
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Visual inspection is regarded as one of the critical activities for quality control in a manufacturing company. it is thus important to improve the performance of detecting a defective part or product. There are three probable working modes for visual inspection: fully automatic (by automatic machines), fully manual (by human operators), and semi-automatic (by collaboration between human operators and automatic machines). Most of the current studies on visual inspection have been focused on the improvement of automatic detection performance by developing a better automatic machine using computer vision technologies. However, there are still a range of situations where human operators should conduct visual inspection with/without automatic machines. In this situation, human operators’performance of visual inspection is significant to the successful quality control. However, visual inspection of components assembled into a mobile camera module belongs to those situations. This study aims to investigate human performance issues in visual inspection of the components, paying more attention to human errors. For this, Abstraction Hierarchy-based work domain modeling method was applied to examine a range of direct or indirect factors related to human errors and their relationships in the visual inspection of the components. Although this study was conducted in the context of manufacturing mobile camera modules, the proposed method would be easily generalized into other industries.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오염된 식품으로부터 바이러스를 효과적으로 검출하기 위해서는 식품에 부착된 바이러스를 효과적으로 elute시키는 것이 결정적으로 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 채소류에 공통적으로 적용할 수 있는 elution용액을 찾기 위해 폴리오 바이러스를 인위적으로 오염시킨 1가지 엽채류 (깻잎) 와 3가지 근채류 (당근, 양파, 무) 로부터 바이러스 회수율을 조사한 후, 최적의 바이러스 회수조건을 찾기 위해 기보고된 상추와 양배추의 회수율을 함께 분석하였다. 바이러스의 회수율은 식품의 matrix와 사용된 elution용액의 종류에 따라 차이가 컸으나 0.25M threonine / 0.3M NaCl (pH 9.5) 또는 0.25M glycine / 0.14M NaCl (pH 9.5)을 사용하였을 때 6가지 채소 중 5가지로부터 폴리오바이러스를 효과적으로 elute 할 수 있었다. 0.25M threonine / 0.3M NaCl (pH 9.5)를 노로바이러스 검출에 적용해 본 결과 근채류인 당근보다 엽채류인 깻잎으로부터 노로바이러스 GII를 더 잘 검출할 수 있었다. 이 같은 공통 elution용액을 사용할 경우 다양한 종류의 채소류에 오염된 노로바이러스를 포함한 소화기바이러스의 검출을 용이하게 해 줄 것이다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smoking is a risk factor for oral leukoplakia and oral cancer, as well as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases and many other systemic diseases. Smoking is considered increasing factor of some oral diseases involved indigenous bacteria. In addition, a relationship between smoking and infection of Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is associated with oropharyngeal cancer, remains unclear. The aim of this study is to assess whether smoking has an impact on increase of bacteria inducing oral disease such as dental caries and periodontitis, and HPV infection. DNA of saliva gathered from smokers and non-smokers, consisted of men and women, was analyzed using PCR. Oral disease-causing bacteria were more detected in men smokers than men non-smokers and HPV was most found in women non-smokers. Taken together, this study suggests smoking is related with variation of oral microorganism existence in some way.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        rt is well known that glycosaminoglycans are 01' fllndamental importance to the processes 01' morphogenesis and cytodifferentiati on dllring the teeth development , With HlD-TCH-SP(High - iron diamine-thiocarbohydrazide-silvel protcinntc) , s lllfatcd glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin sulfate and heparan slllfate have been localized a t the III trastrllctural level i n a wide variety of tlssues The pmpose of this stlldy were to examine slllfated glycosaminoglycan at llltrastrllctllral level fo 1' the phase of morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation of hllma n fetal tooth germs, and to detect the protein expression of slllfated glycosaminoglycan by immunoslot blot Human tooth gerll1s fl'Oll1 the a lveolar bone of twenty still born fetuses we1'e fixed in a mixtllre of 2% gllltaraldehyde/1% forma ldehyde, The 미 t 1'athin sections were stained witb HID-TCH-SP and were treated with 0, 05% solution of t esticular hyaluronidase to identify the histochemical properties 01' tbe HID-TCH-SP stain deposits , For semi quantitative protein assay , immllnoslot blot was done Sulfated glycocongugated deposits were localized in DEJ, peri tubular dentin , and mantle dentin matrix‘ enamel prism sheath , interrod area , and enamel matnx Heparan sll l띠 te deposits i n DEJ resisted to testicular hyalllronidase treatment prior to HID-TCH-SP staining, Immunoslot blot s howed that• chondroitin sulfate was detected higher in enamel and dentin extract, while heparan sulfate was relatively expressed in enamel and dentin extract, but rarely expressed in enamel or dentin extract It suggest ecl that chonclroi tin and hepa ran slllfate woulcl play an important role in the formation of DEJ, while chondroitin sulfate would in the clevelopll1ent of enamel prism sheath, enamel matrix, and mantle 01' peritublllar clentin of human fetal tooth germs,
        2013.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, a robot vision technique is presented to detect obstacles, particularly approaching humans, in the images acquired by a mobile robot that autonomously navigates in a narrow building corridor. A single low-cost color camera is attached to the robot, and a trapezoidal area is set as a region of interest (ROI) in front of the robot in the camera image. The lower parts of a human such as feet and legs are first detected in the ROI from their appearances in real time as the distance between the robot and the human becomes smaller. Then, the human detection is confirmed by detecting his/her face within a small search region specified above the part detected in the trapezoidal ROI. To increase the credibility of detection, a final decision about human detection is made when a face is detected in two consecutive image frames. We tested the proposed method using images of various people in corridor scenes, and could get promising results. This method can be used for a vision-guided mobile robot to make a detour for avoiding collision with a human during its indoor navigation.