Recently, the nuclear decommissioning and environmental restoration industries has significantly attracted as a new industry field due to the decision to decommission the KORI#1 and WOLSONG #1 nuclear power plant. In order to dispose of the decommissioning radioactive wastes generated during nuclear decommissioning, proper analysis is required, and disposal decisions are determined based on the analysis results. When dismantling a nuclear power plant, a few thousand of tons decommissioning waste are produced, so these require analysis for proper disposal. Therefore, a radionuclide facility for decommissioning waste analysis is essential for the disposal of the large quantities of decommissioning waste generated during nuclear power plant decommissioning. Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning (KRID) was established radionuclide analysis facilities to address above issues and support nuclear power plant decommissioning projects. The plan is to perform classification by type and radionuclide for all waste produced during nuclear power plant decommissioning and to support the disposal of radioactive wastes. In addition, we plan to establish validation methods for samples where verification methods are not established, in order to conduct efficient analysis and management. In this presentation, we will introduce the radionuclide facility currently under construction at KRID and present the space design, equipment layout, and utilization plans.
The remote dismantling system proposed in this paper is a system that performs the actual dismantling process using the process and program predefined in the digital manufacturing system. The key to the successful applying this remote dismantling system is how to overcome the problem of the difference between the digital mockup and the actual dismantling site. In the case of nuclear facility decommissioning, compensation between the virtual world and the real world is difficult due to harsh environments such as unsophisticated dismantling sites, radiation, and underwater, while offline programming can be proposed as a solution for other industries due to its sophisticated and controllable environment. In this paper, the problem caused by the difference in the digital mockup is overcome through three steps of acquisition of 3D point cloud in radiation and underwater environment, refraction correction, and 3D registration. The 3D point cloud is acquired with a 3D scanner originally developed in our laboratory to achieve 1 kGy of radiation resistance and water resistance. Refraction correction processes the 3D point cloud acquired underwater so that the processed 3D point cloud represents the actual position of the scanned object. 3D registration creates a transformation matrix that can transform a digital mockup of the virtual world into the actual location of a scanned object at the dismantling site. The proposed remote dismantling system is verified through various cutting experiments. In the experiments, the cutting test object has a shape similar to the reactor upper internals and is made of the same material as the reactor upper internals. The 105 successful experiments demonstrate that the proposed remote dismantling system successfully solved the key problem presented in this paper.
본 연구는 도시공간 유형별 특징을 구분하고 각 유형별 적용가능한 녹화시설을 도출하기 위해 도시의 대표적인 공간을 선정하고 형태적 특징 분석을 실시하였다. 이를 위해 서울시 용도지역별 형태적 특징을 잘 나타낼 수 있는 지역을 선정하고 각 지역을 형태적 특성에 따라 구분하였다. 구분된 도시공간 유형별로 주거, 상업, 공업, 공공시설, 교통, 공원 시설에 대한 구조 분석을 실시 하였다. 또한 이를 기반으로 하여 각 공간별로 녹화시설에 대한 적용 가능성을 도출하였다. 그 결과, 도시 공간을 형태적 특징에 따라 도시외곽, 일반도시, 도심, 도심코어로 구분하였으며, 도 시외곽지역과 일반도시지역은 용도에 따라 주거, 상업, 공업으로 구분되고 도심지역은 주거와 상업으로 구분되고 도심코어지역은 혼합용도로 구분할 수 있었다. 각 공간별로 시설요소를 분석 한 결과 건축물의 형태와 밀도에 따라 공간에 대한 형태적 특징을 구분할 수 있었다. 또한 공간별 로 녹화시설의 적용 가능성을 분석한 결과 공간적 특성인 밀도에 따라 녹화시설의 적용 가능성과 효율성이 구분되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 변화되고 있는 도시의 형태와 다양해지고 있는 녹화시설의 기술에 맞는 도시공간별 녹화기준을 마련하는데 기여할 것으로 판단된다.
We consider a wafer lot transfer/release planning problem from semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities to probing facilities with the objective of minimizing the deviation of workload and total tardiness of customers’ orders. Due to the complexity of the considered problem, we propose a two-level hierarchical production planning method for the lot transfer problem between two parallel facilities to obtain an executable production plan and schedule. In the higher level, the solution for the reduced mathematical model with Lagrangian relaxation method can be regarded as a coarse good lot transfer/release plan with daily time bucket, and discrete-event simulation is performed to obtain detailed lot processing schedules at the machines with a priority- rule-based scheduling method and the lot transfer/release plan is evaluated in the lower level. To evaluate the performance of the suggested planning method, we provide computational tests on the problems obtained from a set of real data and additional test scenarios in which the several levels of variations are added in the customers’ demands. Results of computational tests showed that the proposed lot transfer/planning architecture generates executable plans within acceptable computational time in the real factories and the total tardiness of orders can be reduced more effectively by using more sophisticated lot transfer methods, such as considering the due date and ready times of lots associated the same order with the mathematical formulation. The proposed method may be implemented for the problem of job assignment in back-end process such as the assignment of chips to be tested from assembly facilities to final test facilities. Also, the proposed method can be improved by considering the sequence dependent setup in the probing facilities.
