고품질, 고기능성 조 생산을 위한 파종시기를 설정하고자 조 품종 및 파종시기에 따른 이화학 특성과 항산화 특성을 분석하였다. 황금조의 단백질 함량은 1~3차에서, 삼다메는 1차에서 높았으며, 황금조의 탄수화물 함량은 4~5차에서, 삼다메는 5차에서 높게 나타났다. 황금조의 명도와 황색도는 파종시기가 늦어질수록 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 삼다메는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 적색도는 전반적으로 파종시기가 늦어질수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 조의 팽윤력은 대체적으로 파종시기가 늦어질수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 품종 및 파종시기에 따른 조의 총 폴리페놀 함량은 황금조와 삼다메에서 각각 298.68~315.13 및 288.84~297.73 mg GAE/100 g으로 황금조는 파종시기가 늦어질수록 감소하는 경향을 보였고, 삼다메는 2~3차 파종에서 높게 나타났다. 전반적으로 총 폴리페놀 함량은 1~3차 파종 시료에서 유의적으로 높은 함량을 보였다. 품종 및 파종시기에 따른 조의 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성은 황금조와 삼다메에서 각각 104.70~126.89 및 111.75~136.92 mg TE/100 g, ABTS 라디칼 소거활성은 각각 88.69~114.64 및 69.80~100.09 mg TE/100 g으로 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 이상의 결과, 품종과 재배시기에 따라 폴리페놀 성분의 함량과 라디칼 소거활성이 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타나, 조의 품종과 재배지역을 고려하여 적정 파종시기를 설정할 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다.
To select the forage millet variety suitable for cultivation in the reclaimed tideland, forage and feed value compared for 16 millet cultivars grown at the Saemangyem reclaimed tideland, Korea, from April to August in 2014-2015. In order to select barnyard millet for forage that substitute rice, a total of 16 germplasm were collected, including germplasm in retained by the Rudal Development Administration’s Agricultural Genetic Resources Center, and domestic and foreign germplasm which other researches were retaining in Korea. Out of the 16 germplasm, including Jeju barnyard grass (JBG), were initially selected which are late-heading, long plant height, wide leaves, seed shatter-resistant, and with high dry forage yield in Saemangyem reclaimed tideland. The highest fresh weight and dry weight of barnyard millet were 78.4 ton ha-1, and 21.1ton ha-1 in transplanting May 10. The content of proline was the highest in JBG and IT153610 variety. Total phenol contents were the highest in JBG and the lowest in PI183332 variety, but very high in yield ability were selected; JBG was selected.
본 시험은 제주도에서 재배되고 있는 제주재래 등 총 6품종을 공시하여 피 품종 간의 생초 및 건물수량과 사료가치 등을 조사 분석하여 간척지에서 최적 사료용 피 품종 선발을 위한 기초 자료를 얻기 위해 충청남도 당진군에 소재한 대호간척지에서 1년간 수행하였다. 출현율은 겸용인 Summer green 품종이 95.0%로 가장 높았다. 생초 및 건물수량은 Summer green 품종ol 각각 21,444kg/ha와 5,296.5kg/ha으로 가장 높았다. 조
In this study, we investigated the disease, insect damage, growth, and yield characteristics of sorghum and foxtail millet in an organic paddy-upland rotation system at Anseong-si Gyeonggi province, Korea, in 2016. Seven varieties of sorghum and foxtail millet are used in this study. A rotational upland field and continuously cropped upland field were compared in order to establish an optimum cultural method and to select the best sorghum and foxtail varieties for a paddy-upland rotation system. The incidence rate of major diseases was higher for sorghum than for foxtail millet. Moktaksusu (22.8%) had the highest incidence rate among sorghum varieties. Hwanggeumchal (7.0%) had the highest incidence rate among foxtail millet varieties. DS202 (89.3%) was the most severely damaged by Ostrinia furnacalis larva, which is the main pest of sorghum and maize. The weed numbers, and the weed fresh and dry weights were lower in the rotational upland field than in the continuously cropped upland field. Futhermore, the number of weed plants decreased by 42% and the dry weight of weeds decreased by 33% in the rotational upland field compared to the continuously cropped upland field. The culm length of sorghum and foxtail millet were 7.9 cm, and 3.4 cm longer, respectively, in the rotational upland field than in the continuously cropped upland field. The average yield of sorghum per 10 a increased by 90% in the rotational upland field compared to continuously cropped upland field. However, there was no significant difference between the rotational upland field and the continuously cropped upland field for foxtail millet. The most suitable varieties for a paddy-upland rotation system were judged to be Hwanggeumchal, Donganmae, and DS202 for sorghum, and Samdachal, Samdamae, Dahwangmae for foxtail millet.
Background : This study was conducted to investigate the antioxidant activities and anticancer effect in 80% ethanol extract from foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) varieties. Methods and Results : These extracts were evaluated for contents of total polyphenol and antioxidant activities using DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities. In concentration of 1000 ㎍/㎖, total polyphenol contents of foxtail millet, proso millet and sorghum were 7.68 - 12.74 ㎍․GAE/㎖, 13.01 - 14.79 ㎍․GAE/㎖ and 48.24 - 62.33 ㎍․GAE/㎖, respectively. Sorghum extracts showed strong radical scavenging activity comparable to well-known antioxidant, trolox. Anticancer effect was evaluated for MTT assay using AGS human gastric cancer cells. All extracts decreased growth of AGS cancer cells. Foxtail millet extracts were decreased about 40% of cell viability in all concentrations. Sorghum extracts were decreased cell viability, concentration dependent manner. Especially, Donganme extract (one of the sorghum variety) was the highest anti cancer effect under AGS cancer cells. Conclusion : Based on these results, millet and sorghum has potential health promoting bioactive compounds as functional food.