The sensory characteristics of a rice processed snack for 6 to 12 month old infants were investigated. The microbiological safety of all samples was also tested. The moisture content of snack of the SW snack was 6.33 significantly higher than in the other snacks (p<0.05). The sensory intensities of RW were highest in glossiness brightness, uniformity, sweet aroma, savory flavor, sweet flavor, chewiness and crispiness. In the; consumer acceptance test, RW showed significantly higher glossiness, uniformity, sweet aroma, savory flavor, sweet flavor, rancid, chewiness, adhesiveness, crispiness and overall acceptance than the other snacks (p<0.05). The aerobic plate counts were negative in all the samples tested. E. coli and pathogenic microorganisms tests were also negative or not detected, showing that all the samples tested were microbiologically safe according to the food code which applies to food manufacturers. Overall, potentially high value products of rice processed snacks for 6 to 12 month old infants were developed and tested They are expected to be utilized and in the competitive and growing infant food industry.
This study investigated the effects of freeze-dried sweet pumpkin powder on the baking of bread. Freeze-dried sweet pumpkin powder (0, 3, 6, 9, or 12%) was supplemented during the baking process and the bread volume, weight, specific volume, baking loss rate, texture, and sensory characteristics were measured. The results were following. Freeze-dried sweet pumpkin contained 4.88% water, 4.40% protein, and 4.02% ash. The L-values (brightness) of the bread were significantly lower as increasing amounts of sweet pumpkin powder were added (p<0.001). However, higher values for the a-value (redness) and b-value (yellowness) were observed (p<0.01 for both values). The volume and baking loss rate decreased when the sweet pumpkin powder was added. In contrast, the weight significantly increased as sweet pumpkin powder was added (p<0.01) and the intensity of dark brown color increased. The outer side of the bread was balanced overall, but the outer skin of the bread appeared darker as the amount of sweet pumpkin powder increased. The overall acceptability, hardness (p<0.001), elasticity (p<0.01), cohesiveness (p<0.01), gumminess (p<0.01), and brittleness (p<0.001) increased as sweet pumpkin powder increased as well. However, when sweet pumpkin powder was added at 12%, the overall acceptability value was fairly low. Sensory parameters, such as taste (p<0.001), color (p<0.001), and flavor (p<0.05) were observed when sweet pumpkin powder was used at 3% and these results were lower than the control. Overall acceptability (p<0.001) was best when sweet pumpkin powder was used at 9% and the texture was best when sweet pumpkin powder was used at 6%.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sweet pumpkin (Cucurbita Maxima D.) powder on the quality characteristics of cookies. The cookies were made with various sweet pumpkin powder levels (10%, 20%, and 30%). The pH of the dough increased while the density of the dough decreased as the amount of sweet pumpkin powder increased. The width of cookies determined by water content in dough increased with increasing sweet pumpkin powder level. The L value of cookies was significantly the largest in the control group. The b value was the highest for the 30% substituted sample group. According to textural measurements, the hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and brittleness of the cookies with sweet pumpkin powder were higher in concentration than those of the control group. According to the sensory evaluation, the appearance, color, flavor, and texture of cookies with 10-20% sweet pumpkin powder were higher compared to those of the control group. The overall most acceptable cookie group was that with 10% added sweet pumpkin powder.
This study was conducted to develop a functional cookie with the addition of a sweet pumpkin powder on a cookie shape, that showed high preference level to all age group and that was very easily to store because of low moisture content, by substituting partially a sweet pumpkin powder for reducing content of wheat flour. This study has produced the sensory optimal composite recipe by making iced cookies, respectively, with each 5 level of Sweet pumpkin powder(X1), sugar(X2), butter(X3), by C.C.D(Central Composite Design) and conducting sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis by means of RSM(Response Surface Methodology). Sensory items showed very significant values in color, appearance, flavor, overall quality(p〈0.05), texture(p〈0.01), and instrumental analysis showed significant values in lightness, redness(p〈0.01), yellowness, spread ratio, hardness(p〈0.05). Also sensory optimal ratio of Sweet pumpkin cookie was calculated as sweet pumpkin powder 81.8g, sugar 116.6g, butter 210.7g, and it was revealed that the factors of influencing cookie aptitude were in order of Sweet pumpkin powder, butter, sugar.
