본 연구는 중국상업은행을 대상으로 COVID-19로 인한 위기를 극복하는 과정에 긍정적인 영향 을 미친 변수가 무엇인지를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 분석표본을 대상으로 맘퀴스트지수 (Malmquist index) 생산성 분석을 실시하여 COVID-19 전후 생산성이 모두 양호했던과 모두 불량했던 그룹 으로 구분한 후, 각 그룹별로 패널 (panel) 분석을 수행하여 수익성 결정요인을 비교하였다. 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. COVID-19 전후 지속적으로 높은 생산성을 유지한 중국상업은행 은 자산건전성이 높을수록, 수지비율이 낮을수록, 규모가 작을수록 그리고 이자수익이 높을수록 수 익성에 긍정적인 영향을 발휘하여 COVID-19를 극복한 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 두 그룹 간 생산 성변화 차이가 은행의 경영자원 배분과 경영특성에 의한 것임을 시사한다. 향후 중국상업은행은 수 익구조 개선, 비즈니스 모델의 혁신, 디지털전환에 대한 적극 대응을 해나가야만 지속가능한 성장 을 도모할 수 있을 것이다.
The cocoa sub-sector is an important pillar of Ghana’s economic stability and growth prospects; the sub-sector contributes to fiscal stability, infrastructure, and employment. In recent times, diversification has become a common observable feature in the industry. This study uses the conditional mixed process approach to examine the interaction between the diversification status and profitability of cocoa farming simultaneously in a single system. Using data from 401 farmers in the Western and Ashanti regions of Ghana in 2022, the study found that more profitable farmers were more likely to diversify. Conversely, diversified farmers were likely to be more profitable than non-diversified farmers. It also found that the farmer's age, experience, farm area, and location of the farm impacted both the profitability and diversification status of farmers. Thus, it is suggested that policymakers should direct policies and programs to support the creation of alternative farm-based livelihoods for farmers.
This study aims to analyze the income structure, cost structure, and profit structure based on data related to the business performance of the boat seine fishery from 1990 to 2020, and to identify the direct and indirect factors affecting fishery profitability through panel regression analysis. The main analysis results are as follows. First, it was found that fish catch has a significant amount of impact on fishery profitability, which is a key factor in improving the profitability of anchovy boat seine fishery. Second, it is necessary to develop carbon-reduced fishing gear, develop fleet-reduced fishing gear, and improve the operating system in order to increase fishery profitability for the short run. Third, it is necessary to create and maintain sustainable profitability for the long run, the continuous fishing vessels buyback program, an active responses to climate change, and the follow-up investigations about marine aggregate extraction in the south sea EEZ are needed.
홀스타인 착유우에 수입건초 대신 WCRS로 조사료 일부를 대 체 급여하였을 때 산유성적 및 수익성에 미치는 영향을 검토하였 다. 대조구(C)는 농가 관행 급여방법으로 자가 혼합건초(13kg)와 농후사료(2.6~9.6kg), 오차드그라스 및 버뮤다그라스 건초(1.8kg) 를 급여 하였고, 처리구(T)는 자가 혼합건초(9.6kg)와 농후사료 (2.6~9.6kg) 및 WCRS (2.2kg)를 급여하였다. 건물수량(DMI)을 기준으로 C에 대한 T의 조사료 대체비율은 20% 였다. CP함량은 오차드그라스 및 버뮤다그라스 건초가 각각 11.3 및 8.4%였고, WCRS는 4.6%로, WCRS에서 낮았다. 이는 벼를 수확적기보다 약 30일정도 늦게 수확한 것에 기인하고 있다. DMI는 비유초기, 중기 및 후기에서 각각 T가 C보다 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다 (p<0.05). 유량은 비유초기, 중기 및 후기 모두 처리간 유의적 차 이는 없었다(p>0.05). 실험 기간 중 평균유량도 C 및 T가 각각 26.9 및 26.3kg으로 처리간 유의적인 차이는 없었다(p>0.05). 유 지율, 유단백 및 총고형물에서 각 비유기 공히 처리 간에 유의적 인 차이는 없었다(p>0.05). 두당 조수입은 C가 21,141원, T가 21,915원으로 T에서 다소 높게 나타났다. 유사비는 T가 22.9%로 C의 27.8%보다 낮았다. 이상에서 수입산 건초 대신 WCRS로 20% 대체 급여하여도 산유량 및 유성분에 유의적인 차이가 없으 며 수익은 높아 경제성이 있는 것으로 사료된다.