The demand for facility used in producing multi-products is changed dynamically for discrete and finite time periods. The excess or the shortage for facility is occurred according to difference of the facility capacity size and demand for facility through given time periods. The shortage facility is met through the outsourcing production. The excess facility cost is considered for the periods that the facility capacity is greater than the demand for the facility, and the outsourcing production cost is considered for the periods that the demand for facility is greater than the facility capacity. This paper addresses to determine the facility capacity size, outsourcing production products and amount that minimizes the sum of the facility capacity cost, the excess facility cost and the outsourcing production cost. The characteristics of the optimal solution are analyzed, and an algorithm applying them is developed. A numerical example is shown to explain the problem.
본 연구는 해양치유시설의 계획기준을 마련하는 연구로서 해양치유시설의 주요 계획항목인 입지선정, 환경계획, 공간계획을 대상으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 해양치유시설 특성을 살펴보고 해양치유시설계획의 기초가 되는 치유자원과 치유요법을 조사하며 해양치유시설 관련 해외기준을 분석한다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 해양치유시설의 입지선정, 환경계획, 공간계획을 위한 기준을 제시한다. 연구결과 입지선정기준으로는 해안선에서 1km 이내 거리에 위치하고 오염물질 배출시설이 없으며 더위체감지수와 체감온도가 연중 80%이상 ‘주의’ 이하로 유지되는 곳으로 한다. 환경계획기준에서 수질은 국내기준 혹은 ISO 17680 기준 가운데 가장 엄격한 기준으로 하고 공기의 질은 「환경정책기본법」의 대기환경기준치의 60% 수준으로 하며 공기 중 SO2, NO2, O3, PM10 농도는 연간기준초과횟수를 EU기준에 맞도록 하고 소음은 주간 50dB 이하, 야간 40dB 이하로 한다. 공간계획기준은 공간의 특성에 따라 「건축법」의 기준, 건축계획실무기준, 국제기준을 따르도록 한다.
오늘날 공동주택단지는 주거환경 수준의 향상과 주거 라이프 스타일의 변화, 이웃 간의 교류, 여가생활 증대, 건강에 대한 관심증대 등 다양한 사회문화적 현상으로 인해 변화되고 있다. 주거환경의 변화로 외부공간에 대한 필요성이 높아지고 있다. 공동주택단지 외부공간은 공동주택의 주거형태 특성상 이웃과의 교제가 부족한 환경과 단위주호 내에서 해결할 수 없는 문제점 등을 해결할 수 있으며 사회적 관계 증진과 공동체 의식 함양을 이끌 수 있는 중요한 공간이다. 이에 본 연구는 서울에 위치한 최근 완공된 공동주택단지를 대상으로 외부공간을 운동시설, 휴게시설, 놀이시설, 조경시설, 위생시설로 구 분하여 사례조사 하였으며 주민들의 커뮤니티시설로서 공간계획특성 및 디자인특성을 분석하였다. 조사결과에 따르면 운동시설의 경우 다양한 종류의 시설이 계획되어있는 반면 놀이시설이나 휴게시설은 단지별 차이가 없이 획일적인 형태로 계획되어 있어 거주자의 다양한 특성이 고려되어 있지 않았다. 특히 각 기능별 시설이 독립적으로 배치된 경우가 많아 복합적인 커뮤니티 공간으로서 거주자들의 교류를 도모할 수 있는 배치계획이 부족한 것으로 조사되어 서로 연계성 있게 계획 할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 이웃과의 활발한 소통을 위한 공동주택단지 외부공간의 계획시 디자인 기초자료로 제공될 수 있을 것이다.
The objective of public works planning is being converted from economic growth to sustainable development. So, the demand for considering social & ecological influences as well as economic components had been increased in evaluation of public works planning. In evaluation of public works, its components related with benefit and cost in feasibility analysis can be classified to qualitative and qualitative elements. Qualitative elements are evaluated by qualitative methods which can manage various items, be commonly applied nationwide, and consider elements that can be calculated numerically such as environments, willingness, etc. In this study, using the concept of 'Information measure', a method to design planning of rural works is proposed. 'Information benefit model' for rural works can evaluate present plan in the side of provider's and demander's 'benefit'. And, optimizing method of rural works by 'Information benefit' can simulate present state and optimize the site and route of rural works.