Background: Porcine embryonic development is widely utilized in the medical industry. However, the blastocyst development rate in vitro is lower compared to in vivo . To address this issue, various supplements are employed. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play the role of communicators that carry many bioactive cargoes. Additionally, the contents of EVs can vary on the estrous cycle. Methods: We compared the effects of adding EVs derived from porcine uterine fluid (UF), categorized as non-EV (G1), EVs in estrus (G2) and EVs in diestrus (G3). After in vitro culture (IVC) was performed in three different groups, cleavage rate and blastocyst development rate were examined. In addition, glutathione (GSH) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured 2 days after activation to assess oxidative stress. Results: Using NTA and cryo-TEM, we confirmed the presence of EVs with sizes ranging from 30 nm to 200 nm, that the particles were suitable for analysis for analysis. In IVC data, the highest cleavage rate was observed in G2, which was significantly different from G1 but not significantly different from the next highest, G3. Similarly, the highest blastocyst development rate was observed in G2, which was significantly different from G1 but not significantly different from the next highest, G3. Conclusions: These results indicate that estrus derived EVs contain biofactors beneficial for early blastocyst development, including GSH which protects the blastocyst from oxidative stress. Additionally, although diestrus-derived EVs are expected to have some effect on blastocyst development, it appeared to be less effective than estrus-derived EVs.
실험 계획법을 활용하여 세라마이드가 고함량으로 함유된 수화 액정형 베시클의 입자 사이즈에 영향을 미치는 인자를 분석하고 혼합물 조성의 최적화를 시도하였다. 베시클 입자 사이즈에 영향을 주는 주요 변수로 제조 온도, 에탄올 양, 초음파 시간을 각각 정하고, 다구찌 방법의 S/N비 산출과 ANOVA 분 석을 통해, 이들 변수들이 입자 사이즈에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 또한 혼합물 실험 계획법의 심플렉스 중심 설계에 따라, 베시클 막을 구성하는 세 지질 성분, 인지질(HPC), 콜레스테롤(Chol), 세라마이드(Cer) 의 혼합 조성 실험을 수행하였다. 실험에서 얻어진 데이터로부터 회귀분석을 실시하여 모델식을 구하고, 베시클 입자 사이즈를 최소로 만들기 위한 세 지질 성분의 최적 혼합 조성은 HPC(0.6), Chol(0.1), Cer(0.3)으로 구해졌다.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanovesicles that carry bioactive cargoes of proteins, lipids, mRNAs, and miRNAs between living cells. Their role in cellular communication has gained the attention of several research reports globally in the last decade. EVs are critically involved in sperm functions, oocyte functions, fertilization, embryonic development, and pregnancy. The review summarizes the state-of-theart of EVs research in the diagnostic and therapeutic (theranostic) potentials of the EVs during the pregnancy that might provide a solution for gestational disturbances such as implantation failure, maternal health problems, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. EVs can be found in all biological fluids of the fetus and the mother and would provide a non-invasive and excellent tool for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, we provide the current efforts in manufacturing and designing targeted therapeutics using synthetic and semi-synthetic nanovesicles mimicking the natural EVs for efficient drug delivery during pregnancy.
유전적 조절, 유전자 발현 그리고 환경적 단서, 화학적 신호에 대응하는 표현형 변이에서 세포 RNA는 ubiquitous 역할 이외에도 세포 외 RNA(exRNA)라 하는 새로운 형태의 RNA는 추후 연구의 방향을 제시한다. exRNA는 membrane vesicles 또는 세포 외 소포체(EV)로 알려진 membrane blebs를 통해 세포 외부로 운반된다. EV의 형성은 원핵생물, 진핵생물, 고세균을 포함한 모든 미생물군에 우세하게 보존되어있다. 본 리뷰는 세균 유래 exRNA 에 관해 세가지 주제에 초점을 두었다. exRNA의 발견과 박테리아 유전자 배열에 대한 외부 RNA의 영향, b. exRNA 의 분비기작을 통한 방출, c. 다른 그람음성 및 그람양성균에 의해 분비되는 exRNA로 고안될 수 있는 응용 가능 분야이다. 본 리뷰에서 장내 미생물군의 probiotics 및 후 성유전학적 규제에서 본 exRNA와 exRNA마커와 같은 EV 파생 응용프로그램에 대한 의견을 제공할 것이다.
