This study explores the integration of ChatGPT, OpenAI’s conversational AI, into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms at Korean universities, focusing on student interactions and language learning strategy preferences. It categorises interactions using the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Strategic Self-Regulation (S2R) frameworks to evaluate the pedagogical effectiveness of AIassisted learning. Ninety-nine university students participated in training sessions with ChatGPT prompts tailored to different learning strategies. Data were collected through surveys, chat transcripts, and qualitative feedback. Results indicate frequent student interactions with ChatGPT, averaging 4.49 strategies in initial training chats. Compensatory strategies like error correction and adaptive difficulty received high ratings, while social strategies were rated lowest. Metacognitive strategies, especially planning and summarising, were also well-received. The study concludes that ChatGPT supports diverse learning strategies, enhancing linguistic competence and promoting self-regulated learning. However, limitations such as AI accuracy and authenticity issues highlight the need for continued human interaction in language education.
This is a case study of tandem learning using a metaverse platform in a Vietnamese-Korean language course. It aimed to explore more efficient foreign language teaching methods beyond traditional approaches. To achieve this, the study provides an in-depth look at the course structure that incorporated tandem learning, the interactions between learners on the metaverse platform, and survey results reflecting their learning experiences and perceptions of this particular approach. This study is significant in that it provided a new learning environment using the metaverse, enabling more active participation from learners. It also integrated the tandem learning method, which allows learners to actively participate in the mutual language acquisition process as both target language learners and as instructors or experts of the partner’s target language. Furthermore, the study is meaningful for its specific attempt to design tandem learning classes using the metaverse, particularly for Vietnamese-Korean classes.
본 연구는 한국어 학습자들이 자신들의 언어학습 신념이 그들의 전반 적인 언어학습과 새로운 환경에 적응하는 것에 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 찾기 위함이 목적이다. 여섯 명의 한국대학교에 재학 중인 외국인 유학 생들을 대상으로 그들의 언어학습 신념에 대한 인터뷰가 진행되었다. Horwitz의 BALLI 문항을 기반으로 한 반구조적 인터뷰가 진행되었으며, 그들의 답변은 외국어 능력, 언어학습의 어려움, 언어학습의 본성, 학습 과 소통전략, 동기와 기대 등의 주제를 기반으로 비슷한 패턴을 보이는 항목별로 구분되어졌다. 연구 결과는 외국인 유학생들은 그들의 한국어 실력이 향상될수록 자신감을 가졌으며, 그들은 문화에 대한 학습이 언어 학습에 중요한 부분이라는 것을 인지했다. 또한, 가장 효과적인 학습법은 실제적인 상황과 사람들과 어울리는 것을 꼽았으며, 그들은 대학 졸업 이후에도 한국에 남아 있기를 희망했다.
The study aims to understand personal changes experienced through Korean language learning and the significance of these changes to members of the new Korean Language and Culture Community by examining the life histories of foreign graduate students majoring in Korean language education and Korean literature. To this end, six Vietnamese students who are studying at a graduate school specializing in Korean language participated in this study and their life histories were examined, focusing on the development of their identities. The analysis focused on the (re)construction of identity in the learning processes of participants and showed that participants achieved complex identity development by learning and using Korean in various formal and informal contexts. In this study, changes were described in terms of improving Korean language skills, changing the self-image during early adulthood, and personal growth.
The forms and demands of language learning are changing in the pandemic era. Learners no longer rely solely on a formal language curriculum. Instead, they are using various informal language learning (ILL) channels. Although informal language learning has been in the spotlight and is growing, more research on ILL is needed. In this study, ILL taking place through an online community was analyzed. Articles from the Korean learning community (r/Korean in Reddit) were collected, and the topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, was conducted on the collected data. As a result, seven major topics were selected. The most common topics in all posts were issues faced by beginner learners, followed by vocabulary and sentence meanings, interest in Chinese characters and applications of Korean language skills, culture and daily life, translation, online learning materials, and Korean phonics. Through this, the interests of ILL learners and the characteristics of learners could be identified. Due to the nature of ILL, in which a formal curriculum does not exist, it was found that questions about general strategies for learning and questions that could not be solved in formal language education were most prominent. In addition, the characteristics of ILL learners who actively sought learning content and materials were also found.
오늘날 해외 선교지와 국내 이주민 선교 현장에서 한국어 학습자가 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 이주민 선교는 유형별로 선교전략을 달리하여 접근해야 한다. 국내 외국인 유학생들은 초기 정착과정에서 한국어 공부에 대한 필요가 크다. 한국어 공부는 선교의 좋은 접촉점이 되지만 큰 수요에 비해 선교를 위한 한국어 교재개발과 공급이 매우 절실한 상황이다. 선교목적 한국어 교재개발은 학습자인 외국인 유학생, 한국 인 교사, 성경과 일반 내용을 융합한 텍스트와 유학생들의 삶과 학업 현장의 상황을 고려해야 한다. 이를 토대로 한국의 유학생 전도용 한국어 공부 교재로 개발한 본 연구자의 졸고 『세계관 한글공부』 교재를 분석했다. 한국 유학생인 학습자 상황, 세계관 연구방법과 한국어 교육을 접목한 특징, 내용과 구성을 중심으로 교재를 분석하고, 유학생 선교현장에서 교재를 활용한 선교적 적용 및 활용 방안을 제시하였다.
