
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 하절기 ‘매향’ 딸기 자묘의 삽목 번식에 적 절한 관수 방법을 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 딸기 자묘의 삽수는 24구 딸기 전용 포트(24구, 60 × 34 × 10cm) 에 상업용 혼합 상토(Tosilee)를 이용하여 삽목하고, 반 밀폐형 소형비닐터널에 위치시켰다. 각각의 반 밀폐형 소형터널의 처리는 다음과 같이 처리했다; 대조구(무처 리), 두상관수(하루 두 번), 매트관수(하루 두 번), 그리 고 안개관수(8:00시부터 18:00시까지 30분 온/오프 설정). 딸기 자묘는 반 밀폐형 소형터널 내에서 8일 동안 발근을 하였고, 그 이후 플라스틱 필름을 제거 하였다. 삽목 후 61일째에 초장, 근장, 1차 근수, 엽병장, 엽장, 엽폭, 크라운 직경, 엽록소 값, 엽면적, 지상부와 지하부의 생 체중 및 건물중을 측정하였다. 터널 내의 하루 평균 상 대습도는 각각 안개관수, 두상관수, 매트관수, 대조구순 으로 72.5, 56.3, 45.8, 그리고 29%를 나타냈다. 그러나 공기온도는 모든 처리에서 유사하였다. 딸기 자묘의 4일 째와 8일째 발근율은 두상관수와 안개관수 처리에서 유 의적으로 높았다. 초장, 엽병장, 크라운 직경, 엽면적은 두상관수와 안개관수 처리에서 높은 값을 나타냈다. 게다가 지상부의 생체중 및 건물중은 다른 처리에 비해 두상관수와 안개관수 처리에서 무거웠다. 지하부의 건물 중은 안개관수 처리에서 유의적으로 무거웠다. 하지만 근장, 1차 근수, 엽록소 값, 지하부의 생체중은 모든 처 리구에서 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 결과적으로, ‘매향’ 딸기의 삽목 번식 시 생육과 발근율은 두상관수 와 안개관수 처리에서 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of the study is to assess the water quality improvement resulted from the rearrangement ofthe irrigation water supply systems at Mankyeong River Basin in Korea. There is a mixed type of watershed composed of urban and rural areas in the region. When the current intake of irrigation water installed at the Eo-u weir is moved downward to the confluence of Jeon-ju stream, it was expected that the water quality of main stream could be significantly improved
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정식기에 의한 플러그묘 정식시 최적활착을 나타내는 관수량, 진압상태 등을 구명하여 관련정식기 개발과 최적 생육관리를 위한 기초자료를 획득하고자 기초시험과 포장실험을 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 작물별 정식 성공률은 정식호퍼 크기별로는 유의성이 없으며, 작물의 초장과 관련이 크며, 반자동 정식기의 최대 정식가능초장은 30cm, 최적초장은 28cm 이내로 조사되었으며, 고추와 배추 공히 정식시 관수 작업을 실시하려면 큰 규격의 호퍼가 적당할 것으로 판단되었다. 2. 정식 후 10일이 지난 상태에서 플러그묘의 생존율은 토양수분에 의한 영향이 크며, 고추의 경우 15%이상의 토양수분에서는 98%이상의 생존율을 보였고, 배추의 경우 16% 이상의 토양수분에서는 96% 이상의 생존율을 나타내었다. 그러나 고추와 배추를 심은 토양이 거의 완전 건조한 상태인 3.8%, 3.1% 각각의 토양수분에 대하여 15%와 14%의 생존율을 나타내었다. 따라서 토양수분 18% 이상에서는 정식시 관수가 필요 없고, 13%에서는 50cc 이상 관수가 필요하며, 토양의 수분이 3.8%이하일 때는 100cc 이상 초기관수 후 3일 내에 재관수가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다. 3. 좌우진압, 전후좌우진압의 생존율 차이는 없었으므로 현재의 반자동정식기 진압방식(좌우진압)의 개선은 필요하지 않았다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The main ingredients of bed soil specialized for ginseng, which is often used in cultivation of young ginseng, are peat moss, vermiculite and cocopeat. These ingredients are imported from overseas countries because they are not produced in Korea, and thus play an important role in pricing of the bed soil. The bed soil products show satisfactory ability to retain moisture but, are known to require different containers and water management methods depending on the components of the soil and the crops to be cultivated. However, proper studies on cultivation of young ginseng in greenhouses are yet to be conducted, and research data on water management methods and irrigation amount for box culture of young ginseng are largely unavailable. Methods and Results : To establish the proper method of irrigation for cultivation of young ginseng, young ginseng were cultivated while providing water once a week through the method of drip irrigation and the method that combines drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. To establish the proper amount of water required, each box is provided with 2 ℓ, 3 ℓ and 4 ℓ of water respectively and the growth and development of both above and below aerial parts were examined after 45 days. The growth and development of both above and below aerial parts of young ginseng did not show any statistically significant differences between the two irrigation methods but, the young ginseng provided with water through the method that combines drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation showed a relatively superior growth. Conclusion : Based on the above results, the proper method of irrigation for greenhouse cultivation of young ginseng is to combine the sprinkler irrigation - before budding - and the drip irrigation - after budding. The young ginseng showed the most satisfactory growth when provided with 4 ℓ water once a week, while those provided with less water – 2 ℓ - showed poor growth. For short-term cultivation of 45 days, the growth and development of young ginseng showed little difference regardless of the irrigation methods and the amount of water provided.