The Coastal VTS will be continuously constructed to prevent marine traffic accidents in the coastal waters of the Republic of Korea. In order to provide the best traffic information service to the ship operator, it is important to understand the navigation risk factor. In this study, we analyzed the navigational hazards of Gunsan coastal area where the coastal VTS will be constructed until 2020. For this purpose, major traffic flows of merchant ships and density of vessels engaged in fishing were analyzed. This study was conducted by Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Vessel Pass (V-PASS) data. The grid intervals are 10 minute × 10 minute (latitude × longitude) based on the section of the sea. A total of 30 sections were analyzed by constructing a grid. As a result of the analysis, the major traffic flows of the merchant vessels in the coastal area of Gunsan were surveyed from north to south toward Incheon, Pyeongtaek, Daesan, Yeosu, Pusan and Ulsan, and from east to west in the port of Gunsan Port, 173-3, 173-6, 173-8, 183-2, 183-5, 183-8, 183-3, 184-1 and 184-2. As a result of the study, the fishing boats in Gunsan coastal area mainly operated in spring and autumn. On the other hand, the main traffic flow of merchant ships and the distribution of fishing vessels continue to overlap from March to June, so special attention should be paid to the control during this period.
남ㆍ북한간 정전협정시 해양경계를 정하지 못했으며, 주변국과 관할해역 경계가 명확하지 않다. 유엔군사령부는 6ㆍ25전쟁 이후 정전협정 준수를 위해 북방한계선과 작전구역을 설정해 해ㆍ공군 세력의 활동을 통제했고, 우리나라는 작전구역 내에서 북한선박의 통항을 통제해 왔다. 작전구역 내에서 제3국 선박은 항해의 자유를 향유하지만, 북한선박은 교전국으로서 통항이 통제되는 특수한 해양제도가 유지되고 있다. 그러나, 작전구역이 설정된 이후 유엔해양법협약 발효, 남ㆍ북한의 유엔 가입 등 변화가 지속되고 갈등요인이 있어 작전구역의 지리적 범위를 보완할 필요가 있다. 또한 해군의 기능적 역량 강화를 위해 해군함정에게 북한선박 통제를 법적으로 보장하는 조치가 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 6ㆍ25 전쟁 이후 한반도 주변해역에서 북한선박을 통제하여 온 실례와 북한선박 통항통제 제도에 대한 개선방안을 살펴보았다.
Nowadays Hyperbolic Navigation System-LORAN, DECCA, OMEGA, OMEGA-is available on the ocean, and Spherical Navigation System, GPS (Global Positioning System) is operated partially. Hyperbolic Navigation System has the blind area near the base line extention because divergence rate of hyperbola is infinite theoretically. The Position Accuracy is differ from the cross angle of LOP although each LOP has the same error of quantity. GDOP(Geometric Dilution of Precisoin) is used to estimate the position accuracy according to the cross angle of LOP and LOP error. Hyperbola and ellipse are crossed at right angle everywhere. Hyperbola and ellipse are used to LOP in Rectangular Navigation System. The equation calculating the GDOP of rectangular Navigation System is induced and GDOP diagram is completed in this paper. A scheme that can improve the position accuracy in the blind area of Hyperboic Navigation System using the Rectangular Navigation System is proposed through the computer simulation.