Pemphigus is an autoimmune blistering disease characterized by autoantibodies against epidermal adhesion molecules, desmogleins. Pemphigus vulgaris is most common and shows intraepidermal vesicles caused by the breaking apart of epidermal cells, acantholysis. A 65 years old male patient complained of severe mucosa ulceration on his right mandibular retromolar pad area where traumatic injuries occurred during mastication. He also had multifocal round skin ulcerations, less than 7~8mm in diameter and showed habitual onset and disappeared soon. At this time he was anxious about his oral ulceration with a cancer phobia, thereby a biopsy was made to rule out any malignancy in the ulceration. The histology examination showed multifocal suprabasal splits forming vesicles and erosion. The suprabasal splits were linear and parallel to the basal cell layer. The immunostain of IgK was strongly positive in the vesicular fluid as well as the cell membranes of dissociating keratinocytes, and also positive in many plasma cells infiltrated into the subepithelial zone. TNFα, IL‐1, ‐8, ‐28 for the pro‐inflammatory reaction were weakly expressed, while IL‐6 was strongly positive in the acantholytic keratinocytes of vesicle forming area. β‐defensin‐1, ‐2, ‐3 for the innate immunity were diffusely positive in the involved epithelium. The cell survival proteins, pAKT and HSP‐70 were diffusely positive in the epithelium, while the apoptosis protein, PARP was consistently positive in some acantholytic keratinocytes. These findings indicated that the vesicle formation occurred by autoantibody reaction without the activation of pro‐inflammatory and cell‐mediated immune reactions. The lesion was diagnosed pemphigus vulgaris with abrupt onset of epithelial vesicles at the predisposing areas of traumatic injuries by type II hypersenstitive immune reaction.
The transformation of the liquid crystal complex made by binding of anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), into high charge density cationic polymer, the homopolymer of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) was induced by adding of nonionic surfactants and investigated by means of microscopy and FE.SEM. Among nonionic surfactants in this experiments polyethylene glycol (3 mol) ether of lauryl alcohol (laureth-3) made variation in the complex. The laureth-3 transformed the complex into spherulite vesicle with the size of ca.100μm. This change increased the viscosity and the turbidity of the solution phase separated originally. Microscope showed that they are spherulite particles and polarized microscope suggested they are multi.lamellar liquid crystals. FE-SEM also proved that explicitly.
The preparation of CaSO4 nanoparticle by vesicles formed spontaneously in cationic OTAC and anionic ADS mixed surfactant solution whose ratio is 0.3/0.7 is investigated. Added electrolytes for preparing nanoparticles reduce vesicle size about 200-300 nm comparing with that of pure vesicle whose size is 700-800 nm by DLS. The core of vesicles has 200 nm size and acts as nanoreactors which same size of monodisperse CaSO4 nanopaticles are formed. Although CaSO4 particles are formed at the outer of vesicles, they are very large and amorphous. The formed particles are identified with XRD analysis after separation due to coinciding with CaSO4 particles.
