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        검색결과 18

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Emerging technologies are innovative technologies currently under development or in the early stages of introduction. These technologies have the potential to impact a wide range of industries and sectors significantly and may, therefore, be subject to export controls. The list of emerging technologies subject to export controls varies from country to country and constantly changes as new technologies are developed. For example, the U.S., EU, and South Korea have responded to these changes by adding software and technologies related to artificial intelligence and machine learning to their export control lists. Nevertheless, export control of emerging technologies still presents challenges and limitations. The rapid pace of technological advancement makes it difficult for export control regulations to keep up. For export control purposes, international cooperation on information sharing and control methods is necessary for most countries to control similar items. Several new technologies in the nuclear field may be subject to export controls. These technologies include advanced reactors, nuclear fuel cycle technologies, and nuclear waste management technologies. Small modular reactors (SMRs) and fourth-generation reactors are being developed as advanced technologies, and new technologies are being developed to improve the nuclear fuel cycle. There is also active development of technologies for space applications utilizing nuclear reactors, such as the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion System and the Nuclear Electric Propulsion System. As these technologies may include new systems and items not in existing export control, they may pose a proliferation risk or may include software design know-how for advanced materials, it is necessary to consider whether and how they should be subject to export control to prevent nuclear proliferation. Overall, export controls are an essential issue in the emerging technology and nuclear energy sectors. Countries are moving toward strengthening regulations and international cooperation to overcome these challenges and ensure safe technology transfer, and South Korea should actively participate and lead this trend.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear security event involving nuclear and other radioactive materials outside of regulatory control (MORC) has the potential to cause severe consequences for public health, the environment, the economy and society. Each state has a responsibility to develop national nuclear security measures including nuclear forensics to respond to such events. In Japan, national nuclear forensics capability building efforts mainly based on research and development (R&D) have been conducted since 2010, in accordance with national statement of Japan at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. Most of that work is undertaken at the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of the Japan Atmic Energy Agency (JAEA) in close cooperation with other competent authorities. The ISCN has made increased contributions to the enhancement of international nuclear security by establishing technical capabilities in nuclear forensics and sharing the achievements with the international community. The ISCN has mainly engaged in R&Ds for establishing and enhancing nuclear forensics technical capability. As for the laboratory capability, several new pieces of analytical equipment have been introduced for nuclear forensics R&D purposes. High-precise measurement techniques validated in the past nuclear forensics incidents have been established, and novel techniques that can contribute to the more timely and confident nuclear forensics signature analysis have been developed. The ISCN has been also developed a proto-type nuclear forensics library based on the data of nuclear materials possessed for past nuclear fuel cycle research in JAEA. These technical capability developments have been conducted based on the cooperation with international partners such as the U.S. Department of Energy and EC Joint Research Center, as well as participation in exercises organized by Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group (NF-ITWG). Recent R&D works have been mainly based on the needs of domestic competent authorities, such as first responders and investigators, and aim to develop technologies covering the entire spectrum of nuclear forensics processes from crime scene investigation to laboratory analysis and interpretation. One important key issue is the enhancement of technical capability for post-dispersion nuclear forensics. For instance, the ISCN has carried out the development of radiation measurement equipment coupled with the low-cost and mobile radiation detectors that uses machine-learning algorithms for quick and autonomous radioisotope identification to support first responders during crime scene investigations. Laboratory measurement techniques for samples collected at a post-dispersion crime scene are also among the important technical issues studied at the