
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sacbood virus (SBV) is an infectious disease, resulting in failure to pupate and death and kSBV is a disease caused perish Apis cerana of 75% in South Korea. RNA dependent RNA Polymerase(RdRP) is one of polyprotein of viral genome and an enzyme that catalyzes the replication of RNA from an RNA templates and an essential protein encoded in the genomes of all RNA containing viruses with no DNA stages. In this study, recombinant construct with RdRP partial region of kSBV was used for sequence analysis to clarify about Korean SBV. As a result it could be determined that the virus develops by infection of Korean Apis cerana called kSBV. Also, we named Apis cerana-kSBV-region to the name of the unique region of gene that kSBV has. In comparison of the RdRP region of bee RNA virus on nucleotide sequence, its sequence from same species have less variability as well as each virus species has a certainty of RdRp region. It indicated that mutations of RdRP region of each virus species is able to be a useful indicator of honeybee virus detection.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        콩과(Fabaceae) 작물 해충인 팥나방(Matsumuraeses phaseoli)과 어리팥나방(M. falcana) (나비목: 잎말이나방과)은 형태적으로 매우 유사하여 종 구별이 힘든 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 PCR-SSP(PCR with Sequence Specific Primers) 방법으로 두 종을 빠르고 정확하게 구별할 수 있는 판별법을 찾고자 두 종의 미토콘드리아 시토크롬 옥시다제 I(mtCOI) DNA 부분영역(439 bp)의 염기서열을 해독하였다. 그리고 다른 나방 종의 mtCOI 염기서열과 함께 나열하여 비교한 후 팥나방과 어리팥나방에서 종 특이적으로 차이가 나는 단일 뉴클레오티드를 프라이머의 3ʹ말단으로 하는 염기서열 특이 프라이머 조합을 만들었다. PCR 산물들을 전기영동 한 결과, 어리팥나방은 245 bp, 팥나방은 409 bp와 245 bp의 특이적 밴드 패턴을 보여 두 종을 구별할 수 있었다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Samia cynthia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is a commercial silk-producing insect belonging to an insect family Saturniidae in Bombycoidea. The species that has presumably been originated in India, is distributed in India, China, and Japan. Unlikely domestic silkworm the prime host plant for the species is a castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis in Euphorbiaceae). Recently, the eri-silkworm also is reared in Korea and is expected to be utilized for a diverse purpose. In this report, we present the complete mitochondrial genome of the species with the emphasis of a few major characteristics. The 15,384-bp long S. cynthia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) mitochondrial genome was amplified into three long overlapping fragments (from COI ~ ND4, ND5 ~ lrRNA, and lrRNA ~ COI) and subsequent several short fragments using the long fragments as temperate. The primers for both long and short fragments were designed solely for lepidopteran genomes, without any species-specific primers. As a usual the genome is composed of 37 genes: 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes, and one large non-coding region termed the A+T-rich region. Arrangement of the genome is identical to those of other lepidopteran mitochondrial genome, but this differs from the common arrangement found in a diverse insect order, by the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’- up stream of tRNAIle. Unlikely previous report on the start codon for COI gene in Lepidoptera S. cynthia ricini COI gene starts with typical ATT codon located between tRNATyr and the beginning region of COI gene. The 22 tRNAs that are interspersed throughout the mitogenome ranged in length from 62 to 71 bp. All tRNAs but tRNASer(AGN) were shown to be folded into the expected cloverleaf secondary structures. More detailed structural and phylogenetic analyses among Bombycidae and Saturniidae in connection with other families in the Bombycoidea will be performed soon
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Eumenis autonoe, a member of the lepidopteran family Nymphalidae (superfamily Papilionoidea) is an endangered species, and is found only on one isolated remote island, Jeju in South Korea, on Halla Mt., at altitudes higher than 1,400 meters. In this study, we report the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of E. autonoe. The 15,489-bp long E. autonoe genome evidenced the typical gene content found in animal mitogenomes, and harbors the gene arrangement identical to all other sequenced lepidopteran insects, which differs from the most common type found in insects, due to the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’-upstream of tRNAIle. As has been observed in many other lepidopteran insects, no typical ATN codon for the COI gene is available. Thus, we also designated the CGA (arginine) found at the beginning of the COI gene as a lepidopteran COI starter, in accordance with previous suggestions. The 678-bp long A+T-rich region, which is second longest in sequenced lepidopteran insects, harbors 10 identical 27-bp long tandem repeats plus one 13-bp long incomplete final repeat. Such a repeat sequence has been, thus far, only rarely detected in lepidopteran mitogenomes. The E. autonoe A+T-rich region harbors a poly-T stretch of 19 bp and a conserved ATAGA motif located at the end of the region, which have been suggested to function as structural signals for minor-strand mtDNA replication.