
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Drago Galić (1907-1992) has been acknowledged as one of most important modern Croatia architects of the 20th century and noted for his controversial apartment buildings at 35-35a and 43-43a blocks on Vukovar Street in Zagreb, Croatia. Although the two housings were highly regarded as the best examples of the post-war housing design in Croatia, a plagiarism controversy arose due to its similar exterior looks to Le Corbusier’s Unité d'Habitation in Marseille in 1952. This research intends to comparatively analyze architectural features implemented on the works of apartment of Drago Galić and Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation. The analysis focuses on architectural characteristics categorized in three parts: unit plan, community space, and unit combinations. The site survey was carried out to yield more useful information for the analysis. During this process, written and photographic documentations are collected for the further interpretation. In addition, scale drawings are reconstructed for the in-depth analysis of the project.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through the 20th century architectural theory of rational thinking and the principles according to the statement of the firm, Le Corbusier's early works by analyzing the language of architecture, including his architectural concepts and helps the understanding of modern architecture. Masters of modern architecture as a place among the works of Le Corbusier in the 1920s, ‘Le Corbusier’s White Period’ homes to target by age, and that his initial concept of the formation process of clarifying, further the construction of his golden age will be the key to understand. I selected housings from Maison Citrohan to villa Savoye, the category of architectural elements by considering the development process, he examines developments of the concept of modern architectural space. In analysis process, First of all, I am focused on between each element in the development process to review and explicate the integration process. The advent of the machine which he lived, because of its incredible potential reorganization of human society, as well as to celebrate the start of a new lifestyle. His architectural language of the times in the machinism could achieve progress and modern art, which is a new interpretation of the natural world.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is an attempt to prove a relationship between Le Corbusier's utopian attitude towards nature and architectural ideology and ideology by a form of inquiry into sociological interests. That is to find out contradictions and limitations in Le Corbusier's architectural world, namely particularity of his ideology by exploring the base entangled with special interests in the society up until formation of his architectural language. A process of this study is by; 1. Examining of background which affected Le Corbusier's attitude towards nature until the nature became his architectural language; 2. An analysis of Le Corbusier's architectural works. That is, this study's main interest is on formation of Le Corbusier's architectural language by his attitude towards nature which present in residential field especially focused on Villa Meyer and Villa Savoye, two best examples of his villa. 3. This study have a goal to investigate that utopian and ideological conception in architecture of Le Corbusier have a dialectic relationship between them. This goal can be achieved by observing in what ways Le Corbusier's utopian attitude towards nature is expressed in residential architectural language and researching into his inconsistent architectural ideology derived from applying architectural language present in villa to pre-fabricated apartment houses.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study starts from a recognition that the architecture is based on the process demanded by substantial needs as well as pure theoretical logic system. So this study aims at proposing another point of view differentiating process and principle of architecture from pure theoretical logic system in the creative process of the Governor's Palace by analyzing drawings in chronological order. Even though the Governor's Palace had not been built because of discord between authorities of India and Le Corbusier, it is undoubtedly one of the best proposals which contains very concepts and ideas of later Le Corbusier's architectural intentions. In the first design stage, overall conception of the building was carried out in the sketches and drawings till Jan, 1954 and in the second stage, the elaboration of the project was pursued till Mar. 1995. The scheme tends to begin too large and general in character, becoming tighter and more complex under pressure from the client and adjustments required by the design process itself. For example, scale reduction, division and development of internal circulation system and applying his early 'Five Points'. So new solutions are searched by oscillating between compromise modifications and radically different solutions in contracting the first ideas. From all these, it is concluded that the early doctrine (Five Points) are adjusted and extended towards another stage by the use of restricted pilotis, the concept of fenetre en longueur transformed into a sub stricture of facade, sustained concept of le plan libre, les toits jardins extended towards concept of the urban area. And these formal intentions of the Governor's Place has been carried through other contemporary projects like Mill Owner's Association in 1954 and Villa Shodan in 1952.