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        검색결과 10

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양재분석 자료는 관측 자료를 수치 모델에 동화함으로, 관측 자료의 시공간적인 제약을 극복하고 해양 변수 간 의 물리적 상호작용을 고려한 격자화된 고해상도 정보를 제공함으로써 해양순환 및 기후 연구에 광범위하게 사용되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 기존에 생산된 12년간(2011년부터 2 02 2년까지)의 북서태평양 지역해양 재분석 자료를 확장하여 30 년간(1993년부터 2 02 2년까지)의 1/24o 수평해상도를 갖는 장기 재분석 자료(K-ORA22E)를 생산하고, 이를 분석하여 한 반도 주변해역에서의 장기 해양기후변화를 진단하였다. K-ORA22E 데이터를 통해 한반도 주변 해역의 수온 상승 경향 을 분석한 결과, 쿠로시오 확장역에서 쿠로시오의 경로가 지난 30년 동안 1년에 약 6 km 씩 북상하였으며, 쿠로시오 경 로의 북쪽에서 수온 상승이 두드러졌다. 한반도 주변 해역 중에서는 동해에서 수온 상승이 가장 뚜렷했다. 특히, 동해에서는 표층보다는 중층에서 수온 상승이 두드러졌으며, 동한난류의 수온 상승률은 전 지구 평균보다 2 -3배 높았다. 황해저 층냉수가 출현하는 황해 중앙부에서는 장기적으로 수온이 상승하였으나, 한반도 서해안과 남해안에서는 수온이 오히려 감소하는 경향이 나타났다. 이러한 수온의 장기변화의 공간적인 차이는 쿠로시오 해류의 북상에 따른 열수송의 경로와 밀접한 관련이 있을 것으로 보인다. 이 연구에서 구축된 K -ORA2 2 E와 같은 고해상도 지역 해양 재분석 자료는 한반도 주변 해역의 장기 변동성을 이해하고 기후 변화의 영향을 분석하는 데 중요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        톱상어과는 톱상어목에 속하며 지금까지 2속 8종이 보고되었다. 우리나라에 서식하는 톱상어과 어류는 톱상어 1종으로 알려져 있다. 톱상어과는 주둥이 양쪽에 작고 큰 이빨이 나있으며 납작하 고 긴 것이 특징이다. 톱상어의 집단구조를 알기 위해서 4개의 지역(한국, 개체수=6; 미야기현, 개체수=1; 고치현, 개체수=1; 오키나와, 개체수=8)에서 채집된 16개체를 대상으로 형태와 분자분 석을 실시하였다. 형태분석결과 3가지의 유형으로 구분되었으며, 그 중 톱상어 A 유형은 한국과 일본에 서식하며 짧은 주둥이(전장의 26.8%), 폭넓은 주둥이(주둥이 길이는 주둥이 폭의 4.5배)를 가 지며, 톱상어 모식표본과 유사한 점에서 톱상어(Pristiophorus japonicus)로 추정된다. 톱상어 B 유 형은 오키나와에 서식하며 긴 주둥이(전장의 31.7%), 폭넓은 주둥이(5.2배)를 가져 Pristiophorus sp. 1로 제안한다. 톱상어 C 유형은 오키나와에 서식하며 긴 주둥이(전장의 31.7%), 폭좁은 주둥이 (6.3배)를 가져 Pristiophorus sp. 2로 제안한다. 나아가 톱상어 A 유형과 C 유형의 mtDNA cytb 영역을 비교한 결과 2.1~2.7% 차이를 보여 형태결과를 지지해 주었다. 향후 Pristiophorus sp. 1 및 Pristiophorus sp. 2의 분류학적 위치를 구명하기 위한 추가 연구가 필요하다.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the catches of squid jigging fishery, a series of fishing experiments was conducted in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific(40˚-43˚N, 150˚-155˚E) during the period of 1 August to 22 October 2005 by commercial fishing vessel. The number of 142 test fishing was carried out in the Northwest Pacific during 83days. The total catch were 47,524kg as 4 squid species and CPUE was 8.9kg/line·day. CPUE showed high values in the frontal zone during the survey. Main squid species caught from the experimental fishing were the neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami(96.8%) and the boreopacific gonate squid, Gonatopsis borealis(3.2%). Dorsal mantle length of the neon flying squid were increased by the time and increasing of the hook size. Loss rate of the neon flying squid in the water showed the highest values in 28.2% compare to the others. And the loss rate of the front roller and in the air were 1.1% and 1.0%, respectively.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the relative efficiency and mesh selectivity of gill net for the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, a series of fishing experiments was carried out in the Northwest Pacific Ocean from August 13 to October 13 in 2002, using gill nets of different mesh size(30, 33, 35, 37, 39 and 42mm) constructed from two kinds of twine material(monofilament, twisted multifilament nylon web). The relative efficiency of two material gears was expressed as the ratio obtained by dividing monofilament catch by multifilament catch in number. The master selection curve of each material gear was estimated by applying the extended Kitahara's method. The catch of experimental gears is mostly Pacific saury(98.6%), Cololabis saira. The kinds of bycatch are common squid(0.7%), Pacific mackerel(0.6%), etc. Catch comparisons in the two gears showed that monofilament nylon nets are 1.7 times more efficient. The optimum values in monofilament and multifilament gill net for Pacific saury are 8.28 and 8.23, respectively.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The saury stick - held dip net fishery of Korea in the Northwest Pacific Ocean began in 1985 with 3 vessels. Since then the fishery has grown so rapidly year by year that the number of vessels increased to 34 and the catch to 40 thousands Mff in 1993. In the present study, the monthly situation and the movement of the fishing ground for the pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific were investigated and the monthly optimum fIshing tempertures were estimated, from the relationship between the catch and the sea surface temperature. In the beginning of the fishing season, June to August, the fIshing ground is formed in the very wide range, mainly in the northward area of the front meandering, as the parcific saury migrate northward. In the main season, September to November, the ground is formed in the southward area of the front, off the east coast of Japan. Andd then, the fishing season ends in December with the ground coming near to the east coast of Japan. The monthly optimum fishing tempertures showed 11~13℃. in June to July, 13-17℃. in August to November, and 15~ 17℃. in December in general. The profIles of water temperature were much different in accordance by net casting position in the fishing ground, regardless of season. So, the MLD and CPUE was analyzed to find out the relation between the water temperature and the catch. Then, it is found that the CPUE shows over 0.7Mtr/haul as the MLD 40~70m.40~70m.