was consist with the hypothesis, while the PM2.5 mass concentration were not similar in both sites. As well as PM2.5, the emission rates (source site) of gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were highly correlated to their loading rates (ambient site), while the concentrations of CO2 and N2O were not similar. Therefore, wind velocity, which is included in the emission or loading rate, should be simultaneously monitored with the concentration at the same measurement points for better understanding of the air pollution status.
In this study, gasification experiments were conducted using high calorific waste by measuring flue gas and gaseous pollutant composition. The feedstock used in this experiment was collected from industrial wastes and had a heating value more than 5,000 kcal/kg as well as low moisture and ash contents. Experiments were conducted at 1,200°C temperature by changing equivalent ratios (ERs) to find out an optimum condition for syngas production. Results showed that at ER 0.3, the highest syngas composition (around 81%) was obtained in flue gas. In this study, gas pollutant was sampled in cold absorbent by following Korean air pollutant standard sampling method. Later, sampled solutions were analyzed by IC (Ion Chromatography) to find out gaseous pollutant concentration. Usually, after gas cleanup system, all of the gaseous pollutants are removed by wet scrubber and catalyst reactor. However, in this study, due to gaseous pollutants removed by wet scrubber, the removal efficiency of gaseous pollutants showed lower performance compared with other catalyst clean up system. Thus, it is advisable to install a cleaning unit to deal with tar and soot.
This study was conducted to evaluate the emission characteristics of air pollutants from incineration facilities in Jeollanam-do. We selected 8 incineration facilities depend on type and the 19 items such as dust etc. were measured at the measurement hole for emission gas from air contamination control units. The range of emission concentrations for dust was 2.8 ~ 20.9 mg/Sm3 less than permissible air discharge standards. The results of 10 gaseous contaminants such as SOx was less than permissible air discharge standards. The range of emission concentrations for NOx was 13.4 ~ 120.0 ppm, less than permissible air discharge standards. As G facility was 112.4 ppm, 120.0 ppm, it exceeded emission standard (100 ppm) twice. The range of emission concentrations for HCl was ND ~ 85.300 ppm, B Facilitiy exceeded emission standard (20 ppm) as 85.300 ppm. The range of emission concentrations for NH3 was ND ~ 76.333 ppm, A, D, H Facility exceeded emission standard (30 ppm). The concentration of each facility was 42.416 ppm, 62.930 ppm, 76.333 ppm. The results of heavy metals (5 items) showed within emission standards. G facility is operating in condition that input of urea is 100 L/day. If input of urea were changed to 50 ~ 75 L/day, the operating cost of air pollution prevention facility can be reduced by 25% ~ 50%. In this study, the correlation between urea input and nitrogen oxides was statistically significant, but the correlation between urea input and ammonia showed insignificantly. Our research attempts to evaluate the emission characteristics of air pollutants from incineration facilities and to institute a reduction plan, an effective management of incinerators.
This study attempted to find an optimum operation codition for co-incineration of food waste and industrial wastes, focusing on injection position and rate. As the result of analysis, during injection of food waste incineration facilities, atmospheric pollutant standard satisfied all requirement. However when injected into the primary combustion chamber, the dioxin exceeded emission standard. This result has been determined that contaminants generated as processing the more amount (150 ton/day) than the designed capacity (72 ton/day) emitted and exceeded not completely removed from the control facilities.
This study was carried out to investigate the emissions of the air pollutants from the automobile in Suwon city. To estimate emissions due to by automobile the data of express highway and the national road used an observation traffic volume, and the other roads used a method by Vehicle kilometer traveled(VKT). In the emissions due to by automobile from Suwon city, CO was highest 36,290.4 ton/year, NOx at 19,392.1 tons, HC 5,095.4 tons and PM 2,788.7 tons was highly order. SOx emissions in the whole Suwon city by fuel types was investigated with 178ton/year from the Diesel motorcar, 26.9 ton/year and 6.2 ton/year from the gasolines and LPG automobiles, respectively. VOC emissions from the automobile was investigated with 366.4 ton/year (29.22%) from Gwonseon-gu, 329.2 ton/year (26.25%) Yeongtong-gu, 319.9 ton/year (25.51%) Jangan-gu, 238.6 ton/year (19.03%) Paldal-gu.