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Green house hydroponic ginseng in the production cycle is shorter than the open field cultivation growers and attention. In particular, this part of the Aerial is a study on the active ingredients and contents. Ginseng has been focused on the past producing soil cultivation, producing hydroponic ginseng aerial part is known to have a high content of ginsenosides, and the active ingredient. Irrigation method, the culture soil and nutrient management are the impacts associated with the product's performance on ginseng growth. Ginseng growth stage is divided into five stages: emergence, foliation, root elongation, root enlargement and defoliation. because ginseng requires a water adjustment for each growth stage. It has been trying to control bottom surface irrigation and nutrient concentrations. Methods and Results : Ginseng seedling has been used for experiments to screen a healthy seedling of around 0.8g. Each of the seedling transplanted box was water supplied to the timer and the individual nozzle was 4ℓ amount per hour. All growth measures and sampling was carried out four times a seedling transplantation from 30 to 120 days. Soil sampling each time was a chemical analysis. In addition, the plant was used to analyze the ginsenosides. Conclusion : 12 of total ginsenosides ingredients were highest in the aerial part is 90 days, total ginsenosides of the 10 components in the root part was the highest in 30 days. The results were different this ginsenosides content from time to time, there were differences with previous reports. Results are shown to be due to the difference in the cultivation method and environment.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to measure the effect of PE film mulching and irrigation methods on the growth, yield and antioxidant activity of potatoes tubers, in order to examine the possibility of cultivating potatoes in winter season in vinyl greenhouse on the reclaimed tidal land with weak ground inside the sea wall currently completed. The test was conducted on the sandy loam soil (Munpo series), and its salt concentration was 0.42% at the time of planting. The emergence speed per kind of PE film mulching was in the order of black > coloration > transparent > green color, with the black color showing the fastest speed. The temperature change during a day per kind of PE film mulching was in the order of transparent > coloration > green > black color. As for the salt concentration in the soil for each different way of water management, the salt concentration in the treatment of drip irrigation with 1 week interval was lower than that drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. As for the growth of above-aerial part, plant length was higher, number of tiller and leaves were more and dry weight of above-aerial part was larger in the treatment of drip irrigaton with 1 week interval than drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. As for the yield of potatoes depending on were higher with pear color vinyl treatment. each way of water management, the yield in the treatment of drip irrigation with 1 week interval was more than drip irrigation with 2 weeks interval. The yield for each different kind of PE film mulching in the weekly drip-irrigation management section was in the order of transparent ≥ black ≥ coloration ≥ green color. In both of total phenol content and DPPH free radical activity experiments, the content and activity
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        농업용수 회귀율을 조사하기 위하여 2003년 관개기 동안 많은 실측을 수행하였다. 본 연구지역은 경상남도 창녕군에 위치한 대암양수장 유역일원이다. 관개용수를 공급하기위하여 건설된 대암 양수장 유역 내 논에 대하여 물수지분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구지역에서의 일 강우량 자료를 수집하였으며, 또한 관개율, 배수율, 침투 및 증발산을 실측하였다. 관개량과 배수량은 기록형수위계(GTDL-L10)를 설치하여 관계기 동안 지속적으로 관측하였다 침투 및 증발산은 직경