The fishing industry is globally recognized as a high-risk sector with substantial safety challenges. This study analyzes Norway's fishing vessel safety management legislation and risk management practices. The goal is to derive insights that can enhance South Korea's safety management for fishing vessels. Norway has established a culture of safety through regular inspections, mandatory safety training, the implementation of safety management systems, and active involvement of fishermen in risk assessments. These measures have significantly reduced maritime accidents. This study suggests incorporating effective elements of Norway’s safety management into the South Korean context, emphasizing a participatory approach that actively involves fishers.
In the case of Korean coastal fishing vessels primarily, it satisfies the fishing capacity and shifts in pace with trends. At the moment, speedy vessels with large load capacity and competitive hull forms are preferred since catch has decreased. However, in the design of Korean coastal fishing vessels, performance verification designers and related commercial programs are not utilized in various fields such as large vessels. Moreover, alleviated standards are applied, making securing and verifying the performance of fishermen’s preferred hull a must. To meet such demands, this research suggests a design system that the modules can be brought together as a fishing vessel model by AI; this would be a turnaround of coastal fishing vessel designing.
eDNA (environmental DNA)란 특정 환경에 서식하는 생물로부터 유래한 DNA를 의미한다. 환경 시료로부터 추출한 eDNA를 활용하면 해당 환경에 서식하는 생물들의 효율적이고 정확한 모 니터링을 수행할 수 있다. 해수 시료로부터 얻은 eDNA를 기반으로 해양생물 다양성 연구를 수행할 수 있다. 해수 시료를 채집하고 이로부터 eDNA를 추출한 뒤, metagenome 분석을 통 해 서식하는 해양생물의 종 동정과 다양성 분석이 가능하다. 본 리뷰에서는 이처럼 해수의 eDNA를 활용하여 해양 지역의 생물 다양성 연구를 수행하는 전체적인 과정을 제시하고 있다. 아직 국내에는 해양생물 다양성 연구를 위해 eDNA를 적용하는 방법이 보편화 되어있지 않으 며, 본 리뷰를 기반으로 이와 같은 eDNA 연구 방법을 정립하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.
This study investigated the current status of foodservice management and the importance and performance of foodservice management according to the level of knowledge of workers. A survey was conducted between February 2015 and March 2015 for 329 foodservice workers at Community Child Centers in Chungbuk Area. Of these respondents, the majority (78.4%) of them were females. Most of them were in their 40s (40.4%) or 50s (33.4%). If the respondent's correct answer rate of knowledge was 0~50% or 51~100%, the respondent was classified into a ‘Low Group (LG, n=175)’ or a ‘High Group (HG, n=154)’. Among a total of 14 foodservice management questions, 6 items (personal hygiene: 1 item; food material: 2 items; and food processing: 3 items) had relatively higher performance scores for workers in HG than for workers in LG. As a result of Importance-Performance analysis, ‘Use different knives and cutting boards for fish, meat, and vegetables’ was a variable of high importance but low performance. It was found that improvement was most urgently needed. Results of this study can be used to derive important items for improving foodservice management and policy development for foodservice workers at Community Child Centers.
The purpose of this study was to develop a dietary education program, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the education program for children from low-income families. A total of 242 children (122 education groups and 120 control groups) were run six times a dietary education program from April to December 2018, and a questionnaire was administered before and after the education to evaluate effectiveness. Elementary school students were the most prevalent in the education and the control group. In the education group, the body height and weigh were 137.27 cm and 33.69 kg, respectively, and in the control group the body height and weight were 143.48 cm and 40.64 kg, respectively. The education group showed positive change in dietary self-efficacy and dietary knowledge compared to the control group. In particular, ‘I can have meals regularly’ (Education Group: 4.00 points from 3.71 points) and 'I can choose fruits instead of cookies candies as snacks (Education Group: 4.01 points from 3.70 points) The score increased after participation in the program. In the change of nutritional and hygiene knowledge of children, the education group scored 3.63 of 10 points before education, but the score significantly increased to 5.70 points after education(p<0.001).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality attributes and importance that affects their satisfaction with respect to lunchboxes amongst children from low-income families in Korea. In case of 1-3rd-grade elementary school, 57.1% received lunch box through the community child center, while 45.2%, 68.5% and 80.7% of 4-6th-elementary school, middle school, and high school students received the lunch box from home, respectively. Typically, in 40.2% of all grades, the time to eat the meal was within 1~2 hours of delivery, and 34.0% consumed the lunch within 2~6 hours of delivery. With respect to intake of the contents of lunchboxes, 72.0% of the participants answered that they ate 80% of the lunchboxes delivered and 24.9% only ate 50% of the content of lunchboxes. The largest leftover were vegetables (26.9%), and the reason for leaving food was ‘do not like to eat (36.1%)’ followed by ‘no taste (32.6%)’. Regarding improvements in delivery lunchboxes, elementary school students selected ‘taste’, while middle school and high school students selected 'variety of menu'. The ‘nutrition (3.69 point)’ of the lunchboxes was the highest satisfaction and the ‘variety of menu (3.34 point)’ was the lowest. In all grades, ‘nutrition’ and ‘hygiene’ were considered to be important as quality attributes of the delivery lunchboxes, and satisfaction was also high. On the other hand, in the 1-3rd-grade elementary school, ‘variety of menu’ and ‘amount of side dish’ were important but satisfaction was low. The 4-6th-grade elementary school, middle school and high school students stated that ‘taste’and ‘variety of menu’ were important, but satisfaction was low.