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is about Le Corbusier's early years of loarning and training at La Chaux-de-Fonds. It is an attempt to show how Le Corbusier's groundwork was laid which characterize his work throughout the life. Charles Edouard Jeanneret was trained as a watch engraver and wished to be a painter. C. L'Eplattenier was to play a decisive role in shaping the young introspective boy's future. He encouraged Jeanneret's habit of the close study and observation of nature. Jeanneret was not the product of an established school, but instead made the unusual choice of educating himself. He found two indispensible sources of inspiration in study the past and in contemplating nature. His four years of self-education consisted of extensive reading, summer travels and winter layovers in larger cities-Vienna, Paris, Berlin-while sketching in museums or apprenticing local architects-Pellet, Behrens-. All these impressions then blended together to become part of a comprehensive source book of knowledge and imagination of the later Le Corbusier. A largely self-taught man, he never stopped making notes, drawing and writing, always aspiring to a clearer understanding of the meaning and underlying principles of objects and architecture. Jeanneret's five villas in La Chaux-de-Fonds are barometers which show the sequences of his development and change as an architect. In 1917, being thirty, he uprooted himself from his hometown to get a wider range of opportunities and moved to Paris. By that time Jeanneret was almost ready to blossom into Le Corbusier It was during this formative years of his life that Le Corbusier established the working method, mind-set and philosophical basis that determined the course of an architect in the making.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study on the site of vision in the Villa Savoye of Le Corbusier, concentrates on the precise analysis of the meaning of 'fenetre on longueur' in the living room. A lots of architectural theorists have regarded the Villa Savoye of Le Corbusier as a symbol of modern architecture, and his 'fenetre on longueur' as products of modern technology. But Le Corbusier who defined himself as 'homme visuel', responded keenly to the vision conditions inherent to the human finitude, Indifferent to the modern technology, Such a response would be derived from the experience of Acropolis, where 'the scheme was designed to be seen from a distance.' Generally speaking, 'fenetre en longueur', contra to 'porte-fenetre', makes one to focus on the panorama effect of the horizon, including a distant view. Entering the living room of Villa Savoye, however, we may perceive this window in two ways. Firstly this window acts as a screen to obstruct not to see outside, because of the wall above pressing down the line of view. Secondly this acts as a frame to make us see a distant view as far as eye can reach. These two ways result in the abbreviation of near view, and a sudden shift between a inferiority(derived from 'screen effect') and a distant view(from 'frame effect'). Depending on such a observation, this study can evaluate 'fenetre en longueur' internalizing of a distant view as the highest compressed scene of Le Corbusier's architectural poetics.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Le Corbusier had developed the Modulor replacing the Regulating Lines in the 1930's and 1940's. The lines can not produce lyrical ideas or creational concept but make plastic dimension pure only to keep in balance. First, the Grid of Proportions was developed and then the Modulor 1. The Modulor originated in one square, double square, the two golden means added or subtracted, the place of the right angle, human dimension, the Fibonacci series and divided Red series and Blue series. He developed the Modulor 2 for a reconciliation between the foot-and-inch system and the metre. As Corbusier devoted himself to a social and industrial problem, he was sure that a transcendental universality be in cosmos including a human being. His dream was to creat a orderly and harmonious utopia. What intrinsic harmony between Cosmos, nature and a human being be realized by mathematic order was the reason he hinted himself to the proportion.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cette etude vise a trouver I'intention originelle de Le Corbusier(1887-1968) dans les Maisons Jaoul a Neuilly-sur-Seine (1951-1955). En general, on regarde ces maisons comme no autre architecture do Le Corbusier ou un des oeuvres do Brutalisme International. Mais, en consideration du developpement architectural de Le Corbusier, les Maisons Jaoul a ete we des deux realisations de la maison economique en serie que Le Corbusier a etudiee pour la vie: l'un a ete l'Unite d'Habitation a Marseille(1947-1952) pour la cite verticale en serie et l'autre les Maisons Jaoul pour une cite horizontale en serie. Pourtant, ces maisons ne sont pas parfaites pour l'homme. Selon Marie Jaoul qui est une petite-fille d'Andre Jaoul, Le Corbusier a prefere l'harmonie entre la nature et l'architecture plutot qu'entre l'homme et l'architecture.