
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hyperdiverse beetle family Carabidae is one of the largest families of Coleoptera. Nearly 10% of described carabid species are classified in the tribe Pterostichini or tribes historically closely associated with Pterostichini. Beetles in these groups are found worldwide and in habitats from ocean beaches to high-elevation glacial edges. Pterostichines are often abundant and local species richness can be exceptionally high. I will present an overview of the diversity, biogeography, and current phylogenetic arrangement of the included taxa. I will discuss some of the many amazing aspects of the group’s natural history including cases of mate marking during copulation, secondary sexual characters, mate guarding, burrow construction, maternal care for eggs and larvae, and apparent stridulatory structures. I will introduce the Australian trichosternus group and discuss the conservation status of these imperiled beetles and how fundamental taxonomic science led to gaining protection for some species. I will make the case that taxonomy has a unique role among the life sciences to explore, describe, classify, and provide an understanding of the diversity of life, at and above the species level, focusing on individual characters, and within the context of evolutionary history.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        First of all, the rise of Islamic science should be attributed to its inherent thirst for knowledge, and the internal demands by means of building external knowledge platform, which promoted Islamic science to glory. Secondly, translation movement of the Islamic civilization which combined reason with realism, made a good preparation for the research of the traditional mathematics and the experiment research of modern science. Finally, the medieval Islamic science began to discover the world and people, which became the important premise of the renaissance. Therefore, the Islamic science prepared an important channel for input and output of modern scientific knowledge, and became the hub and bridge thought ancient and modern science. Although in the fifteenth Century Islamic science declined gradually, it did provide the necessary soil for the growth of the tree of modern science. The golden age of Arabic Islamic culture came in theAbbsid Dynasty (750A.D.- 1258A.D.), when the capital city Baghdad was a flourishing international city and an academic city blending cultures from all over the world. It was a place that gathered diversified cultural models and religious thoughts. When the Arabic culture evolved, which used the Arabic as the major language, it absorbed the essences of many other cultures that greatly enriched the connotations of Arabic Islamic culture, stimulated the wisdom of the Arabic people and laid a foundation for the Abbsid Empire to create the wonderful cultural achievements in its latter part that had far-reaching influence. The medieval Islamic world, by absorbing and merging the other cultures and thanks to the strong financial support given by a few generations of caliphs to scientific researches for the sake of their own development, the Islamic science possessed the necessary elements for prosperity. Besides, the brilliant achievements made by Islamic civilization in the medieval age also helped lay a solid foundation for the modern scientific development. The thesis tries to identify the inherent correlations between the medieval Islamic thought of science and the modern thought of science.
        2001.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        근대교육기(1876∼1910) 중 1905년부터 1910년 사이는 우리 나라 교육에 대한 일제의 간섭이 가장 극심했던 시기였다. 이에 대응하여 우리 민족은 전국 단위나 지방 단위로 학회를 세웠고, 학회를 통하여 근대 교육을 실천하려는 의지를 보였다. 이 연구에서는 근대교육기에 국내에서 출판된 학회지 9종 132권을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 근대교육기에 발간된 학회지의 주요 내용은 민족의 정체성을 확립하기 위한 역사나 지리 등의 내용과 계몽적인 차원에서 서구의 정치나 경제 체제를 소개하는 글과 더불어 자연과학에 관한 논술도 상당한 비중을 차지했다는 점이다. 둘째, 과학 관련 논술을 분야별로 분석해보면 생리· 위생을 포함한 생물학 분야와 지구과학 분야가 비교적 많았다. 반면에 물리학이나 화학 분야는 아주 적었다는 특징이 나타난다. 셋째, 학회지에 게재된 지구과학 관련 논술만 분석하더라도, 대부분 같은 저자에 의해 교과서적인 기초 내용을 연재한 논술이 많이 보인다. 이러한 의미에서 학술지에 게재된 과학 관련 논술은 근대 교육기에 우리 나름의 과학 교육을 확립하기 위한 노력으로 평가된다.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The threads of this thesis are several theoretical issues of modern urban ideals. Modern architects and urban designers conceived their individual artifacts, which assumed to be laid out on the new settings totally different from the existing urban fabrics derived from inherently medieval ones. In the discussion of modern ideal society, the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment was a pivotal point. Innovations in technology and expanded living territories since the double revolution have been critical factors in the evolution of new ideas of urbanism. The tremendous success in science and technology led a way to the 'science-fiction' environment as a destined apocalyptic world. The dream, whether it was socialist or in any other believes, to a pastoral utopia beyond the capitalist society was represented through the ideal cities, which were modern versions of arcadia in the other approaches. Two sides of revolutionary ideas are presented as a futurist city and a garden city, which are on the separate notions but co-existed or overlapped in a single urban project such as in Le Corbusier urban schemes or even Tchumi's recent work, Parc de la Villette. Urban ideas in the twentieth century are based on urban naturalism, the notion of which was consistant from abbe Laugier to Le Corbusier, as well as machine aesthetics interpreted in terms of archeological research and modern technology.