본 연구는 어선전복경보시스템 개발을 위해 어선의 횡동요 특성을 파악하고 시간영역 횡동요 운동 시뮬레이션을 수행한다. 어 선전복경보시스템의 검증을 위해서는 전복 상황을 가정하여 시험을 수행하고 실제 어선 계측을 수행해야 하지만, 상황의 위험성으로 인 해 현실적으로 불가능하다. 또한 많은 전복사고의 경우 횡동요와 밀접한 연관이 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 이에 따라 어선전복경보시스템 의 핵심인 어선의 횡동요특성을 정확히 파악하여 시간영역 기반 횡동요 시뮬레이션을 수행하고 해당 정보를 통해 시스템에 탑재된 경보 시스템의 알고리즘을 검증한다. 주요내용으로 첫째, 횡동요 운동 특성을 운동 시험을 통해 계측하고 파악한다. 특히 어선과 같은 소형선 박의 경우 CFD 및 포텐셜 코드를 포함한 해석적인 방법으로 점성과 관련된 횡동요 해석이 어렵다. 이에 따라 횡동요 운동 모드에 초점을 맞추어 운동 시험을 수행하고 횡동요 RAO를 도출한다. 둘째, 횡동요 RAO를 이용하여 Wave Spectrum과의 조합으로 시간영역 운동 시뮬레 이션을 수행하고 전복 경보 알고리즘을 검증한다.
This study investigated the needs to improve the quality of foodservice management in community child centers (CCCs), in accordance to the area where the CCC was located. The people in charge of foodservice management of 466 community child centers undertook a web survey, between July to August 2016. Most centers used menus from the Headquarters of Community Child Center (50.0%) or Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (34.1%). Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted to assess the requirement for improving the quality of foodservice management at the CCCs. Four factors were analyzed: ‘food material and facility management’, ‘administration management’, ‘menu management’, and ‘human resources management’. In large cities, ‘administration management’ and ‘menu management’ were found to affect quality improvement. In small cities, none of the factors assessed were effective in improvement. ‘human resources management’ had a significant influence on improving the quality of the foodservice in rural areas. The results of this study show that there was a difference in the quality improvement of the foodservice management in the centers, with respect to the location of the center. Therefore, this study can be used as basic data to establish the support policy for improving the quality of foodservice management in community child centers.
The aims of this study were to investigate usage status, menu preference, quality evaluation and satisfaction of homedelivered meal box for children from low-income families in Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. A total of 320 children and their guardians who had received home-delivered meal boxes participated in 2015. A total of respondents (62.2%) were children and teenagers, and 37.8% were guardians. The 47.7% of children and 43.8% of guardians were using the home delivery service more than one year. Most of the children and guardians answered ‘eat almost’, ‘eat all meals’ served meal box, 75.3%, 81.8%, respectively. After receiving the meal box at home, 35.2% of children consumed meals within 1~2 hours, whereas 32.8% of the guardians were ate within 2~6 hours. It was founded that ‘throw away leftovers’ was the highest and followed ‘give it others’ in a way to treat leftovers. The results of preference survey on meats, seafood, showed that ‘chicken nugget’ (4.07) and ‘stir-fried fish cake with vegetable’ (3.63) were the highest points for children, whereas ‘grilled LA beef ribs’ (3.98) and ‘stir-fried anchovies’ (3.72) were the highest point for guardians. ‘Seasoned leaves marinated in soy sauce’ was the highest preference among vegetables and another dish for respondents. Frozen products were the most preferred types of meal boxes on the menu. In the quality evaluation of home-delivered meal box, although satisfaction with service and packaging of the meal box were high, the satisfaction of food quality was relatively low.