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        National park, as a natural park, has a dual purpose, to promote both protection and enjoyment. The educational activities of the national park can be partly understood as one of the appropriate means to balance its double purposes. This study provides a review of environmental education in the US National Parks according to social transition. Taking historical perspective and case studies, environmental education has played roles in helping the balance between preservation and enjoyment. Since the environmental movement, environmental education goals, particularly understanding the natural processes observable at national parks, has become more a part of the interpretation and education missions of the parks. Also non-governmental and non-profit partners have played important educational-based roles in support of both the National Parks Service and environmental education goals. The two different models also differ in the public’s perception of them. Federal employees are resented in some rural areas in the U.S., but the general population automatically attributes authority, friendliness, and national-interestedness to NPS Rangers. This may in turn limit how strongly such staff could serve as strong advocates for the environment. On the other hand, the non-profit may be seen by some as strongly liberally biased and associated with urban wealth. It is also not as universally recognized as the NPS. It can, however, go far to develop new partnerships and undertake public relations. Non-profits vary greatly in quality, also affecting public perception.
        1994.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By laying emphasis on the intermediate layer, water property distribution in the Northwest Pacific is studied using the hydrographic data obtained by Japan Meteorological Agency in the period from 1960 to 1986. The scattering of water type in T-S diagram is relatively small in the Kuroshio Region. Both the envelopes of saline side and of fresh side of the scattered data points shifts gradually from saline side to fresh side as the observation line moves from southwest to northeast. In the Mixed Water Region, the scattering of water type increases rapidly as the observation line moves north; The envelope of fresh cold side moves towards fresh cold side much faster than that of saline side. The thermosteric anomaly value at the salinity minimum decreases as the observation line moves from north to south or southwest. This suggests that the water does not advect along the salinity minimum layer, but that the salinity minimun layer is understood as a boundary of two different waters aligned vertically. We defined the typical water masses for the Oyashio Water and the Kuroshio Water. The water mass below the salinity minimum layer may be created by isopycnal mixing of these two water masses with a fixed mixing rate. While, the water mass above the salinity minimum cannot be created simply by isopycnal mixing. The salinity minimum layer may be eroded from upper side due to active mixing processes in the surface layer, while the water of the salinity minimum layer moves gradually southward. This appears to give an explanation why the thermosteric anomaly value at salinity minimum decreases towards south.
        1994.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By use of the recent tropical cyclones' data in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the occurrence frequency and region of typhoon as well as the features of the monthly mean track were analyzed. As the result of this study, (1) mean occurrence frequency of typhoon per year is 27.5, and 68% of total typhoons were formed in July to October and shown the highest frequency in August. (2) The ave-rage duration of typhoons is 8.5 days, and super typhoon which maximum sustained surface wind speeds is more than 130 knots occurs most frequently in October and November. (3) The highest frequency ap-pears around the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands, and in wintertime, typhoon occurs in lower lati-tude comparing with those in summertime. (4) The typhoon track depends upon the distribution of pres-sure system and steering current in neighbouring areas. The mean track of typhoon can be classified into three types such as westward-moving type, northward-moving type and abnormally moving type. The west-ward-moving typhoons make landfall on the southern China by way of the South China Sea in June and July, on mid-part of China in August and September, and on Indo-china Peninsula in October and Novem-ber. The northward-moving typhoons approximately move on north~northwestward track to 20~30˚N from the occurrence region, then recurve to the East Sea through Korean Peninsula and Kyushu Island in June and July, to the Noth Pacific Ocean along the Japanese Islands in August and September and to the North Pacific Ocean through the seas far south off the Japan in October and November.