The paper applies CFD numerical simulation technology, selects the typical urban commercial block as the research object, uses PM I 0 which are from automobile exhausted gas as the source of pollution, simulates the spatial density di stribution of the inhalable pa11icle, verifies the accuracy based on the monitoring data and reveals the diffusion rule of atmospheric pollutants in the three dimensional block space. The results show that there is a close relationship between the diffusion effect of the contaminated gas and three dimensional landscape pattern in blocks. At different height levels such as I 0 meters, 30 meters and 50 meters, the decreasing trend of the density of the pollutants and the uniformity of the spatial distribution are quite obvious. The height of the buildings along the streets, the space combination and the shape of the buildings themselves determine the inner smoothness of the streets. In the urban planning, one must fully consider the effect of three dimensional pattern on air pollution in blocks. From the aspects of urban ventilation, open space, height of the horizon line and disheartened space of the bottom, three dimensional landscape pattern of urban blocks should be optimized, which can effectively improve the current situation of severe atmospheric pollution.
Three-dimensional (3D) culture system is useful technique for study of in vivo environment and it was used various experiments. This study was investigated to establish of embryo co-culture system and changes of PAs activity in 3D cultured endometrial cells of pigs. In results, growth of stromal cells into gel matrix were detected only with endometrial and myometrial cells. The most rapid growth of stromal cells were confirmed in 2.5x105cells/ml and gel matrix containing 15% FBS. Expression of urokinase-PA (uPA) after treatment of hCG (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 IU/ml) were higher than without hCG, but, there are not significant difference among the treatment. On the other hand, expression of uPA after treatment of IL-1β (0.1, 1, 10 and 100 ng/ml) were higher than without IL-1β, but, there are not significant difference. Expression of uPA after treatment of estrogen (0.2, 2, 20 and 200 ng/ml) were not difference, but PA activity was significantly decreased (p<0.05). Blastocyst was producing in PZM-3 medium containing FBS and endometrial cells were grown in PZM-3 medium. When embryos development with cultured endometrial cells, cleavage rates were not significant difference and blastocyst were not produced in co-culture with stromal cells and 3D culture system. 3D culture system had similar activity to in vivo tissue and these features are very useful for study of in vivo physiology. Nevertheless 3D culture system was not proper in embryo co-culture system. Therefore, we suggest that 3D culture system with embryo co-culture need continuous research.
Green strength is an important property of powders since high green strength guarantees easy and safe handling before sintering. The green strength of a powder compact is related to mainly mechanical and surface characters, governed by interlocking of the particles. In this study, the effect of powder surface roughness on the green strength of iron powders was investigated using a transverse rupture test. Three-dimensional laser profiler was employed for quantitative analyses of the surface roughness. Two different surface conditions, i.e. surface roughness, of powders were compared. The powders having rough surfaces show higher green strength than the round surface powders since higher roughness leads increasing interlocked area between the contacting powders.
We used three-dimensional Matrigel culture system to examine the morphognesis of normal and malignant salivary glands cell in vitro including acinar cells(AC), myoepithelial cell(MC), salivary gland adenocarcinoma cells(SGT), mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells(MEC), and immortalized human salivary gland cells(HSG). For this purpose, normal and salivary gland tumor cells cultured in 3-D Matrigel, and characterized histologically and immunohistochemically, compared with same cells grown on monolayer culture and patient tissue from biopsy.
1. In three-dimensional Matrigel culture, HSG cells form acinar structure, SGT cells shows duct like structure, and other AC, MC and MEC cells dont' form any structure , and their morphology was different from that of monolayer cells.
2. Matrigel involved cell proliferation at a similar pattern to cells on plastic monolayer cell cultures, and monolayer cell revealed higher cell viability than that of Matrigel cultured cells.
3. All salivary glands cells on Matrigel or monolayer showed strong PCNA expression, and there is no expression difference in these cells. But some cells including myoepithelial cells in normal and salivary gland tumor tissue showing PCNA lavelling, so there is PCNA expression difference among normal and tumor tissue cells.
