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        검색결과 30

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: A disrupted activation balance or temporal control between the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles can cause excessive patellar lateral gliding, leading to patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Selective VMO strengthening exercises are recommended for patients with PFPS. Kinesio taping (KT), developed using elastic tape considering the movement of muscles and joints, has been recommended as a treatment for PFPS due to its effects, such as normalizing muscle tension, enhancing joint and muscle sensory input, and improving blood circulation. KT can induce both facilitation and inhibition effects on muscles, depending on the application direction and tension. Conflicting findings regarding effectiveness suggest the need for more studies on taping techniques to selectively strengthen the VMO. Objects: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of patellar medial glide taping (PMGT), vastus medialis oblique facilitatory taping (VMOFT), and combined taping (CT) during wall squats on the muscle activation of the VMO and VL, and to compare the ratio of VMO vs. VL (VMO/VL). Methods: Seventeen healthy adult females participated in this study. During the wall squat using each taping technique, the muscle activity of the VMO and VL, and the VMO/VL ratio, were measured through electromyography. Results: The results showed significant difference in the VMO/VL ratio with PMGT and CT (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the activation of the VMO during the wall squat with PMGT and VMOFT (p > 0.05). Also, there were no significant differences in VL activation across all taping techniques (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate, that the CT technique was more effective in activating the VMO compared to other taping techniques. These findings support the use of a technique combining PMGT and VMOFT to selectively activate the VMO.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Squats are often used to strengthen the quadriceps femoris, but they are affected by lower extremity posture. Objectives: The study of this was to investigate the effect on the muscle activity of the vastus medialis and the vastus lateralis according to the ankle angle, during squat exercise. Design: Quasi-Experimental research. Methods: Thirty healthy adult males participated in the study and the subjects measured the vastus medialis muscle and the vastus lateralis muscle and measured the maximum electromyogram. The subjects performed one squat at ankle angles of toe out 0˚, toe out 20˚, and toe out 40˚, then rested for 2 minutes and repeated 3 sets. Data analysis was performed using the repeated measures analysis of variance and paired t-test for window program. The significance level for statistical treatment was set at .05. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the vastus medialis and the vastus lateralis in the ankle angles of toe out 0˚, toe out 20˚, and toe out 40˚during squat (P<.05). The muscle activity of the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis showed the highest at the ankle angle toe out 20˚, and the vastus medialis showed a statistically significant increase at toe out 0˚ than at toe out 40˚ (P<.05). In vastus lateralis, toe out 40˚ increased statistically more than toe out 0˚(P<.05). Conclusion: In the early stage of rehabilitation for patients with knee pain, strengthening the vastus medialis muscle at toe out 0˚and performing squat exercise at toe out 20˚ in the later period will be helpful. However, if you exercise at toe out 40˚ beyond toe out 20˚, the vastus lateralis muscle becomes dominant, so it will not be helpful during squat exercise.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Single-leg squat (SLS)s are commonly used as assessment tool and closed kinetic exercises are useful for assessing performance of the lower extremities. Pronated feet are associated with foot pressure distribution (FPD) during daily activities. Objects: To compare the FPD during SLSs between groups with pronated and normal feet. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 30 participants (15 each in the pronated foot and control groups) are recruited in this study. The foot posture index was used to distinguish between the pronated foot and control groups. The Zebris FDM (Zebris Medical GmbH) stance analysis system was used to measure the FPD on the dominant side during a SLS, which was divided into three phases. A two-way mixed-model ANOVA was used to identify significant differences in FPD between and within the two groups. Results: In the hallux, the results of the two-way mixed-model ANOVAs revealed a significant difference between the group and across different phases (p < 0.05). The hallux, and central forefoot were significantly different between the group (p < 0.05). Moreover, significant differences across different phases were observed in the hallux, medial forefoot, central forefoot, lateral forefoot, and rearfoot (p < 0.05). The post hoc t-tests were conducted for the hallux and forefoot central regions. In participants with pronated foot, the mean pressure was significantly greater in hallux and significantly lower, in the central forefoot during the descent and holding phases. Conclusion: SLSs are widely used as screening tests and exercises. These findings suggest that individuals with pronated feet should be cautious to avoid excessive pressure on the hallux during the descent-to-hold phase of a SLS.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 구조물의 재료, 구조물의 단면, 지진 하중등의 불확실성을 고려한 저형 전단벽의 최대 전단력를 예측하는 뉴 런-네트워크 모델을 개발하였다. 