Investors must adopt profitable investment opportunities to maximize their wealth. Almost all investment, finance, engineering economics textbooks explain that net present value (NPV) measures the profitability (or value) of investment opportunities in absolute size, and internal rate of return (IRR) measures the profitability of investment opportunities in relative proportions. However, NPV is a measure of the relative size of the return on investment opportunity to do-nothing alternative. Moreover, IRR can occur in multiple investment opportunities and may not exist. To make matters worse, IRR and NPV also have conflicting problems in accept-or-reject decisions. In this study, the reason why NPV and IRR cannot accurately measure the profitability of investment opportunities is identified, and fundamental characteristics that investment opportunity profitability measures should have are presented.
The net present value (NPV) is generally used in accept-or-reject decisions in engineering projects. Although the internal rate of return (IRR) is a highly complex and arbitrary process, it can reach the same conclusion as the NPV criterion. However, neither the NPV nor the IRR indicates how much money should be invested and how much profit can be made from an investment during a project. In this study, based on the reasons why the NPV and IRR cannot correctly measure the profitability of an investment, the must-have profitability measurement characteristics of an engineering project are presented.
본 연구는 동백나무 재배에 대한 수익성을 분석하기 위해 수익성 분석지표인 NPV, B/C율, IRR을 적용하였다. 이를 위해 사업기간 30년 동안 수반되는 비용과 편익을 산정하였다. 특히, 편익은 현재 시장가격이 형성되어 있는 동백나무 종자만을 한정하여 산정하였다. 그리고 향후 임금상승과 동백나무 종자 가격 하락에 의한 수익성의 민감성을 분석하였다. 수익성 분석 결과, 사업 10년차에 NPV는 4,537,645원, B/C율은 1.084, IRR는 4.6%로 나타났다. 그리고 동백나무 재배기간이 장기화 될수록 사업의 수익성은 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 임금상승과 가격하락에 따른 감응도 분석결과 동백 나무 재배에 대한 수익성은 임금상승에 따른 영향보다 가격하락에 따른 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다.
This study is investigated the process of calculating the support service cost for the oversea plants which are rapidly increasing from domestic automobile companies and removing the corresponding value from the cost of the domestic production products. In order to calculate the service cost for oversea support cost, survey methods was used among various options and The rate of contribution to individual work was obtained through revision works. We conclude that about 25% of the indirect processing costs of domestic production products should be eliminated and replaced with the cost of overseas support services.
Wholesale beef price is the critical factor for determining Korean native cattle, Hanwoo, farm’s income in short-term. Wholesale beef price has seasonality due to high demand in Korean traditional holidays such as Korean thanksgiving day and lunar new year’s day. Therefore, it is important to make reproduction and marketing plans for Korean Hanwoo farmers, in order to increase their farm income. However, there is no study available on changes in the expected farm income depending on reproduction and marketing schedules. This study analyzed the expected farm income per head depending on the monthly-based marketing schedules. The analysis was conducted based on the seasonality of wholesale beef price, reproduction efficiency, operating costs, relationship between carcass grade and slaughter age. The result shows that slaughter Hanwoo at the age of 29 months-old in August and January generating the highest expected farm income per head.
Calculating break-even price of calf production is closely associated with reproductive efficiency. To determine the price, we need data from reproduction records including number of claves weaned, number of cows exposed for breeding, and annual cash coast per cow, and average weaning or market weight of claves sold and retained. Unfortunately, the data were not available in Korea native cow (Hanwoo). To evaluate the performance and the price, we collected calving interval from about 60,000 cows for last 10 years and estimated reproductive performance. Calving interval was increased 4.3% and pregnancy rate was decreased about 1.4∼2.8% year-on-year. Increases in growth rates of number of cow and semen per calf supported the low reproductive performance. Finally, break-even price was calculated using estimated percent calf crop and demonstrated that growth rate of break-even price is larger than that of annual cash per cow, suggesting cow-calf profitability and financial efficiency in Korea native cow (Hanwoo) is getting worse.
