본 연구는 포장 및 실험실 조사를 통해 자두수염잎벌(Monocellicampa pruni Wei, 1998)의 생활사를 확인하였다. 자두수염잎벌은 5령의 유충 단계를 가지는 일화성 곤충이다. 성충은 자두가 만개하는 3월 중순경에 흙에서 나와 꽃받침의 표피층 밑에 1개(드물게 2개)의 알을 낳는다. 부화 후, 유충은 곧 어린 과실 속으로 파고들어 성충이 되기 전 4번의 탈피 과정 동안 과실 안에서 과육을 섭식한다. 유충이 성숙하면(5월) 과실에서 나와 2 - 11 cm깊이의 땅속으로 파고 들어가 번데기방을 만들고 이듬해 봄까지 전용 형태로 월동한다. 실험실 조건(T = 20°C, RH = 40 - 60%)에서 수컷 성충의 생존기간은 암컷성충보다 약간 짧았고(수컷 6.03 ± 0.40일 및 암컷 7.55 ± 0.45일), 암컷은 평생 30.29 ± 4.50개의 알았다. 포장에서 알기간은 약 10 - 11일이었고, 유충기간은 약 31 - 34일이었다.
자두수염잎벌(Monocellicampa pruni Wei, 1998) 유충은 자두(Prunus salicina Lindl)의 어린 과일 속에서 5령까지 경과하였다. 자두수염잎 벌 유충의 형태적 특징을 관찰한 결과, 원통형의 몸 구조, 구형의 머리, 4마디의 더듬이, 뚜렷한 발톱을 가진 가슴다리, I ~ VIII복부마디 등쪽에 5개의 주름이 있어 수염잎벌아과(Nematinae) 유충의 일반적인 형태적 특징을 공유하였지만, 첫번째 탈피 이후 복부끝다리(anal prolegs)가 사라진다는 점에서 Hoplocampa속의 유충과 차이를 보였다.
2018년과 2019년 봄철에 전남 광양의 일부 자두(Prunus salicina Lindl.) 과수원에서 어린 과실을 낙과시켜 심각한 피해를 일으키는 새로운 해충을 채집하여 사육한 후 우화한 성충을 분류동정한 결과, 국내미기록종인 자두수염잎벌(신칭; Monocellicampa pruni Wei)로 확인되어 보고한다. 또한 이 해충의 피해 상황과 분류학적 특징을 기재함과 동시에 수컷생식기의 특징을 도해하여 제시하였다.
The turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae is one of the main pests that damage the leaves of cabbage, radish and other cruciferous crops. The developmental biology and morphological characteristics of the immature stages of Athalia rosae were studied in the laboratory using host plant, Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa var. glabra. A. rosae can be mass reared in laboratory throughout the year under RH 60~70%, 16L:8D and 25±1℃. This species has six larval stages in the female and five larval stages in the male. The developmental period is about 28~29 days. Ovipositional periods and larval developmental periods were 6, 9 days, respectively. The pupal period was about 14 days. Illustrations and descriptions of the various immature stages and their behaviors are provided.
한국산 수염잎벌아과의 미기록종인 살구나무테두리잎벌(신칭)을 확인하고 처음으로 보고한다. 본 종은 2016년 처음 국내에서 발견되어 살구나무를 가해하는 해충으로 보고되었고, 본 연구를 통해 최초로 종을 규명하고자 한다. 살구나무테두리잎벌의 생활사 및 생태사진과 기재 및 주요 형질 사진을 제공한다.
Harpiphorus, a monotypic genus of subfamily Allantinae (Symphyta: Tenthredinidae), was established based on Tenthredo (Emphytus) lepida Klug. The genus is close to Hemibeleses Takeuchi but can be easily distinguished by the following characteristics: the cell 1M in fore wing with a distinct petiole dorsally and cell M in hind wing closed. Harpiphorus is widely distributed in Europe, but has not yet been found in outside the continent. The larva of this genus is phytophagous attacking the oak species (Quercus trojana Webb and Q. robur L.). As a result of the present study, the genus Harpiphorus is reported based on H. lepidus for the first time from South Korea and the Eastern Palaearctic region. A diagnosis, figures of morphological features are provided.
Monsoma is a small and rarely collected genus within Allantinae, consisting of four species widely distributed in Palaearcticand Nearctic regions: M. faustum Zhelochovtsev, 1961; M. inferentium (Norton, 1868); M. pallipes (Matsumura, 1912);M. pulveratum (Retzius, 1783). This genus is morphologically similar to Empria Lepeletier & Serville, however, can bedistinguished by the abdominal terga without pale detached paired patches, cross-vein m-cu present and cell M closedon the hind wing.In the present study, the genus Monsoma is reported from South Korea for the first time based on M. pallipes. Adetailed redescription, photographs of the diagnostic characters are provided.
Filixungulia, a small genus within the subfamily Allantinae (Symphyta: Tenthredinidae), consists of three species distributed only in Northern China: F. alboclypea Wei, 1997; F. crassitarsata Wei, 1997; F. cylindrica Wei, 2003. It is close to Asiemphytus Malaise and Macremphytus MacGillivray but is separated by the following characteristics: claws simple and very slender; basal lobe and inner tooth absent. Up to date, Filixungulia has not yet been recorded out of China. As a result of the present study, the genus Filixungulia is newly recognized from South Korea with two species, F. alboclypea and F. cylindrica. This discovery extends the range of the genus Filixungulia, which was previously known as a Chinese endemic genus. Also, a key, diagnosis and photographs of each species are provided.
