본 연구는 전라남도 청사 및 남악호수 일원에 도민 모두가 함께 누리는 녹색문화숲 확충을 목표로 전라남도와 무안군이 함께 진행한 것이다. 2005년 조성 이후 많은 시간이 경과되었으나 공공청사에 부설되어 있는 녹지라는 이미지로 인해 도청방문객 및 지역주민들의 자유로운 접근과 이용에 한계가 있어 방치되어왔다. 이에 청사 전면부와 청사 내 주변 공간을 도민을 위한 공공공간 즉 공원으로 조성하여 개방하였다. 청사 앞 광장과 청사 주변 공간은 기능을 구분하여 계획하였다. 도청 내 호수 주변 녹지는 도민을 위한 개방된 공공공간인 공원, 즉 열린 숲으로 계획했다. 청사 내 기존자원 즉 남악 호수 및 숲 등을 활용하여 지역의 자연을 느낄 수 있는 특화된 산책로를 계획했으며, 모두가 원하고 편하게 이용할 수 있는 수요자 중심의 다양한 기능의 공간들을 적재적소에 배치했다. 아울러 지금까지는 편하게 이용되지 못한 장소를 도민들에게 적극적으로 제공한다는 의미를 담아 공유마당 즉 쉐어링 가든으로 조성하여 도민 모두에게 공여하는 장소로 쓰이도록 계획했다. 2022년 정원페스티벌이 개최되는 도청사 전면녹지는 효율적 이용 및 상징성 부여를 위해 전라남도를 상징하는 상징 정원광장으로 계획했다.
This study examines changes and features of provincial office buildings in Suwon and Chungju after relocation during Japanese occupation. Gyeonggi and Chungbuk provincial offices(Gwanchalbu) were relocated by Japan. Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon used HwaseongHaenggung buildings and moved to Seoul in 1910. After relocation, most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings used for Suwon Governmental hospital(JaHye Uiwon). Suwongun Office, Suwon public elementary school, Japanese Military and Suwon Police station also used HwaseongHaenggung buildings with the Hospital. At first, Japan remodeled local government buildings for their use. Most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings had been destroyed to build new buildings since 1920s. Chungbuk Provincial office in Chungju used DongHeon building which is Chungju local government building and relocated to Cheongju in 1908. DongHeon building changed to Chungju county office after relocation. This building was renovated. Chungju county office moved to other site, this building was used for Chungju county conference room. During Japanese colonial period, Suwon local government buildings were destroyed and replaced with new Japanese style buildings. Chungju local government buildings were also renovated or destroyed.
This study is to analyze the building layout of traditional government office building in Chungchong province with Chungchong-do regional maps and Eupjis(邑誌) being compiled in the late Chosun dynasty. The building layout of government office in Chungchong-do is followed in the wake of the spatial structure, Sam-Jo(三朝, three reign) and Oejeon-Naejeon(外殿-內殿), of Chosun dynasty palace. The planning principle of Sam-Jo at government office, Dongheon(東軒) territory for rule administration corresponds to Chijo(治朝) with a local governor who is the ruler, as for the Naea(內衙) territory which a family of him and he lives in, it is corresponded to Yeonjo(燕朝), and in the job space of Ajeon(衙前), it is corresponded to Oejo(外朝). As for the application of the inside and outside principle of provincial government office, Dongheon is corresponded to Oejeon and Naea to Naejeon. A compositive and an approach axis of government office in Chungchong-do is correspond with Dongheon in the center, and these axes form an central axis and an entry space of government office included Oesammun(外三門) Naesammun(內三門) Dongheon or Naea. Because an essential performance of provincial government office is provincial administration, the layout configuration of government office is a function, which is an expression of an official institution.
This study aims to analyze the construction of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG in the late Chosun dynasty by restoring its constructive system and relating it with the office organization. followings are the summary of this study. 1. Government office of Daegu consists of inn(KAEGSA), Kyungsang KAMYOUNG, and Daegu city hall(BUA), and JINYOUNG. 2. The layout of virtual placement is shown in the <Figure-11> in the text. Even though it had been newly constructed due to three times of fire, the fundamental scheme of space is found out not to have been changed since mid-eighteen century at the latest. 3. Followings are the result of analyzing the space of KAMYOUNG, after dividing its space into entry area, main business area and police military business area in the aspect of business. First, entry area consists of 2 door system with external door(UOISAMMUN) and internal door(NAESAMMUN). Second, main business area consists of facilities for inspector, public officials, and low grade employee respectively This space is divided into SUNHWADANG area and JINGCHONGKAK area, and the former consists of active business facilities, and the latter consists of passive business facilities focusing on the rest facilities. Third, business support area consists of facilities for low grade employee and minor assistant respectively, which are placed to the left and right of POJONGMUN and KWANPUNGRU. Fourth, police military business space is in middle(JUNGYOUNG) and forms separate areas to the east of SUNHWADANG. Accordingly, It is certain that the space of Kyungsang KAMYOUNG had been placed in accordance with the nature of business per position.