Currently, portable equipment for recycling of waste asphalt concrete (ASCON) has been used. However, any air pollution control devices are not attached in the simple portable one. Thus, a lot of air pollutants have been produced from recycling processes of waste ASCON which resulted from aging of paved roads or repavement of roads. This study deals with a preliminary result of concentration analysis of air pollutants obtained from a pilot and a real recycling processes of waste ASCON using simple portable recycling equipment. Air pollutants were taken from 4 steps of the pilot recycling process including an initial heating by liquid petroleum gas (LPG), intermediate heating and melting (H&M) process, final H&M process, and pavement processes using recycled ASCON at the recycling site. Also, air pollutants were taken front 4 steps of the real recycling processes including an initial H&M, final H&M and mixing, loading of recycled ASCON to dump trucks, and at the recycling site after leaving the loaded dump trucks for real pavement sites. The air pollutants measured in this study include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes, particulate matter (PM: PM1, PM2.5, PM7, PM10, TSP (total suspended particulate)). The identified concentrations of VOCs increased with increasing time or degree for H&M of waste ASCON. In particular, very high concentrations of the VOCs at the status of complete melting, which is exposed to the air, of the waste ASCON just before paving tv the recycled ASCON at the recycling site. Also, considerable amount of VOCs were identified from the recycling equipment after the dump trucks leaded by recycled ASCON leaved the recycling site for the pavement sites. The relative level of formaldehyde exceeded 80% of the aldehydes Identified in the recycling processes. This is because the waste ASCON is exposed to direct flame of LPG during H&M processes. The PM concentrations measured in the winter recycling processes, such as the loading and rotation processes of waste ASCON into/in the recycling equipment for H&M, were much higher than those in the summer ones. In particular, the concentrations of coarse particles such as PM7 and PM10 during the winter recycling were very high as compared those during the summer one.
Urban air quality is usually worse than that of rural counterpart. The contrasting atmospheric properties seem to be direct result of different urban-rural air pollutant emission. Hence, the emission estimation of air pollutants plays an important role to the atmospheric environmental management.
The main purpose of this study is to find out the temporal and spatial distribution of air pollutant emission in Daegu area.
For the study, the Daegu statistical yearbook and data of waste facilities and the report on traffic survey issued by Daegu metropolitan city and the statistical yearbook on the road capacity issued by the ministry of construction and transportation are used. Each item for the emission estimation is SO2, CO, HC, NOx, PM-10 from point, line and area source. The result were as follow;
(1) The air pollutants with the highest amount of emission from the emission source is CO fllowed by NOx, SO2, PM-10, HC in descending order of magnitude.
(2) The annually totaled air pollutant emission consists of 81%(73,185 ton/year) of line, 11%(9,589% ton/year) of area and 8%(7,445 ton/year) of point source in Daegu. Air polluant emission was mainly due to line sources.
(3) High-emission of the air pollutants of line source appeared ariond Bukgu, Dalseonggun, Dongu and Seogu ; the areas with highway networks.
This study identified concentrations of air pollutants emitted from idling of vehicles such as cars, taxis, trucks, and buses. In this investigation we analyzed concentrations of SO2, NOx, CO, and CO2 emitted from exhaust pipe of vehicles as a function of vehicle type, mileage, exhaust volume, and fuel type using the GreenLine.
Compact or light cars, which have relatively low exhaust volume, showed much higher exhaust concentrations of SO2, CO, and NOx than those emitted from vehicles with high exhaust volume. Vehicles using light oil showed much higher exhaust NOx concentrations than those of vehicles using gasoline. Vehicles using LPG and compact cars showed very high exhaust CO concentration compared to other vehicles. NOx exhaust concentrations were increased with increasing the mileage of vehicles.
This study is to find out the emission estimation in Kimhae area. For this purpose, the Kimhae statistical yearbook and data of waste facilities issued by Kimhae city and the report on energy census issued by the ministry of trade, industry and energy are used. Each item for the emission estimation is SO_2, CO, HC, NOx, TSP from point, line, area sources. The results were as follows;
The air pollutants with the highest amount of emission from the emission sources is CO followed by NOx, SO_2, TSP, HC in descending order of magnitude. The emission consists of 66.15% of line, 24.65% of area and 9.20% of point sources at Kimhae.