Climate change has severely impacted food security and agricultural productivity in Africa. The scarcity of rains and the severe drought affecting the Sub-Saharan and the horn of Africa have impoverished the soil, and water resources, and have caused the death of livestock in countries like Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, and etc. On the other hand, the usage of chemical fertilizers for soil and crop nutrients is becoming an economic and environmental burden for African farmers. Thus, the necessity to implement sustainable agricultural technics to maintain and improve soil fertility by applying natural nutrients obtained from livestock manure while livestock is fed with crop residues in a single agricultural area. Although this farming system offers environmental and economic benefits to farmers, particularly in the rural and semi-urban areas, its implementation is very low in Africa because of: 1) constant migration of herders in the search of green pasture for livestock, making the collection of manure difficult, 2) religious and traditional beliefs considering animal waste as not being pure to be applied on crops, 3) conflicts between herders and farmers over the control of water resources and arable lands, making the cohabitation of livestock and crops in one farmland unlikely, and 4) the habit of crop residues burning, which is not just harmful to the environment but also a waste of natural livestock fed. Based on the reviewed literature, the Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) plans to develop and implement an integrated crop-livestock project in KAFACI member countries with the mission 1) to diffuse the importance of using natural nutrients for improving soil fertility and enhancing crop and livestock productivity in Africa, 2) to train researchers and farmers on new technologies for manure treatments, 3) to demonstrate the benefits of using livestock manure for soil fertility, crops nutrients, while using crop residues as livestock nutrients, and 4) contribute to enhancing sustainable agriculture in Africa through the reduction of greenhouse gas by reducing livestock’s waste and crop residues burning.
오늘날 우리가 소비하는 축산물, 즉 소고기, 돼지고기, 닭고기 등은 대부분 공장식 축산방법으로 사육되었다 해도 과언이 아니다. 공장식 축산이란 공장에서 동일한 규격의 제품을 대량으로 찍어내듯이, 비용을 최대한 절감하는 표준화된 방법으로 가축을 사육하여 고기를 대량 공급하는 시스템이다.안전한 축산물 소비를 위해서는 가축의 도살이후 식탁에 오르기까지의 위생환경도 중요하지만 그 이전에 적절한 사육환경 조성이 선행되어야 한다. 그러나 축산 농가는 소득증대를 위해 이것을 무시하며 대량공급 달성에 열을 올리고 있다. 즉 활동하기조차 매우 비좁은 공간에서 항생제를 대량으로 먹여가며 빠른 시간 내에 살을 찌워 우리에게 공급하는 것이다. 이런 축산물은 우리 건강에 장래 어떤 영향을 줄 것인가?, 그리고 그에 대한 근본적 책임은 누구에게 있는 것일까?공장식 축산의 내용인 ‘단위면적당 가축사육기준’은 축산법 시행령에 규정되어 있다. 2013년 2월부터 축산법상 사육규제를 강화하였지만, 이 기준은 예전과 비교하여 크게 달라진 바가 없다. 그리고 여전히 사육업자가 이 기준을 준수하도록 하기 위한 행정제재의 실효성에도 한계를 가지고 있다. 이 글에서는 공장식 축산방법으로 사육된 축산물과 이를 소비한 국민의 생명 ․ 건강상의 위해 간에는 직접적인 관련성이 있음을 전제로 하였다. 즉 국가가 설정한 ‘단위면적당 적정사육기준’이 사육업자의 부적절한 사육환경을 유발시키고 있다는 점을 근거로 하여 국가의 안전보호의무 위반에 대한 책임을 논하였다.