이를 위해 실험 데이터를 통해 검증된 박스타입 저형 전단벽 수치해석 모델을 구축하였고, 가정된 분 포를 통해 200개의 구조물의 재료, 단면변수를 라틴 하이퍼 큐브 샘플링을 통해 추출하였다. 또한 이전 연구에서 사용된 인공지진파를 데이터를 기반으로 10개의 다른 PGA 레벨별 총 200개의 인공지진파 데이터를 구축하였다. 뉴런-네트워크 모델의 Training 및 testing을 위해 200개의 데이터셋에 상응 수치해석 모델을 구축하고 최대 전단력을 산출하였다. 이렇게 구축된 데이터셋을 이용하여 최종적으로 뉴런-네트워크 모델을 확정하였다. 마지막으로 구축된 모델로부터 얻어진 취약도와 기존에 사용되는 방법들로부터 얻은 취약도를 비교, 분석하여 본 연구에서 구축된 모델의 정확도를 보여주었다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: This study investigated quadriceps femoris muscle activity by comparing concentric and eccentric contractions with self-selective squat speed. Objectives: Study participants agreed in advance and included 30 male college students in their 20s without musculoskeletal system disease. Design: A randomized controlled trial. Methods: Participants who participated in this study agreed in advance and recruited 30 male college students in their 20s who had no disease with musculoskeletal system to conduct this study. When squatting at a self-selected speed, the subjects were evaluated using one-way ANOVA to compare concentric and eccentric contraction muscle activity. Results: There were significant differences between the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis regarding concentric contractions.contractions. There was a significant difference in vastus medialis but no significant difference between rectus femoris and vastus lateralis for eccentric contractions. Conclusion: During concentric contraction, all muscles and eccentric contractions indicated significant improvement in the vastus medialis. Therefore, to minimize knee joint injury and maximize efficient muscle activity, self-selected slow and moderate speeds based on self-selection speed when performing the sit-down motion during a squat and moderate speed with fast motions when performing the standing motion should be considered as high muscle activities.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Choosing to perform squats on an unstable surface potentially offers advantages surpassing those of their stable counterpart. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activation during squats on stable and unstable surfaces and investigate the relationship among thigh muscles. Design: Observational study. Methods: Nineteen adults participated in this study. The stable surface consisted of a flat floor. The unstable surface involved the use of an air cushion. An air cushion was positioned beneath each foot of the study participants. Surface electromyography was employed to measure muscle activation. %MVC was calculated by measuring muscle activation during squat execution and manual muscle testing. Results: The comparison of muscle activation during squats between stable and unstable surfaces revealed a significant difference in the rectus femoris and biceps femoris (P<.05). On stable surfaces, positive correlations were observed in the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis (P<.05). On unstable surfaces, positive correlations were found between the rectus femoris and vastus medialis (P<.05). Conclusion: This study observed an increase in muscle activation of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris during squats on an unstable support surface compared to a stable support surface.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: A decrease in physical activity has been observed due to the global pandemic, resulting in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders as chronic diseases. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the difference in the degree of contraction of the lower limb muscles between the existing vertical vibration method and a new cross-vibration method. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The exercise program using whole-body vibration equipment was conducted for 12 sessions, 25 min per session, three times per week for 4 weeks. Results: The changes over time showed a significant difference in cross-alternating vibrations (P<.05), except for the lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior, with no significant difference in sonic vertical vibration (P>.05). The interaction between time and group was significant for all muscles (P<.05), except for the biceps femoris, with differences between before the program and at 2 and 4 weeks after the program revealed in the post-hoc analysis. Conclusion: Future studies should further evaluate the use of CAV exercise devices as auxiliary equipment in exercise by assessing different groups and variations in intensity.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Some patients may not fully recover their daily activity capabilities even after the total hip replacement (THR), and may continue to experience functional limitations for up to a year after the procedure, according to reports. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of machine squat on muscle strength, balance and gait in patients after THR. Design: A randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty-three patients after THR were randomly allocated into slide (n=11), reformer (n=11), and control groups (n=11). Each group underwent their respective squat regimens for thirty minutes, seven times a week, for two weeks. Muscle strength changes were assessed using the manual muscle test (MMT), balance was evaluated using the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and gait analysis was performed using the 10-meter walk test (10MWT). Results: Significant changes in hip flexor and abductor strength were observed in the slide and reformer groups within each group (P<.05). The reformer group showed significant changes in hip extensor strength (P<.05). Significant improvements in BBS were observed in all three groups (P<.05). There were significant changes in 10MWT in the slide and reformer groups (P<.05). A significant difference in hip extensor strength was found between the reformer and control groups after the intervention (P<.0167). Significant differences in BBS were observed between the slide and reformer groups and between the reformer and control groups after the intervention (P<.0167). