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        검색결과 133

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Online infringement of Artificial intelligence (AI) generated content essentially constitutes IP infringement and should adhere to Article 50 of Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Law Applicable to Foreign-Related Civil Relationships. However, applying Article 50 to online infringement involving AI-generated objects presents a dual interpretation dilemma. The first dilemma pertains to the interpretation of the requested place of protection. The second issue concerns the redundancy of party autonomy in the article. Therefore, Article 50 should be reinterpreted with as emphasis on maintaining the territoriality of IP rights to make it applicable to online infringement of AI-generated objects. The place where protection is sought should be understood as the forum. If there are relevant factors, the affected cyberspace can be ‘collapsed’ into the court’s location. By employing the territoriality of IP, party autonomy should be limited to regulating the issue of damages.
        2024.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the properties of AGB and post-AGB (PAGB) stars, planetary nebulae, and young stellar objects (YSOs) in our Galaxy through an analysis of observational data covering visual and infrared (IR) wavelengths. Utilizing datasets from IRAS, 2MASS, AllWISE, Gaia DR3, and the SIMBAD object database, we perform an in-depth comparison between observational data and theoretical models. For this comparison, we present various color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) in visual and IR bands, as well as IR two-color diagrams (2CDs). Our results demonstrate that the CMDs, incorporating the latest distance and extinction data from Gaia DR3 for a majority of sample stars, are effective in distinguishing different classes of stars. To improve the precision of our analysis, we apply theoretical radiative transfer models for dust shells around AGB and PAGB stars. A thorough comparison of the theoretical models with observations across various IR 2CDs and CMDs shows a significant agreement. We find that AGB and PAGB stars are among the brightest classes in visual and IR bands. Furthermore, most YSOs are clearly distinguishable from AGB stars on various IR CMDs, exhibiting fainter absolute magnitudes in IR bands.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We present a novel method that can enhance the detection success rate of interstellar objects. Interstellarobjects are objects that are not gravitationally bound to our solar system and thus are believed to haveoriginated from other planetary systems. Since the nding of two interstellar objects, 1l/`Oumuamua in2017 and 2l/Borisov in 2019, much attention has been paid to nding new interstellar objects. In thispaper, we propose the use of Heliospheric Imagers (HIs) for the survey of interstellar objects. In particular,we show HI data taken from Solar TErrestrial RElation Observatory/Sun Earth Connection Coronal andHeliospheric Investigation and demonstrate their ability to detect `Oumuamua-like interstellar objects. HIs are designed to monitor and study space weather by observing the solar wind traveling throughinterplanetary space. HIs provide the day-side observations and thus it can dramatically enlarge theobservable sky range when combined with the traditional night-side observations. In this paper, we rstreview previous methods for detecting interstellar objects and demonstrate that HIs can be used for thesurvey of interstellar objects.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Real world consumption is gradually being warped into an intangible form of digital virtual consumption. Virtual worlds, objects and experiences are often argued to be less valued or meaningful then their real reality counterparts. Though studies show how digital virtual consumption serves as ways of navigating and decoding normative boundaries of communal and cultural origin within virtual worlds. In this paper, we show how consumers balance their real-life responsibilities with consumption in virtual worlds. In an effort to better understand the phenomenon, we put forwards an analysis based on assemblage theory, which focuses on how agentic and communal capacities of component parts both enable and constrain various aspects of the consumption experience.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대부분의 모바일 AR 컨텐츠들은 모바일 디바이스의 기술적 한계로 인해 평면 탐지 후, 그 위에서만 구현되는 제한된 구조를 가지고 있다. 이러한 문제는 제한된 공간이 표현의 범위를 제한하기 때문에 모바일 AR의 확산 에 크게 저해가 될 수 있다. 한편 Unity의 AR Foundation이 제공하는 ‘Meshing’은 실제 오브젝트의 크기와 위 치에 알맞게 메시를 생성해주는데, 이를 활용한다면 모바일 AR 컨텐츠들은 평면에서 벗어나 더 넓은 현실 공 간에 구현될 수 있다. 하지만 ‘Meshing’은 모바일 기기의 센서가 닿지 못하는 부분에는 메시를 생성하지 않기 때문에 별도의 작업 없이 그대로 사용한다면 게임 오브젝트가 빠져나갈 수 있는 구멍이 생길 수 있다. 이 구 멍은 컨텐츠 구현에 있어서 치명적이기에 Hole-Filling 알고리즘을 사용하여 구멍을 메우고자 하는 연구가 있 었다. 하지만 기존 연구에서 사용하는 Hole-Finding 알고리즘은 특정 상황에서 외곽선과 구멍을 제대로 구별해 내지 못하는 문제가 있다. 이 문제는 일부 구멍은 메우지 못하고 외관선끼리 이어버려 컨텐츠에 치명적인 문 제를 야기한다. 본 논문에서는 Meshing이 제공하는 노말 벡터와 경계선들로 계산한 노말 벡터 간의 차이를 이 용해 구멍과 외곽선을 구분하는 방법을 제안한다. 이 방법을 적용한 결과, 이전 연구의 방법보다 좀 더 빠르 면서 구멍과 외곽선을 제대로 구별하는 모습을 확인하였다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Grassroots literature” is different from “elite literature” and “popular literature”. The main bodies of elite literature and popular literature are intellectual elites or professional writers, while “grassroot literature” mainly refers to the works created by amateur writers out of hobbies. In addition to this meaning, the “grassroots” writing of Chinese in Quebec also emphasizes the process of reflecting things, expressing thoughts and feelings, conveying knowledge and information, and realizing communication through description. The collection of works studied in this article is a collection of novels published by the Quebec Chinese Writers Association in Quebec. It can be found that the intended readers of these two works are Chinese living in Canada. There are imaginations of each other in the works, and they have a strong local presence. Therefore, their attitude towards life is assimilated and actively involved in local life. This kind of local awareness is not to get the mainstream society's identification with oneself, but to love Canada from the heart.
        2021.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tomb No. 1 (Donghachong) of the Buyeo Neungsan-ri Tomb complex (listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site), is a royal tomb of the Baekje Sabi Period. One wooden coffin unearthed there is an important relic of the funerary culture of the Baekje. This study examines the production techniques of gilt-bronze objects attached to the wooden coffin excavated from Donghachong. The base metal of the gilt-bronze object is pure copper, with single α phase crystals in a heterogeneous form containing annealing twins; Au and Hg are detected in the gilt layer. We suggest that the surface of the forging copperplate is gilded using a mercury amalgam technique; it is thought that the annealing twins of the base material formed during the heat treatment process for the sheet metal. The gilt layer is three to five times thicker for the gilt-bronze objects found near the foot of the coffin than those near the head. We estimate the plating process is carried out at least three times because three layers are identified on the plate near the head. Therefore, it is likely that the materials and methods used to construct the giltbronze objects found in different parts of the coffin are the same, but the number of platings is different. This research confirms the metal crafting techniques used in Baekje by the examination of production techniques of these gilt-bronze objects. Further, our paper presents an important example of restoration and reconstruction for a museum exhibition, through effective use of scientific analysis and investigation.
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