Cr thin films with O added are deposited on sapphire substrate by DC sputtering and are nitrided in NH3 atmosphere between 300 and 900 oC for various times. X-ray diffraction results show that nitridation begins at 500 oC, forming CrN and Cr2N. Cr oxides of Cr2O3 are formed at 600 oC. And, at temperatures higher than 900 oC, the intermediate materials of Cr2N and Cr2O3 disappear and CrN is dominant. The atomic concentration ratios of Cr and O are 77% and 23%, respectively, over the entire thickness of as-deposited Cr thin film. In the sample nitrided at 600 oC, a CrN layer in which O is substituted with N is formed from the surface to 90 nm, and the concentrations of Cr and N in the layer are 60% and 40%, respectively. For this reason, CrN and Cr2N are distributed in the CrN region, where O is substituted with N by nitridation, and Cr oxynitrides are formed in the region below this. The nitridation process is controlled by inter-diffusion of O and N and the parabolic growth law, with activation energy of 0.69 eV.
Despite numerous advances in the preparation and use of GaN, and many leading-edge applications in lighting technologies, the preparation of high-quality GaN powder remains a challenge. Ammonolytic preparations of polycrystalline GaN have been studied using various precursors, but all were time-consuming and required high temperatures. In this study, an efficient and low-temperature method to synthesize high-purity hexagonal GaN powder is developed using sub-micron Ga2O3 powder as a starting material. The sub-micron Ga2O3 powder was prepared by an ultrasonic spray pyrolysis process. The GaN powder is synthesized from the sub-micron Ga2O3 powder through a nitridation treatment in an NH3 flow at 800℃. The characteristics of the synthesized powder are systematically examined by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and UV-vis spectrophotometer.
Zirconium nitride powders were synthesized at a relatively lower temperature using methane as a reducing agent in the nitridation of zircoia. ZrO2 powder was prepared by a sol-gel technique. The resulting sol-gel was centrifuged, and the gel was washed with deionized water. Anhydrous ammonia was used as the nitrogen source and methane was used as the reducing agent. Conversion diagrams show the equilibrium solid phase as a function of reagent concentrations for a specific temperature and gas pressure for the reagent system NH3-ZrO2-CH4. The reagent concentration ranges within which pure ZrN is formed increase with increasing reaction temperature. Low pressure with an excess of hydrogen decreases the reaction temperature at which pure ZrN is formed. Low pressure together with the introduction of excess hydrogen into the reaction system increases Zr and N conversion efficiency and retards C deposition.
LED와 LD의 수명과 효율은 결정에 존재하는 결함의 밀도에 반비례하며, 이러한 결함의 밀도는 적당한 기판을 사용하거나, 기판의 표면을 적절하게 제어함으로써 줄일 수 있다. GaN성장시 원자 단위의 매끄러운 표면은 완충충 성장이나 질화처리를 함으로써 얻어질 수 있다. 이렇게 얻어진 원자 단위의 매끄러운 표면에 의해 기판과 박막상이의 계면 자유에너지가 감소하기 때문에 2D성장이 촉진된다. 사파이어(AI2O3(0001))기판을 사용한 GaN 왕충충성장과 진화처리에 대한 최적조건은 AFM(Atomic Force Microscope)측정 결과에 의해 결정되었다. AFM에 의해 얻어진 표면 평활도의 개념은 사파이어 기판을 사용한 GaN박막성장의 최적조건을 결정하는 데 있어서 높은 신뢰도를 가질 수 있다.