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Eumenis autonoe belonging to a lepidopteran family Nymphalidae (superfamily Papilionoidea) is an endangered species in Korea. Historically, the species was distributed in Europe and Asian region including a wide region in Korean peninsula. However, in Korean peninsula, the species is found only in two isolate dregions: South in a remote island Jeju, where altitude is higher than1, 400 meter on Halla Mt. and North in far northern Korean peninsula around Mt. Bekdu. In this study, we report the complete mitochondrial genome of the endangered E. autonoe collected from Mt. Halla. The 15,489-bp long E. autonoe genome has a typical gene content found in animal mitochondrial genomes and contains the gene arrangement identical to all other sequenced lepidopteran insects, which differs from the most common type found in insects, as the result of the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’-upstream of tRNAIle. As seen in many other lepidopteran insects, no typical ATN codon for COI gene is available. Thus, we tentatively designated the CGA (arginine) found at the beginning of the COI gene, as has been suggested for lepidopteran COI starter. The intergenic spacer sequence located between tRNASer (UCN) and ND1 of E. autonoe mitogenome also contains the ATACTAA motif which is conserved in all sequenced lepidopteran species. The 678-bp long A+T-rich region, which is longest in sequenced lepidopteran insects contains ten identical tandem repeats composed of 27 bp plus one 13-bp long identical incomplete final repeat. Such repeat sequence is rare in the lepidopteran mitogenomes known so far. The E. autonoe A+T-rich region also contains a poly-T stretch located at the end of the region as 19 bp and also contains the downstream conserved motif ATAGA that were previously suggested to serve as a structural signal for minor-strand mtDNA replication. Phylogenetic analysis using the concatenated 13 amino acid sequences of PCGs among available six lepidopteran superfamilies (Tortricoidea, Pyraloidea, Papilionoidea, Bombycoidea, Geometroidea, and Noctuoidea) rooted with three dipteran species with BI and ML analyses supported the following topology: ((((Bombycoidea + Geometroidea +Noctuoidea) + Papilionoidea) + Pyraloidea) + Tortricoidea). Within Papilionoidea, a closer relationship between Lycaenidae and Pieridae, excluding Nymphalidae was observed. Further fruitful information will be available after more analysis is done.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The completely sequenced mitochondrial genome of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is a circular molecule of 16,518 bp with a total A+T content of 76.4%. Nucleotide composition and codon usage of this genome are near the means observed in other 12 hemipteran mitochondrial genomes; however, the initiation codon for CO1 gene appears to be TTG, dissimilar to what has been seen in the 12 mitochondrial genomes. In this genome, the A+T rich region between srRNA and tRNAIle gene includes two extensive repeat regions, in which each region includes 4 and 12 tandem repeats of a 73 bp sequence, respectively. The gene content, order, and structure of the H. halys mitochondrial genome are consistent with that of Triatoma dimidiata, belong to the same suborder Heteroptera, but different from two suborders, Auchenorrhynca and Sternorrhyncha, including various gene rearrangements. Analyzing phylogenetic relationship and comparing gene order and content of the 13 hemipteran mitochondrial genomes of three suborders, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhynca, and Sternorrhyncha, supported the morphology-based current hypothesis that both Auchenorrhynca and Sternorrhyncha are a monophyletic group.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To successful molecular breeding, identification and functional characterization of breeding related genes and development of molecular breeding techniques using DNA markers are essential. Although the development of a useful marker is difficult in the aspect of time, cost and effort, many markers are being developed to be used in molecular breeding and developed markers have been used in many fields. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers were widely used for genomic research and breeding, but has hardly been validated for screening functional genes in olive flounder. We identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from expressed sequence tag (EST) database in olive flounder; out of a total 4,327 ESTs, 693 contigs and 514 SNPs were detected in total EST, and these substitutions include 297 transitions and 217 transversions. As a result, 144 SNP markers were developed on the basis of 514 SNP to selection of useful gene region, and then applied to each of eight wild and culture olive flounder (total 16 samples). In our experimental result, only 32 markers had detected polymorphism in sample, also identified 21 transitions and 11 transversions, whereas indel was not detected in polymorphic SNPs. Heterozygosity of wild and cultured olive flounder using the 32 SNP markers is 0.34 and 0.29, respectively. In conclusion, we identified SNP and polymorphism in olive flounder using newly designed marker, it supports that developed markers are suitable for SNP detection and diversity analysis in olive flounder. The outcome of this study can be basic data for researches for immunity gene and characteristic with SNP.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers are useful for selecting to include superior character genetic like as strong immune system and rapid growth in fish. The marker is also very important part of breeding technology in Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) marker is already in use widely for genomic research and breeding. But this SNPs marker hardly has been validated for screening functional genes in Olive flounder. We study identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on Expressed sequence tag (EST) database, develop usable SNP marker and apply to wild sample and cultured of olive flounder. As a result, Out of total 4.327 ESTs, 693contigs and 514 SNP from total contigs were detected while these substitutions include 297 transitions and 217 transversions. 144 developed markers were applied in 16 samples (wild 8, culture 8), Out of total marker, only 32 markers had detected polymorphic in sample. Polymorphism of 32 markers was observed in the variety genes region involved in immunity and protein synthesis. And the 32 marker were identified 21 transitions, 11 transversions, and indel was not detected in polymorphic SNPs. The analysis on heterozygosity by sample showed 0.34 in wild sample and 0.29 in cultured sample. In conclusion, we was identified SNP and Polymorphism by designed new marker, it supports that development marker is suitable for SNP detection and diversity analysis in Olive flounder. The outcome of this study can be basic data for researches for immunity gene and characteristic with SNP.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recent release of whole genome draft sequences in legume species have led comparative genome studies among legume plants including Glycine max, G. soja, Cajanus cajan and Medicago truncatula. The majority of comparative genomic researches have been conducted based on synteny of coding sequences and coding sequence variations may be one of major forces for speciation and evolution. However, non-coding sequences have been also reported to be important phenotypic regulators. Especially, since short sequence motifs in the promoter regions are highly conserved, they are suggested to be another resources of interests in comparative studies. In this study, we predicted the conserved short sequence motifs by BLASTN algorithm using dicot promoter database from Softberry (http://www.softberry.com). A total of 37,396 conserved short sequence motifs were identified onto 2 kb upstreams of 46,367 high confident gene model of G. max (cv. Williams 82). Meanwhile, whole genome of 7 soybean landraces (G. max) and 7 wild soybean genotypes (G. soja) were sequenced at low depth of less than ten using Illumina Hiseq 2000. Among these genotypes, nucleotide variations were identified in predicted conserved regulatory motifs by mapping of short reads to the reference genome sequence using the Samtools program (http://samtools.sourceforge.net/). Fifteen and two genes, which have SNPs in regulatory motifs and no SNP in coding sequence, were identified by comparisons of inter-species and intra-species, respectively. qRT-PCR experiments are in progress for investigating differences of these 17 genes expressions at transcriptional level.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        고추냉이에 모자이크 병징을 나타내는 이병주로부터 고추냉이 모자이크 바이러스를 분리하였다. 고추냉이 모자이크 바이러스의 genomic RNA를 추출하여 전체 유전자 구조를 결정하였다. 유전자 전체길이는 6,298 염기를 가지고 있었으며, 4개 ORF로 구성 되어 있었다. ORF 1은 180KD 단백질, ORF 2는 130KD 단백질 , ORF 3은 30KD 단백질, ORF4는 18KD로 외피단백질로 구성되어 있었다. ORF 유전자간에는 ORF4와 ORF 3 유전자간 130개의 염기, ORF 2와 ORF 3 유전자갈 20개 염기 그리고 ORF 1 과 ORF2 유전자간에는 40개의 염기로 overlaps되어 있었다 3'NCR부분은 238개 염기, 외피단백질은 537개 염기, 30KD 이동단백질은 825개 염기, 130KD 단백질은 1,896개 염기와 180k단백질의 2,958개의 염기로 구성되어 있었다. TMV-WTF전체 염기 서열의 유전자 상동성에서는 비교 유전자에서 미보고된 일본의 TMV-WSF와 러시아의 TMV-crucifer와 각각 98.6%와 82.4%로 매우 높았다.