Germination characteristics, seedling emergence, and early seedling growth of iron-coated rice seeds, cultivars Daebo and Samdeokbyeo, under different water depths were compared with those of non-coated seeds (control) and the results evaluated to obtain basic information for establishing stable seedlings in direct water seeding. The total germination percentage of the two seed treatments was similar, but iron-coated seeds had slightly faster germination and shorter mean germination time than non-coated seeds. Water absorption rates of iron-coated seeds were lower than that of non-coated seeds during seed germination. The germination percentage of the two iron-coated rice seed cultivars showed a significant decline of 15-22% after one year of storage under natural conditions. The seedling emergence percentage and uniformity of the two rice cultivars were significantly higher in the iron-coated seeds at 1-13 cm water depths but the percentage of floating seedlings was lower in iron-coated seeds than in non-coated seeds. The iron-coated seeds had a high seedling emergence percentage of 91.3-93.3% at all flooding depths whereas the non-coated seeds had a significantly low seedling emergence percentage of 57.7-71.7% at a water depth of 13 cm. Moreover, the shoot dry weight and seedling health score of iron-coated seeds were significantly higher than those of non-coated seeds, while root dry weights were similar in iron-coated and non-coated seeds, regardless of water depth. These results suggest that iron-coated seeds are more appropriate for stable seedling establishment in direct water seeding than are non-coated seeds.
We investigated the effect of silicate coating of rice seeds on bakanae disease incidence and the quality of seedlings raised in seedling boxes and transplanted into pots. The silicate-coated rice seed (SCS) was prepared as follows. Naturally infested rice seeds not previously subjected to any fungicidal treatment were dressed with a mixture of 25% silicic acid at pH 11 and 300-mesh zeolite powder at a ratio of 50 g dry seed - 9 mL silicic acid - 25 g zeolite powder. The following nursery conditions were provided : Early sowing, dense seeding in a glass house with mulching overnight and no artificial heating, which were the ideal conditions for determining the effect on the seed. The nursery plants were evaluated for Gibberella. fujikuroi infection or to determine the recovery to normal growth of infected nursery plants in the Wagner pot. Seedlings emerged 2-3 days earlier for the SCS than they did for the non-SCS control, while damping-off and bakanae disease incidence were remarkably reduced. Specifically, bakanae disease incidence in the SCS was limited to only 7.8% for 80 days after sowing, as compared to 91.6% of the non-SCS control. For the 45-days-old SCS nursery seedlings, the fresh weight was increased by 11% and was two times heavier, with only mild damage compared to that observed for non-SCS. Even after transplanting, SCS treatment contributed to a lower incidence of further infections and possibly to recovery of the seedlings to normal growth as compared to that observed in symptomatic plants in the pot. The active pathogenic macro-conidia and micro-conidia were considerably lower in the soil, root, and seedling sheath base of the SCS. In particular, the underdeveloped macro-conidia with straight oblong shape without intact septum were isolated in the SCS ; this phenotype is likely to be at a comparative etiological disadvantage when compared to that of typical active macro-conidia, which are slightly sickle-shaped with 3-7 intact septa. A active intact conidia with high inoculum potential were rarely observed in the tissue of the seedlings treated only in the SCS. We propose that promising result was likely achieved via inhibition of the development of intact pathogenic conidia, in concert with the aerobic, acidic conditions induced by the physiochemical characteristics associated with the air porosity of zeolite, alkalinity of silicate and the seed husk as a carbon source. In addition, the resistance of the healthy plants to pathogenic conidia was also important factor.
To investigate the effect of soluble silicate zeolite dressing of the rice against bakanae disease, field trial in reclaimed land and in vitro were carried out. The coated rice seeds (SCS) which were dressed with the mixture of 25% silicic acids (binder), and the zeolite (coating powder). In wet direct seeding, uniform scattering of rice seeds on the soil surface and the better seedling establishment were shown in SCS treatment plots. The incidence of bakanae disease began from the mid tillering stage toward the heading stage. Around heading stage, the ratio of infected tillers reached its highest point by 9.9% in non-SCS treatment plots. While, in SCS treatment plots, the ratio of infected tillers was no more than 0.01%. The vitality of the pathogenic fungi of bakanae disease in the SCS and non-SCS samples were assessed. Samples were incubated for one week keeping proper humidity at 30°C after inoculated with panicles of infected rice plants from experimental field plots. In non-SCS treatment, pinkish colonies were formed on the grain surface of panicle of infected plants, and mycelium, macro-conidia and micro-conidia were developed actively inside part of infected grain inoculated. While in SCS treatment, micro-conidia and mycelium were not survived and the growth of macro-conidia, mycelia were greatly inhibited and withered. Based on the results, it is concluded that the environmental friendly control of bakanae disease by use of SCS is possible and soluble silicate can be applied as agents for replacement of seed disinfection.