4. Actin expression was noted in AC cells on Matrigel, were rare expressed in the other cells except in MEC cells, and was present in myoepithelial cell and ductal cells of normal gland tissue. There is actin expression difference between tissue and cultured cells .
5. S-100 immunoreaction was moderateively positive in MC cells of monolayer culture, myoepithelial cells of normal tissue and pleomorphic adenoma, all cancer cells of mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue, but significantly decreased in all salivary cells on Matrigel.
6. TGase 2 expression was prominent in MC cells of monolayer and Matrigel cultured, in myoepithelial cells of normal gland and pleomorphic adenoma, epidermoid cells of mucoepidermopid carcioma, and strong reaction in MEC and AC cells of monolayer and Matrigel cultured.
7. Expression of CK in monolayer culture showed strong reaction to CK6 in all sailvary gland cells, and mild reaction to CK10 and CK16 for all salivary cells, CK16 and CK19 expression in monolayer culture was similar to that of Matrigel culture.
8. CK6 and CK10 expression was strongest in AC and MC cells on Matrigel, and CK 4 was negative reaction in AC, SGT, MEC cells, strong reaction in MC cells but mild in SGT cells on Matrigel. Expression of CK was rare in HSG cells compared with other salivary gland cells, CK16 was prominent in SGT cells, CK10 and CK16 showed strongest expression in MEC cells of Matrigel.
9. Monolayer culture of HSG cell shwoing strong reaction to CK6, moderate to CK19 and mild to the others CK, but 3D cultured HSG cells reveal mild expression to CK16, and rare to others CK, intercallated duct in normal gland tissue showing strong to CK19, and mild to the others Ck, so there are CK expression difference in tissue, monolayer and 3-D cultured cells.
10. Monolayer culture of MEC cells represent strong reaction to CK6, mild to other CK, 3-D cells showing increased CK expression including CK6, epidermoid cells and intermediate cells in mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue reveal positive to CK6 and CK16, mucous cell positive to CK10 and CK19, so Matrigel showed similar CK pattern
compared to mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue rather than monolThese data indicate that the interaction of salivary gland cells with basement membrane is an important factor in salivary gland development and cytodifferentiation, so this model system will be useful to study acinar or ductal differentiation in vitro.ayer cultred.
본 연구에서는 하도 내 수제 형 수리구조물을 설치하였을 때, 만곡수로와 수충부에서의 흐름 양상 변화를 3차원 유속 측정을 통해 확인하였다. 연구를 위해 길이 24.4m, 폭 1.5m, 하상경사 2%의 만곡수로에서 실험을 수행하였다. 실험은 단일 수제의 설치 여부에 따라 크게 두 가지 경우로 나누어 수행하였다. 유속의 측정에는 3차원 초음파 유속계(Acoustic Doppler velocimeter, ADV)를 사용하였으며 각 단면 당 약60개의 측점을선정하여 일정한시간 동안측정하였다. 측정된 유속들은시간평균하였으며, 각단면에서의측정결과를연결하여만곡수로의수면유속을파악하였다. 그결과, 수제설치로 인해구조물하류에위치한만곡부외측에서의유속이현저하게감소하였고제방을향했던흐름의방향이내측으로변화하 였음을 확인할 수 있었다.
가상현실 (VR) 시뮬레이터의 임장감 증대방법을 제안했다. 이 방법은 입체영상과 3차원음향 사이의 상호 상승효과에 의하여 인간이 느끼는 현실감을 증대시키기 위한 것이다. 상호 상승효과를 실험하기 위하여 PC 모니터와 LCD 셔터그래스로 구성된 VR 시뮬레이터를 이용하여 5명의 대학생을 대상으로 주관평가를 실시하였다. 실험결과, 입체영상에 3차윈음향을 부가한 경우, 자연감을 나타내는 척도 Inat 가 3.1에서 3.6으로 0.5 상승하고, 음상정위 평가척도 ASL 는 70~75%에서 80~85% 로 10% 상승하는 결과를 나타냈다. 따라서, 이 연구에서 제안한 방법이 VR 시뮬레이터의 현실감을 증대시킬 수 있었다.