ISCN. The application of emerging technologies to nuclear forensics has also been studied. This includes the application of deep leaning models to nuclear forensics signature interpretation that could provide more confident results, as well as the development of contamination imaging technology that could contribute to the analytical planning on the samples in collaboration with conventional forensics. Many analytical techniques have been developed and the capability to analyze nuclear and other radioactive materials for nuclear forensics purposes has been considerably matured over the past decade. The challenges of post-dispersion samples, collaboration with conventional forensics and the development of novel signatures will be more important in the near future. Therefore, the ISCN will promote the R&Ds to further enhance the technical capabilities solving these issues. In addition, the ISCN is also promoting to expand the nuclear forensics research into universities and other research institutes in Japan. This is expected to contribute to the establishment of a domestic nuclear forensics network that enables to respond timely and flexibly to the MORC incidents, and to the maturation of nuclear forensics as a new academic field.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper presents the results of a multi-criteria comparative evaluation of 12 feasible Russian nuclear energy deployment scenarios with thermal and fast reactors in a closed nuclear fuel cycle. The comparative evaluation was performed based on 6 performance indicators and 5 different MCDA methods (Simple Scoring Model, MAVT / MAUT, AHP, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE) in accordance with the recommendations elaborated by the IAEA/INPRO section. It is shown that the use of different MCDA methods to compare the nuclear energy deployment scenarios, despite some differences in the rankings, leads to well-coordinated and similar results. Taking into account the uncertainties in the weights within a multi-attribute model, it was possible to rank the scenarios in the absence of information regarding the relative importance of performance indicators and determine the preference probability for a certain nuclear energy deployment scenario. Based on the results of the uncertainty/sensitivity analysis and additional analysis of alternatives as well as the whole set of graphical and attribute data, it was possible to identify the most promising nuclear energy deployment scenario under the assumptions made.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to explore what kinds of science communication are ongoing in formal and informal settings for learning about nuclear energy, which is very important issue domestically and internationally. The researchers collected and analyzed data from science textbooks at elementary and middle school levels, from exhibitions in Y informal hall that belongs to one nuclear power plant, and from 40 bestselling books about nuclear energy in order to explore the kind of science communication. The same process was used to explore Japanese case so that we could compare the results with Korean cases and draw implications for enhancing science communication about nuclear energy. The science communication of nuclear energy in Korea included implicit and indirect content espoused in science textbooks; two opposite views displayed in bestselling books, and positive aspects mainly displayed in exhibition of information hall in nuclear power plant. It is suggested that both direct and explicit science communication along with the neutral viewpoints including positive and negative ones be provided for the public to form a good understanding of nuclear energy
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 원자력기술의 혁신특성을 심층조사 함으로써 4세대 원자력에너지기술의 전환 시 발생 가능한 이슈를 이해하고 한국의 정책현황을 분석하여 4세대 원자력에너지기술의 성공적 안착을 위한 시사점을 도출하였다. 이는 현재 세계 5강의 원자력에너지기술강국인 한국에서 4세대 원자력에너지기술의 도래에도 지속가능한 경쟁력을 유지하기 위한중요한 정책적인 시사점으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 정성적 문헌연구방법을 통해 원자력기술혁신에 관한 문헌들을 조사한 결과, 4세대 원자력에너지기술의 전환에 영향을 미치는 요인은 크게 4가지로 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 장기간의안정적인 자원 할당, 혁신을 위한 이해당사자 간의 지속적인 상호작용, 완전한 시스템을 위한 기술과 노하우의 축적, 적용 및 실증을 위한 정책적인 시장이었다. 이를 한국의 4세대 원자력에너지기술과 연관한 정책을 대상으로 적용하여 사례분석을 한 결과, 현재 4세대 기술이기술개발의 초기단계에서 실증단계로 넘어가는 시점임을 감안하더라도 연관한 정책은 실증과 운영을 위한 전문인력의 체계적인 양성 방안, 사회적 수용성과 저항에 대한 대응, 실증에대한 구체적인 계획 수립, 4세대 원자력시스템을 적용하기 위한 정책적인 시장을 제안하는장기적인 노력, 이해당사자들 간의 구체적이고 지속적인 상호작용을 적극 장려하는 것이 체계적으로 필요함을 제시하였다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the statistics of IEA (International Energy Agency), China has the strong dependency on the coal energy. However, the coal energy creates the highest level of CO2 emission among the energy resource. Since 2006, China became the most important CO2 emission country. In order to control the air polution and the CO2 emission, Chinese government is diversifying the energy resource for its economy. After Fukushima incident, Chinese government checked the safety of nuclear facility and suspended the new nuclear power plant construction. This governmental measures were similar to those of Germany. However, Chinese government resumed the new nuclear power plant construction while Germen government turn its nuclear policy into the shutdown. The important role of Chinese governmental nuclear companies is similar to the French situation of nuclear energy development by the Government-owned company. Like the French nuclear company which acquired its nuclear technology from Westinghouse, China introduced and learned the nuclear technology from USA (AP1000) and from France (EPR). Especially, French government and French nuclear company are willing to cooperate with China in the field of nuclear energy. French nuclear company, Areva expect that the over than 50% of potential nuclear energy development in the World will be created in China.