Khori(高麗) refers to the Chaabog(reindeer) that live on lichens(蘚) on Mt. Soyon(鮮) in which pastures are the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia. Thus, the origin region of the Khori or Koguryo that are the ancestors of the reindeer-herding pastoral noma
The status of probiotics is increasing worldwide and the range of application of probiotics is also being extended to the livestock industry. The use of probiotics in the swine industry aims to improve animal health and productivity by forming a healthy gut microbiota. Intensive pig breeding, a common breeding method in modern society, causes physiological stress in pigs, resulting in imbalance of the intestinal microbiota and dysfunction of the intestinal barrier. We conducted a scientific research on the properties of probiotics for multi-strain probiotics (MSP) and observed the economic benefits and efficiency of culturing MSP through a self-cultivation system in livestock. Initially, we observed alteration occurred by MSP application in the gut microbiota of pig. MSP were characterized to have resistance to digestive juices such as gastric acid and bile, followed by colonization in the target organ, the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT). In addition, MSP was also confirmed to have antibacterial ability against pathogenicity that most frequently infected in the swine industry and showed low resistance to antibiotics which means guaranteed stability when added to feed. The growth rate of probiotics in the optimized medium used in the self-cultivation system was suitable for efficiently and economically culturing and feeding pigs with high concentrations of probiotics, considering the ingredient price and the growth efficiency. We observed the significant alteration of gut microbiota of pig by application of MSP. Importantly, the MSP supplementation significantly increased the beneficial bacteria genus of Bifidobacterium that confer a health benefit to the host in pig GIT, whereas decreased the number of harmful bacteria including coliforms. In addition, MSP influenced on the uniformity of gut microbiota at both of sow and weaning pigs. Taken together, the application of MSP with high concentration of probiotics using self-cultivation system may critically improve the pig health by regulation intestinal microbiota.
This study aimed to assess the impact of livestock excreta discharged from an Intensive Livestock Farming Area (ILFA) on river water quality during a rainfall event. The Bangcho River, which is one of the 7 tributaries in the Cheongmi River watershed, was the study site. The Cheongmi River watershed is the second largest area for livestock excreta discharge in Korea. Our results clearly showed that, during the rainfall event, the water quality of the Bangcho River was severely deteriorated due to the COD, NH4-N, T-N, PO4-P, T-P, and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, and Mn) in the run-off from nearby farmlands, where the soil comprised composted manure and unmanaged livestock excreta. In addition, stable isotope analysis revealed that most of nitrogen (NH4-N and NO3-N) in the run-off was from the ammonium and nitrate in the livestock excreta. The values of δ15NNH4 and δ15NNO3 for the Bangcho River water sample, which was obtained from the downstream of mixing zone for run-off water, were lower than those for the run-off water. This indicates that there were other nitrogen sources upstream river in the river. It was assumed from δ15NNH4 and δ15NNO3 stable isotope analyses that these other nitrogen sources were naturally occurring soil nitrogen, nitrogen from chemical fertilizers, sewage, and livestock excreta. Therefore, the use of physicochemical characteristics and nitrogen stable isotopes in the water quality impact assessment enabled more effective analysis of nitrogen pollution from an ILFA during rainfall events.
Theoretically, it is said that economies of scope can be realized in the cropelivestock cycling organic farming. Thus, it is also used as the principle of organic farming. However, it is difficult to find the cases of the empirical analysis of it in Korea. In that sense, this study is meaningful in that it analyzed the agricultural data of case farms of obtaining the approval of both organic agricultural products and organic animal products and practicing cycling farming for 4 years and tested the hypothesis. This study measured economies of scope by using the actual measurement value and estimation value farming performance statistics for 4 years of case farms. This farmhouse conducted nutrient cycling in the farm like selfmanufacturing and injecting organic agricultural byproduct and wild grass as organic livestock feed and fermenting organic livestock manure to organic compost to return it 100%. The results can be summarized as follows: According to the result of cycling farming of combining and producing organic agriculture and organic livestock, economies of scope were found to be realized in this case farmhouse. That is, although not strong, EOS>0, there were economies of scope. The measurement value appeared as 0.0722, 0.00378, 0.04667 and 0.13127 in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively. It was improved as time passes and the scale gets smaller. Therefore, in order to further improve economies of scope, there should be measures of reducing duplication costs between agriculture-livestock as low as possible and lowering the production cost of organic feed. That is, there is a need for the management strategy to adjust the import function and cost function according to the change in management paradigm and cropping system.
The test was carried out at a test field at the Wanju Eco-Farming Complex from 2009 to 2010 to figure out the proper application of fertilizers when growing rice at the EcoFarming Complex. The result showed that when compared to the basal application of compost as fertilizer, applying supplementary compost after natural re-seeding of chinese milk vetch (CM씨 helped balance soìl nutrìtìon and maìntained rice yields.