This article takes the four handed down Chu Gong Jia bells and the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in Zhouyuan as the research objects, and combines the existing research results to conduct a comparative study of the two from the perspective of inscription glyphs, word relationships, style, and decorative patterns. It is pointed out that the inscriptions, style, and word relationships of Chu Gong Jia bells in the late western Zhou dynasty all show the regional characteristics of the Chu characters. The inscriptions, style, and relationship between words of the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in the Zhou dynasty also reflect the regional characteristics of the western Zhou dynasty. This article also conducts a comparative study of the bird patterns on the bells of the western Zhou dynasty, and points out that the bird patterns on the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in Zhouyuan are not common in the southern region during the western Zhou dynasty, but are more closely related to the Baoji Phoenix bird pattern with a fleshy crown common in the Baoji region during the western Zhou dynasty. Its stiff demeanor and forked upturned tail may be due to improper imitation of southern bird patterns. The regional characteristics and bird pattern on the right drum of the Chu Gong Jia bell inscription unearthed in Zhouyuan indicate that its origin or locality is in Zhouyuan. The research in this article has a promoting effect on the understanding of the regional characteristics of bronze inscriptions in the western Zhou dynasty, and is beneficial for us to further understand the early Chu characters and Chu culture. The conclusions of this study can provide some reference for the formation and development of the character system in the Zhou dynasty and the study of the casting and circulation patterns of bronze.
현재까지 송대의 기행문에 대한 연구는 남송 시기 가장 많은 작품을 남긴 周必大 가 아닌 陸遊와 范成大의 작품에 주로 편중되어 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 한국에서 연구되어진 바 없는 주필대의 기행문 중 『歸廬陵日記』, 『泛舟遊山錄』, 『奏事錄』, 『南歸錄』을 중심으로 주필대 기행문의 특징이 무엇인지 소개하는 동시에 그것이 송대 기행문의 형성과 발전에 있어서 어떠한 역할을 했는지 함께 고찰해 나아가려 한다.
The Bronze Hu in Shang and Zhou dynasties is one of the most vital bronze wares, from the early Shang Dynasty, through the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, until the Qin and Han dynasties. The name forms of bronze Hu are rich and varied. There are not only a variety of special names but also dozens of modifiers. The bronze Hu’s names reflect the key information about the function of the vessel. Therefore, we have exhaustively sorted out the names included in The Inscriptions and Image Integration of Bronze Vessels of Shang and Zhou Dynasties,The Continuation of The Inscriptions and Images Integration of Bronze Vessels of Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the Third Edition of Shang and Zhou Bronze Inscriptions and Image Integration by Mr. Wu Zhenfeng. On such a basis, this paper tries to make a systematic study into the function of bronze Hu in Shang and Zhou dynasties by starting from the name of bronze Hu and combining with the inscriptions of bronze vessels, handed down documents, the shape and structure of vessels and the unearthed combination of boats. In the final analysis, it is concluded that such names of bronze Hu as ‘Li Hu’, ‘Yu Hu, and ‘Zao Hu’ reflect the function of wine, The name modifier “盥” reflects thefunction of bronze Hu for the water dispenser, and “飤 Hu” and “Hu” from the side reflects the function of the Hu used for treats.
최근에 이루어진 주대(周代)의 종묘(宗廟) 연구에서의 핵심 논의는 다음과 같다. 적어도 주나라 때에는, 현재 일반적으로 정의된 ‘종묘는 왕실 사당이다.’ 라는 개념이 형성되기 이전이었으며, 당시 그것은 통치자의 거소 기능을 하던 곳이었다. 따라서 『논어』와 같은 선진시대(先秦時代)에 성서(成書)된 고전을 해석하는데 있어서, 종묘가 언급되는 부분에서는 기존의 제사와 관련된 일방적인 해석에 대한 재고의 필요성을 역설(力說)하였다.
주대의 묘(廟)는 천자(天子)로부터 사(士) 계층까지, 통치자와 상·하급 관료 누구나 지닐 수 있었던, 정전과 편전 내지 사랑채 등의 기능을 하던 건축물이 었다. 당시 예(禮) 의식의 주체에서 배제된 서인(庶人) 이하의 계층에서는 고비용이 드는 묘를 굳이 소유할 필요가 없었다. 한편, 선진시대의 사 계층은 자신들의 묘에 ‘종(宗)’자를 부가하여 종묘라고 칭할 수 없었다. 그것은 작위와 영토를 상속받은 자의 묘일 경우에만 종묘라고 칭할 수 있었기 때문이었다.여기서의 ‘종’이란, 봉지와 신분의 시작을 열었던 ‘조(祖)’의 상대어로서, 종은 바로 그 조의 대대손손 사자(嗣子)나 사손(嗣孫)을 의미하는 것이었다.
지금까지 사대부 가문의 사당으로 인식되어 온 ‘가묘(家廟)’는, 실상 당대(唐 代) 이후의 기록들에서 보이기 시작하는 것이다. 아울러 그것은 주나라 때의 가(家)라고 하는 영지 내에 있는 ‘대부(大夫)의 묘(廟)’의 의미로 쓰인 것은 물론 아니다.
주대의 묘와 종묘 안에는 주요 건축물인 당(堂)이 있다. 고대(高臺)의 건축물이라는 유사한 형태의 전(殿)과 당은, 그 주인 신분의 높고 낮음에 따라 구분하여 사용해 왔지만, 전국시대 말 이전까지는 전의 존재가 보이지 않는다. 아울러 당시에는 천자 제후 대부 등 각각의 신분에 따른 건물명을 따로 구분 하여 쓰지 않았다.
According to the inscriptions on Bronze wares in West Zhou Dynasty, we know the history. Some bronze wares are only inscribed on clan names, names of makers or ancestors titles and so on. But some of the bronze wares reflect the cause of wars, the content of crusade and the ceremonial activities. Many things are inscribed on the bronze wares for recording, so names related weapons on inscriptions are plentiful. This paper focusing on weapons like Dun (盾), gan (干), jia (甲), zhou (胄) and so on recorded in inscriptions discusses their names and functions. According to the shape and reorganization and textual criticisms and explanations to grapheme, we classified the weapons and textually research their meanings with the help of new research achievements and the reference of literature and unearthed material.
In order to make up vacancy of words frequency on ancient bronze objects in Western Zhou Dynasty in diachronic development perspective, we sorting out some conclusions through the exhaustive statistical development data of words frequency diachronically. We found two ends concentration of word frequency in bronze inscription from the early to late in the Western Zhou Dynasty have decreased significantly, which reflects ideographic writing system increasingly mature trend; we also found the word frequency variation is keeping pace with the time trend. In other words, disappearance of those old words is the acceleration and appearance of new words has a trend for reducing the speed. We conclude that focus of inscriptions discourse topic did not change through each period distinctive word frequency semantic category research. Changes and development of language content is mainly caused by "social appellations", which always dominant semantic units’ substitutions and changes.