본 연구는 영양성과 기능성 뿐만 아니라 소비자의 기호성이 높은 식품을 개발하고, 베이커리 제품의 부가가치를 높이고자 단호박을 동결 건조하여 버터스펀지 케이크에 단호박 분말 첨가량을 0, 3, 6, 9, 12%로 달리하여, 반죽의 farinograph, amylograph, 비중의 물리적 특성과 품질 특성인 색도, 부피, 무게, 비용적 및 굽기 손실율, 텍스쳐 등에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 반죽의 farinogram 특성은 단호박 분말 첨가량이 증가할수록 흡수율은 약간 증가하였고, 최고점에 도달하는 시간은 조금 더 길게 나타났으며, 연화도는 첨가량에 따라 증가하다가 12%에서 다소 감소하였다. Amylogram 특성에서 단호박 분말 첨가시 호화개시온도는 대조구에 비해서 높게 나타났으며, 최고점도는 낮게 나타났다. 비중은 단호박 분말 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 높아졌다. 색도에서 crust의 L 값(p<0.01), a 값(p<0.05), b 값(p<0.001)은 대조구보다 낮아졌으며, crumb의 L 값, a 값(p<0.05)은 대조구보다 낮아졌으나 b 값(p<0.001)은 높아졌다. 부피와 비용적, 굽기 손실율은 대조구보다 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며, 부피 지수는 대조구보다 단호박 분말 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였고(p<0.01), 대칭성 지수는 대조구가 가장 좋았으며 단호박 첨가구는 대조구보다 낮은 경향을 보였다(p<0.05). 텍스쳐 특성에서는 경도는 단호박 분말을 첨가했을 때가 다소 높게 나타났고(p<0.05), 깨짐성은 단호박 분말을 첨가할수록 낮아졌으며 9, 12% 첨가구에서 차이가 있었다(p<0.01). 이와 같은 결과에서 단호박 분말 첨가량이 9-12%일 때 가장 좋은 최적 조건을 나타내어서 소비자의 선호도가 높은 단호박 버터스펀지 케이크를 제조하여 부가가치를 높이고 상품성을 증대시켜 베이커리 제품의 다양화와 소비자의 만족도를 증대할 수 있다고 사료된다.
본 연구에서는 호박고구마의 산업적 이용 증대 및 식품가공용 소재 개발을 목적으로 분무건조공정을 이용하여 호박고구마 효소 분해물을 분무건조한 다음 물리화학적 특성 및 소화특성을 조사하였다. 호박고구마 효소 분해물의 불용성 식이섬유, 수용성 식이섬유 및 총 식이섬유 함량은 4.17%, 2.07% 및 6.24% 이었다. 호박고구마 효소 분해물의 분무건조분말 제조는 펙틴을 피복물질로 사용하여 분무건조하였으며, 수분함량 및 전분함량은 1.68-2.46 및 45.32-46.51%였다. 색도는 분무건조 분말에서 L 값 및 a 값은 감소하고 b 값은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 입자크기는 분무건조 분말이 37.17-42.32 μm을 나타내어 동결건조 분말 247.79 μm에 비하여 유의적으로 작은 크기를 나타내었으며, 입자모양은 전반적으로 구형의 형태에 펙틴 첨가량이 증가할수록 굴곡이 증가하였다. 수분흡수지수는 분무건조 분말에서 1.74-1.91로 동결건조 분말 2.15에 비해 낮은 수분흡수지수를 나타내었으며, 수분용해지수는 분무건조 분말에서 80.75-87.61%로 동결건조 분말(70.47%)보다 높게 나타났다.
장 상피세포 부착능은 분무건조 분말에서 2.66-6.18%를 나타내어 동결건조 분말 1.79%에 비해 높은 부착능을 나타내 장 내 유용 미생물의 증식을 촉진함을 확인하였다. 분무건조 분말의 인체 내 소화 모델에서, 펙틴 1% 첨가 분말은 최종적으로 장액에서 70.09%의 소화율을 나타내어 동결건조 분말 24.23%에 비해 인체내에서의 높은 소화율이 기대되었다. 따라서 분무건조 분말 제조시 식품산업 활용 측면에서 가공적성이 향상되고 in vitro 인체 내 소화모델에서 소화가 개선된 식품가공용 소재 개발에 있어 산업적으로 적용 가능할 것으로 사료된다.