
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The research is conducted to study how myth tourism story marketing can affect global tourist visiting intention. The exploratory result shows that people intention to visit a myth tourism destination is driven by the curiosity after hearing or reading the story. In several travellers’ forum, people tend to discuss about a place’s story such as in Bali. Meanwhile, interview with a local myth tourism community shows that there are several types of people who want to visit the places such as an adventure seeker, travellers who find it exciting to explore, and also the one who is curious with things related to myth. Therefore, this research aim to focus on West Java myth tourism story marketing as West Java is well- known as its mythical tourism sites spread across the province. As myth is inseparable from cultural symbol, this study also put cultural and psychographic factors into account and expect to see to what extent those factors influence the tourist visiting intention to West Java myth tourism sites. Lifestyle is one of the most common psychographic attributes. Gonzales and Bello (2002) also emphasized that lifestyle is a push-factor for tourists in choosing a destination as tourists seek the experience which can be related to their lifestyle. Loureiro (2014) pointed out that a myth story might not correspond to the actual facts but the originality is provided by the story-teller. In order for the tourist to choose a destination, hence good story-telling that would deliver the value is required. This statement conformed to Park and Njite (2010) who considered story as a form of marketing communication strategy. Furthermore, the story marketing which resonance with the customer values could lead to a purchasing behaviour. (Thomas, 2012). In relation to story marketing, the respondents are asked to select the destination they intent to visit before and after provided with the myth behind those destinations. This research is then analysed using multivariate analysis method, conjoint analysis and multiple linear regression to see which factors influence the tourist visiting intention the most. By understanding important factors influencing tourist visiting intention, it is expected that West Java myth tourism information sites may improve their ability to attract both foreign and domestic tourists through its myth story marketing.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea is a relative newcomer in the global medical tourism market. The reported success from of forerunners including Thailand and Singapore inspired Korea to consider medical tourism as a path toward economic development. In a time of economic recession, medical tourism presented opportunities to create jobs and generate revenue. After the Korean government designated medical tourism as a new growth engine in 2009, several actions including allocation of revenue, enactment of promotional law, and establishment of specialist committees were taken. In 2007, 16,000 foreign patients were treated in Korea, generating US$68 million in revenue. By 2013 this number had risen to over 210,000 patients, contributing revenue of US$390 million. The Korean government has set a target of treating over 1 million patients by 2020. Competitors including Thailand, Singapore, and India take a large fraction of the Asian medical tourism market and are continuously innovating medical tourism services and seeking to improve delivery. New entrants such as Japan are also attempting to achieve a share of the market. Furthermore, the rapid development of medical technology and changing customer generate market turbulence. In order to gain a competitive advantage in this highly turbulent market, countries need to differentiate their destination brand identity from others in the market. This involves medical tourism products providing unique values to the customers being developed and advertised. Such a context increasingly requires medical tourism industry competitors to consider marketing perspectives and skills. Marketing in the healthcare field has a relatively short history and was traditionally strictly regulated, emerging as an important tool for creating competitiveness in the healthcare field from the early 1980s (Thomas, 2010). The challenge is clear for the Korean medical tourism industry – ensuring a trajectory of growth in medical tourism requires innovative marketing campaigns. Many hospitals and clinics have developed medical tourism products and actively advertised them to target nations. The Korean government has sought to establish a favorable environment for promoting medical tourism, with actions ranging from de-regulation to allow medical institutions to undertake marketing activities targeted at foreign patients, to hosting global conferences and exhibitions. Korea also undertook a thorough review of the marketing activities of its competitors. This presentation aims to identify the marketing actions undertaken by both the Korean government and medical institutions within