This study was conducted to investigate the awareness and preference regarding Korean Samgyetang by the Chinese. An online survey was conducted to determine the awareness regarding Korean Samgyetang among the local Chinese, and a consumer preference test was performed to design the recipe of Samgyetang for Chinese students in Korea during April 2016. The results of the online survey showed that 88.2 % and 88.4 % of local Chinese men and women, respectively, were aware of Korean Samgyetang. Samgyetang recognition by the local residents of China was the highest in the Hubei region that includes Beijing. Traditional Samgyetang received the highest preference and Samgyetang with mung bean received the lowest preference in the preference test based on the Samgyetang type. In consumer preference tests among Chinese students, Samgyetang with broth of chicken feet (Sample-1) and Samgyetang with medicinal herbs (Sample-3) showed high acceptability than Samgyetang in water (Sample-2) in terms of the overall sensory properties. According to the results of the electronic tongue, Sample-1 showed a high value in terms of the strength of the saltiness and Sample-3 showed a high value in terms of the strength of bitterness and sweetness. Sample-2 showed a high value in terms of the strength of umami and sourness.
This study was undertaken to examine the knowledge about food culture and intakes of traditional food in Korean and Japanese elementary school students. In 2012 and 2013, a total of 265 students were surveyed, consisting of 73 Korean fifth graders and 192 Japanese sixth graders. The questionnaire comprised of queries on general items, the recognition and sampling of traditional and celebration foods, the knowledge about the partner country's food culture, and the frequency of consuming the partner country's foods. As a result of this study, the frequency of consuming their own country's traditional foods for Korean children (3.1 out of 5.0 points) and Japanese children (3.2 out of 5.0 points) was similar to each other. Japanese children reported to eat Korean foods (2.9 points) more frequently than those of Korean children to eat Japanese foods (2.4 out of 5.0 points) (p<0.001). However, the Korean children reported to have more experience on given typical Japanese foods than Japanese children reported about Korean foods. Further studies are needed for the perception on traditional foods in Korean and Japanese children. The results of this study can be used as a basic data to succeed and develop traditional food cultures.
본 연구에서는 서해안의 해양레저 대중화를 위해 누구나 세일링을 즐길 수 있고, 두 개의 킬로 선체를 지지하여 육상 및 갯벌에서도 선체가 기울지 않고 설 수 있는 트윈킬 요트를 개발하고자 한다. 기존 세일링 요트중 성능이 좋은 편인 블루워터21의 선형을 활용하고 트윈킬 요트의 경우 모노킬 요트보다는 저항성능이 불리할 것으로 예상되므로, 블루워터21의 모노킬 면적 및 무게중심 등을 고려한 트윈킬을 개발하여 모형시험을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 모노킬과 트윈킬의 저항성능에 대한 차이가 약 4 %정도로 예상보다 크지 않음을 확인하였다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits and demand for nutrition service of university dormitory residents. Out of 450 questionnaires distributed to the undergraduate and graduate students residing in a university dormitory, 335(74.4%) returned and 265(58.8%) were analyzed. The analyzed sample included 140 males(52.8%) and 125 females(47.2%). The number of undergraduate and graduate students were 183(69.1%) and 82(30.9%), respectively. Male and undergraduate students tend to more frequently use dormitory foodservice than the respective counterpart. About 21% of respondents skipped breakfast everyday and almost 2/3 of respondents skipped breakfast more often than 3~4 times a week. The most often chosen reason for skipping meals was 'lack of time' for lunch and dinner as well as breakfast. Graduate students tend to drink coffee more often than undergraduate students. Male students were more likely to drink carbonated drinks and alcohol compared with female students. Over half(59%) of respondents were taking multivitamins and mineral supplements. About 80% of respondents perceived their health average or above. New residents having moved in to the dormitory less than a semester before tend to perceive their heath status worse than the residents having lived longer in the dormitory. The demand for nutrition service was high as shown by the high percentage of respondents willingness to receive the service: 76% for nutrition assessment service and 63% for nutrition counseling service. Such demand did not differ between males and female respondents. However, graduate students were more willing to participate in nutrition counseling service than undergraduates.