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        신학, 과학, 형이상학의 범주들은 서로 양립할 수 있는가? 인격적 경험의 요소를 주요 구성 내용으로 삼는 신학은 이러한 요소와 무관한 듯, 물리적 실재에 대한 진술만을 논의의 대상으로 삼는 자연과학과 어떠한 관련성을 갖고 있는가? 본 연구는 이같은 물음에 대한 대답을 시도하는 작업으로 자연과학의 신학적 형이상학의 토대를 탐구한다. 근대 과학혁명 이후 신학과 과학의 영역은 서로 양립할 수 있는 관계라기보다 상호배타적이며 대립적으로 이해되어 왔다. 그리하여 종교와 과학은 각자의 존재를 인정하지 않은 채 갈등과 반목을 되풀이하며 서로의 주장만을 강조하여 왔다. 그러나 20세기 후반 ‘비판적 실재론자들’로 불리는 이안 바버(Ian G. Barbour), 아더 피코크(Arthur Peacocke), 존 폴킹혼(John Polkinghorne)등은 신학, 자연과학, 형이상학의 통섭을 지향하여 종교와 과학의 불필요한 대립과 갈등을 해소하려고 노력하였다. 이 글은 두 가지 목적을 갖는다. 첫째 근대과학의 기계론적인 세계관은 기독교적 신념체계 및 가치와 얼마만큼 친화성을 갖는지를 밝히는 것이고, 둘째 신학과 자연과학의 매개체로서 형이상학적 추론들이 얼마만큼 설득력을 지니고 있는지를 판단해 보는 것이다. 결국 이 글은 ‘기계론적인 세계관’으로 대변되는 근대 과학혁명은 과학의 탐구에서 신학의 형이상학적 요소를 배제하지 않았으며 따라서 그것은 무신론적인 자연주의 혹은 과학적 결정론으로 귀결될 수 없고 오히려 심오한 합리성의 틀 속에서 과학과 신학의 영역을 조화로운 관계로 설정했음을 밝히고자 한다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The world is facing a serious food and energy crisis. Plant mutation breeding has played an important role in overcoming this crisis and maintaining world stability. New techniques are required to achieve faster and more effective breeding. At RIKEN, we have developed a unique technology for mutation induction by using heavy-ion beams from particle accelerators at the RI Beam Factory. This development was achieved through an efficient synergistic link between agricultural science and accelerator physics. The use of ion beams for mutagenesis has a number of advantages: the approach has low exposure levels and high survival rates with high mutation rates, and it creates a wide variety of different mutations. Because heavy-ion beams provide a very high amount of energy, even a single ion is enough to significantly damage a gene – in fact, the beams have enough energy to break the double strand of the DNA. The technique is also very useful in producing mutants that lack just a single gene; multiple propagation technology can be used to convert these mutants into new cultivars. Examples of such breeds include ‘Safinia Rose’ (petunia), ‘Temari Bright Pink’ (vervena) and ‘Olivia Pure White’ (dianthus). The development period for producing new varieties is only 2 years. Over last decade, molecular biology has made great advancements through technological innovation. We use high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques such as next-generation sequence instruments and microarray technologies for analysis of gene mutations. Mutants have become more and more useful and important in modern genetic studies, enabling the discovery of genes that control important traits, and revealing the functions and mechanisms underlying their operations. The discovery of genes using mutants may lead to the emergence of a new field in biology, ‘Mutagenomics’.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The vast writings on the Reformation and the Modern science have produced in terms of either-or. In other words, the relations between the Reformation and the Modern science have interpreted either in negative way or in positive way. The negative interpretations hold that the Reformation would have had little effect on modern scientific revolution. On the other hand, the positive interpretations argue that specific doctrines or attitudes affirmed by the Reformers and their followers contributed directly or indirectly to the growth of modern science. After brief discussion of each of these interpretations, this paper will claim that the correlationship of the Reformation and the Modern science would be explained more clearly when interpretations of their relation are explored in terms of Calvin’s principle of accommodation. For Calvin, accommodation is related to his understanding of God. According to Calvin, God reduces or adjusts to human capacities in order to reveal the infinite mysteries of his being. Because his mysteries are beyond the powers of human being to grasp. The paper will try to reveal the importance of Calvin’s accommodation theory through his understanding of nature. For Calvin, the world of nature represents traces of God’s handiwork. The world is a “mirror”, in which God may be viewed. Therefore, Calvin was intensely interested in exploring of nature. The attitude of Calvin toward nature enabled science to able to penetrate more deeply into the secrets of divine wisdom. Consequently, the paper shows that complexities of relation between the Reformation and the rise of modern science appears to be many-sided. In addition, this paper demonstrates that it is noteworthy to note the relations of religion and science in the Reformation era as an important instance historically.