Korea, using it as a case to highlight the broader issues concerning the marketing of medical tourism within a regional and global marketplace. Medical tourism marketing within Korea is analyzed using the 7 Ps of marketing mix. The longstanding marketing mix framework consisting of 4 Ps was criticized as an inappropriate tool for healthcare field. The framework’s elaboration by Tracy (2014) suggested the 7 Ps – product, price, people, packaging, positioning, place, and promotion. The 7 Ps of marketing mix must be systematically reviewed, managed and coordinated. Without a vision and blueprint, marketing activities surrounding 7 Ps will be undertaken separately and sporadically. Attention to coordinating seven elements of marketing mix will ensure the most effective allocation of limited marketing resources. Marketing has the capacity to increase competitive edge. However such marketing can be a financial drain, providing a poor return on investment as measured by tourist spending per advertisement dollar. Inefficiencies, poor positioning, and misuse of channels can lead to poor returns of investment and these questions must be asked at the organizational level of providers as well as the state level and national approaches.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The need for a co-alignment between internal and external marketing has largely been discussed in the literature. In an attempt to increase the conceptual and empirical body of knowledge, the present study follows a systematic presentation of balanced market orientation. After a brief literature review, it tackles research gaps building on theoretical hypotheses. An empirical examination based on 217 questionnaires, addressed to hotel managers, illuminates the role of culture in this context. Results unveil a significant positive relationship between internal marketing, market orientation and firm performance, irrespective of the underlying culture. Opting for a balanced market orientation, hotel managers gain particular insight into its principal axes and their interrelationships in practice.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지금 중국여행구매발전에서는 세가지 난점이 존재하여, 여행구매의 발전에 심각한 지장을 주고 있으므로 여행업의 발전을 방해하고 있다. 본고는 체험경제시대의 중요한 특징을 결합시켜 여행구매가 중요한 체험상품임을 제시하고 체험의 경영영업이 중국여행구매발전을 촉진시키는 새로운 경영모델을 제시하였다. 이 기초에서 "홍콩구매일"을 예로 하여 여행구매체험경영책략의 주요내용을 제시하였다.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 지역 마케팅 홍보에 있어서 관계마케팅 개념을 도입하여야 할 필 요성을 강조하면서 관계의 질적인 측면에서 영향을 미치는 관계마케팅 요인을 제시하여 지 역 관계마케팅 홍보 전략수립을 위한 이론적 틀을 제시하는 것이다. 관계마케팅적 접근에 의하면 지역은 거대한 시스템으로 인식되며 그 시스템의 하위 시스템으로서 방문객 관계, 타 지역 경쟁관계, 타 지역 제휴 관계, 지역 내부 관계 및 지역 환경 관계 등이 상호의존적 으로 작용하면서 최종적으로는 지역과 방문객간의 관계의 질을 향상시키게 된다. 관계의 질 에 영향을 미치는 요인은 신뢰, 안전, 상호 커뮤니케이션의 질적 수준 및 관계적 규범 등으 로서 이러한 요인들은 지역에 대한 방문객의 이미지 형성에 작용하여 지역과의 관계정립에 긍정적 혹은 부정적 결과를 가져다 준다.
        2022.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Global COVID - 19 outbreak have a significant impact on jeju Island tourism economy, visitors populations, tourist impact on related industry, produce the problem such as negative influence to travel consumer psychology, which lead to the stagnation of tourism industry, the economic downturn and rising unemployment, tourism marketing by the huge impact. After the epidemic, the tourism industry of Jeju Island can promote the recovery and development of tourism economy by government supporting policies, strengthening coordination and supervision of tourism industry, building marketing brands of tourism enterprises, and innovating marketing modes of tourism industry.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to present explicit findings from an internal perspective, namely the interaction patterns of marketing communication between pentahelix elements and testing the expectations of tourists towards tourism activities through a simulation model between variables. This study is divided into two methods of analysis, namely qualitative explorative, where the study aims to invest in communication patterns and patterns of interaction between pentahelix stakeholders in Sitiwinangun Tourism Village, West Java, Indonesia with involve 17 informants who came from pentahelix elements (Government, academics, community, business and media). Second, quantitative method to measure the extent of effectiveness rather than collaboration activities and the role of marketing communication to tourist satisfaction is done by an analytical approach involving 30 tourists through customer satisfaction surveys. The results of this study illustrate that the involvement of each pentahelix element has not been maximized. The pattern of interaction and communication between elements also shows the gap between interests, expectations, and reality. This study provides a real picture that to realize a tourism program that is profitable, holistic, and sustainable requires collaboration that is wrapped with transparent and interactive communication patterns. The marketing communication concept approach combined with collaboration theory between stakeholders can be useful for sustainable tourism.