To investigate the effect of co-transfer of trophoblastic vesicle (TV) with frozen-thawed in vitro Produced (IVP) bovine embryo on pregnancy rate, IVP blastocysts were transferred to synchronized recipients. Elongated blastocysts were recovered at Day 13 to 15, and dissected more than 4 pieces to removed the embryonic disc. Throphoblastic fragments were cultured for 48 hours to make throphoblastic vesicles (TVs). TVs were cryopreserved in ethylene glycol or vitrification solution and frozen-thawed TVs were co-transferred to recipients with frozen-thawed IVP embryos. 1 The recovery rate of elongated blastocyst on Day 13 to 15 was 22.5% (18/80) and the size of recovered elongated blastocysts was 0.2∼5.0mm. 2. Eighteen elongated blastocysts were dissected into 88 pieces and 61.4% of those pieces were formed to TV (54/88) 3. The viability of frozen-thawed TV in ethylene glycol was higher than in vitrified solution (92.8% vs. 68.8%) 4. The pregnancy rate in co-transfer with frozen-thawed TV and IVP blastocyst was better than transfer only IVP blastocysts (50.0% vs. 23.1%).
In order to increase the medicinal herbs efficiency of drug delivery, vesicles contained with medicinal herbs were prepared by phosphatidylcholines and surface active agent. Vesicles loaded with medicinal herbs were characterized by UV-spectroscopy, Zetasizer. The antioxidant activity of vesicles was measured by DPPH assay and ABTS radical scavenging assays. Also, an analysis was conducted to determine the effects of anti-inflammatory of vesicles contained medicinal herbs. In addition, the whitening effects of vesicles contained medicinal herbs extract were studied via tyrosinase inhibition assay. The results of vesicles were as follows. Vesicles appeared an average diameter of approximatively 164-599 nm. All studied vesicles contained with medicinal herbs showed antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and whitening effects in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, this experiment achieves its purpose of synthesizing of vesicles. In conclusion, we recommended that the vesicles loaded with medicinal herbs have ability for anti-aging materials. Specifically, it will apply to cosmetic ingredients.
플라스틱 가소제인 di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)는 매우 잘 알려진 내분비계 장애물질(endocrine disrupting chemicals; EDCs) 중 하나로, 수컷 설취류와 인간의 생식과 발생 과정에 있어 강력한 항안드로겐성 작용을 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 사춘기 이전에 수컷 흰쥐를 DEHP에 노출시킴으로써 부속 성기관의 성숙 과정 동안 나타나는 변화를 조사한 것이다. 결과로, DEHP 투여에 의한 체중, 혈중 T 수준, 저정낭과 전립선을 제외한 조직의 무게는 대조군과 비교하여 유의적인 변화가 없었다. 저정낭의 경우, 고농도(200 ㎎/㎏)의 DEHP를 처리한 투여군의 무게가 대조군에 비해 유의하게 감소하였으며(p<0.05), 전립선의 경우, 저농도(20 ㎎/㎏)와 고농도의 DEHP를 처리한 모든 투여군에서 대조군에 비해 유의한 무게의 감소를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 조직학적 연구 결과, DEHP 투여군의 저정낭은 대조군에 비해 점막층의 면적이 감소하였다. 또한, 전립선의 경우 대조군에서는 분비상피세포들이 입방형인데 비해 DEHP 투여군에서는 위중층상피세포 형태가 관찰되었다. 정량적 RT-PCR 연구에서, 저정낭에서의 ER-α 발현은 고농도 DEHP 투여에 의해 유의한 발현 증가가 나타났으며(p<0.05), ER-β의 경우 저농도 DEHP 투여에 의해 유의한 발현 감소가 나타났다(p<0.05). 전립선에서의 ER-β 수준은 저농도 DEHP 투여에 의해 유의하게 감소하나(p<0.05), 고농도 DEHP 투여에 의해서는 유의한 발현 증가가 나타났다(p<0.01). 그러나 AR 발현의 경우, 저정낭과 전립선 모두에서 DEHP에 의해 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 결론적으로, 본 연구는 (i) DEHP의 유해한 작용이 사춘기 이전 시기의 성적인 성숙을 교란할 수 있으며, (ii)저정낭과 전립선이 사춘기 이전 시기 DEHP 노출에 대한 민감한 표적이 될 수 있고, (iii) DEHP의 유해한 작용이 ER과 연관된 기작을 통해 매개될 수 있음을 시사한다.