
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power generation is expected to be enlarged for domestic electricity supply based on the 10th Basic Plan of Long-Term Electricity Supply and Demand. However, the issues on the disposal of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste has not been solved. KBS-3 concept of the deep geological disposal and pyroprocessing has been investigated as options for disposal and treatment way of spent nuclear fuel. In other way, the radionuclide management process with 6 scenarios are devised combining chlorination treatment and alternative disposal methods for the efficient disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Various scenarios will be considered and comprehensively optimized by evaluation on many aspects, such as waste quantity, radiotoxicity, economy and so on. Level 0 to 4 were identified with the specialized nuclide groups: Level 0 (NFBC, Hull), Level 1 (Long-lived, volatile nuclides), Level 2 (High heat emitting nuclides), Level 3 (TRU/RE), Level 4 (U). The 6 options (Op.1 to 6) were proposed with the differences between scenarios, for examples, phase types of wastes, the isolated nuclide groups, chlorination process sequences. Op.1 adopts Level 0 and 1 to separate I, Tc, Se, C, Cs nuclides which are major concerns for long-term disposal through heat treatment. The rest of spent nuclear fuel will be disposed as oxide form itself. Op.2 contains Sr separation process using chlorination by MgCl2 and precipitation by K2CO3to alleviate the burden of heat after heat treatment process. U/TRU/RE will be remained and disposed in oxide form. Op.3 is set to pyroprocessing as reference method, but residual TRU/RE chlroides after electrorefining will be recovered as precipitates by K3PO4. Op.4 introduces NH4Cl to chlorinate TRU/RE from oxides after Op.2 applied and precipitates them. TRU/RE/Sr will be simultaneously chlorinated by NH4Cl without MgCl2 in Op.5. Then, chlorinated Sr and TRU/RE groups will be separated by post-chlorination process for disposal. But, chlorinated Sr and TRU/RE are designed not to be divided in disposal steps in Op.6. In this study, the mass flow analysis of radionuclide management process scenarios with updated process variables are performed. The amount and composition of wastes by types will be addressed in detail.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea government decided to shut down Kori-1 and Wolsung-1 nuclear power plants (NPPs) in 2017 and 2019, respectively, and their decommissioning plans are underway. Decommissioning of a NPP generates various types of radioactive wastes such as concrete, metal, liquid, plastic, paper, and clothe. Among the various radioactive wastes, we focused on radioactive-combustible waste due to its large amount (10,000–40,000 drums/NPP) and environmental issues. Incineration has been the traditional way to minimize volume of combustible waste, however, it is no longer available for this amount of waste. Accordingly, an alternative technique is required which can accomplish both high volume reduction and low emission of carbon dioxide. Recently, KAERI proposed a new decontamination process for volume reduction of radioactivecombustible waste generated during operation and decommissioning of NPPs. This thermochemical process operates via serial steps of carbonization-chlorination-solidification. The key function of the thermochemical decontamination process is to selectively recover and solidify radioactive metals so that radioactivity of the decontaminated carbon meets the release criteria. In this work, a preliminary version of mass flow diagram of the thermochemical decontamination process was established for representative wastes. Mass balance of each step was calculated based on physical and chemical properties of each constituent atoms. The mass flow diagram provides a platform to organize experimental results leading to key information of the process such as the final decontamination factor and radioactivity of each product.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concentrations of odor and volatile organic compound (VOC)-inducing substances were measured using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometers (SIFT-MS). SIFT-MS can continuously measure the concentration of odor-causing substances and VOCs in real time without pre-treatment steps. Measurements were conducted during the day and at night at 10 spots in the chemical block of the Sihwa industrial complex. Similar measurement results were observed in the daytime and nighttime for materials except methyl ethyl ketone with high concentrations. A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide was also measured at night. It is expected that an amount of emissions of VOCs and odor-causing substances under the absence of inspection can be traced if measured at other industrial complexes in vulnerable times.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this theoretical study, a design and performance analysis theory of a micro flowrate and high pressure air-compressor is developed. The governing equations are from the gas state equation and fluid dynamic theories because the working fluid in the air compressor is in a gas phase. A case study was conducted to design a reciprocating type of air compressor which the target performance was 0.6liter/min in the volume flowrate with 5atg in air pressure at 1,600rpm rotational speed. Geometrical size of the model air compressor designed is 10mm in stroke, 20mm in bore with 4.79 compression ratio. From the performance analysis of the model compressor, it was found that the air volume flowrate produced was 0.6liter/min with 5.81atg in pressure. The design theory of a micro-size high-pressure air compressor developed in this study is expected to be very useful design tools in NANO technology industry.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        열수지 경류센서에 의한 멜론의 흡수량 측정오차는 최저 0.3%에서 최대 31.8% 범위 내에 있었으며, 일사량 20MJ.m-2 .d-1에서는 오차가 적었으나 일사량이 이보다 많아지면 많아질수록 센서측정 경류량이 실측양액 소비량보다 적어지는 경향이었고 일사량이 적어질수록 센서측정 경류량이 실측양액 소비량보다 많아지는 경향이었다. 센서간의 오차는 최저 0.1%에서 최대 13.0%의 오차율을 보였다. 열수지센서측정 경류량은 일사량이나 온도와 고도의 부의 상관관계를 보였다. 그러므로 이를 이용 보정계수를 산출하면 보다 정확한 멜론의 경류량을 측정할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.