최근 코로나바이러스감염증-19(코로나-19)는 전 세계뿐만 아니라 국내에서도 대유행 단계에 접어들고 있다. 코로나-19 발생률이 높은 서울특별시에서는 다른 광역시도보다 강화된 사회적 거리두기가 적용되고 있다. 본 연구는 토지피복지도와 야간 인공위성 영상자료를 활용하여 2020년 4월과 2021년 4월 사이의 서울특별시 자치구별 야간 빛세기 변화 패턴을 조사하였고, 누적 확진자와 야간 조도 변화 간 상관분석을 수행하였다. 주거지역의 빛세기 증가는 대부분 자치구에서 나타났고, 면적 및 코로나 -19 누적 확진자 수와 강한 정적 상관관계가 도출되었다. 특정 지역에 한정되어 나타난 상업지역의 빛세기 감소는 면적과 상관성이 있었으나 코로나-19 누적 확진자와는 상관성이 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 향후 연구에서는 유동인구와 같은 다른 변인과 상업지역의 야간 조도 변화를 고찰할 필요성이 제기된다.
This study examined the preparations carried out to establish indoor garden areas in Seoul metropolitan subway stations and in 5 other metropolitan cities subway stations in order to present findings on how these preparations might be improved. The preparation ratio for indoor garden areas among Seoul metropolitan subway stations was 6.9%, 38 places, and the ratio overall for 5 metropolitan cities was 21.6%, 54 places. Among the 5 metropolitan cities, the ratio was 26.7% in Busan metropolitan city, 20.0% in Gwangju metropolitan city, 11.6% in Daegu metropolitan city, 18.2% in Daejeon metropolitan city, and 10.3% in Incheon metropolitan city. With regard to the results comparing the decoration ratio with natural flowers and artificial flowers among the prepared stations with indoor gardens, in the case of Seoul metropolitan area, places decorated with natural flowers numbered 23, and the ratio was 60.5%, but, in case of the 5 metropolitan cities, places decorated with natural flowers numbered just 6, and the ratio was just 11.1%. In the case of garden ornaments as material introduced in Seoul metropolitan area subway stations decorated with natural flowers and the 5 metropolitan cities subway stations, one to three kinds of ornament were introduced per each place, and the ornament items included rocks, garden lanterns, ponds, stone mortars, stone lamps, fountains, sculptures, mini water mills, and windmills. The introduced trees at subway stations in Korea that were decorated with natural flowers included 93 species of 70 genera of 45 families. The introduced trees included 87 species of 67 genera of 42 families in Seoul metropolitan area subway stations, and the introduced trees included 28 species of 16 genera of 11 families in the 5 metropolitan cities subway stations. Native trees included 21 species of 20 genera of 17 families. As for scenery formation elements according to the height of trees, in the case of Seoul metropolitan area, the introduced trees included 22 species of upper trees, 15 species of middle trees, and 46 species of lower trees. In the case of the 5 metropolitan cities, the introduced trees included 1 species of upper trees, 5 species of middle trees, and 18 species of lower trees. Therefore, volume and visual diversity in Seoul metropolitan area was provided by the height and bulk of trees, but the volume of scenery and diversity in the 5 metropolitan cities was insufficient. In the case of Seoul metropolitan area, using indoor garden spaces is necessary to connect with mini libraries, resting spaces, and snack bars, and various using types are necessary. In the case of the 5 metropolitan cities, only the visual image was provided, and therefore an activation plan for using spaces is necessary.
Aging of the fire organizations, typical disaster response agencies also will be in serious problems with aging society. It is expected that the ratio of more than fifties will reach 31~40% after 10~15 years in Seoul fire organization. This Aging of firefighters can bring about a serious problem in disaster and safety management, since firefighters require robust fitness and healthy bodies in disaster situations. In this study, after the analysis of aging status and trend of firefighters in Seoul, I have an empirical analysis about the impact this aging has on organization effectiveness and QA. As a result, the increase of the elderly reduced organization effectiveness and QA. In addition, in the group consisting of less than 50, it is expected to increase the organization's effectiveness and QA activities through field activity to improve the professional skills with age, but could not be confirmed. In the group consisting of more than fifties, it was found that aging had a significant negative impact on organizational effectiveness and QA activities as factors, including physical deterioration by aging.
본 연구는 문헌분석, 전문가 의견 반영, 현장확인 과정을 통해 서울시 보호야생 동식물 종을 선정하고, 보호종의 잠재적인 서식처를 제시하여 체계적인 보호종 관리가 이루어질 수 있도록 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상지는 서울시 전체 605.52km2를 대상으로 하였다. 서울시 자연생태와 관련한 학술논문과 연구보고서 등 57편을 분석한 결과 5개 분류군에서 총 1,907종이 서식 및 생육하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 이 중 식물이 1,645종으로 전체의 86.7%를 차지하고 있었고, 야생조류 197종(10.3%), 양서 파충류 29종(1.5%), 포유류 27종(1.4%) 순으로 나타났다. 1차 후보종은 전체 종에서 외래종, 환경부 관련 법적 보호종, 보통종, 불확실종을 제외한 것으로 총 440종이 선정되었다. 분류군별로는 식물 212종, 야생조류 180종, 포유류 24종, 양서 파충류 24종이었다. 곤충류는 조사대상이 광범위하고 각 문헌별 조사자료가 특정 속에 국한되어 있어 문헌분석에 의한 출현종 분석은 제외하였다. 2차 후보종은 멸종위기성, 희귀성, 역사 문화성 및 지역성, 학술적 가치, 서식처 특이성의 선정기준을 바탕으로 1차 후보종 내에서 분류군별 전문가 평가를 통해 후보종을 선정하였다. 전문가 평가에 의한 2차 후보종 선정 결과 총 77종이 선정되었다. 분류군별로는 식물 25종, 야생조류 21종, 포유류 5종, 양서 파충류 10종, 곤충류 16종이었다. 최종 후보종 선정을 위해 2차 후보종에 대한 현장조사를 실시하였다. 서식처 확인을 위한 대상지는 각 문헌별로 제시되어 있는 2차 후보종의 서식지역과 서울시의 자연성이 양호한 잠재지역 46개소를 선정하였다. 현장조사 결과 2차 후보종 중 식물 14종, 야생조류 19종, 포유류 2종, 양서 파충류 4종, 곤충류 16종이 실제 서울시내에서 분포 또는 서식하고 있는 것으로 확인하여 최종 보호종 55종을 도출하였다.