Tenthredinidae comprises 215 species of 64 genera in seven subfamilies and 15 species of Dolerus have been recorded in Korea but there are no studies on the biological information of the genus and related plants.
The field horsetail, Equisetum arvense L. is a vascular plant that reproduces by spores rather than seeds. Equisteum arvense develops extensive underground rhizomes which are resistant to herbicides so that, one established, it is extremely difficult and expensive to control.
As results of the present study, E. arvense is recorded as a host plant of D. gessneri labiosus in South Korea for the first time. We provide diagnostic characteristics of D. gessneri labiosus with a discussion on a possibility of using D. gessneri as a biocontrol agent againt for E. arvense.
The subfamily Allantinae is one of the large subfamilies within the family Tenthredinidae with about 900 described species in the world. All of the species are worldwide distributed and 322 of them are from Eastern Palaearctic region. Also, in the neighboring countries, it has been recorded that 275 species in China, 90 species in Japan and 131 species in Russia. But only 15 species have been reported in South Korea. Generally subfamily Allantinae can be easily recognized from other subfamilies by the following characters in fore wing: Veins M and Rs+M meeting Sc+R at or very near the same point; vein 2A+3A complete, always separated from 1A by an anal crossvein; veins M and 1m-cu parallel; vein 2r present. Moreover, all larvae of Allantinae are phytophagous and external feeders on the foliage of the host. In this study, we report eight species belonging to the five genera (Allantus, Ametastegia, Apethymus, Asiemphytus and Taxonus) from South Korea for the first time. As a total of 11 genera and 24 species in Allantinae were identified to occur in South Korea. A key, diagnoses and photographs of the diagnostic characters are provided.
A new species of Closterocerus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Entedoninae) is described from South Korea. The species is reported for the first time as an egg parasitoid of Pachynematus itoi Okutani (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), of which recent sudden outbreak caused severe damage in larch forests. In total 61 species in Chalcidoidea are recorded as primary parasitoids of various tenthredinid sawflies in the Palaearctic area. However, no chalcidoid parasitoids have previously been recorded from P. itoi. The genus Closterocerus is cosmopolitan in distribution, and with an extremely wide host range from Symphyta, leaf-mining and gall-inducing insects to scale insects and plant lice. In Korea, one species of Closterocerus, three Chrysonotomyia, two Desmatocharis, one Neochrysocharis and one Teleopterus were known; most of them, except Chrysonotomyia sudoensis Paik, now are placed under Closterocerus. The new species is compared with 13 other species of Closterocerus that are known from the Far East.
Pachynematus itoi Okutani emerges three times a year, and overwinters as a pre-pupa in cocoon. First emergence of P. itoi was from 7th May to third June. Second and third emergence was from 20th June to 13th July and fourth to 25th August, respectively. Mean oviposited egg number was 59, and egg period was about 9 days. Hatching rate was >90%. Oviposited egg number was the highest in the first needle cluster of short shoot followed by second and third. P. itoi did not oviposit on single needle (long shoot) of Larix leptolepis (Sieb. et Zucc.). Larva had five instars, and larval period was about 20 days. Larva prefer needle cluster of short shoot to single needle of long shoot. Mature larva descended from host tree and pre-pupa in cocoon overwinter at topsoil.
We surveyed natural enemies of Pachynematus itoi Okutani, newly recorded sawfly pest of Larix leptolepis, and investigated their occurrence and life cycle at Cheolwon and Taebaek, Gangwon Province in 2006~2007. Endasys liaoningensis was identified as main natural enemy of P. itoi Okutani. Parasitism of E. liaoningensiswas was 42%. Emergence period of E. liaoningensis was from May to September, and the peak of emergence was from 21th May to 20th June. It was suggested that the occurrence number and period of E. liaoningensis were quite closely relative to those of host, P. itoi.
낙엽송잎벌은 1년에 3회 발생하는 전형적인 돌발 해충으로, 암갈색 고치 속에서 전용상태로 월동하며, 성충 우화시기는 강원지방에서 1화기가 5월 7일~6월3일, 2화기가 6월 20일~7월 13일, 3화기는 8월 4일~8월 25일이었다. 산란수는 59±8개, 난 기간은 8~10일, 부화율은 90%이상이었다. 낙엽송가지 정단부쪽 제1, 제2, 제3 단지엽에 산란수가 많고 단지엽 뒷면 조직에 알을 절반 정도 삽입하여 산란하였다. 유충의 령기는 5령이고 유충기간은 20일 내외이다. 1~4령 유충은 군서생활을 하고 5령 유충부터 분산하여 섭식한다. 장지엽(신초)보다는 단지엽을 선호하여 섭식하며, 노령유충은 지면으로 낙하하여 낙엽층 속이나, 표토 속에서 고치를 짓고 월동하였다. 낙엽송잎벌 천적종류는 기생성천적으로 맵시벌과 낙엽송잎벌살이뾰족맵시벌(Endasys liaoningensis), 알 기생봉 1종, 기생파리 3종(Tachinidae sp. Lydella sp. Scaphimyia sp)등 5종이 확인되었고, 포식성천적으로는 개미, 거미, 풀잠자리 유충, 조류, 병원미생물로 Beauveria basiana 균 감염이 확인되었다. 낙엽송잎벌살이뾰족맵시벌(Endasys liaoningensis) 기생율은 강원도 철원에서 42.0%로 상당히 높았다. 출현 시기는 5월~9월이며 1화기 노숙유충이 고치 짓는 시기인 5월 하순~6월 하순에 집중적으로 출현하였다.