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that machine squat regimens can be effective for early rehabilitation after THR, improving muscle strength, balance, and gait.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Patients with low back pain (LBP) experience misalignments in the center of pressure (COP) and muscle imbalances due to frequent onesided posture adjustments to avoid pain. Objectives: To identify the effects of Squat Exercises with Vertical Whole-Body Vibration on the Center of Pressure and Trunk Muscle Activity. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty LBP patients with an imbalance in the COP were sampled and randomly assigned to an experimental group of 15 patients who under went an intervention involving squat exercises with vertical WBV and a control group of 15 patients who were treated via a walking intervention. As pretests before the interventions, the subjects’ COP was identified by measuring their stability index (ST), and erector spinae, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, gluteus medius muscle activity was analyzed by determining the % reference voluntary contraction (%RVC) value using surface electromyography while sit to stand. After four weeks, a post test was conducted to remeasure the same variables using the same methods. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the ST (P<.01) and trunk muscle (P<.05, P<.001) in the experimental group before and after the intervention. In terms of the differences between the left- and right-side (RL) muscle activity, only the transverse abdominis (TrA) and gluteus medius (GM) exhibited statistically significant increase (P<.05). A comparison of the groups showed statistically significant differences in the TrA with respect to muscle activity (P<.05) and in the RLTrA and RLGM in terms ofthe difference between left- and right-side muscle activity (P<.01). Conclusion: Squat exercises with vertical WBV produced effective changes in the COP of patients with LBP by reducing muscle imbalances through the delivery of a uniform force. In particular, strengthening the TrA and reducing an imbalance in the GM were determined to be important factors in improving the COP.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 정적 스쿼트 동작 시 발란스 보드와 전신 진동자극기 적용이 신체 근육의 근활성도 변화에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 검증하는 것이었다. 본 연구의 대상자는 20대 남성 20명을 대상으로 실시하였고(연령, 21.90±0.36 세; 신장, 174.30±1.09 cm; 체중, 66.50±1.00 kg; 신체질량지수, 21.90±0.31 kg/m2), 3가지의 기본 정적 스쿼트 동작, 발란스 보드를 적용한 정적 스쿼트 동작 및 전신 진동자극기를 적용한 정적 스쿼트 동작을 수행하였으며, 표면전극을 부착한 부위는 신체 근육의 우측 복직근, 내복사근, 외복사근, 대퇴직근, 외측광근 및 내측광근으로 설정하였다. 실험을 통해 획득된 본 연구의 결과 는 다음과 같다. 복직근, 내복사근 및 외복사근의 근활성도는 발란스 보드와 전신 진동자극기를 적용한 정적 스쿼트 동작 시 통계적으로 높게 나타났고(p=.001, p=.004, p=.000), 대퇴직근, 외측광근 및 내측광근의 근활성도는 전신 진동자극기를 적용한 정적 스쿼트 동작에서 통계적으로 가장 높게 나타났다(p=.000). 본 연구의 결과는 향후 정적 스쿼트 훈련 적용 시 효과적인 신체 근육을 강화시키기 위한 프로그램의 기초 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 딥 스쿼트 동작 시 발목 관절 유연성이 무릎 관절의 운동역학적 요인들간의 관련성을 분석하는데 있었다. 본 연구는 최근 1년간 하지 근골격계 병력이 없는 성인 남성 19명과 여성 8명이 연구대상자로 참여하였다. 딥 스쿼드 시 발목 관절 유연성과 하지 관절의 운동역학적 요인들과 상관관계를 검증하기 위해 pearson의 적률상관계수(pearson’s correlation coefficient)를 이용하였고(SPSS 24.0, Armonk, NY, USA), 통계적으로 유의미한 상관성을 나타낸 변인들은 단순회기분석(simple regression analysis)을 실시하였으며, 유의 수준은 .05로 설정하였다. 본 연구를 통해 발목 관절 유연성과 무릎 관절의 압력을 결정하는 최대 관절모멘트와 관절반발력 요인들 간의 관련성을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러므로 근력 트레이닝 시 딥 스쿼트와 같은 무릎 관절에 많은 부하를 발생시킬 수 있는 운동을 적용할 때 개인에 신체적 특성 중 발목 관절의 유연성의 정도를 확인하는 것은 신체의 안정성과 무릎 관절의 상해 위험성을 감소시킬 수 있는 운동 강도를 설정하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The wall squat exercise has been recommended for strengthening of the lower extremity muscles with maintaining lumbar lordosis. Although squat has been studied to be related to lower extremity extensor strength, the relationship between wall squat and lower extremity extensor strength unclear. Because squat and wall squat are biomechanically different, study on the relationship is needed. Objects: The purpose of this study was to determine the lower extremity extensor strength associated with wall squat performance. Methods: 74 healthy volunteers were recruited to participate in this study. The volunteers were measured hip and knee extensors strength and then performed wall squat exercise for maximum count. Results: We found significant relationships between wall squat performance and hip extensor strength normalized by body weight, knee extensor strength normalized by body weight and the composite value. In a regression analysis, hip extensor strength normalized by body weight explained 29% of the variation in wall squat performance in males and 35% in females. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that hip extensor strength normalized by body weight is critical to wall squat performance in both sexes.