1999년 9월부터 2000년 7월까지 서울시 한남동과 경기도 과천시 두 지역을 중심으로 대기 중 수은의 농도를 시간대별로 관측하였다. 두 지역의 여러 가지 여건 차이에도 불구하고, 양 지역의 농도는 각각 5.34(N=2576), 5.25ngm-3(N=1992)를 기록하였다. 본 자료를 이용하여 양 지역의 농도 분포 특성을 비교하였다. 24시간 주기로 볼 때, 한남동 지역은 야간대에 그리고 과천 지역은 주간대에 높은 강도를 띠는 것으로 나타났다. 계절적으로는 한남동 지역에서 겨울 그리고 과천 지역에서는 여름에 최고농도를 기록하였다. 양 지역에서 수은의 농도를 조절하는 요인을 여러 가지 통계적 기법으로 고찰하였다. 본연구의 결과에 의하면, 연구 지역의 대기중의 수은 분포는 지역적 발생원의 차이에 의해 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.
This study aims to review the differences in urban regeneration independently implemented by the government (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, MOLIT) and Seoul based on related laws and ordinances, and to draw out the implications of Korean urban regeneration’s directions. The results are as follows. First, Seoul has constantly responded to the revision of the Urban Regeneration Act by adjusting and specifying the contents of ordinances, and especially, there have been efforts to enhance regional characteristics suitably for the circumstances of Seoul. Second, in the urban regeneration of Seoul, the budgets including the matching ratio of national and local subsidies shall be changed according to the standards of the MOLIT in changing designating places after the selection of the urban regeneration by the ministry, and this procedure and these implementation methods cause confusion to Seoul and local governments. Third, there were differences in the results of comparing the budgets and support methods of the “Gaggum Housing Project” of Seoul and “New Deal Housing Repair Project” of the MOLIT, which caused conflicts due to the differences in the project implementation and support standards, and the arbitrary interpretation of the guidelines. Although the urban regeneration greatly contributed to the revelation and conservation of regional characteristics, it might be necessary to establish systems that can enhance citizens’ awareness and compensate the efficient contents needed for each region in the future.
This study analyzed future projections on daily mean values and extremes for temperature and daily precipitation over Seoul metropolitan city using bias-corrected high-resolution multi-regional climate models. The factors of uncertainty for the future projection of climate variables were defined. In the time series analysis of future projections for regional climate models, the average daily temperature and the number of days of the hot day-hot night were predicted to have a stable trend in the RCP2.6 scenario, and showed a tendency to increase continuously in the RCP8.5 scenario. The daily mean precipitation and RX1day (annual daily maximum precipitation) had large annual variabilities in the models. In the estimation of the fraction of total variance, the daily mean temperature was dominated by the internal variability in the early 21st century and the most contributing to the scenario uncertainty in the late 21st century. The daily mean precipitation showed a remarkable contribution from the internal variability over the entire period. The number of days of the hot day-hot night showed a similar contribution pattern to that of the daily mean temperature. For the RX1day, the internal variability dominated over the entire period, and the scenario uncertainty had little contribution. This study will help establish more scientific climate change adaptation policies by providing the uncertainty information for future climate change projection.
In 2013, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that outdoor air pollution is carcinogenic to humans, with the particulate matter component of air pollution most closely associated with sufficient evidence of increased cancer incidence by exposure to particulate matter component of air pollution. Motor vehicles are one of a major emission sources of fine particle (PM2.5) in urban areas. A large number of epidemiological studies have reported a positive association of morbidity or mortality with distance from the roadside. We conducted this study to assess the association of PM2.5 concentrations measured at roadside hotspots with those at adjacent residential sites using real-time PM2.5 monitors. We conducted real-time PM2.5 measurements for rush hour periods (08:00∼10:00 and 18:00∼20:00) at 9 roadside air monitoring Hotspot sites in metropolitan Seoul over 3 weeks from October 1 to 21, 2013. Simultaneous measurements were conducted in residential sites within a 100 m radius from each roadside air monitoring site. A SidePak AM510 was used for the real-time PM2.5 measurements. Medians of roadside PM2.5 concentrations ranged from 9.8 μg/m3 to 38.3 μg/m3, while corresponding median values at adjacent residential sites ranged from 4.4 μg/m3 to 37.3 μg/m3. PM2.5 concentrations of residential sites were 0.97 times of hotspot roadside sites. Distributions of PM2.5 concentrations in roadside and residential areas were also very similar. Real-time PM2.5 concentrations at residential sites, (100 m adjacent), showed similar levels to those at roadside sites. Increasing the distance between roadside and residential sites, if needed, should be considered to protect urban resident populations from PM2.5 emitted by traffic related sources.