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        North Carolina State University는 North Carolina의 주도 Raleigh에 위치에 있으며, 1887년 설립되어 1889년 72명의 학생이 등록한 이후 현재 약 34,000명의 학생과 8000명의 교수/교직원이 Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Education, 그리고 Research 분야 등을 이끌어 가고 있는 세계 명문대학 중 하나 입니다. Durham, Raleigh, 그리고 Chapel Hill의 중심에 위치한 Research Triangle Park(RTP)은 세계최고의 Research Park을 자랑 하고 있으며, RTP 주변으로 Duke University, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill, 그리고 North Carolina State University가 그 중심에 서 있습니다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Several cloned animals have been produced using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and have interested in producing the transgenic cloned animals to date. But still its efficiency was low due to a number of reasons, such as sub-optimal culture condition, aberrant gene expression and nuclear reprogramming. The purpose of this study was to analyze gene expression pattern in in vitro fertilized (IVF) or SCNT pre-implantation embryos. IVF- or SCNT-embryos were cultured in media supplemented with different proteins (FBS and BSA) or energy sources (glucose or fructose). Blastocysts from IVF or SCNT were analyzed using semi-quantitative RT-PCR in terms of developmentor metabolic-related genes. Culture medium supplemented different proteins or energy sources had affected on the expression of developmental or metabolic genes in the SCNT blastocysts.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서 서로 다른 양성자 에너지를 사용하여 핵반응에 의해 생성된 감마선의 차이를 통해 고에너 지 양성자 Pb(p, nx) 핵반응에서 생성된 동위원소를 식별하는 방법을 제안했다. 한국원자력연구원의 100-M eV 양성자 선형 가속기에서 생성된 고에너지 양성자를 이용하여 실험을 수행 하였다. 양성자 핵반응을 통해 생성된 다양한 핵종에 의해 생성된 감마선은 HPGe 검출기로 구성된 감마선 분광법 시스템을 사용하여 측정되었습니다. 감마선 표준선원은 감마선 검출기의 정확한 에너지교정 및 효율측정을 위해 사용되었습 니다. 제안한 방법을 위하여 동일한 천연 납 시료에 서로 다른 100 및 60 MeV 양성자 에너지빔을 사용하였다. 이 방법은 동일한 시료에서 발생되는 감마선들을 서로 비교함으로써 생성된 핵종들을 확인하는데 매우 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. 이 연구의 결과는 향후 다른 양성자 핵반응 결과를 얻는데도 매우 효과적으로 적용될 것이라 생각된다.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to find and explain characteristics of diverse social groups' attitudes toward nuclear power plant. 7 hypotheses were constructed and statistically tested. In order to test 7 hypotheses, both Nuclear Energy Attitude Scale and Environmental Attitude Scale were distributed and field surveyed on 839 respondents representing a diverse range of subject groups. The results showed that 6 hypotheses were statistically accepted while 1 hypothesis statistically rejected. Contrary to the first hypothesis, this test found that people in close proximity to the nuclear power plant had more positive attitudes toward nuclear power than those living in distance from the nuclear power plant. Males had more positive nuclear energy attitudes than females. Academic backgrounds were not related to nuclear energy attitudes. Environmental attitudes showed negative relationship with nuclear energy attitudes. While anti-nuclear citizen action groups had the most negative attitudes, nuclear power plant workers had the most positive attitudes among responding groups. Finally, university students majoring in nuclear engineering had more positive attitudes than those of religious studies.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and valid Likert-type scale to measure nuclear energy attitudes of various groups. 8 tests were applied to the construction of a 26-item long form, a 12-item middle form, and a 6-item short form of the scale. Three scales were field tested on 760 respondents representing a diverse range of subjects. The 26-item scale appeared to be reliable, content valid and construct valid. Scale reliability and homogeneity were evidenced by 0.95 coefficient alpha and positive interitem correlations ranging from 0.18 to 0.74. The results of factor analysis and known-groups comparison revealed that this scale had high validity. Reliability of the middle form and short form were evidenced by coefficient alpha of 0.92 and 0.90 respectively. The long and middle forms were strongly correlated, r-value of 0.98 and the long and short forms were also highly correlated, r-value of 0.93. Consequently, long form, middle form and short form scales were evidenced very reliable and valid in measuring nuclear energy attitudes of various groups in general. They can be used for a variety of purpose of measuring and testing nuclear energy attitude.