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Whole body fatigue detection is an important phenomenon and the factors contributing to whole body fatigue can be controlled if a mathematical model is available for its assessment. This research study aims at developing a model that categorizes whole body exertion into fatigued and non-fatigued states based on physiological and perceived variables. For this purpose, logistic regression was used to categorize the fatigued and non-fatigued subject as dichotomous variable. Normalized mean power frequency of eight muscles from 25 subjects was taken as physiological variable along with the heart rate while Borg scale ratings were taken as perceived variables. The logit function was used to develop the logistic regression model. The coefficients of all the variables were found and significance level was checked. The detection accuracy of the model for fatigued and non-fatigues subjects was 83% and 95% respectively. It was observed that the mean power frequency of anterior deltoid and the Borg scale ratings of upper and lower extremities were significant in predicting the whole body fatigued when evaluated dichotomously (p < 0.05). The findings can help in better understanding of the importance of combined physiological and perceived exertion in designing the rest breaks for workers involved in squat lifting tasks in industrial as well as health sectors.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of squat exercises with an upper limb resistance movement on the vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis, and gluteus maximus. This study recruited 16 healthy men. All subjects performed squat exercises with and without upper Limb resistance movements by using elastic tubing band. Electromyography (EMG) activity of the vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis, and gluteus maximus was recorded using a surface EMG system during these isometric squat exercises in both experimental conditions. The different muscle activation of the vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis, and gluteus maximus between the squat exercises with and without the upper limb resistance movement was analyzed using a paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. Our findings showed that the vastus medialis oblique, vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis ratio and gluteus maximus muscle activity was significantly increased during the squat exercise with upper limb resistance movements, as compared to the squat exercise without this component (p < .05). Based on our findings, the additional upper limb resistance movement may be a useful strategy to facilitate the vastus medialis oblique and gluteus maximus muscle activation during a squat exercise.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim this study was to examine the effect of general squat and wall squat exercises on the muscle activity of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL), and the muscle activity of the VMO and VL during squat exercises depending on the flexion angle of the knee joint. Thirty adults in their 20s participated in the study, and subjects were divided into the general squat group, and the wall squat group, and their electromyographic (EMG) was monitored and collected during squat exercises. The muscle activity of the VL during squat exercises was compared between the two groups, and that of the wall squat group was higher than that of the general squat group, indicate a statistically significant difference (p<.05). The muscle activity of the VMO of the wall squat group was also higher than that of the general squat group, indicate a statistically significant difference (p<.05). The muscle activity depending on the angle of the knee joint was compared between the two groups, and that of the VL showed a statistically significant difference between different angles of the knee joint (p<.05). That of the VMO also showed a statistically significant difference between different angles of the knee joint (p<.05). The findings of the present study suggest that wall squat is more effective in improving the muscular strength of the VL and VMO than general squat, and that maintaining the angle of the knee joint at 60° is more effective in improving the muscular strength than maintaining it at 15° or 45°
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The wall squat is considered an effective exercise because it can reduce the knee load and prevent excessive lumbar movement. However, the relationship between wall squat performance and strength of knee extensors and hip extensors remained unclear. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the strengths of the knee extensors and hip extensors between groups with low and high wall squat performance. Method: Nineteen males (low performance group: 9 subjects, high performance group: 10 subjects) participated in this study and performed wall squats. The subjects who were performing less than 30% of the average wall squat count were classified into the low wall squat performance group (less than or equal to 4 times) and the subjects who performed more than 30% of the average wall squat count were classified into the high wall squat performance group (greater than or equal to 8 times). Knee extensor and hip extensor strength were measured with a strength measurement system. An independent t-test was used to compare the strengths of the knee extensors and hip extensors between the groups with low and high wall squat performance. Results: The ratios of knee extensor and hip extensor strength to bodyweight were greater in the high wall squat performance group than in the low wall squat performance group (knee extensors: p<.001; hip extensors: p=.03). In the high- and low-performance groups, the ratios of knee extensor strength to bodyweight were 42.74±5.72 and 30.76±8.54, respectively, and the ratios of hip extensor strength to bodyweight were 31.95±10.61 and 20.66±11.25, respectively. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that knee extensor and hip extensor strength are needed for high wall squat performance. Thus, exercise to increase the knee and hip extensors strength can be recommended to improve squat performance.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Squatting is one of the best functional exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscle in independent gait and activities of daily living. Although the use of a gym ball during squat exercise is the most common way of strengthening the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) muscle, published data on this subject are limited. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the sequential muscle activation of the VMO and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles during squat exercise using a gym ball at different knee flexion angles. Methods: Forty healthy adults were randomly divided into experimental (squat exercise using a gym ball) and control (squat exercise alone) groups, in which squats were performed at 45° and 90° knee flexion. Electromyographic (EMG) activity data were collected over 10 seconds under the 2 angles of knee flexion (45° and 90°). Results: There was significant group and time interaction effect for VMO and VL muscle activation at 45° knee flexion. This was similarly demonstrated at 90° knee flexion. No significant group main effect and time main effect for VMO and VL muscle activation were noted at 45° knee flexion, respectively. In contrast, there was significant group main effect and time main effect for VMO and VL muscle activation at 90° knee flexion. These significant differences were demonstrated through two-way analysis of variance over repeated measurements, suggesting that the EMG activity of the VMO muscle during squatting with a gym ball showed remarkable improvement compared to that of the VL muscle. Conclusion: This research suggests that squat exercise using a gym ball may be more beneficial in improving the activity of VMO than of the VL muscle at both 45° and 90° of knee flexion, respectively. We highly recommend squat exercises with a gym ball for selective strengthening of the VMO muscle in knee rehabilitation.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hip muscle activation and strengthening exercise programs are often used to prevent and treat various lower extremity injuries. Common exercise programs include squat exercises. The purposes of this study were to investigate gluteus medius (GMED) and tensor fasciae latae (TFL) muscle activity, and to assess the GMED/TFL ratio during squat exercises involving different isometric hip contraction conditions. Different types of isometric hip contraction were standard squat without hip contraction, squats with isometric hip adduction, and squats with isometric hip abduction. Twenty (10 males and 10 females) healthy subjects (23.7±2.8 years old) were recruited. Subjects performed the squat exercises with the back supported by a wall and knees flexed to 60°. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to measure GMED and TFL activity. One-way repeated analysis of variance was used to compare GMED and TFL muscle activity and the GMED/TFL ratio. GMED and TFL EMG activity was significantly higher during squats with isometric hip adduction and abduction compared with the standard squat without hip contraction (p<.05). Between the isometric hip adduction and abduction contraction conditions, only the TFL EMG activity was significantly higher during squats with isometric hip adduction than isometric hip abduction (p<.05). The GMED/TFL ratio was significantly higher during squats with isometric hip adduction than isometric hip abduction (p<.05). Squats with isometric hip adduction and abduction improved GMED and TFL muscle activity. Furthermore, the GMED/TFL ratio was higher during isometric hip adduction than isometric hip abduction. Our data indicate that squat exercises involving isometric hip adduction enhance GMED muscle activity.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to compare the muscle activity of lumbar stabilizers between stoop and semi-squat lifting techniques at different lifting loads. Twenty healthy subjects (9 males, 11 females) were recruited for this study. Muscle activity of external obliques (EO), internal obliques (IO) and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscle was measured by surface electromyography during stoop and semi-squat lifting at different lifting loads (10%, 20%, and 30% of the subject's body weight). A one-way repeated measure ANOVA was applied. The results showed that EMG activity of EO was significantly increased with a load of 30% of body weight compared to 10% and 20% of body weight in both lifting techniques (p<.05). Muscle activity of LM was significantly increased in 20% compared to 10% and 30% compared to 10% of subject's body weight in stoop lifting and the muscle activity of LM was significantly increased in 20% compared to 10%, 30% compared to 20%, and 30% compared to 10% of the subject's body weight in semi-squat lifting (p<.05). However, there was no significant difference in activity of IO according to lifting loads in both lifting techniques. There were no significant differences in muscle activity of EO, IO, and LM between stoop and semi-squat technique (p>.05). Therefore, the results of this study suggested that the EO can contribute to increase the lumbar stability during stoop and semi-squat lifting at 30% of body weight rather than at lower loads, and the LM seems to act as counteractor to imposed loads during stoop and semi-squat lifting with increasing loads.
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