Clay-coated rice seeds (clay-coated seeds A and B) were directly sown on dry paddy and their growth and yield were compared with the normal drill-sown seeds on dry flat paddy. In clay-coated seeds, germination was 1 day earlier and the emergence rate was higher up to 5% than that of normal drill-sown seeds. But the apparent number of seedling stand per m2 was lower than that of normal drill-sown seeds, which is due to the smaller amount of seeding in clay-coated seeds. At the early growth stage, the plant height of clay-coated seeds A was taller than that of drill-sown seeds, while the plant height of clay-coated seeds B was 0.7 cm shorter than that of drill-sown seeds. At the late growth stage, however, the difference was insignificant in both cases. The maximum tillering stage was 10 days earlier in drill-sown seeds. Lodging index was the lowest in clay-coated seeds B and there was no difference between clay-coated seeds A and drill-sown seeds. The ratio of stem base weight, culm diameter and culm wall thickness were higher in clay-coated seeds, while the lower internodes (4th, 5th and 6th) length was shorter in claycoated seeds than in drill-sown seeds. In clay-coated seeds, the number of panicle per m2 was smaller, while the number of spikelet per panicle was a little larger than in drill-sown seeds. The rate of ripened grain and brown rice 1,000 grain weight were lower in the clay-coated seeds, thus the yield was 98~99% level of drill-sown seeds. Considering that the amount of seeding in clay-coated seeds was two-thirds of that in drill-sown seeds, it is expected that clay coating method could become an additional technique for direct seeding cultivation.
본 시험은 질소 용출 속도가 다른 3가지 피복요소가 포함된 완효성 복합비료를 관행 요소시비량의 80 및 100% 수준으로 시용하여 벼 건답직파 및 이앙재배에서 벼 생육, 수량 및 질소이용율을 알아보고 쌀의 품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 1. LCU의 제형별 20℃ 및 30℃ 에서 수중 용출 속도는 LCU40 > LCU80 > LCU혼합 > LCU100 순으로 빨랐다. 2. 벼 생육 및 수량은 건답직파 및 이앙재배 모두에서 LCU-복비100% > LCU-복비80% > 관행 순으로 높았다. 3. LCU-복비 시용에 의한 질소이용율은 요소시용에 비해 건답직파재배에서는 4~7% , 이앙재배에서는 11~13% 향상되었으며, 표준시비량의 20%를 감비한 LCU-복비 80% 시용이 단위시비질소의 생산성이 가장 높았다. 4. 단백질 함량은 건답직파 및 이앙재배의 무질소구에서 6.3 및 6.6%로 가장 낮았고, 비료 처리간에는 LCU-복비 80% 시용구에서 각각 6.5 및 6.7%로 관행 요소시용 7.3 및 7.4%에 비해 낮았다. 5. 아밀로즈 함량 및 Mg/K 비는 모든 처리간에 유의성이 없었다. 또한 쌀의 호화특성 중 최고점도 및 강하점도는 LCU-복비 시용에 의해 다소 높았지만 통계적인 유의성은 없었다.
알긴산을 이용한 기능성 쌀을 개발하고자 제조공정을 확립 및 생산설비를 제작하고 알긴산 코팅 쌀을 제조하였으며 코팅정도, 흡습특성, 노화억제 효과 및 관능특성을 분석하여 품질특성을 검토하였다. 알긴산 코팅 쌀의 수분함량은 일반 쌀에 비하여 약 정도 높은 수준을 보였다. 알긴산으로 코팅한 쌀의 경우 일반쌀에 비하여 탄수화물 함량의 증가량을 측정한 결과 약 정도 코팅됨을 알 수 있었다. 알긴산 코팅 농도가 높을수록 수분 흡습도가 높았으며 알긴산으로
대나무 추출액을 쌀에 코팅하는 조건, 코팅쌀의 취반 특성, 기능성 및 포장방법을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 대나무 추출액 별 코팅 취반미의 관능은 알코을 추출액 코팅쌀이 향과 맛은 가장 양호하였으나 질감은 차이가 없었다. 대나무 알코을 추출액의 코팅량 별 쌀의 색도는 L, a, b값 모두 코팅 농도가 증가할수록 증가되었으나 밥은 L값만 감소되었으며 밥의 관능은 10 코팅 처리에서 향과 맛이 양호하였다. 코팅쌀의 취반 후 물성은 경도, 검성, 씹
본 연구는 벼 휴립건답직파 절수재매시 완효성비료의 효과를 알아보기 위하여 질소비료를 표준시비(N-160kg/ha) 대비 완효성비료(LCU: 18-12-13%)를 기비로 100%와 80% 시용구 및 기비로 60% 시용하고 속효성비료인 요소로 분얼비 또는 수비로 20%씩 각각 시용하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 생육기간중 지상부 생육은 LCU 100%에서 가장 컸고, LCU 시비량간에는 시비량이 많을수록 컸다. 2. 시비질소의 흡수량은 LCU 100%에서 가장 높았고 질소 시비효율은 LCU 60% + 수비(요소) 20% 시용구에서 가장 높았다. 3. 처리간 수량구성요소를 보면 m2 당 수수와 m2 당 립수는 LCU 100%에서 가장 많았고, 등숙비율과 현미 천립중은 비슷하였는데, 쌀 수량은 관행인 속효성 시비구 대비 LCU 100%에서 7% 증수되었다. 따라서 벼 휴립건담직파재배에서 관개수 부족시 절수재배가 필요하여 이때에 완효성비료로 시비할 경우 표준시비량(N-160kg/ha) 수준으로 시비해야 할 것으로 생각된다.