This study was conducted to examine the effect of fermented alcoholic feedstuff (FAF), sustained-release recombinant bovine somatotropin(rBST) on blood metabolites and carcass characteristics of Korean native cattle, Hanwoo. The experiment was carried at the Livestock Breeding Station in Kangwon-do with fourteen bulls with two groups, control and treatment. Seven bulls per each group were allocated. In control group, bulls were treated with total mixed ration(TMR) for the whole experimental periods. In treatment group, bulls were treated whith TMR+FAF+rBST for the fattening period and TMR+FAF for finishing period, respectively. The results are summarized as follows ; Blood creatinine concentration was higher in treatment group than in control group(P<0.05), while cholesterol content in blood was lower in treatment group than in control group. There were no significant differences between in control and treatment group on back-fat thickness(BFT) and rib eye area(REA), however, MS of treatment was more improved than that of control. The frequencies of yield grade A and quality grade 1 were 33 and 17% for control group and, 50 and 50% for treatment group, respectively, which imply higher appearances of grade A and grade 1 in treatment group than in control group. The auction prices(won/carcass kg) were 11,145 and 11,573 won in control and treatment group, respectively, and net gross incomes per carcass were 654,408 and 1,051,542 won in control and treatment groups, respectively, which suggest that the margin of profit between treatment and control group was 397,134 won per carcass. Overall results indicate that the favorable feeding system to produce high quality beef with high profit is TMR+FAF+rBST feeding during the fattening period and TMR+FAF feeding during the finishing period.
This study was performed to examine the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) and fermented alcoholic feedstuff(FAF) on blood metabolites, carcass characteristics and profitability. Sixteen Hanwoos(bulls; 8, steers; 8) with average 143㎏ of body weight were randomly assigned to bull control group(BC), steer control group(SC), bull group(BrA) treated with rBST and FAF, and steer group(SrA) treated with rBST and FAF. Sustained release rBST(0.03㎎/㎏/body weight) was administered biweekly and dose of rBST was adjusted monthly according to body weight increase. The blood glucose content was higher in the groups treated with rBST and FAF than control groups. The blood cholesterol contents tended to be lower in the treatment groups (BrA, 120.5 mg/dl; SrA, 104.0 mg/dl) than in the control groups (BC, 141.0 mg/dl; SC, 125.5 mg/dl). No significant difference between the groups of bulls and steers were found in the blood triglyceride concentrations as well as the albumin contents. The rib eye area of BC and BrA were 70 and 72 cm2, respectively, which are slightly larger than the area of SC and SrA. The treatment did not affect the backfat thickness both in bulls and steers. The marbling scores of BC and BrA appeared as No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, and No. 3 and No. 4 were obtained in SC and SrA. Lower non saturate fat concentrations were observed in the treatment groups (BrA, 64.30%; SrA, 59.59) than in control groups (BC, 58.98%; SC, 58.09%). Saturated fatty acids and amino acids contents were slightly more improved in the treatment than in the control. Average auction prices of BC and BrA were 7,900 and 8,089 wons per 1kg of carcass, respectively, whereas the prices of SC and SrA were 9407 and 9866 wons per 1kg of carcass, respectively. It is concluded that the treatment with rBST and FAF can improve the growth performance such as marbling scores and rib eye area and increase the auction prices.
가상 커뮤니티는 짧은 기간에 많은 사용자들을 불러모으면서 대량의 트래픽을 발생시킬 수 있기 때문에 비즈니스적 기회를 창출할 기회가 빨리 다가온다. 하지만 많은 사용자들을 확보하는 것이 이러한 사용자들을 대상으로 수익모델을 창출하는 것을 의미하지는 않으므로 많은 운영자들이 경제적 면에서 어려움을 겪고 있다. 그래서 가상 커뮤니티에서 수익을 이끌어내기 위해서는 커뮤니티 운영자의 체계적인 경영전략이 뒤따라야 하며, 회원들이 거부감을 느끼지 않도록 자연스럽게 수익모델로 연결시켜야 한다는 힘겨운 과제가 놓여있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 가상 커뮤니티의 전략적 구축, 운영 및 성장 방법에 대해서 분석하고 커뮤니티의 특성에 맞는 다양한 수익모델들을 제시하여 이를 바탕으로 사례에 대한 적용안을 마련해 본다.