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        검색결과 5

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the use of shared kickboards rapidly increases, personal mobility (PM)-related accidents are frequently occurring. These accidents are mainly caused by careless behavior, which is typically indicated by neglecting to wear a helmet, speeding, signal violation, or illegal driving owing to incorrect driving methods. This type of user behavior increases the risk of accidents; for this reason, there is an urgent need to prepare effective measures for the safe use of shared kickboards. To reduce PM accidents, this study proposes a charging model that promotes the safe behavior of shared kickboard users. The core aim of this model is to persuade users to comply voluntarily with safety rules through incentives and penalties. Specifically, by providing a discount rate when wearing a helmet, the user is encouraged to wear a helmet, whereas in the event of an accident, a penalty is imposed to emphasize the disadvantages that occur when the safety rules are violated. This incentive structure is expected to contribute to the development of safer driving habits among shared-kickboard users. To verify the effectiveness of this charging model, simulations and user surveys were conducted in parallel. It was found that the user’s safety behavior improved, and the incidence of accidents decreased considerably. This confirmed that the proposed charging model not only reduced accidents but also naturally formed a safe driving culture for users. The shared key proposed in this study can benefit the operating company, and policymakers can contribute in the future by sharing key issues that are expected to play an important role in presentation and punishment, and provide a new paradigm for sharing key paradigms.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to provide a basis for the molecular mechanism underlying the pharmacological action of ethanol. We studied the effects of 1-propanol on the location of n-(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid or stearic acid (n-AS) within the phospholipids of synaptosomal plasma membrane vesicles (SPMV). The SPMV were isolated from the bovine cerebral cortex and liposomes of total lipids (SPMVTL) and phospholipids (SPMVPL). 1-Propanol increased the rotational mobility of inner hydrocarbons, while decreasing the mobility of membrane interface, in native and model membranes. The degree of rotational mobility varied with the number of carbon atoms at positions 16, 12, 9, 6 and 2 in the aliphatic chain of phospholipids in the neuronal and model membranes. The sensitivity of increasing or decreasing rotational mobility of hydrocarbon interior or surface by 1-propanol varied with the neuronal and model membranes in the following order: SPMV, SPMVPL and SPMVTL.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To provide a basis for studying the pharmacological actions of tetracaine HCl, we analyzed the membrane activities of this local anesthetic. The n-(9-anthroyloxy) stearic and palmitic acid (n-AS) probes (n = 2, 6, 9, 12 and 16) have been used previously to examine fluorescence polarization gradients. These probes can report the environment at a graded series of depths from the surface to the center of the membrane bilayer structure. In a dosedependent manner, tetracaine HCl decreased the anisotropies of 6-AS, 9-AS, 12-AS and 16-AP in the hydrocarbon interior of synaptosomal plasma membrane vesicles isolated from bovine cerebral cortex (SPMV), and liposomes derived from total lipids (SPMVTL) and phospholipids (SPMVPL) extracted from the SPMV. However, this compound increased the anisotropy of 2-AS at the membrane interface. The magnitude of the membrane rotational mobility reflects the carbon atom numbers of the phospholipids comprising SPMV, SPMVTL and SPMVPL and was in the order of the 16, 12, 9, 6, and 2 positions of the aliphatic chains. The sensitivity of the effects of tetracaine HCl on the rotational mobility of the hydrocarbon interior or surface region was dependent on the carbon atom numbers in the descending order 16-AP, 12-AS, 9-AS, 6-AS and 2-AS and on whether neuronal or model membranes were involved in the descending order SPMV, SPMVPL and SPMVTL.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, a number of missions have been planned and conducted worldwide on the planets such as Mars, which involves the unmanned robotic exploration with the use of rover. The rover is an important system for unmanned planetary exploration, performing the locomotion and sample collection and analysis at the exploration target of the planetary surface designated by the operator. This study investigates the development of mobility system for the rover ground model necessary to the planetary surface exploration for the benefit of future planetary exploration mission in Korea. First, the requirements for the rover mobility system are summarized and a new mechanism is proposed for a stable performance on rough terrain which consists of the passive suspension system with 8 wheeled double 4-bar linkage (DFBL), followed by the performance evaluation for the mechanism of the mobility system based on the shape design and simulation. The proposed mobility system DFBL was compared with the Rocker-Bogie suspension system of US space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration and 8 wheeled mobility system CRAB8 developed in Switzerland, using the simulation to demonstrate the superiority with respect to the stability of locomotion. On the basis of the simulation results, a general system configuration was proposed and designed for the rover manufacture.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 미국, 유럽, 일본 등 우주선진국을 중심으로 달, 화성 등 행성 탐사를 위한 로버(Rover) 시스템에 대해 많은 연구 개발이 진행되고 있다. 행성탐사용 로버 시스템 기술 중 특히 주행장치, 차율 주행 알고리즘, 탑재체 등을 중심으로 많은 연구가 수행되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 실제 행성탐사에 앞서 지상에서 로버 주행장치의 주행성 및 안정성을 평가하기 위해 지상시험모델용 로버의 주행장치에 대한 개념 설계 내용을 소개하였다. 또한, 로버 주행장치의 기술적인 관점에서 해외 연구개발 사례를 분석, 기술하였다. 이를 통해 로버 주행장치 개발을 위한 요구사항들을 주행성과 안정성 관점을 고려하여 도출하였다. 설계된 로버 주행장치는 높은 주행성과 안전성을 만족하기 위해 6족을 가지고 있으며, 각 다리의 관절을 제어하는 능동 서스펜션(Active Suspension)을 적용하였다. 이러한 종류의 주행장치 개념은 근미래 (Constellation 프로그램)에 수행될 유인달 탐사에서 이동 및 거주 장치로써 NASA의 ATHELE을 통해 처음 적용하여 개발하고 있다. 이 연구에서 제안된 장치 개념은 이와 달리 우리나라에서 앞으로 수행할 무인소형 달탐사에 적용하고자 설계되었다. 이 논문에서 소개된 내용은 향후 국내에서 행성탐사용 로버시스템을 본격적으로 개발하고자 할 때 유용한 참고자료 및 경험을 제공할 것이다.