The purpose of study was to investigate university students’ attitudes towards English language learning apps and examine whether there is any significant difference in their attitudes depending on their personal variables such as their gender, major, grade, nationality, and so on. This study also explored students’ perceptions of English language learning apps that they have used. Participants were college students living in Korea and China. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and an interview. Results showed that both Korean and Chinese students generally held positive attitudes towards English language learning apps, although Chinese students showed more positive attitudes than Koreans. The main reasons that they liked to use English language learning apps were their convenience, ubiquity, and rich resources. On the other hands, it was revealed that the lack of communication and feedback was the main problem of using such apps. Both Korean and Chinese students stated that it was an effective way to use English language learning apps to practice pronunciation, vocabulary, listening, and reading skills. Findings of this research suggest that English language learning apps should be developed to inspire users/students’ learning interest and foster learner autonomy.
본고에서는 외국어로서의 한국어 교육에서 한자 어휘 교육이 효과적으로 이루 어질 수 있도록, 학습 내용 및 그 수준과 범위의 실질적인 근거를 제시하기 위해 성취기준을 개발하였다. 영역은 한자, 한자어, 한자성어 3개로 나누었고 급별은 기 본과 심화로 구분하였다. 일반적인 성취기준의 개발 원리에 입각하여 진술하였고 영역 간에는 일정한 연계를, 급별 간에는 일정한 위계를 가질 수 있도록 하였다. 성취기준의 내용이 실제적인 교수․학습 및 평가의 지침으로 기능할 수 있고 아 울러 교재에서 성취기준이 구현될 수 있도록 하였다. 교육과정, 성취기준 등은 고 정불변의 것이 아니다. 대상 학생, 교수․학습 현장의 특성 등에 따라서 적절한 변화, 재구성이 필요할 것이다. 본고의 논의가 추후 완정하게 개발될 성취기준에 일조할 수 있기를 기대한다.
The purpose of this study is to figure out the relationship between the procedure of learning Korean and adaptation of Chinese students in universities in Korea. The research questions are set up as follows. First of all, How do Chinese students learn Korean? Additionally, How have Chinese students adapted to Korean society as their Korean has improved? To answer these research questions, this study used semi-constructed interviews following a qualitative method Twenty Chinese students participated in the study. Participants were placed on high, middle, and low level of Korean fluency by Korean fluency test scores. The data for this study included transcriptions from interviews and field notes. Transcriptions were from audiotape recorded interview sessions in data collection. We received research consent forms from all participants and used pseudonym to protect their privacy. This study employed grounded theory method The way of open-coding, axial-coding and selective coding were used in the study. To improve the reliability of the study, triangulation data analysis was used We compared the results of the coding to field notes by the co-researchers, and returned to the participants for double-checking through content analysis. 59 In the findings, first, the procedure of learning Korean was difference between students majoring in Korean and other Chinese students. Second, their improvement in Korean fluency after they came to Korea was related to the memorizing of an increasing amount of vocabulary which was concerned with the unique Korean culture and society. Third, as Chinese students improved in their Korean fluency, they became less stressed about Korean culture. Conclusively, it is necessary to distinguish Korean instruction between students majoring in Korean and others because of the difference in the procedure of learning Korean. In order to improve Chinese students' Korean fluency, Korean instruction should consider more sociocultural friendly learning materials.
With the emergence of sociolinguistic approach in second language learning, instructors have begun to acknowledge the native language (L1) as a legitimate tool with the potential to facilitate second language (L2) learning mainly in output-based tasks. This study focuses on how the use of L1 by L2 learners affects their task achievement. Two communicative tasks were used, and tasks were carried out by 32 high school students in L2 only, or in L1 and L2 during group test sessions held on different days. Tape-recorded transcripts of learners when performing the tasks, interviews, and questionnaires were collected and analysed to investigate effect on the use of L1. The findings suggest that during performing the tasks, learners used their L1 to complete their tasks for a variety of functions. Through the L1, they explained and negotiated the task each other, or checked their understanding or compared answers to the task against their peers. To allow the learners to use of their L1 was even more effective than to urge them to use L2 only in a foreign language class using task. Further investigation indicates that, if one of goals of output-based introduction is considered as the successful completion of the task, the learners’ use of L1 may be beneficial to attain the goal when performing completely in L2 is impossible or beyond the learners’ linguistic ability.